An Ornery Weather Station

Welcome to the 520th Metamorphosis Monday!

Unfortunately, I’m still sick with some kind of virus. My throat is still really swollen. If I’m not better in the next day or two, I’m going for a strep test.  I don’t really have a Before and After to share since I spent much of yesterday (when I felt up to it) doing boring stuff like putting wreaths back into storage under the eaves in the upstairs family room and taking all the ornaments off the tree.

Hanging Wreaths on Windows


I did attempt to get this weather station up and running. I have a similar one in my kitchen that I have really enjoyed, so thought I’d add one to my office.


For some reason, the outdoor sensor (shown below) is refusing to synchronize with the indoor station. Will have to work on that later, going back to bed for now. Hope you are staying well, dear Friend!

Oh, and thanks so much for the birthday wishes yesterday from you sneaky folks who somehow knew it was my birthday. lol Happy Birthday to Lori who shares the same birthday and messaged me on Instagram!

Okay, I’m going back to bed to fight off whatever this is…then will work on this ornery weather station again.


Looking forward to all the fabulous Before and Afters linked for this week’s Metamorphosis Monday!

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Metamorphosis Monday

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  1. Happy Birthday
    Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Thank you Susan, please take care of yourself! Sorry you were sick on your birthday 🙁

    HAPPY … belated …. BIRTHDAY TO YOU ♫ ♫ ♫
    Do hope you are feeling a tad better today. -Brenda-

  4. Mary from Virginia says

    Happy belated birthday! I was thinking it was today.

    Go for your strep test today, no need to be miserable!

  5. Feel better, Susan. I’m sorry you had to spend your birthday “under the weather”, but please accept my belated very best wishes for a Happy Birthday!! Take care, get under your warm flannel sheets, drink fluids and take care of yourself!

  6. Happy Birthday Susan! Feel better!

  7. Dawne Marie says

    Of Susan! Hope you start to feel better. Get your mask on and trek to the dr! So many sick right now.
    Happy Belated Birthday. . Get well soon for a late BD celebration.
    Sending healing prayers.

  8. Happy birthday. You’ll have to plan a belated gift for yourself.,,,spa day maybe for a little pampering?! Anyway. Go to doctor now as it sounds like you need antibiotic, better to get on one ASAP rather than wait. I had a swollen throat thing once and that was what I needed. Take care, hope you are on the mend soon.

  9. I live in Alpharetta & have had a sore throat since before Christmas. Took Z-pack but didn’t help. Finally went to dr. & it’s viral. Did old fashioned throat swab but it was negative. Must be going around. Also coughing which makes you so tired. Hoping you feel better soon. We used to do the wreaths on all our windows for 30yrs. Stopped 2yrs. ago & all the neighbors were concerned about us. Just getting too old to keep up!

  10. So sorry you’re sick again. You need mega vitamins or something. Happy birthday and feel better again soon.

  11. Happy Birthday to You! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to You!!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday….. ♪♫•*¨*¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Dear Suuuuuusaaaaaaaann *¨*♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ Happy Birthday….. ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪… to YOU!!!!!!!!!!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪…and many, many, more♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥¸¸.•*¨

    Hope you get well real soon.

  12. Holy Smokes! You put wreathes away when you’re that sick?! Your work ethic is on fire!

    Thank you for your beautiful posts. I found you when I moved to Suwanee from VA four years ago. (I miss Richmond terribly but your blog helped me see the forest.) 🙂


  13. Happy Belated Birthday!! I was sick for 2 weeks after Christmas!! I hope you feel better soon…
    Thanks so much for hosting!!

  14. What a crappy way to have to spend your birthday – being sick! I do hope you’re better soon, Susan, and you can celebrate yourself in some fun way that you’ll enjoy. Happy Belated Birthday.

  15. Carol Norton says

    Hope you get to feeling better soon.
    My remedy is tons of Vit. C and gobs of yogurt. My friends get mad because I never get colds–maybe 5 in 50 years, and I can tell you when they all were. Never had flu either and don’t get the shots. Granted I may have a stout immune system, but whenever I’ve felt something maybe “coming on”, the above always headed it off. The Dr. should be able to tell by looking if it’s strep–it has a characteristic appearance and if that’s the case, prescribe antibiotics.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  16. Jean patrick says

    Sorry you are sick with a sore throat. My grandson spent most of Xmas break in bed with pneumonia. Do be careful as these problems can be quite severe. I saw in our local paper jeaa woman had a LV shoulder bag for $1200. Canadian. Did not know if that is a good price or not. Take care. Belated birthday wishes.
    Jean Patrick

  17. If, as you say, your throat is really swollen and it has been more than 2 days, you need that rapid Strep. test NOW…it is highly contagious and if untreated can lead to heart and kidney problems…please go to URGENT care today.
    Wishing you well!

  18. Happy belated Birthday Susan. Sure hope you don’t have strep! Feel better soon. ((Hugs))

  19. Oh my, do see a Doc. Happy Birthday as well. As soon as you are better go have a belated celebration with friends at a fav eatery. Back to bed and call the Doc!

  20. Donna zoltanski says

    Feel better soon! Sending happy birthday wishes too!

  21. wow! that’s a lot of wreaths. feel better soon and happy belated birthday. thanks for hosting each week. xo- maryjo

  22. Happy Birthday – hope you are feeling better so you can celebrate “properly”!

  23. No fun being sick, especially when a celebration has arrived. Hope you’re feeling better; if not I’m sure you have made the trek to the doctor. Knowing how “fix-it” savvy you are, I bet you solve the sensor problem!

  24. Susan, happy belated birthday. We almost share birthdays. Mine is Jan. 15.
    Enjoy all of your “finds” and “how to” advice. You are so smart and able to do so many things yourself. Get well.

  25. Dear Susan: Belated Happy Birthday wishes to you. Sore throats have no respect for special occasions. Lots of nasty things going around in NJ also. My daughter just headed off a bad throat with her special remedy. She gargles with apple cider vinegar (I don’t know how she stands it!) But it sounds as if a Dr. visit is in order for you to rule out strep. Feel better soon.

  26. Wanda Bradey says

    Hope your birthday was great. Sorry you are felling bad. Chicken soup. Nasal saline spray. Get well soon!

  27. Oh Susan, I don’t know what’s worse, sore throat or putting away all those wreaths? Crikey girl. Better get well in a hurry.
    Birthday….who has birthdays?

  28. Cyndi Raines says

    Happy belated birthday wishes 1 day late. Sorry you are not feeling well. Hopefully, you will be able to get some good medicine, rest, push the fluids and be feeling better soon. Then you go celebrate. Hugs!

  29. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!! These indoor/outdoor thermometers never last even when they work for a couple years…the outdoor sensor always an issue. I still have 2 that only work indoors now. Have looked and looked on Amazon and not convinced of any that are highly rated so let us know if this one finally works. My mama would have been 100 years old Today. Happy Bday yesterday!!! Take care!

  30. Susan,
    Get well soon! I try using nasal saline solution daily to keep passages moist, thus reducing
    Colds and upper respiratory infections.
    Drink lots of wAter, since tea and coffee dehydrate!

  31. Happy belated birthday! I hope you feel better soon.

  32. Big mistake that all of us [women] seem to make! Go to the doctor. The earlier you get a diagnosis, the easier to treat. Why be in misery. Always seems to happen after a visit to the short people in our lives; they are such little germ machines!

  33. Belated happy birthday wishes, sounds like it wasn’t such a great day! I’m so sorry you are sick and hope you’ll soon be feeling much better.

  34. You might already be gargling with warm salt water but I wanted to tell you that I thought for sure I had strept a few weeks ago. My husband brought me warm salt water that was stronger than I would fix but my sore throat left immediately. I was sure suprised at that. Maybe it would help you too.

    • Thanks, Linda. I was coughing my head off all last night, but it was much better today. I’m hoping I’m headed in the right direction now. Thanks for that tip, I had forgotten about hot salty water, that really has helped when I’ve done that in the past.

  35. So sorry you are not feeling well. Only a doctor knows if it’s strep, so hopefully, you went. A belated happy birthday Susan. Thank you for always steering us towards products you have tested and love. Feel better soon. We will wait right here for you if you take a day off.

  36. Brenda Lawrence says

    Happy Belated Birthday Wishes Susan!!! I’m not late, I’m just fashionably late I hope!!! lol Hope you are feeling better by now too! Hugs, Brenda

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