In the BNOTP Library: The English Country House

After our tour this morning of  the grand Shakenhurst Estate in England, I thought I’d share a book I purchased back in August 2011 that is one of the most comprehensive and best books I’ve ever found on the English country house.  The English Country House by Mary Miers is truly in a class of its own.

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In the BNOTP Library: The English Country House: From the Archives of Country Life
Author: Mary Miers
Hardcover: 484 pages
Book size: 11-3/8 wide x 11-3/8 tall x 1-5/8 thick (Product dimensions on Amazon are wrong so I measured my copy. Book is over one and half inches thick!)
I took a photo of my book since the only one I could find online was tiny.

The English Country House by Mary Miers


3 Things I Like About This Book:

  • Huge book featuring 62 beautiful English country estates, including a lot of the homes never featured in other books
  • Most comprehensive book I’ve ever seen on the English country home. Even includes 6 essays by architectural historians.
  • Lot of beautiful pictures throughout…over 400

You can read more about this book and preview it at Amazon, where I normally buy my books, via the picture link below. Be sure and check out the reviews on this book for more detailed information. I’ve found the reviews are sometimes more helpful than the book descriptions.


You’ll find previously featured books from the BNTOP library here: In The BNOTP Library or just click below.

In the BNOTP Library

*If a post is sponsored or a product was provided at no charge, it will be stated in post. Some links may be affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases. *

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  1. Terry Beaudry says

    OK I love this “little house” and would live there in a heartbeat!
    But may I just say this…since I was unable to get into La Bella Vie for so long, I haven’t been able to post comments anywhere so I just HAVE to say it now…I LOVE THAT ADORABLE LITTLE TEAPOT, DID I SAY LOVE IT? YEP I DO!

    I saw this little guy when you first did the post about the antique shop and thought when I first saw him, there’s no way I would’ve made it out of that shop with him, he is so cute!

    Anyway love the English Country house but love that “Little Man teapot” too! 🙂

  2. Kimberley Legaspi says

    I enjoyed your post today. My hubby and I enjoy strolling on estates with rich history and the stories of past :humanity which decorate them. I wanted to share if you are ever in Rhode Island, you will most likely enjoy Blithwold Mansion Gardens and Arboratorium in Bristol, RI. The grounds are simple, yet lovely and active. The Mansion pulls you into the past and the gardens outside teem with earthly delights. A sense of timelessness in those gardens.we discovered it on our way back from our visit to Maine.

    • Wow, Kimberley, what a beautiful place Blithewold is! Would love to tour it if I’m ever up that way. Thanks so much for telling me about it! The view of it at Christmastime is breathtaking!

  3. Terry, can you believe I left without him at first. Then I came to my senses and went back for him. I was so glad he was still there! He makes me smile whenever I see his silly face! 🙂 I’m so happy you were able to get back in! Glad you did not give up! 🙂

  4. pam ~ crumpety cottage says

    The English Country Home is really my style. I love it. My own American home has a little bit of an English feel to it, and that’s one of the reasons I loved it. This is one book I am definitely going to get. Thanks for sharing, Susan! 🙂

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