A Spring Table Setting with the Easter Bunny

Welcome to the 340th Tablescape Thursday! It's been beautiful here, spring has arrived! The Redbud trees are through blooming and are pushing out leaves. The daffodils, forsythia and Bradford pears are blooming, too. I was so excited to see the Tardiva tree-form hydrangeas I planted in huge pots on the deck, survived the winter and are putting out new leaves. I love this time of year! Since it was … [Read more...]

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Easy Centerpiece for a Spring Table Setting

Welcome to the 141st Tablescape Thursday! If you remember this Bottle Tree post, you already know I've been collecting bottles for several months in hopes of creating a bottle tree some day. Recently, I found the perfect tree for the bottles. It was just what I had dreamed up in my head. Unfortunately, when I checked on the price, it was much more than I wanted to spend. Rats! In the meantime, I've … [Read more...]

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Hawaiian or Tropical Table Setting

Welcome to the 50th Tablescape Thursday! Wow, Can you believe it, it's our 50th Tablescape Thursday! And two weeks from today is the one year anniversary of Between Naps on the Porch! I'm hoping to do something fun that week, still scheming and plotting. Speaking of scheming and plotting...there's been a lot of monkey business going on this past week. Do you remember the tease pic I shared at the end of … [Read more...]

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Easter or Spring Table Setting

Welcome to the 34th Tablescape Thursday! It is sooo pretty out today...why don't we have dinner out on the porch? We'll just keep our table simple with a little daisy arrangement and a few sweet bunnies. I'm a little excited today because I have some new china to share in this tablescape and it's has two of my fave colors in it: pink and green. I've always loved hot pink, and paired with green, … [Read more...]

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