Seasonal Table Settings

Welcome to the 23rd Tablescape Tuesday!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Tablescape Tuesday will be moving to Thursday, beginning, Thursday, February 5th.

That means we will not be tablescaping Tuesday, February 3rd. You will have a couple extra days to get your next tablescape post ready.

The poll that was runnning on my sidebar indicates the majority of you are looking forward to this change. I personally would prefer it also, because I feel bad posting Mr. Linky for TT on Monday evenings, when Metamorphosis Monday is still going on. Now we will have a little separation between those two events, giving everyone more time to visit all the great Met Monday posts.

Shelia (Note Songs) made the darling pink TT logo when I first created Tablescape Tuesdays. She has graciously offered to change the little logo to read Tablescape Thursday; so check back here as it gets closer to Thursday, February 5th, to pick up the new logo/button. I will continue to add a little reminder to each post over the next few days about the changing of the day to Thursday for tablescaping. Nothing else is changing…only the day of the week for this event.

But for today…wonderful tablescapes await your visit!

Recently I was “chatting” with my good friend, Vicky, who happens to be a wonderfully talented gardener and decorator. Some of you may remember her beautiful home and garden pics from Rate My Space. If you’ve never had the pleasure of strolling through Vicky’s breathtaking gardens at RMS, then you are in for a wonderful treat. I’ll never forget the first time I saw her driveway! Wow…now this is a view I would love to come home to everyday!

Vicky’s creative talents are not just limited to gardening…she is also a very talented decorator. Recently, she was asked by one of her clients to create a tablescape for a dinner party she was planning. Her client had set a relatively small budget. The only information she provided Vicky was the menu, Lamb Stew and Salad, and permission for Vicky to use anything she already had.

Once Vicky decided to use her client’s “casual” dishes for her tablescape, she drew her inspiration from the colors in the china. To stay within the budget, Vicky used the client’s four existing placemats, then purchased four more to complete the table setting. She was also able to incorporate some candles her client already had…saving additional expense.

Vicky came across the cute birds and tall candle sticks at Pier 1, while the napkins and napkin rings were a great find at Target. Notice the beautiful greenery…this client definitely picked the right designer! Using her savvy gardening talents, Vicky pulled from the client’s own gardens to create this gorgeous tablescape.

And the wonderful table runner…Vicky told me she “used a yard of fabric from Hancock Fabric for the table runner, no sew, just tucked it under.” I love the earthy tone of the fabric and the additional texture it adds to the tablescape. I’m stealing this idea for a future tablescape; shhhh…don’t tell Vicky! 🙂

The tablescape was such a treat, I wanted more! Vicky graciously agreed to share a few pics of her beautiful dining room. Vicky changes the vignette on her dining room table with the changing of the seasons. Don’t you just love this adorable spring vignette with all the cute little baby chicks?!

The mantel doesn’t get overlooked, either…more glorious spring! About the mantel, Vicky said, “The mantel was a gift from the husband of a friend. He brought it home for her and she did not see the beauty in it. I did!” He even finished it and installed it for her!

I especially love this view because we get the added treat of seeing the gorgeous mural that covers Vicky’s dining room walls! Vicky told me the mural was a Christmas present from her husband. She said, “It was done by a local artist that I use in my work. I told her I wanted a landscape with water. I then followed with DON’T BRING ANY BLUE PAINT! I do not like to use the color blue when decorating for myself or others. That was in 2002 and I still love it. It does make me stay true to my style and limits my choices, but I love it anyway.” Vicky, you aren’t the only who loves it!

A beautiful fall display…

Vicky told me she had her beautiful table made and then finished it and the chairs herself! I love how she has it decorated for Christmas. You can see Vicky’s love of nature in all that she touches.

Oh, how I’d love to have a fireplace mantel to decorate in my dining room! Lovely centerpiece!

Thank you, Vicky, for sharing your talents with us on this Tablescape Tuesday! To take a stroll through Vicky’s wonderful gardens, just click HERE. If you have any questions for Vicky, feel free to leave them here with your comment…I’m sure she’ll be happy to respond.

Don’t forget to stop by the links posted above to see more beautifully decorated tables!

If you are participating in Tablescape Tuesday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. If you aren’t sure how to obtain your permalink or have any questions about using Mr. Linky for this post, just click on the pink TT logo in my sidebar for detailed instructions.

Please copy and paste the Tablescape Tuesday logo button to your computer to upload it to your side bar and to use it in your tablescape post. That way visitors will know you are participating.

Please link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. This is important because it helps those who are visiting you blog, find the other wonderful tablescapes posted on this Tablescape Tuesday.

Please do not add your link below, until your tablescape post is actually published to your blog.

The following blogs have beautiful tablescapes awaiting your visit:


*If a post is sponsored or a product was provided at no charge, it will be stated in post. Some links may be affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases. *

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  1. Pat@Back Porch Musings says

    Thanks so much for featuring Vicky’s gorgeous space, Susan. I well remember them from RMS.

    Wonderful tablescapes!!

    Thanks too, for hosting this event!

  2. Oh I love this fabulous room and table to creat a scape on. How fun! I’ve always dreamed of having a dining room big enough to fit my extended family. I have 7 siblings so that would mean a large dining room :0)

  3. Susan,
    Thanks so much for sharing. A fireplace in the kitchen? To die for! I like to change out my kitchen table with the seasons as well. Love the long table–lots of room for family!

  4. Terri and Bob says

    Ahhh, beautiful. I am quite taken by the beautiful blue chairs.

  5. Stuart Maughan says

    Wow, what an impressive blog. You and Vicky have developed a grand look in a very homey environment. Good job, and thank you for sharing your talent. Marilyn and Stuart P S please drop by. We are not nearly and skilled, but we’re newbys.

  6. Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) says

    Thanks for sharing Vicky’s beautiful home and tablescape. I remember this beautiful drive. She was one of the first to respond to one of my first posts on RMS and was always so kind. I loved the fabric running down the center of the table.. great idea.. Her beautiful table that changes with the seasons is so inviting. Vicky.. thanks for allowing Susan to invite us in once again.. hugs my friend.. ~lynne~

  7. Glenda/MidSouth says

    Very pretty tablescapes. Would love to have a table that long to seat my “gang” – and the large room to put it in also.

  8. carolinajewel says

    Beautiful tables Vicky! Thanks for sharing them Susan and Vicky!!!! I love the mantle. 😀 Jewel

  9. Dixie's Whimsey says

    Susan… I covet that long harvest table… of course I also covet a dining area long enough to accomodate it… how about the back porch..? it would fit there… think Vickie would loan it to me for a year or so… ? 🙂

    have a happy Tuesday… hopefully I’ll be back for Tablescapes on Thursday Feb 5…

    blessings… Dixie

  10. Hi Susan, I just loaded my tablescape for TT too. I am so happy to see Vicky’s creativeness here and her dining room. I have not seen nor heard from her for so long so I knew she has been busy. Beautiful creation, I must add! I do see the Vickster touch again…Christine

  11. The Bliss Journey says

    Susan, Thank you for sharing your friends tablescapes. I enjoyed looking at all of them.

  12. ~CC Catherine says

    Susan, Thanks for sharing Vicky’s lane with the lovely flowers bordering it, the client’s lovely tablescape with all the great tips., and for sharing her dining room, the mural, and the story behind the dining room set. I love the comfy look and the colors she uses. Please pass on the compliments to her…love it! ~CC

  13. Ma'dame French says

    Vicki’s home is beautiful….I wish she would blog;) French

  14. Cami @ Creating Myself says

    Vicky is indeed very talented! I love her tablescapes but like you, am completely enchanted by the driveway. Happy Tablescape Tuesday Susan…thansk for hosting!

  15. Hello I’m still making my pink sat. visits. Cute post.
    Bless You, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  16. Susan! Yippee for Tablescape Thursday!!

    Vicky’s decor is fab! I love how she ties the outdoors with the indoors!

  17. Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity says

    Susan, Thanks for bringing Vicky’s beautiful work to blogland. She is amazing. I really miss her.

    Vicky, If you read this: I miss you! Please consider joining us in blogland.
    Hugs, Terrie/doxieluvr

  18. That is an absolutely amazing centerpiece. It completely suits the woven mats under the plates and coordinates perfectly with the runner used on the table. Smart choice to use the economical fabric. Wonderful job, Vicky.

  19. Miss Janice says

    Hello Miss Susan! Like you, I would love to come home to that beautiful landscaped driveway. Thanks for sharing photos of her lovely tablescapes!

  20. Susan! Thank you so much for moving Tablescape to Thursday. I am so excited about this change. The beginning of the week is so overloaded and then Thursday can be so boring. It is hard to get around to all the Metamorphosis and then all the tablescapes back to back. Can you tell I’m excited!!! Thanks for hosting both these great weekly carnivals/memes….

  21. Omah's Helping Hands says

    Thanks for sharing Susan. Vicki has a wonderful talent all the way around. I wish I had talent like that. I love her drive. Very envious. 🙂 Have a great week!

  22. Thanks for sharing her gorgeous home, I remember it from RMS. All the tablesettings and centerpieces are just beautiful. Full of lots of ideas and inspirations. Thanks, Hugs Marty

  23. I enjoyed Vicky’s tablescape for her client. Very nice design with intersting textures and colors.

  24. AliciaMarieB says

    I really liked Vicky’s spring tablescape. The chicks really do draw your eye to the table, and make you want to just sit down around the table and have lunch with some friends.

  25. Debbie @ says

    Hi Susan! Another wonderful post! I so enjoy your beautiful posts. Blessings,

  26. So beautiful and creative. I especially love the table runner/greenery in the first table, just beautiful. Thanks for sharing this. Kathy

  27. LdyDy Loves Cake says

    Susan…great post! I enjoyed Vicky’s tablescapes…all the centerpieces were lovely and creative! Had fun strolling through them all!

  28. Suzann @ Lavender and Roses says


  29. It’s always a pleasure to visit Vicky’s beautiful home. Thanks so much posting it for us all to enjoy.


  30. That IS something to come home to! Thanks for sharing!

  31. Your friend has a lovely home.

  32. Rose Haven says

    Everything is just soooo beautiful!

  33. Vicky’s tables are so pretty. I love the one with the little chickens.

  34. I have *** ALWAYS *** loved this dining room .. the table, the mural, the feel of it. Thanks for showing me again.

  35. Hi Susan, Thank you for sharing Vicky’s lovely tablesettings.I love her dining room and how she keeps it simple with her table scape in that room.It is perfect with the use of different textures and elements.What we would all give to have a mural like that in a room,WOW!! fun posting!!Great Job Vicky!!,Kathysue

  36. Oh Vicky,I’m so glad you let Susan show your lovely work.Thanks Susan.Vicky is a genius when it come s to decor…Ann

  37. Beaux Mondes Designs says

    Beautiful table setting ideas. Great job Vicky.

  38. Donna Marie says

    Hi Susan.. I love Vicky’s lovely tablescape! (How beautiful) I will be back as a participant for the new Tablescape Thursday! 🙂

    Donna Marie

  39. I just added to Mr. Linky. I’ve been watching Tablescape Tuesdays and decided to join in.

    What fun!


  40. WOW you had a lot of players in this weeks Tablescape. I just couldn’t get my act together for one this week. Glad you will be changing to Thursday. I think the two together are too close. I enjoy each one in it’s own right. Thanks for all you do. Have a great week.

  41. I promise I am going to partispate in a Table Scape Thursday for Valentines Day. I have just been to busy lately.

    I just wanted you to know that yu have truly inspired me to really utilize my screened in portioin of my porch this year. I am already buying and fixing for it and planning. I laid on the bed the other night and I showed my husband your porch redo and we sit and looked at all the pics together. You really should contact HGTV again and have them come out. I think a show deciated to porches, terraces and decks would make an aqesome show. Outdoor living space is so chic now and it always will be. I love seeing the pics of your porch and it has inspired me to get rid of the big dining table on ours and I’;m going to outfit it like a room in a cozy cottage. Mine will be of no comparision to yours, but you have made me think and dream of warm happy days to come in this cold dreary snowless winter. Here’s to sunshine and porches,

  42. I wanted to thank you all for the sweet comments, hugs to each of you. And thank you my dear friend for including me on your wonderful blog. vickydarnell

  43. Beautiful tablescape! I've always loved Vicky's dining table & chairs. Great post Susan! ♥ Diane

  44. Thanks you so much for sharing Vicki’s beautiful tablescapes… Boy wouls I love that mural on my wall… Just stunning… Thanks again Susan


  45. Susan, thank you for sharing Vicky with us. The tables a wonderful and the country lane is beautiful. Here in Southern California we can only dream of them. Thanks, Maryrose

  46. The Quintessential Magpie says

    Loved seeing this! And that mural is just AMAZING. I love murals on DR walls. I have a friend whose ceiling is painted by a artist from Savannah, and it is a true work of art. Again, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing this. Thanks for sharing…



  47. cedwards55 says

    I’ve always loved Vicky’s dining room and her ability to use natural materials in whatever she creates. Awwwwww that lane going up to her home is one of my all time favorite views. Vicky, I think you should throw a pool party. It would certainly be a break from the cold winter. Thanks Susan and Vicky for this treat today.

  48. Loved looking at this post.

  49. prof en retraite says

    Hi Susan…Yes, I remember Vicky’s home from rms! It’s gorgeous! Her tablescape is wonderful. I’m with you…the idea for the runner is a keeper! I hope you are feeling better and having a good week. Moving TT to Thurs is definitely a good idea. I’m still running to catch up from MM!! BTW…your home is gorgeous and the brass looks so classy there. Mine..on the other hand …looked like something the crows picked up! lol You don’t need to change one thing!!! Hugs…Debbie

  50. Lynne Laura says

    Happy Tablescape Tuesday, How do I start joining in…just come back next Wednesday and put my link in for Thursday? Please let me know…I would really like to join.

    Kindredly, Lynne Laura

  51. Thanks for sharing Vicki’s table. I always enjoy looking at her space. Beautiful. She has that long harvest table like I do – I never quite know what to do with mine and she inspires me. Sally

  52. laurie @ bargain hunting says

    Thank you so much Susan and Vicky for these pictures of Vicky’s lovely tablescapes. What a bonanza this was-to see so many pretty tables in one posting. laurie

  53. as usual this was a great post. I love looking at all the wonderful photos….thanks for the visit today…maybe one day I will join the tablescaping…but for now I am just getting started on the dish hoarding!

  54. Susan, I’m so glad you showcased our good friend Vicky!! You are right…I think it’s so cool how she incorporates nature in all her decorating! Her client’s table is well as everything she touches in her home! (Love ya twin V! :-)) I’ve tried to bribe Vicky to come re-do my mantle…I may have to come kidnap her! 🙂
    Great post! L~

  55. Kathleen Ellis says

    Thank you for sharing Vicky’s lovely dining room! Great table!I’ll have to go check out her gardens.
    Have a happy week!

  56. Susan…you are so kind & generous to take the time to display RMS' ladies like Vicky with all of us in Blogland. There is not a sweeter, kinder, more gentle soul than you in Blogland…Thanks for being you! 😉 Bo

  57. Envoy-ette says

    How nice of Vicky to allow you to share them. How wonderful of you to remember us! You are quickly becoming my favorite blog!

  58. Half of the Style Sisters says

    What a fabulous dining room. I would love a huge table like that. Thank you for hosting this every Tuesday.

  59. imjacobsmom says

    It was fun to revisit Vicky’s dining room I still LOVE that mural oh yeah and that table and fireplace mantel. Leave it to Vicky to come up with such cute centerpiece designs! ~ Robyn

  60. Linda/ "Mom..." says

    *****If you haven't "met" her before, VICKY is one of the NICEST gals who ever graced the "RMS family" (when it really WAS "a family", remember???), and her home's warmth & loveliness is so "her"~~~ a genuine beauty. How wonderful to see this again, and how gracious a host you are, Sweet Susan! This was SUCH a HEART-WARMING TREAT! THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH! Love, Linda

  61. Hi Susan, I just wanted to say hey. I would love to partake in the T.T. But I don’t know how to do all the linking things, So I guess I will just have to enjoy everyone else’s. TTFN

  62. Cynthia's Cottage Design says

    HI Susan! Oh how beautiful, I love all the settings and that DR looks amazing too! So warm and the blue chairs are to die for!

    I am totally in love with those little chickies! OMG, sooooo adorable!!

    Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Cynthia

  63. Susan, thanks so much for featuring Vicky here on your blog. I’m such a fan of hers, and yours too, of course! I’m going to try to get myself together to participate in more TThursdays!

  64. carolinajewel says

    Susan, So glad you are getting the cutters! Can’t wait to see your creations! 😀 Jewel

  65. Understated…as the home calls for such…but it lacks nothing…and is elegant in its simplicity!

  66. Ma'dame French says

    If you get a chance please drop my my TT and let me know what you think;)French

  67. Well, I guess my day in the light is over! Thanks susan and thanks to all you that left all the sweet comments… You guys were too kind. vicky

  68. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Vicky, it was a pleasure to post this great tablescape and your beautiful dining room! So glad you shared it with everyone for this Tablescape Tuesday! 🙂 Susan

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