Yes, This Is Exactly What I Had In Mind

A few months back, I shared some ideas I had for the windows and chairs here in the Dollhouse dining room. In keeping with the cozy, relaxed cottage feel I envision for this home, I mentioned that I’d like to go with a Buffalo Plaid fabric for the dining room chairs. I would like a coordinating fabric for the windows, in addition to the plantation shutters I have planned. Hope to get the shutters ordered this spring. I love the way drapes/curtains help soften the hard surfaces in a room and this room does have a lot of hard surfaces with the built-in cabinetry, molding, hardwood flooring, etc…Halloween Tablescape, October 2024


I know it can be hard to envision what someone has in mind without an example. Here’s a better picture showing the back/seats of the table and chairs I have in my dining room. Keeping that photo in mind…


Recently, when I was checking out the Instagram account of one of my favorite designers, Eric Ross, I came across the perfect picture to better describe what I have in mind. Notice the buffalo plaid fabric on the chairs! Again, I’m not sure what color plaid I’ll be using, but I love how buffalo plaid looks on this style chair!Buffalo Plaid on Dining Chair, Eric Ross Interiors


The dining room set that I purchased came with neutral upholstery, which works fine for now, but I do think these chairs would look great upholstered in a pretty plaid. I will most likely wait until I purchase living room furniture for the Dollhouse (or move my existing furniture here) before choosing a fabric since the dining room and living room, though separated by the entrance foyer, are visible to each other through two fairly wide doorways.


Thanks so much to Eric for allowing me to share this beautiful kitchen in my post today. Eric has an impeccable eye and is incredibly talented! He never overlooks a single detail in the rooms/homes he touches. Love his work! Enjoy more of his beautiful designs here: Eric Ross Interiors. Take a tour of Eric and RuthAnn’s beautiful home, Boxwood Hill, here: Boxwood Hill.
Buffalo Plaid on Dining Chair, Eric Ross Interiors

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  1. Brenda Bot says

    I love the color combination in Erics pictures. I love that green/blue with the brown. That would look gorgeous in your dining room. I love your posts!

  2. I like the soft colors of the chairs and drapes. Marty, over at A Stroll Thru Life has a pretty rug under the coffee table you would like.
    How cold is it ? Not a winter person.

  3. Thank you for introducing me to Eric Ross Interiors! I clicked on the link and immediately knew that his style and color choices are very similar to mine and I could find inspiration from his work. I love buffalo checks too and plan to have a couple wing chairs that I inherited covered with some. The brown and blue combination is traditional but fresh. I grabbed a screen shot to show my upholstery guy.

  4. Love those colors !

  5. That plaid on those chairs is EXACTLY what I am looking for! The colors are perfect for a project I have in mind. Any idea how I can find out what it is?

    • Dee Ann, go to his Instagram page and message him there. Or, you can visit his website, I bet he’ll have a contact email there. I’m not sure if that fabric is only available to the trade, some fabrics are like that.

  6. Roxanne Bernard says

    Those colors are lovely, and I love a buffalo check! Do your travels ever bring you up I-85 towards Anderson/Greenville, SC? We have a fabric mill up here that opens to the public once a month. The bargains are incredible. I once got fabric for $6/yard that my upholsterer said he would sell for at least $75/yard.They have a FB page All About Fabrics

  7. I’ve long suspected, and now am more convinced than ever that you and I are twins separated at birth. We seem to have more in common than what could be explained in any other way. 😉
    I’m a huge fan of Eric Ross and have followed him for a long time. I have a copy of his book Enduring Southern Homes, and am eagerly awaiting the next book, due later this spring. Homes he has decorated have such a relaxed, yet elegant and timeless style. I also appreciate that he decorates for how people really live, rather than simply creating showplaces.

    • That’s awesome, Debbie…twins separated at birth. 🙂
      I don’t have his book, adding it to my wish list right now. Yes! I love that about him, too.

  8. Natalie barton says

    I have blue buffalo check in my bedroom and iT but I wish I had gone with a lite brown or gold to match the carpet

  9. Susan, thanks for sharing that picture! I like your type of dining room chairs upholstered in two coordinating fabric-one on the back and the other on the front and seat. Just a thought! Have a great w/e!

  10. I had just looked at all 6 of the videos on the renovations of Eric Ross’s own home, Boxwood Hill in Nashville, TN last week. I thought of you as his wife led the tour of her “dish closet”. I love what he’s done in his kitchen with buffalo plaid but would never consider fabric for the walls as he has done. Still, the window treatments in buffalo plaid are so pretty and let in so much light. His kitchen, breakfast room and den are all in sight of each other but I did notice that his den has a completely different decor and “vibe” than the kitchen and breakfast rooms.

    • Well, if Eric can use different decor/vibes from one room to another, that makes me feel emboldened to do what I’ve always done and follow my heart. Thanks for that tip, Margaret! I need to find the tours you mentioned, would love to see those! Are they on Instagram or did you see them on YouTube?

      • Eric Ross has a YouTube channel and they’re all there – plus videos of his other projects. HomeWorthy did a tour of his home with Eric and his wife and the “dish closet” is one of the features in that one – (it’s long with lots of ads). If you Google “Eric Ross Interiors on YouTube” then choose “Play Lists” then “Boxwood Hills” you can choose “play all”.

        • Thanks, Margaret! Yes, I found it last night and watched the tour! Afterward I add a link to the tour at the end of my post. I love how real Eric and RuthAnn are, even sharing the negatives of their home. They are like the southerners I grew up with, you feel like you can trust them. Love that!

  11. Susan, thanks for sharing this idea. I haven’t been introduced to Eric Ross before. I love the look of the plaid fabric on the chairs, but I personally worry how some tablescapes will pair with the chairs. Maybe on one of your posts you can show us how you intermix different fabrics with for example transferware.

    • Yup, there’s always that risk but I think one would have to go with a solid or something super neutral to never have any conflict with future table settings, and I really am not an all neutral gal. So I probably won’t worry too much about that, but that is an excellent point and something to consider.

  12. Juanita in OH says

    What a wonderful post. The photo of the blue dining room looks cold and uninviting. The photo of the Eric Ross Interiors is warm and cozy, to me it says “come in and sit for a few hours”. I have a thought…are you thinking of putting a valance over the window with the shutters, will the valance hamper the shutters from being opened? In the post above, from Roxanne Bernard referencing All About Fabrics, it sound like a place I could spend and entire day in! I hope your travels were uneventful and stress free. Have a blessed day. TFS.

    • I love that about his interiors, they feel warm and inviting, like a real home! I will probably just do drapery panels like I have in the GA house. I rarely open my shutters panel here (in GA) except for in my breakfast room where I open them a lot during the daytime to see the birds coming to the feeders.
      Thanks so much, Juanita! I made the long trip back yesterday, so nice to get out of the car after that 8-hour + drive!

  13. Michele M. says

    I love his colors – the chairs and his drapes are perfect together. VERY cottage-y without being whimsical – it’s a classic cottage look. I love the idea someone had in comments about doing different fabrics on front and back – it’d be nice to keep a solid neutral in back to let the little wooden interests be the star and then incorporate your soft plaid in front. His chairs with plaid in back work b/c his chairs are a more simple design and not competing with nice wood pieces.

    Heading over to Eric’s designs now. Thank you for sharing. He sounds fab.

    • I really do love his classic style. I know, I do wonder how that chair back in the Dollhouse would look with a plaid behind it…will have to test that before I do it.

  14. I love it! My kitchen& dining room have the black & while checks, I would do a pic but do not know how to put it on your site! lol

  15. The plaid will look beautiful in your dollhouse. I will look at the Eric Ross portfolio and book for design ideas. I look forward to seeing your post about adding window treatments to plantation shuttered windows. I would love to soften the look of mine but have standard height ceilings and crown molding so not much space to work with. The relaxed Roman shade over the kitchen sink is very pretty, and I have similar treatments above a breakfast room window seat but that ceiling is vaulted and I had room to clear the top of the shutters. Wonder if drapery panels would look appropriate in living and dining rooms. I know that you will have beautiful inspiration for us!

    • The ceilings in the Dollhouse and in Georgia are all standard 8′ height, too. I always mount the drapery/curtain rods high which makes the windows and ceilings feel taller to me…kinda pulls the eye up. Thanks, Sherry! I’m looking forward to sharing more in the future.

  16. Nancy Brantley says

    Love Buffalo Plaid. It will look real good on your chairs. And coordinating fabric at windows.

  17. Ooh, I love those blues, Susan. I think you dollhouse lends itself to this color scheme!

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