In The BNOTP Library: Relaxing On The Porch

I’ve been gone all day today, doing a little clothes/shoe shopping, something I rarely do. This warm weather has put me in the mood to update my summer wardrobe. I’m in love with Lilly Pulitzer dresses and skirts this summer. I didn’t buy any today but it was fun looking at all the styles.

I’ve just discovered Jack Rogers sandals. Did you know Jackie O wore Jack Rogers sandals? I didn’t know that until today. Amazingly, they still make the very style sandal she wore. Gotta love those classic designs that never go out of style.

After I returned home, I headed out to the porch for a bit and that’s when it hit me, I haven’t shared any of my fave porch books with you!  When I was going through the planning process of adding on a screened-in porch, I purchased several books about porches. I couldn’t get enough of porch books back then…still can’t! 🙂

The book I’m sharing today is one Amazon tells me I purchased on August 12th, 2007. That was just about a month before construction began as I added on two porches: a screened porch and a small front porch. This book is definitely one of my favorites and I’m sure influenced some of the decisions I made for my porches.

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In the BNOTP Library: Relaxing on the Porch
Author: Megan Fulweiler
Hardcover: 160 pages
Book size: 11.6 x 10.2 x 0.7

Relaxing on the Porch by Megan Fulweiler

3 Things I Like About This Book:

  • Book is filled from cover to cover with  pictures of all kinds of fabulous porches: rustic, southern, modern, front porches, back porches, screened porches, 2-story porches…too many to name them all here.
  • Lots of ideas and inspiration for furnishing and decorating porches
  • Warning: This book will having you dreaming about porches day and night. There is just something magical about the porch, something that’s hard to even put into words. This book beautifully captures it.

You can read more about this book, Relaxing on the Porch and preview it at Amazon where I normally buy my books, via the picture link below.

You’ll find previously featured books from the BNTOP library here: In The BNOTP Library or just click below.

In the BNOTP Library


*If a post is sponsored or a product was provided at no charge, it will be stated in post. Some links may be affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases. *

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  1. This is one I don’t have, Susan. I think I’ll have to add this one to my bookshelf. Really enjoy this series. Thanks for doing it.
    Good luck with the summer wardrobe. I need to add some new walking clothes. Will check out the sandals. ‘-)

  2. Guess what? I just opened my email and while I was looking at it three of my missing blogs just popped up! Lots to go, but it’s a start and I had decided that they were gone forever. BNOTP was the first and I felt that was fitting.Only one other blogger seemed to notice, at least when I made the trips manually to as many as I could remember. Thanks for just letting me believe I wasn’t crazy!

    • Susan, that’s wonderful…glad some are showing back up! I’ve had a few readers who weren’t getting the emails, start getting them again, then they stopped again! Enough to drive us all mad! One thing that seems to help is adding the email of the blog to your contact list or address book. That basically white lists the From address of the blog. So, just to make sure it keeps coming, go ahead and add, [email protected] to your address book. That is supposed to tell your email service to not block emails from that address. Hope they keep coming! Let me know if they stop again, please. You are definitely NOT crazy! 🙂

  3. Thanks for sharing this book. I’m sort of working on my patio, by collecting some things and making others.
    This should help assemble and display things. Don’t you just LOVE Amazon? I do!

    • Kathie, I really do. I’ve just discovered in the last few months that they carry everything you can imagine.Before I buy anything now, I check Amazon first. The other thing I’ve discovered is when a store is out of a style or color of a particular item, I can often still find it on Amazon. For example, a few days ago I was looking for an embroidered key fob in a particular design and the store that actually sells them, Smathers & Branson, was out of their own product but I found it on Amazon. I guess they promise X number to Amazon so even when they are out of them, you can still find them there sometimes.

  4. Jean Tucker says

    Your post are going to my junk folder again, I’ve done everything, unsubscribe , resubscribe,add address to contact list. I’m beginning to hate Yahoo! At least I can see the posts in my junk mail.

    • Jean, how frustrating! I know it would be a pain, at least initially, but you may want to think of switching to a Gmail email address. Once you do, you’ll never go back. Gmail is awesome. It’s fast, you can search for a message in the search box at your email and find any message no matter if it’s in a file or the trash or wherever you’ve put it. I LOVE gmail. I absolutely can’t stand my comcast email. It’s slow and clunky. Gmail has so many need functions and their are all kinds of neat extensions (which are like apps) that you can add to gmail to add even more neat function. It’s just so much better and faster than Yahoo, Comcast or anything else I’ve used. I would not put up with the Yahoo mess anymore. As Clark Howard, a consumer advocate here in Atlanta always say, “vote with your feet” meaning walk away from a bad product and choose a better one. You can probably import all your contacts from Yahoo into gmail.

  5. That IS the type of book I look at over and over! franki

  6. TippysMom says

    Perfect timing on this book! I think it will make the perfect Birthday present from myself, to myself! Speaking of relaxing on the porch, can you please share the dimensions of the dining table on your screened-in porch? Thanks for always being a source of inspiration!

  7. Thanks Susan. Another post that I will put into my “BNOTP Depths of Winter” link collection. Possibly at the top of the list, but will have to wait to view the other porch books before deciding 😉
    Garden tours included also.

  8. Modern Country Lady says

    Sandals that Jackie O had are good enough for anyone I reckon ! Go for them I say. Glad to be blogging again, and love to come back to your blog! Just restyled my blog with a new fresh look, when you have the time let your eye wander over it and let me know what you think!!

    Have a great week.

  9. Sorry completely forgot to enter my website on the previous comment ! I f you want to have a look at my restyled blog, the link is

    Have a great week.

  10. This is a great series Susan, thank you.

  11. Susan, I too have recently discovered Jack Rodgers sandels. Love them but not the price! Also, there is a great resale shop in Buckhead that always has a lot of Lilys . It’s called Labels and it near Boxwoods. Definitely one to check out!

  12. The book looks great and will have to hop over to Amazon to check it out and will also have to check out the sandals too!!!

  13. Love the cover! I think I’ll enjoy this book … while I’m relaxing on my porch. 😉

  14. Morning Susan! You have a lot of the books I do – also I have loads I’ve checked out from the Library. We’re on the same system – Pines. They’ve updated their system to coordinate with Goodbooks and when you search you can find other suggestions in the same category. Also, You can see what’s new by just adjusting your search for newest to oldest. It’s a wonderful way to check out fantastic books. I’m actually looking at ‘Charles Faudree Home’ right now. It helped me solidify a decision on curtains I’m going to make for our dining room – a big change in the next few weeks.
    I hope you have a blessed day,

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