4 Beautiful Autumn Table Settings + A Cozy Made Bed

Welcome to the 627th Tablescape Thursday, a blog party sharing beautiful table settings for all occasions.

After being away for over two months helping my son and daughter-in-law with my two grandsons, I’m back home now. The boys are only back in school for half-days but at least they are back in school for the mornings.

After being diagnosed with pneumonia on Wednesday of last week, I was not looking forward to the drive back home. The drive on Tuesday went better than I expected. My energy level is still not quite back up to normal but the antibiotic and sleeping a lot seems to be fixing that.

When I arrived home late Tuesday evening, I had no internet. I was expecting that though because my Ring doorbell stopped working a couple of weeks ago, no longer able to connect to my modem. My house sitter told me we’d had big storms the night before it quit working, so I figured that had something to do with my now-dead modem.

Late yesterday afternoon, Comcast Cable came out and confirmed that the modem was indeed dead, apparently due to a lightning strike. I have everything important in this house plugged into surge protectors but the Comcast technician discovered that the surge had come in through the cable itself which she discovered had not been “bonded.”

I asked what that meant–not bonded–and she said that cable always comes into a home near the electric meter so it can be grounded to where the meter is grounded, but at some point in the past, a technician had left mine not grounded.  She said that they’ve had a big issue with that–a lot of modems being damaged due to storms, so now they are making sure that the cable is always bonded.

I wondered if it would have fried my CPU if I hadn’t taken it with me to Ohio since I have a blue ethernet cable running from the modem to my computer. Not sure, but I’m glad I always take it with me–started doing that on a previous trip instead of just taking my laptop. If you have cable, make sure it’s bonded/grounded!

Since I just got back home late Tuesday and spent all day Wednesday unpacking the car, washing clothes, putting up clothes, ordering groceries and dealing with getting the cable back up and running, I didn’t have a chance to set a table and photograph it. An item I had ordered for my home office from Pottery Barn back in April finally arrived just before I left Ohio. Yesterday afternoon, after the cable technician left, I drove the three miles over to PB to return it.

While there, I took a few photos of the pretty tables they had set for fall. Before I share those, check out this pretty bed I saw while in the store. I’m always drawn to beautifully made beds, especially in the fall when the temps begin to turn chilly.


My favorite part of the bed was this knitted, sherpa throw. I have come to realize over the years that I have a little throw addiction. I think it’s almost as bad as my handbag addiction. lol I have to have at least one throw in every room of my home, pretty much all year round. I love them! To me, they are like big, warm hugs. If I could only decorate with four things in each of the rooms in my home it would lamps, pillows, books and throws. Those are my favorites for every room.

Throws give me comfort, just seeing them. I know that probably sounds silly, but it’s true. The softer and more luxurious, the better! Anyone else obsessed over cozy, warm throws? This throw is currently on sale here: Cozy Knitted Throw.

It felt wonderful when I touched it while in the store so I think I may treat myself to one. It comes in 5 colors and I’m having trouble choosing a color. Argggh. The red is really pretty! You can see all the throws that are currently on sale here: Throw Sale.


But you came to see pretty tables today, so let’s see what PB had out yesterday when I stopped by. As you would expect, most of the table settings were done in muted or fall colors.



This was probably my favorite combination. Love the black and white buffalo plaid placemats with the Halloween orange! (Placemats are available here: Placemats. Pumpkin mug is available here: Pumpkin Mug. Pumpkin bowl is available here: Pumpkin Bowl.)


Pottery Barn has these adorable ghost mugs available almost every year. I’m tempted to pick up a few of those for my grandsons, I think they would love them. They are currently on sale here: Ghost Mugs.


These skeleton wine glasses are hilarious! I love how they look in photos with red wine inside. They are also currently on sale here: Skeleton Wine Glasses.


If you’ve been hoping to find individual soup tureens for your autumn table, PB currently has them in stock in this beautiful neutral color.


You’ll find those on sale here: Acorn Soup Tureens. Also, it appears PB has free shipping going on right now with the code: FALL.


I love these fuzzy, teddybear placemats! They are currently on sale in two colors here: Placemats.

Imagine setting an autumn table out underneath a beautiful outdoor arbor with these as the placemats and a warm cozy throw at each seat. I can just see the gorgeous fall arrangement in the center of the table now!


One more table I saw while in PB.


Love the plaid napkins and the wood chargers!


These autumn plaid napkins are available here: Plaid Napkins.


If you’re looking for a Turkey Tureen for Halloween, this big guy is currently on sale right now. You’ll find here: Turkey Soup Tureen.


Pottery Barn has all their pretty pastel-colored pumpkins on sale right now. If you’ve been looking for those, you’ll find them here: Pretty Pumpkins. I’m tempted to buy some of these since I could reuse them year after year.


Things will be hopping around here very soon. The new screened doors are en route as I type this and the front porch is scheduled to be painted toward the end of the first week of October, weather permitting. I need to get completely well before all that happens because I know it will be a busy time around here. I can’t wait until the front porch is completed so I can do a bit of autumn decorating!

Thanks for your patience and caring comments while I’ve been away these last two months. It’s good to be back home! I’m itching to decorate and set some pretty tables for fall!

Looking forward to all the wonderful table settings linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!

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Tablescape Thursday


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  1. Thank you Susan, and thank you for the trip to PB, so many temptations!

  2. Wow! It sounds like you have a lot going on. Thank you for taking the time to show us the PB tables. They are always so inspiring. Hope you feel better. Stay well.

    XO- MaryJo

  3. Oh I love throws too! Your imagined outdoor tablescape has me daydreaming! And I second Jenna’s comment – thanks for the Pottery Barn trip! 🙂 So glad you’re back home and on the mend. Take care till next time!

    • Thanks, Barbara! It’s good to be back home. Always feels so weird when I first get back, like Oh, I remember this place now. lol

    • Glad to hear you are home and recuperating. I think this is your most snuggly post yet: Sherpa throws! Teddy bear placemats! Soup tureens! I hope you decided to get the ghost mugs for the boys; looks like a must-have to me.
      Thanks for the PB field trip. I miss Pier 1 so much as it was really close and I could bop over there for a quick seasonal fix. Now back to check out your recommendations and decide which one I most can’t live without.

  4. Thanks for the timely post about PB sale. I, too, have a throw addiction. Just ordered two this morning from Wayside. I not only use them draped over a chair, sofa, or bed, I like to use as a tablecloth. A colorful throw is the easiest way to bring texture and seasonal décor into every room!

    Wishing you continued recovery.

  5. Barbara Edwards Armacost says

    I too am a throw addict!! I just bought two more so I would have enough if we had visitors from the family. Everyone needs a throw in cooler weather. Hope you are back to normal health soon. Take care.

  6. Snowflake281 says

    I think my favorites are those fuzzy placemats and the faux pumpkin vase filler. The placemats are certainly very different. I wish PB still had their Punched Ceramic Pumpkin Candle Holders available. When I saw how nice the one looked in your daughter-in-law’s centerpiece last year I was very impressed. Sadly they haven’t been available for a long time & I’m guessing will never be again. 🙁 I hope you continue to get better. I was out of work for 6 weeks when I had pneumonia many, many years ago!

  7. Susan, so glad you are feeling better! Good to see your post. I, too, have a throw addiction…..may have mentioned the Barefoot Dreams ones I have….plus a few Pottery Barns. It’s cold here in Minnesota!!!

  8. I like the buffalo plaid and orange combo, too. I surely hope you are feeling better and glad you got home safely. I’m decorating a bit today for fall, too.

  9. Glad you are home safely and recovering, Susan. Love the cozy throws for fall. I used to gravitate toward red as a great accent color, but that’s all changed now with the color scheme in the condo. Funny how that happens! Also, while on the PB link for throws, I noticed how they’re referring to table toppers now as table throws. Lol, that cracks me up.
    Happy Thursday, try to get fully rested so you’ll be up for your projects.

  10. Brenda Lawrence says

    I’m glad you got home safe and sound Susan, but sounds like you still have plenty healing to do. So keep resting since you are unpacked and have the cable/modem issue fixed. Yes, this stuff needs to be grounded! My eye went right to that cozy throw too, so cozy-I could spend time under it with a good book. I also loved the beautiful tables in PB, really loved the buffalo plaid placemats with the orange bowls-never would have thought to do that though! The ghost cups are adorable and the skeleton wine glasses are too fun. So many beautiful things for sure. Hugs, Brenda

  11. It’s so good to hear you’re back home and feeling better! You must have a good constitution, girlfriend, you got back up and running in record time!
    That throw is beautiful — I’d love to have a sweater or vest made out of it.
    Thanks for the cable info, too. Good to know. We had a VCR fried by cable during a thunderstorm, years ago. The cable company said it wasn’t their equipment, but it was the only thing attached. It’s good to know it can still be an issue. Hugs, and try not to do too much!

  12. Tina W Reynolds says

    Dear Susan, You have certainly had more than your share of challenges! I don’t know how you ever had the strength to make that long drive. I’m a wimpy driver and I would likely have been all wobbly about that! Thanks for taking us through PB! My nearest PB store is about 70 miles away and in a city that has had some nasty, but not well televised, civil unrest. No one is going there right now. I miss the days when we just did everything casually! I feel robbed! BUT: It is just lovely to look at your expertly taken photos! You always focus on the things that interest me. Well, take care of yourself. Surely there are better days ahead.

  13. Love the tables . Glad you are home safe. Take care of yourself the holidays are right around the corner.

  14. Thanks for sharing the lovely tablescapes. I’m glad you are feeling better. Hope you will be 100% very soon.

  15. Thank you so much for hosting! This week I am excited to share my fall home tour! Hope you have a great day!

  16. Cyndi Raines says

    Glad you had a safe trip home. Now on to full recovery. Thanks for the visit to PB. I really like the wooden charger with the brown plaid napkins, so fall looking. Enjoy your new throw purchase, hehe.

  17. Isabel Jepson says

    I am looking for your post on stair treads! I bought the ones your daughter in law bought but am now worried that they need tape to adhere to the hardwood and whether that will damage the hardwood. We have puppies visiting us that are afraid of the hardwood and this would make a big difference for them. Plus they match my oriental runner in the hallway below! They are perfect. Please let me know if it’s safe to use tape and what kind!!!

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