A Christmas Fantasy Home Tour

I’ve received a few comments asking if I’d be posting some photos of my friend, Marie’s home decorated for Christmas. Marie and I got together recently for some last-minute Christmas shopping and I snapped some of her beautiful home decorated for the holidays.

Victorian Home Decorated for Christmas


In this photo from a previous year, you can see how beautiful it looks lit up at night. Today we’re going inside the turret seen on the right in the photo below.


Marie adds to her decorations each year. Santa is back to greet us as we pass down the walkway toward the porch. Update: Several folks have asked about where Marie gets her large decorations. Santa and the sleigh are from HomeGoods many years ago.


The other side is filled with beautiful ornaments and they all light up come evening time. The ornaments are from Frontgate, several years ago.


The steps are lined with presents! Imagine being a child (or just a child at heart) and seeing all this!


Toy soldiers stand guard to greet us as we step onto the porch. Toy Soldiers are from a antique shop that unfortunately is no longer in business.


I haven’t had a chance to go through all the photos I took, but today we’re touring one of my favorite rooms in Marie’s home, the bedroom she has decorated for her granddaughters.

Hanging on the door to the room is this adorable wreath. It’s covered with sweet confections, girly things like purses and lots and lots of pink. It gives us a hint to what awaits within.


This fantasy bedroom is truly a little girl’s dream.


Maybe a big girl’s dream, too! 🙂


I need to ask Marie again where she found these gorgeous sconces that are on all the walls of this lovely space. They are so beautiful!


The foot of each bed is decorated for Christmas.


There’s a fourth bed over against another wall…hard to capture them all in one photo.


Marie has placed a beautiful doll on each bed. I could not quit staring at these dolls! Each one was different and they were all beautiful. I think Marie said she found them in Hobby Lobby, not sure if that was this year or not, though.


The corner of each bed’s headboard was decorated with a touch of whimsy, too.


The turret holds the most beautifully decorated tree!



You really feel like you’ve been transported to a wonderful fantasy land as you take it all in.


Photos do not do it justice, but everything becomes even more magical (if that’s even possible!) come nightfall. Everyone in the community looks forward to seeing Marie’s decorations for each season and Christmas is truly special! Marie hosts several charity events throughout the year, so the decorations she so lovingly creates are appreciated by many.

I’ll be sharing more photos of Marie’s home this week, so stay tuned for those coming soon!

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  1. Susan, this is truly magical in every sense of the word! How much time and love she gives in order to dress her home. The granddaughters’ bedroom is a fairy tale come to life. Every little girl and big girl would absolutely love it. Thanks for transporting us to Marie’s beautiful home! Merry Christmas

  2. Marie’s house decorated for Christmas honestly just blows my mind! It is so spectacularly grandiose!
    I cannot help but wonder where all this stuff is stored, and how much help/how long it takes to put it up and strike it. Will you please ask if she will share those details? It’s incredible.

    • Marie stores in her basement which is really big. She starts putting it up right after Halloween, I think…at least indoors. She has some helpers to assist with the really large pieces. Everyone in the community looks forward to her decorations each year and her home is sometimes featured on home tours. She also hosts a lot of charity type events in her home during the holiday season, actually throughout the whole year.

  3. Debra Robbins says

    Marie’s home is ALWAYS decorated beautifully for the various holidays. WHERE does she store all of her decorations?!?!?!?!?

    • I totally agree about it’s beauty. Does Marie have access to commercially bought décor as a lot of the bigger items can’t not be bought at just any store? And I too wonder where in the world she has to store so much stuff, since she seems to have décor for all holidays?

      • She stores the majority of it in her basement. No, these are decorations anyone can purchase. I think she purchased a lot of the large decorations at Front Gate and Grandinroad.

      • Connie, Marie told me the Santa and sleigh came from HomeGoods several years ago and the ornaments are from FrontGate, a few years ago. The Toy Soldiers are from an antique shop that’s no longer in business.

  4. Absolutely stunning!!!

  5. Thank you, Thank you, for posting Marie’s beautiful decorations it is the hi[light of Christmas seasons. I just love looking at them.


  6. Good Lord – I have 2 granddaughters that would ADORE that room! Thank you for taking us on a visit to your friends home… It is beautiful.

  7. Eileen JAlet says

    Now, this is what I call having the Christmas Spirit!!!!

    Merry Christmas to ALL!!!!!!

  8. I love love love the tree in the cupola too Susan. I have three girls myself and the room is so much fun. Marie you have such great way of making it all come together . I love the stacked presents at the base of the tree . Did you make those or were they purchased and where ? Can’t wait for the next post !!☺Thanks Arleen

    • Thanks, Arleen! I know Marie didn’t make them, but I’m not sure where she found them. I’m guessing it was HomeGoods are FrontGate because that’s where many of her large decorations come from.

  9. It’s too bad that we couldn’t meet up with Marie when I was visiting. I’m sure she is a wonderful person to be around. I’m so glad she likes you and lets you share her house with us!!! Enjoy your trip to Ohio! Do they have snow yet?

    • She is! We have a lot of fun.
      Yup, they’ve had snow, not sure if it’s still on the ground or not. As long as the roads are clear, I’ll be happy. lol Merry Christmas, Linda!

  10. Truly magical! Thanks for taking us on this great journey. I can’t stop looking at Marie’s decorating. Love the big ornaments! I love dolls too. I’m so lucky to view all this beauty! Thank you!

  11. What a fantasy land, female heaven, those lucky girls!

  12. It’s always fun to see Marie’s house! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  13. Regality (aka The Quing) says

    Lordy, gorgeous! How much help does she have putting up the decorations?

    • She does have help with the larger things but Marie does a lot of it herself. The detail and how she coordinates a theme for each space is so wonderful!

  14. Amazing! Such a magical place. Loved this post. Thanks to you Marie and Susan for this wonderful post!

  15. Thanks for sharing Marie’s amazing home once again! I have pinned every post as you have done them. She is amazing. What lucky grandchildren she has! I did get your note and just haven’t replied yet, but thanks so much for getting back to me!!! Merry Christmas week!!!

  16. I was thoroughly entertained by your friend, Marie’s Christmas house tour. Very fun! But I was wondering ….where and how does she store all her decorations? Maybe this could be a topic for a future blog?

  17. Tammy Scouten says

    I am in awe! Truly magnificent~

    Susan, I’ve read your blog for several months and all your posts delight me and this particular one is a favorite!!

    Merry Christmas.

  18. I was fortunate enough to tour her current home a season or so back on the Marietta Pilgrimage and, several years back, her previous home when it was on another home tour in Mableton. What a dream both were – of course her current home has even more space for holiday beauty. While I certainly don’t have the stamina to do all she does, it sure is fun to see the beautiful result. Thanks for sharing. Look forward to other pics soon – as I am still finishing decorating my own house – just in time to take it all down…lol. Merry Christmas!

    • Judi, I would love to have seen her previous home, I bet it was just as wonderful! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
      Pssst: I’d leave it all up a while, who cares about that silly rule about taking it all down by the first or it’s bad luck. I don’t believe that. So you just leave it all up and enjoy it as long as you please.

  19. Oh my GOODNESS. Marie is an incredible decorator, isn’t she, Susan? I remember all your previous posts on her home. Oooooo. Just loved all your photos. That little girls’ room? Truly a fantasy land. Thanks for sharing. And Merry Christmas! Susan

  20. Susan, it is obvious that Marie decorates with joy and love. I know her granddaughters are giddy with delight over the bedroom….a little girl’s fantasy. Thanks for sharing Marie’s beautiful home.

  21. Susan , thank you for sharing with magical Christmas home ! Marie really has an exceptional talent for finding the perfect holiday decor!

    I want to say thank you for your lovely blog . I look forward to each new post as you have a true gift for bringing new ideas to share . Your home is so beautiful and your tabletop arrangements are so imaginative !
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family !

  22. Always a treat to see their home during the holidays! I’m sure a lot of p expel probably drive by to check out the outside decorations! The girls bedroom is so darn cute! Looking forward to seeing more pictures!

  23. Cyndi Raines says

    Wow! I think we were just transported to the North Pole and Santa’s workshop for girls! What a labor of love! Thank you Marie and Susan for taking us to a Girl’s Fantasy Land! (Yes, I would say Ohio has snow since we in MI do! Get ready Susan for the pretty white stuff! lol!)

  24. Always one of my favorite posts! Thank you for once again sharing your friend, Marie’s, extraordinary home at Christmas!! Have a wonderful Christmas, Susan! If you’re traveling, be safe, and enjoy all the extra special snuggles only grandbabies can give!! Rosie

  25. Her home is beautiful and big! Love her holiday decor. So magical.

  26. Theresa McDaniel says

    Be still my heart ! This home is so beautiful. The outdoor decoration are wonderful. . Thank you Marie for sharing your lovely home with us. Merry Christmas to all.

  27. Debra Ruffing says

    I store decor in my garage. It is only a standard two car garage and I have put shelves up from Elfa. I still have too much and am having a hard time with deciding what to get rid of so I can walk through to get my bins and trees. I have a small basement as I have most of our home built on the slab.

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