10 Easy Centerpieces Anyone Can Make for a Spring or Summer Celebration

Welcome to the 390th Tablescape Thursday! For this week's Tablescape Thursday, I'm sharing 10 fun centerpieces anyone can make. These centerpieces use common things we already have or items that are usually pretty easy to find in dollar stores and discount shops. The only exception may be the 5th one down, the cookie tree centerpiece, which needs a little tree of some type for display. Hope this gets … [Read more...]

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Easy Centerpiece for a Spring Table Setting

Welcome to the 141st Tablescape Thursday! If you remember this Bottle Tree post, you already know I've been collecting bottles for several months in hopes of creating a bottle tree some day. Recently, I found the perfect tree for the bottles. It was just what I had dreamed up in my head. Unfortunately, when I checked on the price, it was much more than I wanted to spend. Rats! In the meantime, I've … [Read more...]

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