A Weekend Stroll Past Beautiful Historical Homes

How about a weekend stroll? Did you bring your water? How about a sweater, it’s chilly out today.

Actually, I think I took these photos on a warm, summer day but just never got around to sharing them with you. Often when I’m visiting family in Ohio,  on the weekends we will walk to nearby restaurants for dinner. The view along the way is always wonderful because we pass by so many beautiful, old homes like this one with the wonderful front porch. Love the garden!


Love the little balcony on the front of this home. Beautiful landscaping too!


This is one of my favorite homes in the area. I actually took this photo during a drive in the area. Look at those window boxes! Sooo beautiful!


Have you ever had windowboxes with live plants on your home? I love how they look! Knowing me, I’d forget to water them!


Okay, we’re back to walking now. This is another favorite we often pass en route to dinner.


Victorian homes always have so much personality and curb appeal. I wonder if that’s a seating area there at the top of the turret? I love how it’s open and not closed in. What a wonderful spot that would be to sit, read, and catch the breezes.


Another pretty Victorian…



I love it when older homes have dormers across the front. I always wonder if there are rooms behind them or if they were originally added for symmetry and interest to the attic area. In any case, I love how they look!


This home looks newer, wonder if was built later.


Some of the neighborhoods we walk through have small front yards but have large back yards that go very far back. This house had a beautiful front yard, as well. Love the big front porch!


Another beautiful traditional home. The homes in the historical neighborhoods in Ohio remind me very much of the homes in our historical neighborhoods here in Georgia.


We often see Tudor-style homes on our walks. I love this one and how it incorporates brick into the exterior design. Pretty stonework, too!


This autumn weather is perfect right now for a neighborhood stroll today and a bit of house spotting. Happy Weekend!

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  1. franki Parde says

    Ohhh, melancholy…I SO MISS my beautiful Tudor…sigh…stone front, arched door…oh, my. Our log cabin is charming…but… Your tour was just wonderful!! franki

  2. SharonFromMichigan says

    The white house with the window boxes reminds me of the house on the movie “Father of the Bride”. Speaking of houses on movies, did you know that Legos has a set this year that is a replica of the home on “Home Alone”? I ordered one for my son (whose 26 and still loves Legos!), but its on a 60 day backorder. I thought about your grandsons and the lego houses when I read your post. Amazon also has a Lego gingerbread house which is really neat too!

  3. This was a fun walk-by/drive-by tour. All different but with personality. And your photos seem quite unobtrusive. It would be interesting to see the same ones (and others!) decorated for Christmas too.

  4. Hi Susan. Love these houses. I am going to Ohio in a few weeks, are there any specific towns you would recommend to go ? I’ve never been there. Will be in Loveland area. Thank you

  5. Looks like a stroll through Oregon City here where I live! Lots of similar homes here. It was founded in 1829.

  6. Gorgeous! I could look at beautiful homes for hours. My husband calls it porn for women.

    Wendy http://theinspiredeater.com/

  7. I so enjoyed the beautiful homes. Thanks for sharing, Susan. We had frost this morning in NE AL. It is cool out this afternoon, but sunny and beautiful. Have a lovely weekend!

  8. Such beautiful old homes and porches. Some of them remind me of the wonderful porches in Marietta’s older neighborhoods.

  9. Gorgeous! I love all of those traditionally “Americana” style homes. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to tour them all? And stop off for cider and cookies? heehee. The white one you took the picture of from your car is like a white, clapboard style McAllister house from “Home Alone.” 😀 Just beautiful. It also puts me in mind of the “Father of the Bride” house. Don’t you wonder what it looks like inside? How do they have it furnished, and have they updated it over the years? Heehee. It would be so lovely to be invited in to all of these beautiful houses.

  10. Bobbi Duncan says

    All such beautiful homes! I love looking at homes w/ character–arched doors, lovely trim work, and lots of built-ins, oh my. Ohio has some really quaint towns w/ fabulous homes. I had a blast visiting most of them when I lived there, and would have remained if it wasn’t for the fact of too many bitterly cold and grey days; I don’t function as well when days are dreary for an extended length of time. If I had family there, I think I may have toughed it out, but I was there alone & really felt stuck at home w/ so much snow & cold. But, I do love going back for visits. We’ve had window boxes w/ live foliage–somewhat harder to maintain being up high. I, too, would love to see these homes decorated for Christmas. Hugs!

  11. This is from Sandy in W Chester, Ohio

    Sometime drive down Toto places in Cinti
    One is called Glendale the other is Clifton
    Both places have gorgeous Tudor homes (Clifton mostly)
    Glendale has mostly Victoria ones

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