An Accidental Mother’s Day Table Setting

Welcome to the 559th Tablescape Thursday! I'm not exactly sure how I did this, but somehow I accidentally created a Mother's Day table setting for this week's Tablescape Thursday. lol It was super cloudy yesterday so I decided early on in the day I'd set a table inside in the breakfast room instead of on the porch. I thought I'd create a blue and white candlelit setting with the new lantern I just … [Read more...]

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Debutante Camellias in a Springtime Tablescape

Welcome to the 135th Tablescape Thursday! It was such a gorgeous day here...70's and breezy. I decided to set this week's tablescape in the breakfast room. My camellia bush has almost finished blooming. Amazingly the blooms are much deeper and richer in color now than they were a couple of weeks ago. Maybe it's the warm weather we've been having for the past two weeks. I couldn't resist … [Read more...]

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A Special Tablescape Filled with Memories

Welcome to the 68th Tablescape Thursday! A Tablescaping Story Once upon a time, long, long ago, a happy, young couple graduated from college...He from lawschool, She from undergraduate. A few days later they celebrated their 1 year wedding anniversary and as summer came to a close, the starry-eyed couple loaded up a U-haul, and along with their sweet kitty, headed off to a far-away land, all alone. He … [Read more...]

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Tablescaping With Lenox, Butler’s Pantry Gourmet

Welcome to the 40th Tablescape Thursday! Wow, can you believe it...this is our 40th week for Tablescaping! THANK-YOU, dear friends, for participating during these past 40 weeks and making Tablescape Thursday such a fun event! I'm looking forward to many, many more! This has been an exciting day for Between Naps on the Porch. Julia at Hooked on Houses is featuring the porch of BNOTP on her blog today! … [Read more...]

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