Adorable Bunny Napkin Fold: So Easy and Fast to Make!

Welcome to the 635th Metamorphosis Monday, a blog party sharing fabulous Before and Afters! I have the cutest bunny napkin fold to share with you! I remember seeing a similar fold years ago somewhere and last night I decided to see if I could recreate it from memory.   This has to be the easiest, fastest napkin fold to make! Seriously! It is so easy and takes just a few seconds to make. … [Read more...]

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The Easter Bunny’s Magic Compass

Welcome to the 139th Tablescape Thursday! With Easter only a few days away, I couldn't resist bringing out all the bunnies for a little Easter table setting. It was a beautiful day here and I almost put this table out on the porch but it ended up here in the breakfast room, instead.     Chrysanthemums make for a great springtime centerpiece.   I tucked a sweet … [Read more...]

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