Update to Autumn Basket

My Fall Basket:

Well, I took everyone’s combined advice and I:

1. Decided to keep the fall basket on the door since most of you liked it. I made it taller and skinner so I think it looks much better…less wide and overwhelming on the door.


2. I cut the whiter flowers off the bunch of sunflowers they were attached to. I dispersed them throughout the arrangement. For some reason, they looked a lot whiter in the photos I shared with you guys then they come across in person. In person, the centers of the white flowers are sort of creamy yellow. They look a lot better dispersed throughout the arrangement (now that I cut them off) instead of clustered along the bottom which is where they had somehow ended up since they are part of the sunflower bunch of flowers.

Sorry these pics were taken after dark…but hopefully you can see the changes I made…

I’m still looking for something viney and trailing to add along the bottom…

At the end of the fall season, I’m going to take this baby apart and buy some chicken wire to poke down in the basket…see if that will make arranging the flowers a little easier…that was another suggestion you guys had. Thank you to everyone!

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  1. Sharing Shadymont says

    Just Beautiful!!!

  2. Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl says

    Your front door is beautiful, Susan. Love the sunflowers 🙂

  3. Hi Susan…I love Mary's colorful and zany style. She's one of my favorite artists and I have several of her books. I also love Alexandra Stoddard and Susan Branch. All three of those women have been like mentors to me in my life's journey. Sincerly, Susan

  4. Sweetladyelaine says


  5. ~Tablescapes By Diane~ says

    I love the old house so sweet looks like it is full of love ~~

  6. Love your door. I have been a fan of Mary for 30+ yrs and Joan Walsh Anglund before that.
    Really enjoyed this post. I am such a blue decorator that I need to prodded into some reds.

  7. Linda@Coastal Charm says

    Happy that you kept her hanging…she is sooooo PRETTY!


  8. Gorgeous Susan! I love the arrangement and all the sunflowers!

  9. I love your sunflower arrangement. You have composed such a cheerful and inviting look for your front door!

    God bless!

  10. tales from an oc cottage says

    Oh! Mar & I go way back! I just love her!!! Thx for this!!!

    m ^..^

  11. The basket looks so much better. I think the shape of it was just off before. Was in BJ's tonight, and they and also Wal-mart have big pumpkins for cheap. Don't know a/b the little ones though.

  12. Frog Hollow Farm Girl says

    Sending a sweet hello from Frog Hollow Farm. Your flower basket turned out just beautifully – it was so nice to hear all the wonderful suggestions! I stopped by the Houzz blog post about ME style and just loved it – those colors and checks and polka dots – just love those combinations. Couldn't leave a comment for some reason so I came back here to tell you! Ciao, bella!

  13. Love the basket on your front door and also love Mary E.! She's from St. Louis, ya know!! (as if I KNOW her! LOL

  14. Terry @ La Bella Vie says

    Love it and have always loved ME style. I have a couple of her books and you are right, she just brings a smile to your face!
    Also, I love the basket on the front door; the scale works really well.
    PS you and I have the same color front door:)

  15. Kate Dickerson, C'est si Bon! La Joie de Vivre! says

    I love the top picture – it's great that it's a bit dark – mood lighting!

  16. Sue (Someone's Mom) says

    It looks great!

  17. currentlychic.com says

    It's beautiful! I love the basket. I liked it before, but this is even better! Will you stop by and see the quickie fix I did to restyle my front door October Halloween wreath?! Leave a comment if you like it!

  18. I love the color of your front door, it is a perfect red, not orangey, not bluish. Do you have the color name?

    • Yep, it’s Benjamin Moore, Heritage Red. That color is only available in their Aura line of paints and not all Benjamin Moore stores carry the Aura paint. So be sure to call the Benj Moore stores in your area before you go to see if they can mix it. I love it…it holds up beautifully, too!

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