A Bottle Tree for Every Season & Holiday

Recently I shared a few photos of my deck as I was cleaning it for summer. In that post I also shared a picture of the bottle tree that lives on my deck. I received quite a few questions and emails about the tree asking where I found it. I tried to answer everyone’s questions but if I missed any, you’ll find more information about the tree and where I purchased it in this previous post: Bottle Tree Dreams.

Bottle Tree


Darlene, a BNOTP reader left a lovely comment about her hubby, John’s bottle tree on that post. Later she shared some photos with me via email. and information about where they found their bottle tree.

Darlene wrote, ” I don’t have pictures of every month, for example in March it was all green bottles (various shades) and for November it has brown, orange, yellow, gold bottles. He really loves changing it for every season and holiday. In June, John only uses blue bottles, which is the color legends say all the bottles are supposed to be.”

I didn’t know that about the blue bottles, so interesting! That makes total sense though because it was not uncommon back in the day to see porch ceilings of old homes painted blue. Some thought the blue would help keep your home safe from any bad spirits entering inside because the spirits would see the blue and become confused, thinking it was the sky. Blue porch ceilings were also thought to keep wasps and such from building nests since they would think the blue was sky, too Not sure if that actually works, but love the folklore behind it.  🙂

Darlene’s husband, John, decorated their tree with blue and white bottles for winter.


Red and white was perfect for February in honor of Valentine’s Day.


Darlene said, “After Easter, John used colors of iris, blue, purple, and yellow because we always use iris house flags then.  He has been very creative in changing it and has gotten lots of enjoyment from the tree.”


Isn’t this wonderful for the 4th of July!


Here’s how the tree looked last October for Halloween decked out in orange, white, black and yellow bottles.


If you’re looking to purchase a bottle tree, Darlene shared information about where they purchased their tree. She said, “We first saw the bottle tree in Blowing Rock, NC.  The man who makes them has a studio there but he actually lives in Charlotte. His name is David Lee and he has lots of different designs.” You’ll find David’s website by Googling for “High Country Bottle Trees.”

Darlene said, “In our woods at the back of our house we have what David calls the “coke” bottle tree, designed for small Coke bottles. That one has small blue bottles on it all year, except at Christmas when I use the Coke bottles. I must admit though, my favorite is still all blue – that is my favorite color and the color of our shutters. We have blue hydrangeas too, so it always makes me smile when I come down our driveway and see it in the sunlight.”


Thanks so much to Darlene and John for sharing these photos and the information about where they found their delightful bottle tree! See you tomorrow for Tablescape Thursday!

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  1. Cindy Moore says

    I received my bottle tree as a gift from my son from Cubby’s Art Studio in Inverness, Florida. http://www.glassbottletrees.com Folklore has it that if you have a bottle tree on your property and any “Evil Spirits” come around, they are attracted to the colored bottles. Once inside, like a fly, they can’t escape. The next day when the sun comes out it burns them up. Also called “Poor Man’s Stained Glass.”

    • How do you attach it to the ground? Just pounding it in? I want to order one but it doesn’t show a photo of the bottom. Just wondering?

  2. Thanks to Darlene and John for sharing such a creative idea. The Valentine’s Day collection looks especially fun–it would help to distract from the winter blahs that hit hard around that time. Do you paint your bottles?

    • Darlene Gardner says

      John paints the bottles using spray paint. We have quite a few colored glass bottles – green, brown, red, cobalt blue. I ordered the cobalt blue and the red from a wine supply outfit. The brown and green we have just collected from various dining establishments or our neighbor’s trash. Spray paint seems to work better than actually painting them with a brush.

  3. This is positively charming. Darlene’s seasonal trees must be a significant attraction in her neighborhood. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Susan, I have meant to ask you over the years If your bottle tree ever gets upended by some of the high winds we have here in the south. Is it anchored to your deck floor? Or do you go out and pull it into safety on windy days?

    • No, it’s never budged and I never move it or done anything with it during bad weather. I’ve never even had a bottle fly off of it and we’ve had some very high winds here over the years. I hadn’t thought about that until you mentioned it, but it’s never budged. It’s pretty heavy, especially loaded down with all the bottles, so I’m not surprised that it’s never moved during a storm. I am kinda surprised that none of the bottles have ever come off during high winds, but so far they’ve all stayed put.


    Susan, just a tip for those who might be interested. I got all my bottles for my bottle tree at the local recycle center on two or three Sunday afternoons. They are free for the taking and that seems to be the best day after a weekend of enjoying a beverage, or a few, by the locals. I guess they get rid of the evidence. lol

  6. In answer to your question: yes. We hammered it into the ground. It’s rebar. Super strong. No issues what so ever with it. Enjoy!

  7. I like the idea of changing the bottles for different times of the year. Her husband has done a wonderful job decorating their bottle tree. I like the folklore story Cindy Moore shared about the bottle trees. Well- now you have to start a new twist with yours!

  8. That is just the most creative thing! I’m so happy Darlene and John shared with you. Darlene, you are just a cutie pie! Hugs!

  9. I love this idea, and I really like the shape of this bottle tree. Thank you for providing the info on the man who made it, I’ll check it out.

  10. Darlene Gardner says

    Our bottle tree has 4 flat legs and a spike that was driven into the ground into a stake that David Lee brought when he came with our tree. We were fortunate enough to have him deliver it when he was on his way through the Piedmont to take his son to a summer camping experience. It has blown in the wind, but never over and we have had lots of wind this winter and spring. The tree itself is heavy since it is made of rebar. David said he has had some folks that used lighting inside their bottles. I can only imagine how beautiful that would be. One of the things that caught my attention was the unique shape of our tree. David has some great designs! Thanks for all the kind comments.

  11. Love Darlene and John’s bottle tree! I tend to be an OCD purest and would never have thought to paint the bottles but seeing them I think it’s a great idea. I can’t decide which season I like the best. I can just hear Darlene’s neighbors saying “wonder what color Darlene and John’s bottle tree will be this month.”

  12. Judy Lee says

    I am a new subscriber. I can read the text but cannot see the pictures. Am I the only one?

    • Ummm, I haven’t heard of anyone else having that problem…so I’m not sure what would be causing that. What type device are you using…desktop, iPad, phone?

  13. Hi Susan Love the bottle tree but I’m sorry I can’t find in your blogs where you purchased it. Can you help me out. Thanks

    • Thanks, Irene! I purchased it in the Ballard Designs Outlet in Atlanta back in 2011. I’m not sure if they still carry them online or in their catalog.

  14. What a fun post! My neighbor has a bottle tree in her front yard, and now I’m thinking it might be fun to get one, too. We have a lot of wine bottles saved that I thought I might use for crafts…maybe they will work for this.

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