Make a Greenhouse from Old Windows for Holiday Displays

Remember back around Christmas time when I took you shopping at the Queen of Hearts in Alpharetta, Georgia? C'mon...sure you do. Remember, you kept begging on the drive over to stop by the Dairy Queen to get a milkshake and I told you that we had to hurry and get to the Queen of Hearts before all the good stuff was gone. Ahhh, now you remember! Well, while we were there, we saw this: Yep, it's … [Read more...]

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Make a Greenhouse from Old Discarded Windows

Welcome to the 46th Metamorphosis Monday! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I've been out of state visiting my son and his sweetie. It was a whirlwind trip and so much fun. My son gave me a tour of the law school he's attending, as well as a tour of the wonderful historic building where he works with a local firm. We did a little shopping on Black Friday and went to see A Christmas Carol on … [Read more...]

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