Beach Themed Table Setting

Welcome to the 153rd Tablescape Thursday!

I must be craving a beach trip because it seems whenever I plan a tablescape lately, it always ends up being a beach-themed table. I started off this tablescape with white flatware.

Beach Themed Table in soft blues and tans


But I decided to change to blue since  I was in the mood for soft muted colors.

Nautical Table Setting, Silver Candle Holders


Beach-themed tablescapes always feel so restful with the soft blues of the ocean and sky and the creams and tans, reminiscent of the sand and beach.

Nautical Beachy Tablescape


This tablescape was created with things I already had around the house.

Shell Centerpiece, Found Shells


The only two items that are sort of new, are the Seaside Treasures box found a few months ago at Marshall’s for $3 and the tall glasses which were $1 each from Dollar Tree.  (Update:  Glasses may be from Old Time Pottery…had then so long, not sure now.)

Shell Collection in Seaside Treasures Box


So, I spent $9 and I have a spanking new tablescape for summer dining. Gotta love that! You really don’t have to spend a lot to give your tables a new twist.  I actually bought the cute box for the upstairs family room. That room has a bit of a beach vibe going on and I knew it would come in handy for stashing away shells from past beach vacations.

Shell Collection in Seaside Treasures Box


It’s so much fun to find little treasures around the house and use them in a table setting.  It’s cost-effective, decorative, and brings back wonderful memories for you and your family.

Seaside Table Setting, Porch Dining


I’ve used these shell napkin rings in previous table settings before. They were made by taking plain, wood napkin rings from Kohls and hot gluing shells on top.  It’s an easy way to dress up napkin rings.  Salad plates are in two shapes:  Starfish and…

Aqua Flatware in Beach-Themed Table Settings


A shell shape…

Shell Salad Plates, Beach Table Setting


The glasses are covered in little Adirondack chairs. I think I found those in the dollar store. The shorter glasses are from Kohl’s, 3-4 years ago.

Adirondack Glasses


A little candlelight…

Candlelit Nautical, Beach Themed Table 1


Candlelit Nautical, Beach Themed Table 2


Candlelit Nautical, Beach Themed Table 3


Candlelit Nautical, Beach Themed Table 4


Looking forward to the beautiful tables settings linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!

Candlelit Nautical, Beach Themed Table 5


Chargers: Neiman Marcus, 3-4 years ago
Dinner Plates: Big Lots, Gibson, 3 years ago
Salad Plates: Kohl’s, 3-4 years ago
Glassware: Adirondack glasses, Dollar Tree this summer (or was it Old Time Pottey…can’t remember now)
Small Shell glasses are from Kohls, 3-4 years ago.
Flatware: Kohl’s, I think, 3-4 years ago
Napkins: Kohl’s, 3-4 years ago
Napkin rings: Made by gluing shells on plain, wood rings
Seaside Treasures Box: Marshall’s, this summer
Shells: Collected on vacation
Silver Pillar Candle Holders: Marshall’s, 2-3 years ago
Candles: Provided by Colonial Candle


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  1. Happy Cottage Quilter says

    I love shopping my house. Sometimes what I find ends up being the focal point. Lovely table.

    Jocelyn @

  2. Debbie @ says

    HI Susan, I just love your seaside table. It is so summery, so fresh and inspiring. I think it is beautiful. Love your porch, I've saved pictures of it in my favorites file. I even showed my hubby so he knows what I'm thinking…when I get a china hutch outdoors for our porch! Hahahha…yay!
    Have a blessed week.

  3. Love that theme, it always brings the temperature down a notch! Love the napkins and rings.. Cute cute glasses, would never have guessed they came from the Dollar Tree. Your plates are perfect in this setting. Thanks for hosting this lovely event..
    xo marlis

  4. The Tablescaper says

    I too am in love with these beachy tables.Great flatware!

    – The Tablescaper

  5. Barb~Bella Vista Cottage says

    Susan, this is lovely and so very serene. The colors are so, so lovely. Just a charming job.

    Thank you so much for hosting.


  6. once in a blue moon says

    looks so peaceful… i always love a good day at sea~ love those glasses and great price on the box!

    thank you for hosting all these years 🙂

  7. Alycia Nichols says

    Hi, Susan! I like the table with the white flatware, but I LOVE it with the blue!!! Great choice!!!! Everyone finds all this great stuff at the Dollar Tree. I have NEVER been able to find anything good in those around here. Maybe they don't stock the same things in different regions. Oh, well…it's nice to be able to enjoy your bargains! Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Lizabeth says

    Love this tablescape! Perfect for this time of year and all the heat we've all had! Everyone thinks of the beach in the heat of the summer! Those glasses are too cute with the adirondak chairs! Great find! Everything is so perfect even the shell plates! Your box of sea shells with the starfish hanging on is so cute! I love the shiny candle holders they reflect everything!

  9. Sizzle and Zoom says

    Beautiful tablescape. As always inspiring to me and I love the details.

  10. Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) says

    Susan, what a delightful table, so cool and refreshing. With our temps in the 100's the beach sounds pretty good right about now. I'm wondering are the silver candleholders from Colonial as well? I've read back through and it read that if you said they were. Thank you for hosting each week. hugs ~lynne~

  11. Yvonne @ StoneGable says

    Your beautiful restful beach table makes me long for the beach too! It is too bad that the closest beach is about 3 hours away and is packed full of people. Your soft table brings images of toes in the white sand, sitting in one of those Adirondack chairs under an aqua umbrella with a bucket of pretty shells at my side, just like the ones on your table, with not a care in the world. Who needs Calgon when this table can take me away!
    Thank you for hosting my very favorite meme!
    You are the hostess with the mostest… and the fabulous beach tablescape!

  12. AshTreeCottage says

    Hi Susan! I love that soft blue, it's just dreamy! Beautiful tablescape. You are a hostess with the mostess!!

    Susan and Bentley

  13. Jeannine says

    Love the mix of blues and tans and white on your beach table. Thank you for hosting Tablescape Thursday. I enjoy seeing all the tables and especially what you have put together for us!

  14. Mid-Atlantic Martha says

    Such a pretty beach resort tablescape today. Several of us were thinking beachy thoughts as we set our tables this week. Love your aqua blue flatware and your new glasses are putting dollar tree on my list of places to go this weekend.

  15. Susan, your tablescape is gorgeous! It reminds me so much of Cape Cod. I love the serene colors and especially love that seaside treasures box–what a find!

    Thanks for hosting TT.
    Join us on Facebook!

  16. A little beach time is what we all need this summer. Thanks for sharing this beautiful, inspiring table. Love the aqua touches!
    Thanks for hosting each week!!!

  17. I love it Susan! This tablescape is so pretty & the colors are so soft.

  18. Pamela Gordon says

    Very pretty tablescape Susan! The turquoise cutlery was perfect! I love the Dollar Tree glasses.

  19. Glenda/MidSouth says

    Love3 it all !!Where are all the soft bellowing sheers ?!?! Did you decide to not put them back up? With or without – Love your beautiful porch.

  20. Designs By Pinky says

    Good evening my friend! Your beach table is wonderful!!!! I LOVE those chair glasses and will try to get them tomorrow as I am planning a table using dishes that have the ad. chairs on them!!!!!! LOVE that aqua color, it is SO restful! I just got home from the beach but never got TO the beach as it was WAAAAY too hot! We stayed IN the pool all weekend!!!! XO, Pinky

  21. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Glenda, I just haven't taken the time…need to do that this weekend. 🙂

  22. On Crooked Creek says

    Being land locked…I never really sucommed to Beach decor. It truly is relaxing and with the candle light …very romantic! We did travel to Padre Island many moons ago! Enjoy…your tablescape it is lovely!

  23. Hi Susan,
    Another beautiful tablescape- I love all the details!

    Thank you for hosting,


  24. Wendy@~Chez~La~De~da~ says

    You make it looks so darn effortless!
    Dreammmmy, soft and easy!! Ready to chill in the salty cool air. I can hair the seaguls and taste the salt air….aaaah can we go to the beach now?


  25. says

    I love this look! The 'Water' blue is so refreshing. The flatware is on my radar of a 'Must Have'
    Thanks for hosting

  26. You are so amazing with your tablescapes. I recommended your blog in mine today – hope you don't mind. Those Gibson plates from Big Lots have really gotten used a lot in your tablescapes and they look perfect for every occasion. I always look forward to your posts.

  27. Yellow Rose Arbor says

    So pretty and fresh!

    Thank you for hosting!


  28. A Perfect Setting says

    Hi Susan! Your beach tablescapes are so beautiful! I adore those glasses with the cute chairs, precious. I agree, the blue flatware looks amazing. We are leaving Friday am for Naples, so your table is making me really excited about heading to the beach! Weatherman's saying that the temperature will be cooler there than here in Virginia!! Thanks for hosting every week, I get so caught up looking at all the beautiful tables that I sometimes forget to thank you. I so enjoy your blog!!

  29. Chavonne says

    Wow that's inspiring and beautiful. I'm a new gfc follower btw 🙂 Smile.

  30. Cottage and Broome says

    Love the beach theme, the pictures are beautiful!

  31. Fifi Flowers says

    Did YOU enter YOUR dog in the Beach Bum Biscuit contest over at Fifi's… if so… pop over and see if YOUR furry darling is a WINNER!!!

  32. I am so dying for a beach trip. Your table almost-almost-makes me feel I've been there. The candlelight is magical–a night at the beach. Yum.

  33. Entertaining Women says

    How did I miss those yummy tumblers at Dollar Tree? Yikes! Take me away to sea, sweat friend….take me away to the sea. I think that you did it with this tablescape. Thank you for sharing your beautiful design. Cherry Kay

  34. I love your sea treasure box!!!!!! Thank you for hosting this every week–it's one of the highlights of my week!!! You're awesome!!!

    Lana In Italy

    PS I hope, please, that you get a chance to drop by my blog & leave a comment for a chance to win my 1st Giveaway! THANK YOU!!!

  35. Anonymous says

    Your tablescapes are so beautiful! I am totally tablescaped challenged. Ever do house calls??? LOL
    Have you do a tutorial before on how one builds up a beautiful table?

  36. Oh I'm dreaming of the beach now! This was a wonderful setting…xo HHL

  37. I LUV the "sparkle blue starfish!" I "glitter" my seashells and spray them gold…silver..dip the edges in glitter…115 heat index in VA. Ahhh, the beach. franki

  38. Southerncook says

    Love your beautiful beachy table, most especially the shell salad plate. I had a set of Mikasa beachy dinnerware with a shell salad plate and would you believe that I gave it away. What was I thinking???? Your table makes me long for the beach.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  39. Susan, this is such a restful table setting that makes me want to linger. It is so calming with the colors of the sea. I especially like the blue handled flatware and the cute napkin rings.

  40. Curtains In My Tree says

    The Beach look is so pretty the turquoise color is so pretty now

    thanks for this fun day at the beach

    The sand is really hot here

  41. You always take my breath away when you do the nighttime candle-lit version of your tablescapes. Those are the most beautiful of all, Susan. Love your work.

  42. So pretty and relaxing, Susan. I had the same theme but mine's a buffet…Christine

  43. I love your Tablescapes and most of them have me in awe. They are so pretty and just stunning in the candlelight. I looked back on previous posts and I have decided to purchase a set of white dishes as they are so versitile.
    Thank you for your ideas and inspiration.

  44. Hello Susan,
    no wonder, that you often end up with a beach theme. That is the perfect theme for your porch and you have so wonderful items for the perfect setting. Love the theme always.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  45. Cass @ That Old House says

    Oh Susan, I see a Dollar Tree visit in my very near future –I would love those blue glasses for the beach house!

    Your table is adorable … I love the sparkly blue starfish set at a rakish angle against the sea treasures box; so cute!

    Love that flatware, too. Great color.


  46. how pretty!!!
    maybe when my grandkids are older,I'll do this.For now,it seems it's all i can do to get the energy to fix dinner at the end of the day!!

  47. ~Tablescapes By Diane~ says

    Hi lovely lady.
    I love your Beautiful Tablescape !!! you always know how to put it altoghter.. I would love to do one but is so HOT out doors.

    I hope you have a wonderful week and weekend.
    XXOO Diane

  48. Thank you so much for hosting. I always enjoy seeing what you come up with. Love the aqua flatware and glasses the best. Calm and cool looking.

  49. offset printing says

    Oh I think this is a lovely tablescape. The duck looks wonderful and I think the candles that you set up is really sweet. Nice set up and great job.

  50. Karin Şen Cankan says

    As a wonderful host and a wonderful tablescaper, your table setting look beautiful.

    Loved the shell plates and the napkin rings.

    Just like a summer breeze.

    Great as always.

    thank you for sharing.

    lots of Love,
    Karin Şen Cankan

  51. Kerry Rossow says

    The pop of blue is gorgeous- and your photos are fantastic!
    Thank you for hosting!
    Kerry at

  52. FABBY'S LIVING says

    Beautiful tablescape, I love the touches of acqua, this defines the sea theme. I also like the shell plates and specially the shell napkin rings, very unique!! Thank you for hosting, lovely lady. Have a nice weekend…by the sea maybe??

  53. Vanessa Duran, a junk junkie says

    Great blog =]
    I am following you for obvious reasons ;] would love for you to check me out as well

  54. Trish - Sweetology101 says

    A little late linking up but so glad I still stopped by…this table is so fantastic and the links are all wonderful as usual.

  55. Marcia (One Heart) says

    LOVE this one, Susan. My favorite are the salad plates. From Neiman Marcus to Dollar Tree, also love it.
    Thanks for sharing.

  56. HOLY Toledo! I must have missed this week, I didn't see this til now. What a gorgeous table. I just love the beachy theme. So beautiful. You never cease to amaze me.

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