Create Wonderful Outdoor Spaces for Dining in the Garden

Welcome to the 560th Tablescape Thursday! A few days ago I took you into a wonderful garden that was part of the Secret Gardens of Avondale tour a friend and I enjoyed a few weekends ago. There was one particular garden that really stood out for me. In addition to having a wonderful screened-in summer house...   ...and lots of little outdoor seating areas perfect for … [Read more...]

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Dining in the Garden at Greenwood’s on Green Street

A friend and I recently had dinner at one of my fave restaurants, Greenwood's in Roswell, Georgia.  When you visit Greenwood's, not only do you enjoy a great home-cooked meal, but you get a wonderful garden tour, too.  Here's a view of one section of the sidewalk out front of  the restaurant.  On the other side of the brick wall is a large courtyard where folks either dine or wait for a table to become … [Read more...]

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Dining Alfresco: Spring and Summer Table Settings

Welcome to the 143rd Tablescape Thursday! Today I'm sharing some spring settings for this Tablescape Thursday, including some of yours!  Click on the titles of the tablescapes to view them in full. Dining with Lord Byron Sand and Surf Garden Party The Faerie Ball A Beach Escape Boogieboard Cottage Words on Wheels Bargain Hunting and Chatting with … [Read more...]

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Dining in the Garden

Welcome to the 142nd Tablescape Thursday! Happy Tablescape Thursday! Our friend, Cornelia, has invited us all for dinner in her beautiful garden in Switzerland. Don't you just love the romantic feel of the wisteria climbing up the back of her home. We will be dining this evening surrounded in the fragrance of lovely flowers. It's a perfect day to be out in the garden. The tall hedge … [Read more...]

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