A Cozy Autumn Luncheon With Friends

Welcome to the 784th Tablescape Thursday. Recently, Norma, whose beautiful al fresco garden table settings I’ve shared before, set a beautiful fall table for a luncheon with friends.

Autumn Table with Velvet Pumpkin Centerpiece 8


Warm, beautiful colors for autumn…so pretty!

Autumn Table with Velvet Pumpkin Centerpiece 2


About the pretty leaf plates, Norma said, “The little plates are by Swinnerton, an English company founded in 1885 and are now part of the Royal Doulton group.”

Autumn Table with Velvet Pumpkin Centerpiece 7


Do you remember the Banneton baguette basket Norma used this past summer while entertaining in the garden? (View that table here: Dining in the French Countryside, A French Farmhouse Table with Wonderful Antiques.)

Banneton, Baguette Basket


For her fall table, Norma filled it with a harvest bounty of autumn fruits, nuts, and pine cones, along with a beautiful, handmade, velvet pumpkin.

Autumn Table with Velvet Pumpkin Centerpiece 3


Norma made the green velvet pumpkin visible in her centerpiece, as well as the other velvet pumpkins visible on the table.

Autumn Table with Velvet Pumpkin Centerpiece 1


A friend of Norma’s saves the stems from real pumpkins, then Norma reuses those for the velvet pumpkins she creates this time of year.


I never thought about using real pumpkin stems–love that idea! I really like the pumpkins with the twisted, crooked stems. I always look for those when I shop for pumpkins in the market–the more twisted, the better!


Norma shared that the wonderful lantern you see here on this end of the table is an old antique railway lantern. Norma has a great eye for collecting interesting antiques and I love how she uses them in her tables throughout the year.

Autumn Table with Velvet Pumpkin Centerpiece 8


Thanks so much to Norma for sharing this beautiful autumn table! It’s warm and inviting, the perfect cozy table for dinner with good friends! ♥

Autumn Table with Velvet Pumpkin Centerpiece 2


Looking forward to the beautiful tables linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday! (If you enjoyed this post, subscribe for email updates when a new post is up here: Subscribe for post updates.)

Tablescape Thursday


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  1. A lovely fall table; warm and welcoming. Just love the fall colors! How nice to bring friends together at this special time of year.
    Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  2. The custom pumpkins are fantastic. I’m a big fan of jewel colors.

  3. I’m going to start a jigsaw puzzle now that the weather is getting colder. Could you let me know the board you use for the puzzle. Thank you so much.

    • So funny you say that because I just ordered two new puzzles…definitely feeling like puzzle weather! This is the board I use and love:

      • I was just about to ask you about puzzles. What is the name of the puzzles you like so much ? A friend was looking for puzzles.
        Seems like a great Christmas gift along with the board.

        • I normally buy 1,000-pc puzzles from White Mountain–I buy them on Amazon. I like their puzzles because they have bigger pieces so the puzzle is a lot bigger once finished.
          I’ve been planning to do a post sharing some of my favorite puzzles since I haven’t done one in a long time. I’ll do that real soon, probably in the next few days.

  4. Norma always sets such a pretty and festive table. It’s so warm and inviting in the fall colors.
    I have several of the velvet pumpkins, too, and I just love them!

  5. Gorgeous table with deep, rich colors. So festive and cozy. Bravo Norma!

  6. So warm and welcoming….and love that lantern too!

  7. Michele M. says

    Norma’s tablescape is perfect for an Autumn luncheon with friends. Glad she shared through you.

  8. Susan, Thank you so much for sharing Norma’s gorgeous table. I especially like her use of the Banneton baguette basket on both her tablescapes. So beautiful!

    I have really enjoyed your posts recently, as always. Your home projects are so inspiring!

    Thanks too for providing such a wonderful place for linking up tablescapes on “Tablescape Thursday”!! I so appreciate seeing all the tablescapes and getting to participate as well! Thanks so much! Patty

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