Welcome to the 684th Tablescape Thursday!
When autumn comes around each year, I can’t wait to pull out this Spode Woodland pattern.
I could use it throughout the year but I love saving it for fall and winter. It makes those seasons feel that much cozier and special when I get to pull it out for dinners with family or friends.
Do you have a favorite dinnerware that you purposedly save for a particular time of year? I would like to add to my collection of Spode Woodland. Currently, I only have 6 place settings and would love to have 12 in this pattern since it sets such a beautiful Thanksgiving table. I purchased this Spode Woodland dinnerware originally from Macy’s and it appears that it’s still available. Update: I just discovered Spode Woodland is currently on sale, so I went ahead and purchased 6 more place settings. I couldn’t pass that up since I rarely see it on sale, especially this time of year! You’ll find the sale here: Spode Woodland on Sale.
Several years ago, Spode came out with these salad “turkey” plates for their Spode Woodland pattern? Love pulling those out for Thanksgiving each year. They are available here: Spode Turkey Salad Plates.
If you would like to see how Spode Woodland looks layered with other patterns check out these previous table settings below.
Click on any title below to view that table in more detail.
Spode Woodland with Pheasant Centerpiece
Spode Woodland, Turkey Centerpiece
Spode Woodland Layered for Thanksgiving
Dining Outdoors with Spode Woodland Layered with Spode Tower Pink
Spode Woodland with Turkey Centerpiece
Spode Woodland, Tiered Centerpiece
Spode Woodland for a Christmas Table with Department 56 Lit Houses
Spode Woodland, Nandina Centerpiece
If you love this pattern, you’ll find it currently on sale here: Spode Woodland. I think this is the year I should finally add those additional place settings to my collection–while it’s currently on sale.
Looking forward to all the wonderful table settings linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!
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Tablescape Thursday
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That pattern is so perfect for fall/Thanksgiving tables, I enjoyed seeing the many ways you have used it.
Thanks, Joy!
I almost bought that pattern. I was strongly considering it as I have a Fitz & Floyd Pheasant Soup Tureen for a centerpiece for my table and I felt that pattern would go nice with it. Then I fell in love with Williams Sonoma’s pumpkin pattern and wound up buying that. It goes very well with my Pheasant Soup Tureen.
Oh, I can see how it would work beautifully with your F & F Pheasant tureen. The pumpkin pattern sounds pretty, I can just imagine it with your centerpiece!
I will try and sit my table and send you pictures.
I can’t believe it’s time to think Thanksgiving! So many beautiful tables, thank you Susan!
I know, how did it get to be November?! lol Happy Autumn to you, Jenna!
I love the colors – so warm and inviting. So great how you were able to change the table for each tablescape. Can’t wait to get all of Halloween down and get my big ceramic turkey out – just about forgot about him until I saw your post.
It’s that time! Gobble, gobble!
Belk currently has a really good sale on the 5 piece place setting. Order through Rakuten app and get an additional 10% cash back. I’m ordering 4 more place settings. Years ago I was in Macy’s after Christmas and found 4 of the Turkey Dinner plates marked down to $3.00 a piece!!! I practically ran to the register. Imagine, $12.00 for four Dinner plates!!!! When I got to the register the clerk had a coupon for another 25% off!!!! The young clerk said “he was glad to get rid of the ugliest plates he ever saw.” Apparently, he had know idea what he was talking about! I gladly took the 4 plates for a whopping $9 plus tax and walked out of the store with the biggest smile on my face.
I love this story! I would have been running to the register with my heart pounding, too!
That’s hilarious about what the clerk said! If only he knew how well-loved that pattern is! 🙂
Your table-scapes are absolutely gorgeous, every one of them!!
Thanks so much, Jane! ♥
All your tables are so beautiful Susan – I love revisiting them this time of year! Epecially Mr Turkey! 😉 I’m having WordPress trouble this week, so I won’t link anything, but I love to check out everyone’s posts. Thanks as always for hosting, and with any luck I’ll be back again soon! Happy Extra Hour this weekend!
Uh-oh. Not sure if this helps, but when I’ve had that issue, it was usually a plugin, especially after a WP update. To figure it out, I usually disable all my plugins, then reactivate them one by one. If the blog is literally down where I can’t access the dashboard, I call my host company (who is awesome!) and have them go in from the back end and disable all the plugins for me. Then while they’re on the phone with me, I reactivate them again, one-by-one, starting with the tried and true plugins that I know are always kept updated, ending with the ones that are not always kept updated. Every time I have a WP issue, it almost always a rogue plugin that’s hasn’t been updated. Not sure if this helps, Barbara. Hope you’re able to figure it out. So frustrating when things don’t work as they should, I know.
Thanks so much Susan – I’ll give that a try and cross my fingers! 🙂
Same dinnerware pattern, same holiday…and yet every table has its own style and personality. How do you do it?!!
Thanks so much, Mia! Sometimes it’s a challenge. lol This year when I was creating my Halloween table, I was hoping I wasn’t recreating the exact same table I had shared sometime in the past. When I dreaming up a table, I often bring up previous table settings, just to make sure I’m not setting the exact same table again. That would be so easy to do unless I buy new dishware every year. I’m waiting for the day I do that, post the same identical table again, thinking it’s all new. Ha ha ha! Hopefully, if I ever do that, everyone will be too kind to point it out in the comments and I can live in blissful ignorance. 😉
I have found many pieces of Spode at Home Goods. If you are looking for some Spode give it a try.
I’ve occasionally stumbled across a few of their serving pieces in my local Marshalls. Love when that happens!
Each and every year I think about getting the Woodland Turkey salad plates. In these more frugal times, I tell myself to just forget about it. I have so many nice things and I can create a fine table, but isn’t that turkey special? Plus, the history of Spode, and the richness of the colors. There is nothing like those Spode colors! Oh, well…maybe this year??? I must use internet ordering since my little town has NO department stores now! They have all folded! I sure do miss the spectacular clearance bargains “in store”! Don’t feel too sorry for me—I am driving about 45 miles to another small town for a gigantic Fiesta sale this week-end… The beat goes on!
That’s a shame about the stores, I shop a lot of my local stores and fortunately all the ones I frequent have stayed open. That Fiesta sale sounds amazing! I would love to see photos of what you see/find, Tina!
Somehow I lost touch with your blog when we moved. I also use Spode this time of year with my Fitz and Floyd pheasant soup tureen. I place individual soup pumpkins in the middle of each plate with pretty wooden carved chargers. Looking forward to reading your blog again
Glad you found it again! Nancy, that sounds beautiful with the wooden carved chargers. Where did you find your chargers? I saw some beautiful ones at Neiman Marcus years ago but they were a bit outside my budget. I can really see those in a Thanksgiving table.
I love Spode Woodland, too, and it’s time to put it out. I use it in the fall and again after Christmas for winter. Thanks for your ideas.
Love that, Nan! It’s perfect for the whole fall/winter season. It just feels sooo warm and cozy for the cold weather.
Love the Spode but I’m partial to the Noritake Royal Hunt as well. It’s another holiday favorite. I use it for late Fall and the Christmas season. thanks for sharing.
Lynne, Thrifting Wonderland
That is a beautiful pattern!–I bet it sets a gorgeous table, too! I can see how it would work for both fall and winter.
Susan, all these tables are beautiful and thank you so much for sharing – I love all the inspiration. Spode Woodland is a gorgeous pattern for sure. Love the turkey and the pheasant, and love those deer! Where did you find them they are just stunning? Thanks so much!
Thanks, Kim! Mr. Turkey was a find in Pottery Barn several years back. They had him in stock two years in row but I haven’t seen him there since then. He was listed on their website as “Rustic Turkey” in case you want to look for him on eBay or someplace like that. I found the deer in the Christmas section of Lowes one year. I need to visit Lowes again, they always get in great Christmas decor this time of year.
All your table settings are so gorgeous that I really couldn’t pick a favorite. You are truly the queen of creating different looks using the same piece of china–I don’t know how you can come up w/ them all! The fall through Christmas table settings you show always bring me that warm, fuzzy feeling that just adds to the joy of the seasons. I love the Spode pattern for both Thanksgiving and a woodsy setting. Thanks for sharing them all again. Hugs!
Thanks so much, Bobbi! Appreciate that so much! ♥ Spode Woodland really does work well for fall and winter with its woodsy, woodland feel. I love all the animal designs they have available in the coordinating sets they’ve come out with over the years. I would love to add some of those to my collection at some point.
Susan, all of your tables are gorgeous and so inspiring! I wish I could set my Thanksgiving tables now, but I have four cats, three of whom are young juvenile delinquents. I will set my tables the weekend before Thanksgiving…….and keep my high-powered water squirt bottle handy when my rotten kittens get up on my tables LOL. Thanks again for another beautiful, inspiring Tablescape Thursday. XO
Elena, you made me laugh out loud! lol I love cats, have been thinking of adopting 2 or 3. I miss having a cat around so much. If I move to Ohio one day and my son and dil could watch my kitties when I travel, that would def make me move forward on adopting again, I think. When I had kitties (3 at one time) they almost never got on the table. I think I caught them on the table maybe 3-4 times ever and they lived to be quite old. It’s funny because the few times I caught them on the table, I could just walk into the dining room, look at them and make a funny sound and they would jump down immediately. They knew they weren’t allowed on the tables or the kitchen counters. The squirt bottle sounds like a plan! Hee, hee.
Luv “our” china…pheasants are “my thing.” I’m going to spray paint the plethora of hydrangea we had this year the colors on the plates…to use in centerpiece & down the table. Luv the tablescapes!! franki
Wow, seeing those centerpieces again was great. You really do set amazing tables, Susan.