On Safari in Kenya with Lions and Giraffe: 2 Videos

How’s your Friday going? Mine is going great as I continue on safari here in Kenya. I’ve been sharing photos today on Instagram, hope you’re enjoying those! If you’re not yet following BNOTP on Instagram, you’ll find the link on the sidebar or click here: BNOTP on Instagram.

It’s going to take me quite a while to go through all the pictures I’ve taken, so I thought I’d share a couple of short videos, instead.

The first was a pride of lions we came across, and in this video one is munching on a recent kill while the another lion is nearby wishing he would share. The male who’s eating was so funny. Every time the other lion would come near, he would literally lay on top of the wildebeest completely covering it to keep her from getting any. She would then roll around playfully like she didn’t care, but would try again as soon as she thought she could sneak a bite. They all looked very well fed. All the animals I’ve seen on safari look well fed.

I hope the quality of these is okay. When I uploaded them to YouTube, the first time I watched them, they looked kinda blurry even though they looked fine on my computer. When I returned from safari this afternoon and played them again on YouTube, they looked fine. It may be my connection here that was causing the playback issue. Be sure and enlarge them on You Tube for a better view.

See the lions here: Lions in Kenya

Lions, Kenya_wm


The second video is of Maasi Giraffe, also known as Kilimanjaro Giraffe, munching on an Acacia tree. Check out the video here: Kilimanjaro Giraffe in Kenya

Maasai or Kilimanjaro Giraffe, Kenya_wm

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  1. Oh my, this is wonderful! You must be having such a good time. Keep the pics coming!!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  2. Mary from Virginia says

    Really exciting! I hope you are safe and resting well in your netted bed!

  3. Linda Gardepe says

    Amazing!! I wish I was with you and I look forward to new postings everyday, keep them coming!

  4. Linda Gardepe says

    Amazing! I wish that I was with you. I look forward to new postings every day, keep them coming!

  5. Glad to see photos, videos and to hear that you are enjoying your dream trip!

  6. You are really having a great adventure. Keep those videos coming so we can enjoy too.

    All the best,


  7. How exciting! How hot is it there?

    • Not bad! It’s very close to the weather we were having in Atlanta recently. It’s chilly at night in the mid 50’s and goes up to 75-80s during the day.

  8. Oh, my how wonderful these videos are. I am sure you are having a wonderful time.

  9. Oh my goodness, I was expecting great photos, but never expected great videos as well (the quality was perfect)! Did you notice the bird (or bat?) come flapping out of the tree at about 18 seconds into your giraffe video? Looks like you are having perfect weather for picture-taking, and with so many exciting images to photograph I don’t envy your picture-sorting job. Can’t wait for your next installment!

    • lol I missed that. It may have been a Yellow-throated Longclaw because it kind of looks yellow. You can see a photo I took of that bird on Instagram. Do you think that’s what it is?

  10. EEeeekkk!! THIS IS just…Safari Super!!! Luvn’t it right with you!! franki

  11. Great “up close & personal” videos. Are you as close to the animals as these pictures seem? What a fabulous once-in-a-lifetime experience. Thank you for taking the time to share with us.

  12. Hello globetrotter, 🙂
    I can’t believe you’re really in Kenya! You’re so brave! I would never had the courage to make a video or to take pictures of eating lions! But I love those giraffes and that cute yellow bird! 🙂
    (What kind of animal was that in pic #2?!) lol
    Was that your bedroom, Susan? Did you sleep in that beautiful canopy bed? What’s with the mosquitoes? Do they leave you alone?
    I hope so! 😉
    Take care of yourself and enjoy your vaca! 🙂
    ~Hugs to you~

    • It’s a Rock Hyrax and they are hilarious! When I’m walking to my tent, they often jump down as I pass by the tree they are in, scaring me half to death. lol

  13. Good to hear from ya–knowing you are safe and sound. Note that your photos are all “puzzle-worthy” 😉

  14. Oh my gosh, Susan! You are so brave to 1) make this trip and 2) get so close to the animals! I hope you are having the experience of your lifetime!

  15. So exciting to see your photos and videos. The giraffes are so beautiful! I know you are having a wonderful time! Thanks for taking us along with you!

  16. Loving your adventure. Thank you for sharing and these wonderful animals and sites; feel like I’m almost there with you.

  17. I was so excited to see that you’d posted, Susan. Your videos are amazing. The whole experience must seem a little surreal to you. Looking forward to seeing more!

  18. pepermintpatty says

    Your trip sounds wonderful but I am so so so afraid of snakes. Did you see any??

    • Not yet. I saw what I thought was one but it was just a branch. So no snakes so far. 🙂 I don’t mind them though. My best friend growing up had a brother who had snakes and I held them and loved it. So, I don’t have a fear of them, although I have a friend who is deathly afraid of them. Don’t let that stop you from safari…haven’t seen any at all.

  19. Susan, I thought I heard your phone ring and it was National Geographic on the line!!!!! Your videos are great. Really clear and crisp. How could you resist petting that giraffe!!!! That giraffe turned and looked at you as if to say “Uh, what are you looking at, Chickie?” So glad you are having fun! Keep the pictures & videos flowing.

  20. Am absorbing the sights and sounds, even the smells of this incredible
    adventure you are having; thanks for this marvelous experience I am
    having without all the hassle of travel. Of course, you are there and I
    am here…..not really the same. But it is fun and exciting all the same.
    Thanks for sharing….continue to send us what you can…and oh, have
    fun. Can you share a picture of your night-time meal, table setting, etc?
    Also a picture of the outside of your safari home?

  21. When my friend went on a similar safari, she wanted to record her time there too ,but she didn’t want to experience just through the eye of a camera. I LOVE all the photos and videos, but please put down the cameras and soak in the beauty of your trip of a lifetime. Safe journey.

  22. Susan, your video was so clear. The giraffes are so fascinating. Loving being able to travel with you through your posts. Thank you for sharing!!

    • Awesome! I think the wifi here gets overloaded. Glad they were okay! I delayed posting this because I thought something was wrong. Worried about it while out on safari and was happy to see they looked okay when I returned.

  23. So glad you are sharing your trip with us. My brother went to Africa a few years ago and thought it was the best time they ever had. This brings back great memories of their stories. Those giraffes are majestic!!

  24. How fun! I loved the Instagram “friend” who asked if you were at the Hearst Castle area on the zebra picture

  25. Great videos Susan. I’m so glad you are having this experience. Show us more of the “resort” when you can. I’d love to see more of your room/bathroom also. I’m so nosy :). Don’t let Robert Redford fly in and scoop you up (ala Out of Africa) before you see everything you came to see (he, he, he). I’m checking Instagram several times a day for your updates. Stay safe and God bless you. Vikki in VA.

    • I definitely will. Seems like I’m either on safari or eating! I think I’ve gained 10 pounds while here! lol I’ve taken tons of pics…will share soon!

  26. Oh, my, Susan, these pictures should be in a magazine. They are exquisite and put all of us right next to you!! I can’t wait to see more. Thank you for all that you do to give us such a wonderful experience through your camera lens. Love that safari bed!! Is it as comfortable as it looks? Enjoy yourself…..
    Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  27. You are one brave woman, Susan! Are you going to start up the Mutual Of Omaha show again?! I can just see you talking about your latest adventure! Keep us posted!

  28. Loved the videos Susan!

  29. Cyndi Raines says

    Wow! You are REALLY there and what sites you are seeing! Thanks for sharing the videos. I went to Instagram and those pictures are incredible also. Liked the comment about ‘one day talking of fall and decorating and the next day, viewing a zebra in stripped pj’s! ” Cute! Glad you arrived safely and will continue to pray for safety and good health for the rest of your trip. Will be watching for more of “Out of Africa!” 🙂

  30. Cyndi Raines says

    oopps. that was supposed to be a ‘horse in stripped p.j.’s – haha The little animal, Dik Dik, with the long eye lashes is precious!

  31. Marlene Stephenson says

    Oh! such beauty,love all those pictures of those beautiful animals. Fun, fun,fun,thanks so much this is wonderful. I don’t know how you sleep i think i would be too excited i might miss something. lol

  32. pam ~ crumpety cottage says

    Susan, the story of the male lion laying on top of his lunch so his lady friend wouldn’t eat his food was funny. Good thing our human men aren’t so selfish! 😀 And she even used her playful feminine wiles on him.

    I particularly loved the video of the giraffes. I was fascinated by the giraffe in the foreground, his (or her) belly seemed so chubby and firm. Like you said, they certainly look well fed! But what really struck me was how short their body length seemed (from shoulder to tale.) It appeared shorter, or maybe the same length, as their long necks. It was like an optical illusion: the neck is so long it makes the trunk of their body seem short. But that and the chubby belly give it such a cute appearance.

    *Sigh* Between all these animal adventures, your ‘jumping shoes’ 😉 and that beautiful canopy bed you are sleeping in, it seems like a dream. Thanks so much for including us on your adventure of a lifetime. 🙂

    • It really is a dream, Pam. I hope I never awake. Today when we were out on safari, the guide commented that some of the giraffe were expecting. She actually saw the baby giraffe kick inside…saw the movement on a giraffe we were watching. I missed that but noticed many of the giraffe looked like they were expecting.

      • pam ~ crumpety cottage says

        Oh, how sweet! It would be wonderful if you were able to see a baby giraffe. You got to see a baby elephant, so it only seems fair. 😀

  33. Enjoying your beautiful photos! Thank you. Wishing you a wonderful and memorable time.

  34. bobbi duncan says

    Oh, Susan, the instagrams and videos are beyond amazing! I almost feel I’m there with you….wish I were because it looks like the trip of a lifetime with so much to see, and that Giraffe Manor is gorgeous. I am so glad you got to take this wonderful adventure and so appreciate all the pictures you’re taking the time to share. Thanks so much!

  35. Good job as usual, Susan!…Christine

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