The Painting Arrived & I Found the Perfect Place for It!

I can’t quit playing in this room. lol Recently I added some cabinets down the left wall of this guest bedroom that’s quickly become my “woman cave.” lol


I love handbags and have been really wishing for a long time to gather them all together in one spot where I could see and access them more easily. This wall in the guest room was the only wall big enough and the guest room is very rarely ever used since my son & dil prefer sleeping in the upstairs bonus room whenever they visit. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed this room since I added these cabinets!

Handbag Storage, Decorate with Handbags


You may remember that recently I purchased some fun art for this space. I purchased it from a company I had never heard of or purchased from before, hoping the quality would be okay.


It arrived quickly and the canvas was packaged really well with tons of padding on each of the corners.

Hermes Birkin Canvas Art


I wasn’t sure what to expect but I really do like the surface/texture of this piece. On their website, they describe this piece as:

Fine art printed with fade-resistant , ultra-premium inks. Museum-quality canvas hand-stretched and gallery wrapped onto a sustainable real wood frame, nail and hanger included for easy install. Artwork texture is represented with fine inks printed on a flat canvas. Each frame is built by hand from the finest quality materials around your artwork to ensure a perfect fit.

Close up of Birkin Canvas Art


When I purchased the painting, I had planned to place it on that white shelf seen there on the wall to the right. During the week I was waiting for the painting to arrive, I removed the shelf because of another change I made to this room that I’ll be sharing in just a few days. When I did that, it sorta threw a wrinkle into my original plans for where I’d place the painting. Once it arrived, I just couldn’t see it hanging on the wall above the bed. Placing it on the shelf had seemed okay, but I was not liking the idea of it being there near the bed once the shelf was removed. I can’t explain why, it just didn’t seem to fit anymore.


So I chose to hang it on that section of wall just beyond the handbags.

Handbag Storage and Organization


Here’s where it ended up and I really do like it here. (Sorry this picture is so dark, my camera just doesn’t like all the light from the lamps and the windows.) At first, I thought this painting would be one of those little surprises that you only noticed when you’re sitting in the chair, but that hasn’t turned out to be true. Anytime I walk as much as a third of the way into the room, I can easily see it and I really like how it looks in that space just above the lamp.

Adding Art to the Guest Room


It fills this blank space nicely and I love how it compliments the bag storage nearby.

Hermes Birkin Art, Canvas Art Painting


Here’s how it looks with the lamp turned off. My home faces north so I don’t get a lot of harsh/overly bright light coming in through the windows nearby, so hopefully it won’t fade with time. I’m so pleased with the quality of this piece, I would not hesitate to order from this company again. If you’re looking for artwork for your home, you’ll find them here: Art for the Home. The painting I purchased can be found here: Handbag Canvas.

Hermes Birkin Art


Definitely stepped outside my comfort zone by ordering this fun piece since I normally go for more traditional art, but I do love how it looks in this room.

Hermes Birkin Canvas Painting


Looking forward to sharing one more and probably my final update to this space very soon!

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  1. I love it. Looks great above the lamp and next to your amazing handbag collection.

  2. It looks sweet!! You could also have placed it hanging on the cabinet. I know it may sound funny but if you have ever seen photos of libraries or rooms with lots of books and shelving you often see art work or photographs hanging on part of the frame of a unit. It may not work for this piece or with these cabinets but one day when you are ready for a change (and you will be!) it might be something to ponder

    • I love that look, where a painting is hung over a bookcase! Thanks for that suggestion! Unfortunately, I don’t think that would work work in this spot because I’m in and out of the cabinets almost every day. Now that I can enjoy and access my bags more easily, I’ve been playing with them a lot more, changing the bag I’m carrying almost daily.
      Also, this painting is quite large–it measures 25-1/2 by 25-1/2 including the framing. It’s also quite heavy since the frame and the actual structure of the canvas is made from real wood, so I think it would be too heavy to hang on the cabinets. But I do love that look, especially in home libraries and studies!

  3. The picture is a fun print however I do think it is hung too high. I would not hesitate to have it lower even if some is in front of the shade of the lamp, or perhaps move the lamp??What about closing the secretary and moving the standing lamp on the other side of the chair? I think the area is looking a tad crowded. Just my thoughts.

    • Thanks for that suggestion, Toni! It probably looks a bit high in the photos, but the lamp is actually not very tall. The top of lamp comes to around my shoulder, so in person, it not as high as it probably looks in the photos. I really like it in that spot, like how the lamp illuminates it. 🙂

    • I agree with Toni that it is starting to look crowded. Would like more space for the chair. Perhaps move the ottoman to another room or area.

      • I love the ottoman in this room. In person it feels spacious with plenty of room to walk around so not sure why it feels crowded to you in the pictures. I’ve added another addition so you will REALLY think it’s crowded when I post that. 😉

  4. Love it with your handbag collection!

  5. Barbara Robinson says

    I like it! You have so many options in that room. Someday when your handbag collection grows you can use the shelves above the desk for your small billfolds and atomizers. You have done such a great job.

    • Thanks, Barbara! I do have a lot of growing room once I remove all the boxes and other little items I have tucked inside. Also, I could fit a lot more bags on each shelf if I angled them. I don’t think my collection will grow a lot more, can only think of 2-3 more bags that I would love to add at some point.

  6. Look at you adding more orange! Your comfort zone has developed fluid boundaries recently–Good for you!!!

  7. Phylis Parsons says

    Oh, I love your painting. It looks perfect hanging there. I absolutely love those cabinets too. Would the cabinets be deep enough to use for books?

    • I did have some books about fashion and handbags mixed in, but I just recently ordered a bookcase so I removed all those. I’ll be sharing that real soon. Thanks, Phylis!

  8. I like the look of the cabinet with your collections and the picture looks so fun with them. But I agree it is looking a tad too busy. If you removed some of the boxes off the top of the cabinet it might not look so top heavy and draw the eye more to your wonderful collections inside the cabinets. Just my thoughts. Have fun and enjoy being able view your wonderful purses.

    • I may eventually remove those, but for now, I’m kinda enjoying seeing them. They make my heart beat just a little faster. Ha, ha! 😉
      Thanks, Deri!

  9. I thought that’s where the picture was going all along. I guess I missed that shelf to the right of the bed. What did you have on that shelf? I bet you sit on the bed staring at your collection! You are having so much fun and it’s nice to be able to enjoy right along with you. I an see this becoming your “cave”. I would caution you, though, to watch your butt on that opened desk corner!!!

    • It’s changed over the years. Part of the time I had a plate up there along with a lantern. I’ve also had pictures resting on it. lol Good advice! 🙂

  10. Beautiful! Although I liked your original shelf idea so that the painting would take center stage.

    Your purse collection is amazing, but I’m still wowed by your perfume collection.

    In my next life I’m coming back as your dil!!


    • I may end up moving over there at some point…just to at least see how it looks. Thanks, Wendy! It’s mostly made up of inexpensive bags with a few dream bags that I’ve managed to collect over the years.
      Well, I’m sure you would be an amazing daughter in law! 🙂

  11. Great place for it! Confused…is it a painting, or a print OF a painting?

    • Thanks, Bernie! It’s def not a print, doesn’t look or feel like a print. It’s
      “painted” on canvas. They describe it as being made using ultra-premium inks. It looks a lot like paint in person. It reminds me of Giclee. It was super affordable so I’m really happy with how it looks and how it’s framed.

  12. I agree with Toni and Helene that it is getting too crowded.

  13. I love where it landed! I had a feeling it might not work on the originally intended wall, but trusted your judgment. Can’t wait to see what you’ve got going on next.

  14. Love it, Susan!!! What a perfect whimsy for that room. Well done. Looks fabulous!!!!

  15. franki Parde says

    Oooh, my…that is the perfect vignette with the lamp base, too!! WELL DONE!! franki

  16. Oh Susan, that is the perfect spot for this whimsical art! It looks right a home beside all your purse collection. I really love this in this room, I think it should become your “cave”. lol I love it! Hugs, Brenda

    • Thanks, Brenda! It really is becoming that. Before it was a never used guest room and now it’s more of my playspace that can double as a guest room when needed. lol

  17. Been following you for a long time and love all of your helpful hints always. Your decor is always gorgeous. This room is a bit busy and crowded looking. Love the window treatments, but having the bed cover the same it’s a bit busy. Having said that if you love it that’s all that matters.
    Even though I’m not into hand bags/purses it is beautifully displayed and love your new canvas next to it. It gives me ideas for my collections.

  18. Hi Susan and what a darling painting and it’s perfect for your pretty room. Now girlfriend, you have really got some snazzy purses and they look great in your shelves! Hope you’re doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia 😉

  19. Susan Craft Jones says

    Hi Susan,
    I absolutely love these cabinets. I was wondering if you have them secured to the wall since they are rather tall? I would love these in my spare bedroom like you have here.
    I love your canvas print exactly where it is .
    Susan from Dayton, OH (I think you have been here before) lol

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