2 Beautiful Christmas Table Settings: Elegant in Silver, Festive in Red

Welcome to the 534th Tablescape Thursday!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Hope you are having a special time visiting with family and friends! We’re all still in a holiday state of mind here as the new year approaches.

Over this past week, I received wonderful photos of beautiful Christmas table settings from two lovely BNOTP readers.

Norma set an elegant Christmas table in shades of white and silver with touches of the prettiest blue.

A Christmas Table in White & Silver


Love the sweet Christmas tree at the end of the table…such a festive touch to this beautiful table. Norma said, “The table runner is an antique Japanese obi made of real spun silver thread which I have had for many years.”

A Christmas Table in White and Silver


The centerpiece is perfection! ~~~Sigh~~~

Christmas Tablescape in White & Silver


Love how the ornaments at each place setting echo the ornaments on the little Christmas tree at the end of the table. Stunning table setting!

White & Silver for Christmas Dining


Norma, thanks so much for sharing this beautiful Christmas table setting enjoyed with family and friends!

A Christmas Table in White and Silver


Darlene created a wonderful, cozy atmosphere for her Christmas dinner. The candles in the window make this beautiful table extra warm and inviting!

Notice the adorable red-truck tablecloth.

Christmas Table Set with Better Homes and Garden Christmas China, Red Truck Tablecloth


It was the perfect background for Darlene’s Better Homes and Garden dinnerware picturing a red woody car bringing home the family Christmas tree. I love this dishware so much, it’s one of my favorites!

Better Homes and Gardens Christmas China with Woody Car Bringing Home the Tree


Darlene carried her theme through to her centerpiece featuring a red Christmas truck bringing home a tree for decorating. Love the wreath on the front of the truck!

Christmas Table Settings, Christmas, Christmas Dining


Darlene also swapped out the dishes in her china cabinet, filling the cabinet with two beautiful Christmas patterns: Charleton Hall and Deck the Halls.

China Cabinet with Christmas Dishes


Darlene, thanks again for sharing this romantic candlelight setting. This makes me want to keep candles in my window all year long!

Christmas Table Set with Better Homes and Garden Christmas China, Red Truck Tablecloth


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! I’m looking forward to many more Tablescape Thursdays in 2019!

Looking forward to the beautiful tables linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!

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Tablescape Thursday

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  1. Cyndi Raines says

    Both are so very nicely done! Hard to believe Christmas 2018 is over and we are headed towards New Year’s Eve! Whew! Happy almost New Year!

  2. The two tablescapes are so different–two different color schemes–but both are well-coordinated with holiday style. Now on to NYE decor…

  3. Oooohhh! Darlene! Could we see the decorations on your buffet? An Advent wreath, tree, lighted figures? And the wall paper? Looks like a snow covered tree? I love all of it!

    • I was noticing that, too. Would love to see more of the beautiful snow-covered tree on the wall. Not sure if that’s a painting or wallpaper, but it looks lovely!

  4. Dinner guests surely enjoyed a special feeling sitting at these beautiful festive tables! Thank you for sharing them with all of us here in ‘blogland’. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

  5. Merry Christmas, Julie! Looking forward to a great 2019! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  6. I hope you had the best Christmas with your dear grandson and that 2019 will be the best year yet! Thanks so much for hosting each week, Susan! XO

  7. Wishing you and yours a Blessed,healthy,happy and a peaceful 2019.
    Marilyn and family

  8. Very nice! I just love the red truck table! The centerpiece, the table, and the plates – so fun! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  9. Tablescapes are my fav!! Lovely!! franki



  11. Both tablescapes IMO are so pretty, festive and creative and thank you ladies for sharing them. -Brenda-

  12. Sharon Robbins says

    Salad plate “truck bringing home tree to decorate” were @ Walmart last year or even year before.
    I bought one to use as a side plate for
    little tarts at Christmas.
    I wish I had bought several they are
    so cute they could have easily come
    from Pottery Barn.

    Thanks for sharing I always enjoy all the articles on so many interesting things. Thank you‼️

  13. Linda Gomoll says

    Where did Darlene find the cute tablecloth. Not a Walmart item, I checked. I have these dishes too and love them!

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