Beautiful Albino Squirrel, Brilliant Bag Storage & 1st Attempt At Making A Tarte Soleil

A week or so ago I visited the Wright Memorial Library to get a library card. There's just something about obtaining a library card from your local library that makes you feel more like a real resident. As I was leaving the library, I saw this little guy running about under the trees. He is so pretty! I wondered how rare all-white squirrels are and did a quick search. Turns out they are pretty rare with … [Read more...]

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How to Make a Beautiful Tarte Soleil

Happy weekend! For this past Tablescape Thursday, I shared a wonderful table setting Norma put together when she was expecting friends over for a luncheon.   As mentioned in that previous post, Norma also made this beautiful Tarte Soleil to serve as an appetizer. I asked Norma if she would mind sharing her recipe, I would love to try making this stunning appetizer one day, although it's so … [Read more...]

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A Charming, Rustic-French Table Setting, Complete With A Beautiful Tarte Soleil Appetizer

Welcome to the 769th Tablescape Thursday! Thanks so much for all your comments on yesterday's post. I have so much to share about how things went yesterday. Let me just say, I think I see a Speed Queen TR5 or TR7 washer in my future. More about that later--for now, we've been invited to a wonderful luncheon in the south of France! ♥ Norma, a lovely BNOTP reader who has become a friend over the … [Read more...]

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