Celebrating Autumn With A Woodsy, Country Lodge Style Table Setting

Welcome to the 834th Tablesape Thursday! With the kitchen finally back together after the recent leak behind the fridge, I was excited to set a table this week for Tablescape Thursday. Ignore the half-covered swing chain in the background. When the house/exterior was painted a few weeks back, I removed the swing chain covers. I had just started putting them back on when all the kitchen work started and I … [Read more...]

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Welcome Autumn!

Welcome to the 783rd Tablescape Thursday. We are still nice and warm here. Are you seeing some autumn weather in your area, yet?   I almost set this table on the porch since the temps out were so nice,  but it was so cloudy I decided to just stay inside.   Are you tired of seeing these two deer in my fall tables? lol   I found these guys many years ago in Lowe's … [Read more...]

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Cozy Autumn Table With a Nandina & Pumpkin Centerpiece

Welcome to the 736th Tablescape Thursday! After my long 8-9 hour drive back home on Tuesday, I was pretty tired yesterday, but I was itching to set a table with one of my favorite fall dinnerware patterns. It was getting dark by the time I finished this table, so the lighting is not the natural lighting I would have preferred.   This morning I took a few photos in lower lighting and I … [Read more...]

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Decorate Your Home for Autumn with Whimsical Touches of Halloween!

Welcome to the 715th Metamorphosis Monday! Happy New Week! I have a delightful fall decor makeover to share for this week's Met Monday! Jillian is all ready for Halloween and Autumn and the fun starts right here at the front door.   Please note: This area is designated for "Broom Parking Only, Violators Will Be Toad!" Ha!   Eeek! Bats everywhere! Love the cattail … [Read more...]

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A Taste of Autumn with Beautiful Xavier Gold

Welcome to the 730th Tablescape Thursday! It was late evening when I completed this table setting. It's definitely getting darker out a lot earlier these days, isn't it?   With the cooler temps at night and the first day of fall behind us, I was in the mood for a tablescape with an autumn feel.   Not sure why but I always equate pheasants with autumn. No fall foliage in my yard … [Read more...]

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Beautiful Equestrian-Themed Table Featuring Ralph Lauren’s, Wedgwood, Balmoral-Hunt China

Welcome to the 688th Tablescape Thursday! I have a beautiful table setting to share today, one I couldn't wait to see as soon as Elinda, a lovely BNOTP reader whose tables I've shared before, first told me about it. Elinda and I both have a love for all things "equestrian." I've never had a horse but I just love the beautiful clothing, collections and accouterments normally associated with horses and the … [Read more...]

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Invasion of the Crows: An Autumn Table with a Bit of Spooky for Halloween

Welcome to 682nd Tablescape Thursday! Pssst: Would you like to know when I share a new post? Sign up for email updates HERE and whenever I post, you'll get an update in your email Inbox letting you know a new post is up. It was a tad chilly on the porch yesterday so I decided to set this autumn table inside here in the breakfast room.   I had plans to set a Halloween table since … [Read more...]

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Autumn-Fall Entertaining: 3 Autumn-Inspired Table Settings

Welcome to 679th Tablescape Thursday! I had planned to create a table setting this week but life had other plans. I've been working on replacing my 14-year-old hybrid SUV for the past several months since the hybrid battery could go at any time and that would be a very expensive repair in the ballpark of $7,000 to $8,000--definitely more than I would want to spend on a car of that age. So a few months … [Read more...]

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Don’t Have the Perfect Tablecloth? Use a Cozy, Colorful Throw Instead

Welcome to the 632nd Tablescape Thursday, a blog party sharing beautiful table settings for all occasions! I know this has been a terribly stressful week for everyone, so how about something fun and relaxing today! I don't have my main computer back, yet--still waiting to hear if it can be saved, but I had an idea for today's post. A while back in the comments on a Tablescape Thursday post, someone … [Read more...]

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A Winterberry Candlelight Table Setting

Welcome to the 604th Tablescape Thursday! If you only read Between Naps On The Porch on Thursdays for Tablescape Thursday, you may be wondering why you haven't been seeing any tables from me lately. I've been visiting with my son, daughter in law and grandsons for the past five weeks, helping to homeschool and watch my grandsons during the day while my son/dil work. Fortunately, they have been able to … [Read more...]

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An Early Autumn Table Setting

Welcome to the 575th Tablescape Thursday! We're still in 80s and 90s here and everything is still beautifully green. Georgia doesn't say goodbye to summer easily or quickly, we like to savor those last warm moments of summer until autumn insists we let go.   When I bought Mr. Pheasant last week, I really had him in mind for a Thanksgiving table, but I decided to go ahead and use him right … [Read more...]

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An Enchanting Candlelit Table Setting for Fall

Welcome to the 571st Tablescape Thursday! I'm back home now, had a great drive yesterday in beautiful sunshine the whole way. And no wayward ties attacked my car as I drove home this time! Whew! After the 9+ hour drive, it was too late to put a table together once I arrived, so today I'm sharing a wonderful table from Noemi who wrote: Hey Susan! I have been a fan of your blog for a couple of years … [Read more...]

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Fall-Autumn Table Inspiration & a Stunning Autumn Pumpkin Candlelit Centerpiece

Welcome to the 570th Tablescape Thursday! I always love it when I hear from readers of Between Naps On The Porch, especially when they share photos their beautiful porches and tables with me. Autumn weather and the holidays are just around the corner! Hard to believe, isn't it? Recently I received an email from Maureen with pictures of a beautiful table she created for Thanksgiving this past year. … [Read more...]

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Welcoming Autumn with a Colorful Table Setting in Shades of Red, Gold and Brown

Welcome to the 521st Tablescape Thursday! With the official first day of autumn just a couple of days away, I'm  sharing a fall-ish table setting for this week's Tablescape Thursday. Still very warm here--reaching the 90's each day (which I love) but I know the cooler temps will be headed this way before too long.   I kept the centerpiece simple, using a red lantern I've had for several … [Read more...]

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Blue Willow & Floral Pumpkin Centerpiece for an Autumn Table

Welcome to the 472nd Tablescape Thursday! We've decided to skip fall and winter here in Georgia this year. As you can see, the trees are still green and leafy in my back yard, and yesterday was in the 80's. Today we'll reach 85! I'm really not complaining, though. I love summer and love the heat. I wonder when fall arrives, if it will just hit all at once and all the leaves will change and fall off the … [Read more...]

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Dinner in a Country Lodge

Welcome to the 469th Tablescape Thursday! It's still warm here in Georgia, but some David Carter Brown plates I purchased recently have put me in the mood for a bit of fall fun.   I almost placed this table setting in the dining room since it has more of an autumn feel with its red walls.   But in the end I decided to stay on the porch since it was so nice out with temps in … [Read more...]

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A Woodland Table Celebrating the Beauty of the Northwoods Forest

Welcome to the 416th Tablescape Thursday! We're still having beautiful weather in the 80's each day, but the table I set for this week has more of an autumn feel.   Have you been wondering what's happened to the seat cushions I normally have on the chairs around the table? I still have them, I've just been removing them for photos each week if the colors in the cushions detract from the … [Read more...]

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An Autumn Table with Woodland Friends

Welcome to the 412th Tablescape Thursday! Thanks to everyone who left a comment on the decorating trends post. I really enjoyed reading those! I purposely sat on my hands and didn't comment/reply because I wanted to hear your thoughts and opinions. One thing I did want to mention, from reading the comments on that post, it sounded like a few folks thought the compiled list I included in the post was … [Read more...]

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Autumn Table Setting with Roasted Pumpkin Soup

Welcome to the 372nd Tablescape Thursday! I've heard a rumor that there's this thing called "sunshine." It's supposed to be really bright, but I think it may be just a myth. How is it in your part of the world? I hope you're seeing some sunny days. If I don't start seeing some pretty soon, I'm going to have to buy one of those light machines like Police Chief Celia Bachelor used in the show, Men in … [Read more...]

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Autumn Table Setting with Spode Woodland

Welcome to the 268th Tablescape Thursday! Happy Halloween! Are you ready for the Trick or Treaters? Have you been sampling the Halloween candy this past week like I have? You know that's necessary, just to make sure it isn't stale or anything. Okay, remember when I decked out the hutch on the screened porch with pumpkins for Fall?   For this week's Tablescape Thursday, it was time to … [Read more...]

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Warming Up on the Porch

Welcome the the 163rd Tablescape Thursday! Cool fall nights are perfect for hot chocolate out on the porch. Where would you like to sit?   How about on the swing?  There's a soft, warm blanket to keep you warm and a great book awaits.   The late afternoon sun is so wonderful streaming in across the porch.     The evening breeze carries the … [Read more...]

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A Beautiful Thanksgiving Tablescape

Recently, Babs, a lovely reader of BNOTP, shared a few pics of her beautiful Thanksgiving tablesetting. Babs told me she wanted to set a casual Thanksgiving table with some of her recent purchases from Cracker Barrel. (If you are a follower of BNOTP on Facebook, you already know about the amazing 40% off sale Cracker Barrel recently had on much of their autumn tabletop merchandise.) Feast your eyes on … [Read more...]

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A Table Setting to Welcome Autumn

Welcome to the 4th Tablescape Tuesday! Fall is definitely in the air here in the Atlanta area. I blew all the leaves off the deck on Saturday and was shocked to see how many more had accumulated by Sunday morning. This will be my first fall on the porch, since the porch was just finished in early spring. So you know what that means...time to go shopping for some fall goodies for the porch, including fall … [Read more...]

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