An Enchanting Candlelit Table Setting for Fall

Welcome to the 571st Tablescape Thursday! I'm back home now, had a great drive yesterday in beautiful sunshine the whole way. And no wayward ties attacked my car as I drove home this time! Whew! After the 9+ hour drive, it was too late to put a table together once I arrived, so today I'm sharing a wonderful table from Noemi who wrote: Hey Susan! I have been a fan of your blog for a couple of years … [Read more...]

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A Christmas Table Setting for Cat Lovers

Welcome to the 480th Tablescape Thursday! We're back in the breakfast room for this week's Tablescape Thursday, only there's no sunshine today. It was a rainy, dreary day out, so I decided to make my own sunshine inside. My centerpiece is a bit tall for this spot, so had to slide the table over slightly due to the chandelier.   If you are a cat lover, you're going to love the dishware … [Read more...]

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Found: The Perfect Bark-Edged, Wood Chargers for Woodsy Holiday Tables

I love using chargers in a table setting. They add so much to a table, another lovely layer that beautifully highlights the other plates in the place setting.   Over the past 10 years I've gradually added to my charger collection whenever I've found them on sale or greatly discounted. I've also enjoyed making them when a design I wanted wasn't available anymore, or was more than I wanted to … [Read more...]

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