Life just got better…
…because of this. Safe and Simple is the best wallpaper remover, ever. Hands down! This is the stuff professional wallpaper removers use, and they use it because it actually works! Why it isn’t in every Home Depot and Lowe’s in the world, I do not know.
So, while Mr. Max does this…
I’m doing this…
Several folks have asked for the web address for Safe and Simple. Their phone number is: 1-800-648-8585. They will ship their product to you. Update: I’m not sure if Safe and Simple is still around. I hope someone is still selling this amazing wallpaper remover!
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*If a post is sponsored or a product was provided at no charge, it will be stated in post. Some links may be affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases. *
That is great news Susan. Happy scraping!!!
Does it work on vinyl backed wallpaper for bath and kitchen?? We are getting ready to repaper my kitchen!
well THANK HEAVENS you discovered this!! I am SO VERY happy for you.
Now, tell me your secret, how did you find this remover?
I'm getting to click on your link.
Susan, glad you found a solution for the wallpaper removal. Enjoy your weekend! ~ sarah
Good to know – I have many friends who have taken on homes that are loaded (literally loaded) with rooms covered in 80's wallpaper! Any kind of relief will put a smile on their little DIY faces! -diane
So happy for you that you have finally found the right solution (pun intended :)) Will you share where you ordered it, etc. I have a master bedroom that is papered in red toile and was not primed properly before papering. I am definitely putting this information in my file for futue reference. Thanks so much, and happy day!!
You were in my thoughts just a few minutes ago! With a project ahead of me, I was wondering how yours was coming along. I am getting ready to tackle my entryway & kitchen that both have wallpaper from 3o years ago which I know will be a bear to get off! I will check this stuff out. Thanks for posting & happy stripping! : )
YEA! Im so glad you found something to get that pesky wallpaper off! You have worked so hard. It will be exciting to see that job crossed off the list!
I'm so glad you finally found something that works on your walls! Can't wait to see what you have planned after all this hard work is finished.
That is the best news I've ever heard. I am thinking about taking down the wallpaper in my bathroom. I'm totally on this one!
Hi! You deserve the Good Housekeeping medal of honor for this one!
Janie, yep, I think it does. You may need to lightly score it first with one of those "paper tigers" they sell at the hardware stores.
I think there are tips at the Safe and Simple site, too.
Mary, I will definitely share how I found it in a few days…and more info about how to use it.
Jane, I ordered it directly from the company at: 1-800-648-8585.
Their website is:
SOOOO glad you found something that WORKS!!!!! Now you can REALLY get that office in shape! Can't wait to see it all. I know you are probably scraping your little fingers to a nub right now:( XO, Pinky
Great to know Susan…the glass turned out beautiful too!
Hugs, Lisa
Now you tell me…heehee! I struggled getting TONS of wallpaper down in this house and never found anything that worked! I may just buy some to save for a rainy day or a wallpaper emergency! Thanks! ♥
I thought about you today when I saw a HUGE dovecoat at Home Goods for only $59.00 What a bargain!
Do you know how proud I am of you to keep searching until you found a "solution" to your wall paper dilemna? If I had buttons on. .. they'd pop! I'm anxious to see your progress and will be participating in this week's MM!
OMGosh..just in time..we are goign to start wallpaper removal too. Did that one bottle come in that large postal box? Where did you get this stuff! Will you share the address or phone number..Not looking forward to the job but it has to be done!
I might become a pain as I have a ton of questions!
Janette, that sounds like a great price. The Lazy Hill Dove Cotes are crazy priced now.
Thanks, Pat! As many rooms as I've stripped wallpaper from…never had walls like this before!
Thank-you so much for sharing this info, because I have 2 rooms that need wallpaper removed in. . .
I've been putting it off because
I know what a horrible project it can be!
You are my 'new hero' if this stuff
works. . .
Good luck on your project, will be tuned in to see your finished room!
Well sure, listening to a cute guy, with an amazing voice read to you while you are stripping wallpaper would make it more enjoyable. Glad you found something that is working. We've got ONE more room that needs wallpaper removed. Maybe I'll buy some of that stuff and give it to the guy I hire to remove it. 🙂
Thanks for sharing! I am about to remove wallpaper from my guest bath. I painted over it the last time because I feared exactly what you have been going through. You have given me the courage to take it off and do the job right! Yay!
Et maintenant en avant l'huile de coude… Bisous
J'apprécie l'aide de votre chat!!! sourire…
Wonderful….now maybe I will attempt to remove the last of my wallpaper in my foyer!
So glad you found something that works!! I know removing wallpaper can be a big pain, at least this makes it easier for you. I can't wait to see the finished room!! Martina
Dear Beth,
what a luck to find something which hopefully works. Mr. Max is doing a very fine and hard job! He carries all the responsibility! Give him a nice scratch.
Greetings, Johanna
I am saving this page …. wait for it ……..
Miz Commitment Phobic is putting up wallpaper in the DR! yes, I am doing it. And I may want to take it down. Therefore, I have bookmarked this page!
I just ordered some of the wallpaper remover. I have been trying to remove wallpaper in my office for almost a year now…it just won't come off. I hope this is my miracle solution. I need to get my office in order!!!!
Thank you, Susan!! I have dreaded removing the wallpaper in our master bathroom because of the lack of good (and safe) wallpaper removers on the market. I will definitely try it out!
How many square feet does a bottle remove? I haven’t found anything on their website. I only want to pay one shipping charge.
It says one bottle will removed paper from 4 rooms measuring 12′ x 14′. You can read more about it in this follow-up post I wrote here: It’s the only thing I found that worked and it’s what the professionals use. It should be in every HomeDepot and Lowes in the world…so much better than the products they have!