How The Epoxy Flooring In The Basement Turned Out & Lighting Is Next!

Welcome to the 744th Metamorphosis Monday! The flooring in the unfinished area of the basement is done and it looks a bit different from how I had imagined it would look. You may remember this is how it looked before its makeover.

Utility Room in Basement


A previous owner of my home had it painted white at some point. It was pretty scraped up and had some impossible-to-remove stains, so I decided to give it the Granite Garage treatment since I love how the flooring they installed in my garage turned out. So how does it look now?

Updates for unfinished basement


I like it, but it definitely feels darker in this room than it does in the garage, something I hadn’t really anticipated.

Epoxy Flooring for an Unfinished Basement Storage Room


It has spurred me to go ahead and upgrade the lighting in this room. I’ve always really disliked the lighting which consists of two glaring, bare light bulbs. They don’t put out enough light and are harsh on the eyes.

Epoxy Flooring for Basement Storage Room


So I’m going to give the company that did the lighting on the staircase a call and have them back out to give me an estimate for adding 6 (or more) recessed lights to this space. I think that will brighten up this utility/storage room a lot and I know it will definitely enhance and improve the “feel” of this space, as only lighting can do.

Epoxy Flooring, Unfinished Basement


Here’s a view of the flooring against the brick-styled concrete wall in this room.

Epoxy Flooring in Farmhouse Gray


I may be changing my mind about the storage shelving I want to use in this space.

Epoxy Flooring for an Unfinished Basement Storage Room


Before, I was thinking about this (or similar) open shelving down the left wall, but now I’m leaning toward shelving with doors, similar to what I have in the garage. Still trying to make up my mind on that–but first, better lighting!


Best Garage, Basement, Laundry Storage Shelves


So here’s how it looked on Friday after the flooring guys removed the old, chipped/stained, white paint.

Preparing Flooring for Granite Garage Epoxy Flooring


And here’s how it looks today. I’m leaning toward white walls in this space now, as opposed to a light gray or a greige color. First I’ll improve the lighting and then I’ll decide on the paint color. Did you notice how this went from “I-just-want-to-hide-all-that-ugly-insulation-with-drywall” to now an almost full-blown renovation of this space? Ha!

Epoxy Flooring for an Unfinished Basement Storage Room


I should have known that would happen because… If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.


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  1. Good lighting makes all the difference, and what a fantastic storage space you’re going to have! Thanks Susan~

  2. Mary Stevens says

    I looks really good and when you get new lights it will shine!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Judy Hubbard says

    I love your new flooring and color. It looks very rich and durable.
    What a large amount of storage spaces you have in your home with garage and basement! You are so lucky to have so much room to store all your china, linens, etc.

    • Thanks, Judy! That was one of the key factors that attracted me to this house so many years ago, it does have a lot of storage space.

  4. I think the floor looks great! Yes to white walls and added lighting. However, you might have a hard time finding shelves with doors that are very deep. They probably won’t hold as much as the storage shelves you showed. So it depends how you need to use them. I’ve been very happy with mine and then using see through plastic containers with lids, clear enough to be able to identify what’s in them. Just a thought.

    • I know, you’re so right. That’s the main thing I’ve noticed…when they have doors they are either not very deep or metal, and I just really don’t like metal cabinets. Most of the things I’m storing on the shelves would fit inside the cabinets I have in the garage, maybe not the paper towels, but I think most of the other things would fit. I’m going to take my time though on deciding, don’t want to rush into it until I’m sure.

  5. Your flooring looks great Susan. You have such great basement storage. Have a great first week of May!!

  6. Looks great to us, but I can see what you mean. Are they done and gone or did you say it was darker than you expected ? Seems permanent at this point unless you put down light throw rugs. There are so many kinds of light bulbs today, I don’t envy that part. The bigger open shelves could handle blue tubs and large items.
    We learn so much from your projects.

    • Today, I was talking with my sales guy and I mentioned it was darker than I expected. At first he said that if it was the wrong color, they would totally change it, so amazingly, they can do that. But when I showed him a close up photo, the one against the wall, it does look like the Farmhouse Gray that’s in the garage, so I think it’s a lighting issue. Hopefully, when I add more and better lighting, it will brighten up. Also, if I paint all the walls white and get white cabinets, that will definitely brighten things up even more.
      I know, I don’t like having to choose bulbs. The good thing is, most of the lights out there that you can purchase are designed with several settings so you can choose the one you like best. I just purchased new recessed lights for my upstairs hall and they have 6 settings! Usually, lights have three to choose from…like the ones I had installed in the garage.

  7. Yes, to more lights. The space looks amazing. If you do get cabinets with doors as in your garage, it will up the look to spectacular. You may want to use this space as your craft room or gift wrapping room. Hang some wall decor and add a comfy swivel chair and a work table and enjoy your new upgraded space!

  8. What about the using the lighting that’s in your garage in the basement? Or will that be too much light? We’re going to use the same garage lighting you used in our garage when it’s completed. I loved how much light it gives off.
    It all looks very nice.

    • I thought about that since I like my garage lighting so much, but I don’t think it will work well in this room since there’s a water pipe running down the center in that room. Plus, there’s so many other “things” in the ceiling that I think would be in the way. The panels in the garage are pretty big. I think they come in smaller sizes and different shapes, but for this room, since I don’t have any plans to finish the ceiling, I think recessed lighting would probably work better since it’s pretty small and will fit almost anywhere. I’ll see what the electrician recommends–he’ll be here tomorrow.

  9. Lol, yes, I did notice how giving the mouse the cookie turned out here. But the space looks great. I’m interested in knowing what shelving you may want now. I honestly didn’t think you’d be happy with the exposed shelving, but was thinking how you might be able to get zip covers for those.
    I have a B&A today with that well-know May Day flower – lily-of-the-valley, which was more like Mayday! for me in my landscape.
    Thanks for the party. Have a good week.

    • Happens every time! LOL!
      Thanks, Rita! You know me well! That more I kept envisioning it and looking at the open shelving I currently have, the more it was bugging me…seeing all that stuff. I like stuff hidden away.
      What is a B&A, I’m being dense. lol
      I have an invasive plant that’s trying to take over my front yard…I rue the day I brought it home! I’ve got to dig it up sometime soon, it’s coming up everywhere.

  10. Michele M. says

    It looks GREAT, Susan!!!! Well done choice-making. It will help keep things less dusty big time, too!

    I am all about stuff being behind closed doors. I know open shelving is convenient and easy and less expensive (usually) but if you can swing it I think
    you will be happier with things a big more hidden. Tough decision though.

    Happy May Day!!

    • I think so too and I like how it seals the floor in that room better than just a painted floor does. Yeah, I’m sure you’re right. Even though I’m probably the only person who will go in that room, I don’t like having all that stuff visible. It just feels a bit messy and cluttered. Argggh! This project grows and grows! lol

  11. Tina W Reynolds says

    Your basement is so cheery! We call ours “The Dungeon”! It was never meant to be anything more than a place for the mechanical stuff and in days past, part of it was a fruit cellar! What a wonderful space you have created. I am green with envy!

  12. I love the flooring! Slightly darker feeling maybe, but once you have better lighting, I think that will make all the difference. Since the flooring looks so nice, you may or may not decide to go with nicer storage shelving and I think keeping the painting lighter and brighter will help too. The floor is amazing though! Definitely a “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” deal. LOL But doesn’t it feel so nice in that space now?! Hugs, Brenda

    • Brenda, you’re so right! The electrician just finished adding the lighting in that room and wow, what a difference! It does–such a big improvement in the feel of the space. Definitely a mouse/cookie situation! Ha!

  13. Susan,
    Thanks again for hosting this charming party every week! I know how much time goes into doing so and I want you to know that it I truly appreciate it!! I hope you have a great week!

  14. Mary Anne says

    It looks great! Pristine!

  15. Karen Lovell says

    Love the floor! Looks good with the walls. I know you’re going to be pleased. About shelving: open shelving allows you to readily see everything but shelving with doors hides cluttered look. Either works. However, I personally prefer the doors on the shelving to keep down dust on things. By the way, I still have garage envy!! I love your garage and the way it looks. Mine needs help!

    • Thanks so much, Karen! I so agree! After giving it more thought, I decided to go ahead and order the same cabinets I have in the garage. I really don’t want to see the stuff/clutter now that the room is looking so much better.

  16. Catalynn says

    I love the new floor Susan, I see what you mean about it looking darker than your garage but I think it’s beautiful just the way it is and once you add more light I think it will be perfect!

    • Thanks, Catalynn! The electrician just finished and it does look so much better! It looks a lot more like the garage now.

  17. Cynthia Blaylock says

    Susan, I just had a chance to read your post where you asked for opinions on that shelving a few days ago. I noticed each shelf only holds up to 264 lbs. That really isn’t very much if you plan on storing backup pantry items such as canned or bottled goods, although it would probably be sufficient for paper goods such as TP, paper towels, etc. I don’t know if you have Costco where you are, but I just noticed some really nice metal shelving last week at Costco for only $140 – the Trinity 6 tier wire shelving. They had the option of rolling/locking casters or self-leveling fixed feet. If you use the fixed feet, each shelf can hold up to 1,000 lbs.!! The shelves are adjustable and although they are “open” you could have pieces of wood or plastic cut to fit on them. The ones in the store were silver metallic colored, but the ones on Costco’s website are black. They are 18″ x 48.” I thought it was a great price!

  18. Thanks for those suggestions, Cynthia! That is a great price for good shelving!
    I probably won’t store can goods or too many heavy things. I ended up ordering two cabinets like I already have in the garage because I love how those look. The shelves in those cabinets bow under heavy dishes but I think they will do pretty well with what I typically store. If they don’t, I’ll probably do what I did in the garage and have new shelves cut in Home Depot that are thicker and more supportive…but hopefully, I won’t have to do that this time. I just really like how finished/clean/nice those cabinets in the garage look, so hopefully, I won’t regret that choice for the basement.

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