Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor’s Mansion

Welcome to the 70th Tablescape Thursday!

Can you believe Christmas is almost here? What do we call today, this day before Christmas eve? Is this Christmas eve, eve? (If you are reading this on Thursday, it is officially, Christmas Eve.) As I write this, I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my family for the holiday. I’ve been grocery shopping and cooking…and thinking about you, the readers of BNOTP. You have so enriched my life this past year…thank you for that!

For this Tablescape Thursday, I’m excited to share some wonderful pics sent to me by Katherine, a dear reader of BNOTP. Katherine lives right here in my home state of Georgia and she recently had the pleasure of touring the Georgia Governor’s Mansion. Ummm, I wonder if the home where the Governor lives in other states, is also called, the “Governor’s Mansion.” That sounds so much like a “southern” kind of thing, to me.

For this Tablescape Thursday we are going into the dining room of the Georgia Governor’s Mansion.
Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor's Mansion

Here’s a bit of information about the home…it’s from the official website for the Georgia Governor’s Mansion…

This official residence opened in 1968. Lester Maddox was the first Governor to reside here. His administration was followed by Jimmy Carter, George Busbee, Joe Frank Harris, Zell Miller, and Roy Barnes. Governor Sonny Perdue is the seventh administration to occupy this Executive Mansion.

There are a total of 30 Doric columns made from 24 feet high California Redwoods surrounding the porch. They have been hollowed out and treated on the inside to disguise the flat roof’s water drainage system. The house has 30 rooms and is approximately 24,000 square feet in size. The architect was A. Thomas Bradbury.

The 18 acres of broad sloping lawns and gardens once belonged to former Atlanta Mayor Robert Maddox who owned a large English Tudor home on this site. When Mr. Maddox sold the property to the state, the home was demolished, and this Executive Residence was built on the same site.

All of the furnishings in the Mansion are considered to be of museum quality and make up one of the finest federal period (1780 – 1820) collections in the United States. These furnishings were acquired by a 70 member Fine Arts Committee while the Mansion was being constructed. It is a permanent collection and belongs to the State of Georgia. It does not change from one administration to the next.

Let’s go in, shall we?
Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor's Mansion

Here’s the way the room normally looks…pretty “stately,” I’d say.
Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor's Mansion

Information from the official website:

This room is used regularly for dinners, luncheons, and breakfasts. We can seat 18 people at the table, and 50 people with four round tables at the corners of the room.

The table is mahogany and is called an Accordion Table. It was made by John Seymour in Boston (Circa 1810). It is 14 feet long and can be cut down to seat four people.

The chairs are Curly Maple English reproductions of the Federal Greek Revival style. They are exact replicas of the 19th Century chairs that are in the Telfair Academy in Savannah.

The candelabras and the Epergne on the table came from the battleship “Georgia” and were made at the turn of the century. They are Gorham Silver.

The cut glass covered compote is Waterford and is etched with the Georgia State Seal. Rich’s Department Store gave this piece to the Mansion for the 250th Anniversary of the State of Georgia (1733-1983).

The majority of the fabrics in the mansion are by Scalamandre – all of the fabrics in the State Dining Room are by Scalamandre.

Now, ready to see it at Christmas time?! 🙂

Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor's Mansion

Katherine told me the most interesting tidbit of information about the dining room furniture. It turns out the furniture came from the antique shop of Jim Williams…the Jim Williams depicted in the movie, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. How interesting is that?! I wonder if it was donated or if it was purchased for the Governor’s Mansion?
Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor's Mansion

Place cards…
Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor's Mansion

So elegant! The tree looks magical in the background!
Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor's Mansion

Sorry the pic wouldn’t enlarge for some reason…
Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor's Mansion

Cute decorations for the backs of the chairs…
Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor's Mansion

Gingerbread house with a fireplace, “tiled” floor and peppermint fence…
Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor's Mansion

Love the way they’ve decorated the stemware…
Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor's Mansion

The fireplace looks very different here than it did in the first pic, doesn’t it?
Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor's Mansion

Katherine also shared some pics she took of the “family” dining area that is located just off the kitchen. She said the smell of cookies baking was soooo wonderful as you passed through this area for the tour.

Look at that beautiful tree!
Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor's Mansion

A lovely centerpiece…reminds me of Kathysue’s with all the fresh fruits and the beautiful greens and soft muted colors. This would be such a peaceful, relaxing place to dine, wouldn’t it? Notice the iced tea spoon…love that it’s on the table! 😉
Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor's Mansion

I think I like this room even more than the formal dining room. 🙂
Christmas Dinner at the Georgia Governor's Mansion
Katherine, thank you so much for sharing these wonderful pics! This has inspired me to take the tour myself sometime. If you’d like additional information or would like to see more pics of the rooms in the Georgia Governor’s Mansion, click HERE for the official website.

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  1. Linda in AZ * says

    * Geee, Susan, would I sound like Scrooge or a Grinch (or "something"? I HOPE I DON'T!!!), if I admitted that YOUR tables look like THEY belong in the Governor's Mansion, not these???? Ooooh, I feel rather of "bad" about saying it, but, well, "I speak the truth", m' dear!

    I believe they need to hire YOU next year, and REEEEEALLY knock the socks off of their visitors/dinner guests!!!

    Love & HAPPY HOLIDAY HUGS, to go along with the CHRISTMAS CAROLS in my heart!!!

    Linda *
    [email protected]

  2. It's always wonderful to see those rooms at Christmas. Everything always looks so regal. I must say that I love the family's dining area a bit more; the colors are just wonderful and that tree is just beautiful. Thank you for the background information. I always find that fascinating.

    Merry Christmas, Susan. Thank you for hosting us each week. I am lucky to have found your blog this year; I was always interested in tablescaping, I just didn't know it was a "real" hobby. Hosting gives me an excuse to play with my dishes each week as well as see some wonderful and creative tablescapes. I especially love it when I get to see family hierlooms.

  3. Peg @ Bloomfield Farm says

    Thanks for the tour, Susan! My favorite things are the ornaments in the stemware, the candy canes on the chairs, and pretty menu cards. All of these things make the setting less formal and more welcoming, don't you think? How interesting that Jim Williams helped to furnish the mansion! Have a wonderful holiday with your family… can't wait!

  4. Pat@Back Porch Musings says

    I enjoyed the look inside Georgia's Governor's Mansion. Missouri's mansion, is older. It has a mansard roof. Looks a bit like French architecture. I've toured the gardens and have seen the home up close. I've also been through the Capitol building but never inside the mansion. I think J and I need to take a little road trip to Jefferson City.

    I'm not participating this week, Susan. Just wanted to stop by and wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2010!

  5. Hi, dear Susan. I am happy to be the 'first' comment — since you are my first 'follower' on my post "the little red house…etc." I just logged on and said, "Let me check Susan's blog" and was happy to see your blog for tomorrow. But, may I say, and I am sure that others would agree with me because you have so many fans, YOUR home is ever more luxuriant and gorgeous than this mansion! I am not just saying this – I think your home is just glorious and I like it BETTER than the mansion photos you posted here. So let me end on that note and say thank you for encouragement on my blog which I just started (and haven't even added pics yet!) and I want to wish you and your family a wonderful holiday. I know that your family (guests) will love staying at your house. God bless!
    Best regards and love,

  6. Mid-Atlantic Martha says

    Oh the Mansion is beautiful — but I believe that I love your porch even better! Wishing you the Merriest Christmas — you've certainly given us much joy throughout this year — looking foward to more beautiful blogs at your spot next year as well!


  7. O my goodness…what beauty this is…Everything is just stunning.
    O dear….thanks so much for sharing all this.
    Come by to see that in keeping it real, we DO use paper plates on Christmas Eve with over 20 people coming to share our meal…:O)
    Hugs and have a very blessed CHRISTMAS.
    LOVE, bj

  8. Coty Farquhar says

    Oh Susan,

    What a wonderful room, such history filled with the such cheer.

    Thank you for sharing this with us and wishing you a wonderful Christmas and thank you for all your wonderful parties this year.

    xx Coty

  9. Candy table for Christmas it do look very good taste, Merry Chritmas and thank you for hosting this, MB

  10. I love historic homes and to see how they are decorated. Thank you for showing the inside of the Georgia Governor's Mansion. It has been a pleasure to join you on Tablescape Thursday and I appreciate all the effort you put into it. Have a Merry Christmas!

  11. laurie @ bargain hunting says

    Susan, I agree, the family dining room looked so pretty. I do love the candy "trees" on the formal table though. Thank you Susan and Kathryn for sharing these beautiful photos. laurie

  12. Hi Susan – I have to agree with "Linda in AZ" – your tablescapes are so much prettier than their's – is that awful?

    I've just linked up to the party – this is my first (but not last) official Tablescape Thursday – I'm not sure why I've never participated before, maybe I was always a little nervous? Anyway, I took the plunge!

    Merry Christmas –

  13. Lana K. W. Austin says

    Totally fab peek inside the governor's mansion. My mother in law's dear friend was related to him and got to have her 60th birthday party there!!!! From my humble orphan/farm girl beginnings, it's a far leap to the governor's mansion!
    Hugs, Lana

  14. Carol at Serendipity says

    Thank you for hosting this wonderful event each week. I have learned so much from you and your participants.

    Have a wonderful holiday and an even better New Year.


  15. I like the way they decorated the back of the chairs. Thanks for sharing this with us, lots of good ideas can be picked up from it. I hope you all have a Blessed and Merry Christmas, Susan!…Christine

  16. I enjoyed seeing these, Susan, especially since I am part of a group that decorates the NC Governor's Mansion – and yes – that's what we call it here. Our Governor is also named Perdue, but her first name is Beverly. Now I wonder if they are related?

    Merry Christmas!!

  17. Those are some beautiful pictures. I love the little gumdrop trees. I might have to try those sometime.

    Oh, and I call this Christmas Eve Eve!

  18. Love those tablescapes… and everything else.

  19. Entertain Exchange says

    Pretty to see…thanks for sharing it. Merry Christmas!


  20. Here on the prairie, the Governer's houses are also called Mansions!

  21. Susan- I loved seeing this! I'm with you; I think I like the family dining room better also. I had to smile–only in the South would we have governor named Sonny 🙂 I wish you and your a very merry Christmas and thank you for a wonderful year of sharing your home and ideas (and tech help for me:)

  22. Yes, we call our Governer's house the Governor's mansion here in Michigan too. I love the tablescape in the formal dining room but the chairs….not so much.
    Merry Christmas Susan to you and yours. You have been such a delight this year. Thank you for you tutorial on how to enlarge photos too. Today was my first offical post using your advice and I think it turned out alright.

  23. Yes, we call our Governer's house the Governor's mansion here in Michigan too. I love the tablescape in the formal dining room but the chairs….not so much.
    Merry Christmas Susan to you and yours. You have been such a delight this year. Thank you for you tutorial on how to enlarge photos too. Today was my first offical post using your advice and I think it turned out alright.

  24. Merry Christmas Susan!
    Enjoy your family and let's plan to get together again in the new year!

  25. Hi Susan,
    Well, I saw thesepics somewhere else earlier, and I must say everything is lovely, but you do such an outstanding job that I'd rather look at your handiwork!
    I also want to say thank you for your support and encouragement, and for answering my questions a few months back when I was just getting started in the "blogging world". Thanks also for hosting T.T., and for always posting inspiring photos of your beautiful home.
    I've enjoyed tablescaping with you, and look forward to many more fun Thursdays!
    Have a wonderful Christmas, Susan, and a blessed New Year.
    Lots of love,
    Heidi – Heart and Home

  26. Andrea at Opulent Cottage says

    Those photos are wonderful! And yes, here in Texas (the south!) it is called the Governor's Mansion. Thank you Susan, for a year of amazing inspiration. I can't wait to see what we all come up with next year! Have a wonderful, merry Christmas,
    Andrea at Opulent Cottage

  27. Enzie Shahmiri * Portrait Artist says

    What a wonderful table setting – I truly enjoyed this little tour. Happy Holidays and best wished for the New Year.

    Enzie via Sur La Table Cuisine

  28. Enzie Shahmiri * Portrait Artist says

    What a wonderful table setting – I truly enjoyed this little tour. Happy Holidays and best wished for the New Year.

    Enzie via Sur La Table Cuisine

  29. Enzie Shahmiri * Portrait Artist says

    What a wonderful table setting – I truly enjoyed this little tour. Happy Holidays and best wished for the New Year.

    Enzie via Sur La Table Cuisine

  30. Enzie Shahmiri * Portrait Artist says

    What a wonderful table setting – I truly enjoyed this little tour. Happy Holidays and best wished for the New Year.

    Enzie via Sur La Table Cuisine

  31. Visual Vamp says

    Another fabulous Thursday with you, made evern more special because it's Christmas Eve.
    Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.
    xo xo

  32. Tammy@ A Doctor in the House says

    Susan, this is my first time to post to your tablescape event. Thank you for hosting. I've enjoyed browsing. How fitting that I would post on the featured GA Governor's page. I'm a Georgian myself. Loved seeing that. Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  33. Hi Susan! What a treat to see in the Governor's mansion. We call it that too here in Texas.
    I want to wish you and your family a wonderful Merry Christmas, Dear Friend!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia 😉

  34. food with style says

    wishing you a very merry christmas and thanks so much for hosting this beautiful party for large and small, from table trays for one, to governors mansions, its been a wonderful year enjoying all you have brought together~

    thank you and happy holidays to your and your family~

  35. Susan, Georgia's Governor's Mansion is a beautiful and stately home. Thank you for sharing these photos of it dressed for the holidays. Both the formal and the family dining room settings are very tastefully done. The gold rimmed stationary for the place cards and individual menus is the perfect compliment to the gold service. The simple candy cane adds just the right touch of Christams color.
    Sadly, the Governor's Mansion here in TX was badly damaged last year at the hands of an arasonist. It too is a lovely building. It's always been a joy to visit during the holidays.
    Enjoy your Christmas Eve dinner at your stunning village table. I'd love to see the delight in your guests as they see this magical table.
    Christmas hugs ~ Sarah

  36. Merry Christmas Susan,

    Thanks for including all the extra info about the Governor's mansion. You always add the perfect little touches to make your blog so interesting. I thought the little ornaments in the stemware were beautiful. I hope you and your followers have a wonderful Christmas. I am looking forward to seeing all of your beautiful tablescape next year!!!

    Katherine S.

  37. Barbara Jacksier says

    I really enjoyed the tour and there's lots to love in the decorations, but I agree with Linda in AZ. They should hire you! Gumdrop trees! really! Have the merriest Christmas.

  38. Fifi Flowers says

    Your table looks DELICIOUS… ENJOY!

  39. Merry Merry Christmas Susan! I want to thank you again for hosting this fun weekly event!
    I hope you have a most Blessed Christmas!
    Blessings and love,

  40. A very Merry Christmas to you Susan! Thank you for being such a gracious hostess these many weeks. Also, thank you for sharing these wonderful photos of the Georgia Governors mansion. I loved the tour. The mansion dining rooms look beautiful for the holidays. I love the Christmas trees in the backgrounds. Everything is just beautiful! Hugs!

  41. Cindy (Applestone Cottage) says

    Hi Susan,
    What a wonderful tour! Here in Wisconsin, we call it the Governor's Mansion too, it's in Madison and quite lovely! I love how they tied the back of the chairs and the fabulous trees~ Merry Christmas to you!

  42. That was just plain fun! Thank you for sharing that Susan.
    Wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. I hope you so enjoy your son being in town.
    All Things Heart and Home

  43. I don't know how any child is going to be able to sit at that table without trying to pick some gumdrops off those trees! I love the whimsical candy theme they used 🙂
    Merry Christmas to you and yours. Thanks so much for all your hard work putting this blog together for all of us to enjoy.
    Smiles, DianeM

  44. carolinajewel says

    Merry Christmas Susan! Thanks for being such a lovely hostess each week. Always a joy to visit your blog. 😀 Jewel

  45. Beansieleigh says

    Hi Susan! The worst is finally over with as far as the big bad move has gone (since end of October), but it's good to be back visiting and catching up with everyone. I am still determined to jump in and participate in Tablescape Thursdays "one of these days"!! I do so enjoy seeing what everybody shows and shares each and every week! Merry Christmas to you and yours! ~tina

  46. Laura Ingalls Gunn says

    Talk about a gift just to sit down

    May the peace of the season be yours.

  47. 9405018--Pat says

    Thanks for the beautiful home tour…..Merry Christmas to you and your family……Hugs Pat H

  48. I am having a blog give away – if you are interested. Stop by and post a comment.

    Loved the Christmas home tour!!!

  49. As a GA girl I really appreciate the pictures of the Governor's mansion. Thank you for sharing, Susan. Even though we live just north of ATL, we've never toured the mansion. Think I'll look into that. Thanks again for your wonderful blog. It is truly one of my favorites. Merry Christmas!


  50. Sharing with Sherri says

    Thanks for the beautiful tour Susan!
    Your posts are always a such treat and so inspiring too!!

    Happy Holidays!!


  51. Yvonne @ StoneGable says

    Hi Susan, I wanted to take a minute to personally wish you a very Merry Christmas!
    And send you a very heartfelt thank you. You have helped me so much since I started blogging- just a little over three months ago. You have sent me a couple of e-mails (very kind and detailed) when I was learning the ropes and had trouble.

    YOu host 2 very fun and creative events each week, and I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of them!
    I just love blogging, and finding creative outlets, meeting such fabulous and friendly people and making some very precious friends. YOu have been a big part of this. Your generous spirit is inspirational, not to mention your creativity! I have enjoyed visiting you and soaking in all the wonderful ideas you have.

    I'm sure you could multiply this same sentiment by hundreds! So many people have benefited and enjoyed your posts!

    THANK YOU! Merry Christmas, friend!

  52. Nancy Jacobs Basketmaster says

    Hi Susan,
    I just love your blog so I to take a moment to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2010.

  53. Nice post. I also posted a 3 part Governors Mansion tour. It was all lovely and the gumdrop trees were done because the theme of the room was the game Candyland. It was amazing and I hope to volunteer next year to help decorate the rooms. Merry Christmas.

  54. Georgous, approachable design. Thanks for letting use see this home.
    Have a wonderful Christmas,

  55. Susan, just quickly popping in and wishing you and yours A DELIGHTFUL

    Wonderful post. Hugs -Brenda-

  56. Hi Susan! Just wanted 2 wish u and yours HAPPY HOLIDAYS;)

  57. ♫ Merry Christmas, Susan! ♫

    Sending my warmest wishes for a beautiful & blessed holiday to you & yours.

    Thank you for sharing these spectacular photos and thank you even more for brightening my life with your wonderful blog. Finding BNOTP has been a treasured gift this year.


  58. Chatty Crone says

    We Wish You a Merry♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Christmas♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪We Wish You a Merry ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Christmas ♥ ♥ ♥We Wish You A Merry ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Christmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ And a Happy New Year!!! Merry Christmas to everyone……..

    Merry Christmas!

  59. Cote de Texas says

    In Texas it is definitely called the Governor's Mansion. Our suffered a terrible fire and has to be rebuilt. Not sure if they finished it yet. That's where ol' George W. Bush lived before he gave it up to be President. And Ann Richards. to name a few Texan governors.

  60. Stephanie Lynn says

    Very Stunning ~ Thanks for sharing! Thank you for hosting Tablescape Thurdsday as well – Hope you have a wonderful Holiday! Enjoy!

  61. Happy Holidays my dear Susan!

    Just stopping by all my favorite blogs to wish you a very Merry Christmas. Thank you for being such an inspiration and good friend.

    Julio & Family

  62. Fabulous photos full of inspiration and ideas.

  63. I will go and visit here this coming Christmas vacation. 😀

  64. I agree with the others! I’ve been reading your blog on and off for days now and your tables are far more beautiful than the governors mansion…hands down!

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