A Table Setting to Welcome Autumn

Welcome to the 4th Tablescape Tuesday!

Fall is definitely in the air here in the Atlanta area. I blew all the leaves off the deck on Saturday and was shocked to see how many more had accumulated by Sunday morning. This will be my first fall on the porch, since the porch was just finished in early spring. So you know what that means…time to go shopping for some fall goodies for the porch, including fall china! 🙂 Now you know, it just wouldn’t be proper to use summery looking china with the leaves all turning those gorgeous fall colors…right? Come on, work with me here!   I feel a china mission coming on!

I thought I would have to wait and shop and shop…I tend to be a bit picky when it comes to buying china…I have to really love it. But, I got lucky a few weeks ago while I was out running errands. I stopped by Pier 1 and there it was, the fall china I’d been dreaming of…and ON SALE! Yipee!

Won’t you come join me for an Autumn dinner on the porch…the table is all set…the only thing missing is you!

I can see these mugs filled with hot apple cider or rich hot chocolate on those cool fall evenings on the porch…

I’ve been sort of stuck in a rut…always using two tall candlesticks in most of my tablescapes. I decided it was time for a change. I liked the look of this single large, candle centerpiece.

Leaf napkin rings in green….

And red….

Found these cute pumpkin napkin rings…three different styles are shown below. Wouldn’t these be perfect for dinner around Halloween or Thanksgiving?

Thought the bamboo flatware looked great with this china. I think an all stainless flatware just wouldn’t have worked as well with all the rich autumn colors.

Bought six accent plates in a fall pattern to use for the salad plates. The actual salad plates that match the china, will be used for dessert, instead. To make it more interesting, I bought three salad plates in brown….

And three in green…alternating the two colors around the table…

Not sure why Pier 1 had this china 50% off in August, ’cause it sure looked like the perfect fall china to this girl! Love the reds, browns and olive green colors with the pretty gold, rope edging.

Hung cute little iron acorns from the handle of each mug…

A sweet little bird nestled down among the leaves…

A warm glow on those chilly fall nights…I love the pattern this candle holder created on the table…

I’m not sure I can do a tablescape without a few birds tucked in there somewhere. I like this cheeky little fellow…

There are four different pumpkins mixed in with the leaves and birds, all around the tall center candle…

I love the white pumpkin…it looks great in my kitchen when it’s not in use on the porch.

These little wreaths would make nice gifts for your guest to take home at the end of the night…

I used three different styles of wreaths…two are shown here in the close-up pics…

I used those little corkscrew bed skirt pins to hold the wreaths onto the back of the chairs…they just curled around the wicker without putting a hole in it.

I love the little acorns on this one…ties nicely back in with the acorns hanging from the mugs…

A few more views…

I always have questions about where the items come from that I use in my table settings, so I’ve listed those in mice type at the end of this posting. 🙂

Hope you enjoyed this weeks tablescape.  Thanks so much for stopping by and I would love to hear your comments about how you are decorating for fall this year
(Items used in the above tablescape came from the following stores: China came from Pier 1; Leaf accent (salad) plates are from Marshalls, Bamboo flatware is from Big Lots; Candle center piece, pumpkins, acorns and wreaths are all from Hobby Lobby, Napkins and all napkin rings are from Kohl’s.)

The following blogs have wonderful tablescapes awaiting your visit:

A Santamaker’s Journey http://santamakersjourney.blogspot.com/

Angelic Accents http://angelicaccents.blogspot.com/

Between Naps on the Porch https://betweennapsontheporch.net/

Blinks ‘N Winks from Brown-Eyes http://blinksnwinksfrombrown-eyes.blogspot.com/

Cottage in the Cedars http://suecottageinthecedarsbellsouthnet.blogspot.com/

‘D’s DayDreams http://dsdaydreams.blogspot.com/

Oak Rise Cottage http://oakrisecottage.blogspot.com/

Ribbonwood Cottage http://ribbonwoodcottage.blogspot.com/

Salmagundi http://sallyssalmagundi.blogspot.com/

Sweet Nothings http://sweetnothingsbj.blogspot.com/

The Gypsy’s Corner http://gypsycorner.blogspot.com/

The Happy Wonderer http://happywonderer.wordpress.com/2008/09/15/tuesday-tablescape/

There is Always Thyme for… http://thereisalwaysthymefor.blogspot.com/

Thinkin’ of Home http://thinkinofhome.blogspot.com/


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  1. I just love Tuesdays! Your table is beautiful as always. I really like the big candle. Pretty dishes. I went looking today for some new ones. Haven’t found them yet…you KNOW how I need some more dishes!!

  2. Another tablescape rich in texture and color … just beautiful!

  3. absolutely lovely! I am so jealous of your talents

  4. Oh Susan, you did it again! This is so beautiful & I'm just itching to go shopping! I am seriously in love with your white pumpkin too. I have a pumpkin fetish & have been trying so hard to not buy new ones this year but my resolve is fading away. I'm seeing white pumpkins in my near future!

    Thanks for the inspiration & the shopping itch! ;0} Diane

  5. Good morning, Susan,
    Your tablescapes are just out of this world. So pretty. I am going back to take another look at everything. There’s so much eye candy that I don’t want to miss.

    I also have my tablescape posted. I thought I left a comment that I would be posting today but bet I forgot.

    Happy day, bj

  6. Your Table is just beautiful. So perfect for fall. I enjoyed every detail that you put on it.

  7. As the season changes you provide another beautiful tablescape. Love the acorn and little birds. The centerpiece is perfect for this particular table also. It’s all those little special touches that make your tablescapes spectacular.

  8. Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey says

    Love you table.Everything looks so pretty !

  9. RetiredAtLast says

    I can smell the lit jack-o-lanterns now. Thank goodness Fall is upon us. Your tablescape makes me feel as if it is already here. Thank you so much for taking my mind off our hot and humid weather. As the commercial says: “Anticipation…..is making me wait”. Thanks again for sharing this wonderful tablescape.

  10. Absolutely wonderful Susan! I feel a trip to Big Lots coming on. That bamboo flatware has my name written all over it. Do you plan on putting it in the dishwasher? Just wondering. Have a great day.

  11. Hi Susan
    Your tablescape is so beautiful. and your porch is the porch of my dreams. Do you use it all the time?
    Thanks for tagging me. I think I may have done it before so I’ll check my earlier posts and if I didn’t play before, then I will.
    Hope you have a great day.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  12. Hi Susan..oh boy, another ooo-la-la
    tablescape from your beautiful porch! Every detail is thought out to the n’th degree. LOVELY!
    😉 Bo

  13. decorator101 says

    Hi susan..another beautiful tablescape full of inspiration. I love the touch of nature and the whimsy of the hanging acorns from the cups…when did you say dinner was? hugs ~lynne~

  14. Oh how very creative and full your table setting is. I love all the mixing and matching. The extra touches here and there are all such great eye candy. You really know how to bring a theme to a table!

  15. Susan,you’ve even got me in the mood to try this.Remember,I’m the one that when I make,or attempt to make tablescapes,it just looks like I forgot to clean off the table after dinner.ha.
    I even bought some chargers the last time I went shopping.Who knows what the future will bring.ha
    This is lovely as they always are.Of course,I especially like the little birdies….Ann

  16. Awesome! You dont miss a thing…so much attention to detail…I love it! You should have your OWN book published. Love the white pumpkin…I have been looking for some ‘real’ ones for fall decorating. Thanks for another great tablescape..you give me inspiration. Maybe next week I can join in…(just got my camera fixed yesterday)~Cindy~

  17. Beautiful table and room.
    Visited all the other ‘tables’ as well.
    My compliments to all the participants. Fun!

  18. jerseygirl211 says

    I forgot to let you know that I did post a table top. We ended up having new neighbors stop over last night and it was very late by the time they left. I quick downloaded my tabletop, but forgot to leave you a note. Sorry, hope it’s not too late.

    ‘D’ @ ‘D’s DayDreams

  19. Susan this is just beautiful girl!! your attention to details are just wonderful..I love all the fall colors and the acorns just look too cute on the mugs..Thanks for sharin where you got everything from..I don’t think anyone can hold a candle to you when it comes to tables..Now what time is dinner girl?? I will bring my bed table manners I promise you !!! Hugs and smiles Gloria

  20. Hi Susan, You never disappoint. I still have a grin on my face. I love the cheeky little bird. The table setting is PERFECT.It is inspiring me to come up with something for fall in my kitchen dinnette.Your blog is always the first one I look at in the morning, it just sets the tone for the day. I would like to know how you store all the dishes. Now there is an idea for all you creative ladies. Show us creative ideas of storage, that is a common problem we all seem to have,hmmmm!maybe we should contact HGTV??? Anyway , again, thankyou for all the inspiration, Love the new dishes and the bamboo flatware. I think I will check Big Lots out for that , Love it . Your friend Kathysue

  21. Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents says

    Hi Susan! What a lovely fall tablescape! That center candle is just awesome. Love your new china & the bamboo flatware is just perfect with this setting. Love all your whimsical touches. Where did the little iron acorns come from?

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  22. Oh – I can’t wait to get my life back in order so I can participate in this again. I have SOOOO many tablescapes I would like to add!

    This tablescape of yours is amazing!!!

  23. Susan, I check your blog each day and every single time I am AMAZED at your talent! This tablescape is gorgeous! I agree with Cindy, you should have a book published or a show on HGTV! You inspire me daily! Thanks, Pam (pc25)

  24. Hi Susan…. came back to see all your lovely tablescapes…. love that candle…. yummm!


  25. Susan, it’s so pretty and the colors are yummy! Your music choice is perfect… excellent tablescape once again!

  26. I absolutely love the colors in your tablescape! Everything is just beautiful and such gorgeous eyecandy to look at! lol Hope you are having a great day!

  27. Susan,
    Now I’m in the mood for FALL! This is SO pretty! Love the centerpiece! I have to echo what eveyone else has said~~your attention to detail is amazing!

  28. Beautiful tablescape today Susan, I love the centre candle and stand too. Thanks for letting us know where these beautiful items can be found, the china was a wonderful find at 50% off. Kathy

  29. This is perfect fall china! I cannot believe you found this on sale. And I LOVE that huge candle stick in the middle of the table. And those cute napkin rings. Oh, ok, as usual, I love all of it. You are THE tablescape queen, and what a great job you’ve done of getting Tablescape Tues. started–so many for me to go see. Can’t wait to see the rest! Laurie (bargainhunr)

  30. How beautiful once again!! I also love your music choices… perfection!! You really need to write a tablescaping book! Christy

  31. Fantabulous as always Susan! Sometimes I wished I lived in the south where things are a little more fancy. Such casual entertaining here.

  32. Goodness this is simply lovely! I love that you shop at such budget friendly places too. I’m going to have to start checking out these places because your things are just so yummy. I’d love to be your neighbor girlfriend so you could teach me how to create such a lovely home.


  33. Thank you for inspiring us each week w/ the tablescapes of your friends and yourself! I love knowing where you purchase items, and I have gotten one of the books you recommended from my local library!

  34. Susan, everything looks fantastic. You have a true gift for tablescape design.

  35. Fall is my favorite time to decorate my house. IF I ever figure out how to post pictures I will join your Tuesday tablescapes. I bought Fall dinnerware several years ago ( I have dishes for every season and yes, I think I need a 12 step program for that too). I LOVE my fall dishes and have been on a mission to find different salad plates. FINALLY found great pumpkin shaped ones the other day!!! I just LOVE your tablescape, ALL of them are SOO beautiful. I LOVE TUESDAYS!!!!!!!!! Hugs, Pinky

  36. Gobsmackin’ gorgeous table! I found my way here by Googling “fall tablescapes” and I’m so glad I did. You have truly made a welcoming, charmingly set table. Makes me want to get invited over. I love the dishes, the bamboo flatware, the little birds, and I agree about the wonderful pattern made by the glowing candle.
    Nice work!

  37. Delightful table set for fall. My favorite season is fall and I would love those napkin rings as well as those brown salad plates. The acorns attached to the mugs were so cute and playful. I'll have to keep my eyes open this year!

  38. Bonjour,
    Your tables are so magnific
    I'm here in your home to discover
    your lovely presentations

  39. carmen0777 says

    Oh how beautiful! I remember seeing those dishes at Pier One now that you mention that, but, they certainly take on a new life with your tablescape! I too loved the big candle, but I think my favorite (or one of them) were the birds. Especially the one you called cheeky. Adorable! How thoughtful you had beautiful wreaths for your guests to take home. How did you make those? You stayed up all night setting up, it's only fitting I stay up til the wee hours myself looking at them! Off to see some more!

  40. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Hi Carmen, Thanks for your sweet words! Actually, I didn't make the wreaths. I think I found those at Michaels…been a while now so it's hard to remember. Fall is almost here again!

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