8 Months of Procrastination Finally Ends

Welcome to the 224th Metamorphosis Monday!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend.  This was one of those weekends where I had a long list of things I really wanted to get done but Mother Nature had other plans.  It rained “monsoon style” all day long on Saturday, but being the determined, crazy woman that I am, I dragged the tall urns from the deck onto the porch and replanted those as I had planned.  Afterward, I dragged them back out onto the deck, all in the pouring rain.  Yes. I. Did.  I was determined to get at least one thing on my “to do” list crossed off.

Use Dremel to Remove Rusted Bird Feeder Shepherd's Hook

With all this rain and dreary weather, I’m beginning to feel like I live in soap-opera land.  You know how things always look dark and gloomy on soap-operas.  Or, maybe my house was magically transported to Gotham City!  In any case, the pics in this post are a bit on the dark and gloomy side, very “Gotham-like.”

I checked the weather forecast on Saturday and it appeared Sunday would have a few non-rain hours in which to work.   The sun actually made an appearance for a few minutes and it was glorious.  I had almost forgotten how sunshine looks, it’s been so cloudy and yucky here lately.  It wasn’t sunny for long but at least the rain held off for a few hours.

I had to work quickly today.  A lot of “potting-up” and planting got done; I’ll share that another day.  Today, I’m sharing something I finally got done that I have been putting off since last September.  How’s that for procrastination!   I’ll give the details of what I did in case you run into this problem some day.  Hopefully you won’t put it off for 8 months like I did.  It was actually very easy in the end.

For years I have had two feeders hanging off the decks flanking the screened-in porch.  You can see them in this pic below on the left and on the right.


Last September I replaced the hook the feeder on the right hangs from with a much longer shepherd’s hook in an attempt to prevent wily squirrels from leaping out onto the feeder. Even though the feeder shuts down when a squirrel is on it, the stinkers had figured out how to hang upside down from the top where they would then scarf down huge amounts of seed, emptying the feeder in no time flat.  The longer hook combined with a baffle has done wonders.  Mr. Squirrel doesn’t even attempt it anymore.  Yay!  Chalk one up for the humans in the Squirrel Wars!

I had hoped to replace the shepherd’s hook on the left, too.  (See arrow)


I tried to do that last September when I changed out the other one but I ran into a problem, a big ole ugly, rusty problem.  The screws holding the hook onto the post had rusted so badly, the tops of the screws just crumbled when I tried to unscrew them.

Rusted Shepherd's Hook

You may remember I purchased a spiral screw extractor in an attempt to drill the screw out.  That totally didn’t work and all I ended up accomplishing was breaking a drill bit.  You’ll find that September post here: Squirrel Wars: The Latest Trick Up My Sleeve

Spiral Screw Extractor

That ugly ole hook didn’t magically disappear during the winter.  No, it was still there hanging off the deck mocking me as I prettied up the deck with flowers this weekend.

Deck with Solar Lights

Just two rusty screws stood between me and the removal of that old hook.

Use Dremel to Remove Rusted Bird Feeder Shepherd's Hook

For a reference of where this hook is located, it hangs from the side of the deck with the bottle tree.  Do you see it there on the left, hanging off the post?  I had bent it down before I took this pic.

Use Dremel to Remove Rusted Bird Feeder Shepherd's Hook

I’m not sure how but I managed to get the rod part off when I bent it down.  It just fell off. So all that was left was the mounting plate.

Side story:  See how crooked the top of the post is when it isn’t covered up with a post cap? When I hired my contractor to add on the deck and the screened-in porch, I told him I would be using copper caps on the posts.  I even purchased them prior to the construction of the deck so he could see them.  He forgot to tell his deck crew about the copper post caps and I came home from work one day to find the deck built with pointed, pyramid-shaped posts.  The deck guys had to go back and cut the tops off all the posts and since the deck was already built, they did a pretty awful job of  it.  Some of the post tops are so badly shaped, the post caps won’t sit level on top of them without sticking something underneath.  Anyway, that’s why the post tops look so awful when a post cap isn’t in place.  End of side story.

Use Dremel to Remove Rusted Bird Feeder Shepherd's Hook

Okay, back to the hook problem: Last September I posted about this dilemma and afterwards I received the most amazing e-mail from Liz who blogs at the blog, Infuse with Liz.  Liz shared my problem with her awesome hubby and he came up with a very detailed list of possible solutions.

Use Dremel to Remove Rusted Bird Feeder Shepherd's Hook

In her e-mail to me, Liz wrote:

I wrote my hubby an email and gave him the link to your story and asked for his input…this is his reply. It’s lengthy but thorough.

First off, the “solution tool” from the guys at home depot is for removing screws that have broken off inside metal. It doesn’t apply in this case. And it’s nearly impossible to drill out a flat head (slotted) screw.

Several solutions to this situation are:

1) Use a new/sharp chisel and about a 12 to 16 ounce hammer (or larger) to shear the head off completely. Abandon the screw left in the wood or use VISE GRIPS to remove the screw after the bracket is removed.

2) Use the same chisel/hammer tool to get the screw started to rotate. Use the chisel on the outer edge of the head to get it to rotate. The chisel will form a burr and the deeper the burr is the better the rotating force can be. Just don’t make the burr so deep that the chisel tip is approaching the center line of the head. It’s the first 1/2 turn that has the screw “hard” in the wood because of rust. Then use the proper sized screwdriver (again either new or properly sharpened to like new condition). This means that the screwdriver has to fit snugly in the slot or it too, will tear out.

3) Use that same screwdriver mentioned in #2 as a “punch”. This means to set the screwdriver in the slot as if you were going to use it “normally” but then use the hammer to HARD tap the handle end as if trying to finish set a nail. This applies vibration to the shank and helps to loosen the rust as well as “setting” the screwdriver firmly in the slot. Use maximum pressure on the screwdriver towards the screw head to prevent “climbout” while turning the screwdriver. A simple aid in turning the screwdriver while “leaning” into it is to use a pair of locking pliers (aka VISE GRIPS) on the shank. This makes it easy to turn while your applying “down pressure”.

4) Use those VISE GRIPS to clamp on the head of the screw in an attempt to start the rotation. Finish up with the screwdriver.

5) Use a Dremel with a saw blade to refine the slot and remove the rust at the bottom of the slot. Then use the previously mentioned screwdriver to complete the job.

6) Grind the head off the screw with the Dremel and abandon the screw or further attempt to remove it/them with the VISE GRIPS after the bracket is removed.

Screwdrivers, VISE GRIPS, etc. must be in good condition or failure is going to be the end result. Worn jaws on a set of pliers (VISE GRIPS, etc.) cause more problems than they cure. Screwdrivers that are not sharp or aren’t sized properly to the task at hand will invariably “tear out” a functional head leaving another problem. See what a new screwdriver looks like. And don’t reference a “cheapie” screwdriver either as they usually aren’t formed properly.

Regarding sizing of a screwdriver to the screw head, the width of the screwdriver blade is only part of the game. It must be at least the width of the screw head AND it must not wiggle in the slot and yet must fit to the bottom of the slot. Phillips head screwdrivers have the same requirements. Don’t use a #1 in place of a #2 or vise versa, etc. I have Phillips head screwdrivers from size .5 to 5. A big difference, indeed.

And a final note. When mounting items like this in the future, use stainless steel hardware (screws, etc.). This type of steel normally doesn’t rust. Sometimes pre-drilling with a small bit before using the fastener can help when it’s time to remove the fastener. Don’t use a drill that is larger than the screw shank as the thread pressure will be too low to be of any good. Another trick is to use either a liquid wax or lubricating oil either in the hole or at least on the threads. Be cautious though as soft woods do not need relieving by drilling or lubricating. If you do, the pullout pressure may be too low to hold your project in place.

Isn’t that an awesome list of ideas!

When I read the Dremel suggestion, that sparked an idea.  I didn’t have a chisel, need to buy some of those, but I thought I could accomplish the same thing with my Dremel.  Today, during our brief rain respite, I bent the base plate down really, really far.

Use Dremel to Remove Rusted Bird Feeder Shepherd's Hook

That exposed the screws where I could get to them….

Use Dremel to Remove Rusted Bird Feeder Shepherd's Hook

…with this bad boy.  I really wanted to take a picture of the blade cutting through the screw, but there was just no way I could lean over the edge of the deck using a whirling, cutting tool and take a photo at the same time. And keep all my fingers.  Which I really prefer to do. 😉

Use Dremel to Remove Rusted Bird Feeder Shepherd's Hook

In no time at all I had sliced through the first screw…see pic below.  Seriously, it only took like 8 seconds if that long. By the way, always be sure to wear protective eye wear when using a tool like this.  I did and was really glad because the sparks and metal bits were flying like crazy.  I also recommend long sleeves to protect your arms.

I cut through the second screw and then used the Dremel to smooth down the metal nubs, making them nice and flush with the post. Now I just need to caulk and sand this whole area, then give it a good coat of paint.

Use Dremel to Remove Rusted Bird Feeder Shepherd's Hook

I wasn’t able to hang the new, longer shepherd’s hook back in the same spot because the pole and hook bumped into the new post caps when I held it in place.  I’m glad now that it wouldn’t fit in that spot because I found a better place for the new hook.  I attached it on the other side of the pergola.  The one on the right is the one I installed last September and the one on the left is the new hook I just installed today. This view is through the breakfast room bay window. This location works great since I can stand at the kitchen sink or really anywhere in the kitchen and see the birds coming to the feeders.

Bird Feeders Hanging from Pergola

The birds didn’t waste any time coming to the new feeder location.

Bird Feeder Hanging from Shepherd's Hook

Not sure if these are House Finches are Purple Finches, I think they’re House Finches.  This feeder also shuts down if a squirrel gets on it.  I need to buy a baffle for it, too so the squirrels won’t attempt to hang down from the top.

House Finches on Feeder

I managed to get several other things done outside today, will share those soon.  I know this wasn’t the prettiest metamorphosis, but it was definitely a satisfying one!  It sure felt good to get rid of that rusted hanger.

What did you do this weekend?  Get any projects done you’ve been putting off?  I hope you saw some sunshine.  It was so cloudy and yucky today, as I created this post around midnight I noticed the solar lights on the deck had already gone dark.  They just didn’t get enough sunshine today to stay lit for more than 2-3 hours.  Sunny days are coming, though…this I do believe.

I managed to snap one pic earlier for you this evening before all the deck lights went dark for the night.  It was raining again (of course) when I took this photo.  While working in my office this evening, I could hear an owl hooting away out back in the trees. I ran downstairs and out onto the porch to record it with my phone so I could share it with you but unfortunately, he stopped. I love, love, love hearing the owls here.  I’ll capture him hooting on my phone some night and when I do, I’ll share it with you.  Just love that sound!

Solar Deck Lights Solar Post Caps

I’ve really come to love my Dremel; it has gotten me out of so many jams.  Remember when it saved the day in my crazy closet Expedit hack!  You can read about it here: Ikea Expedit Hack: How I Made it Work

Ikea Expedit Used in Closet

Looking forward to the Before and Afters posted for this Met Monday!

Metamorphosis Monday:

One on sidebar

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Only link up Before and After posts that are home, gardening, crafting, painting, sewing, cooking, DIY related.

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  1. Doesn’t it feel good to get it checked off your list? Your deck looks great. Thanks for hosting!

  2. Thanks so much for hosting each week!!


  3. Patty/BC says

    Wow you had a busy weekend! Quite the job to get the old hanger off. The planters look great. Bought all the flowers and soil to do my planters today. Hope you have a great week.

  4. Holy crap Susan, are you nuts??? You could have fallen over the railing and broken your neck….said with mommy finger pointing at you! As somebody on some sitcome once said, over and over, I would have ‘called the man’! Just call the man. It is not worth risking life and limb. I could not even follow the suggestions from Liz’s hubby, much less have the fortitude….good word, huh….. to keep digging and sawing and prying those blasted screws out. Whew! I am worn out just reading this post, but so happy that all ended well. Anybody who can beat e-coli can certainly remove a couple of screws!!!! Good for you.

    • HaHaHa….my husband is always quoting that phrase…it’s from The Andy Griffith Show – Andy talking to Aunt Bee about fixin’ the freezer:)

      Susan – you are amazing!

    • lol Vicki, you are too funny! I’m such a klutz and accident prone, I do get a little nervous with any kind of power tool, even small ones.

  5. Mary from Virginia says

    There isn’t a job you won’t tackle! You go girl!

    It was cloudy and chilly here yesterday, but I was outside digging an edge between the flower beds and the lawn using a flat tool, (looks like a flat hoe tool) I was able to get the front shrub beds completed and weeded. I looked like I was 100 years old hobbling into the house. Now to tackle the side and back yards! 🙁

    Hope you have a good Monday!

  6. That sounds like a real job, Susan! I have those similar birds and I think mine are house finches. Hope Max is doing well! Thanks for hosting!…hugs…Debbie

  7. Sandi Lee says

    What a woman!!! I am so impressed with your do it yourself skills!! Porch is lovely as usual.

  8. Wow Susan! First of all, major kudos to you for doing all of that work with the power tools, etc yourself. It must be a great feeling of satisfaction though when you finally find the solution you’re looking for and your vision for the end result is realized. I can see you are a perfectionist with a vision! Your end product looks fantastic. I so love and admire your porch, deck, and the multiple touches of nature throughout. Love the placement of the feeders.

    I had a pleasant and unexpected surprise when I found a robin had built her nest atop the wreath I have hanging on my front door a couple of weeks ago. I thought of your lovely photos and your story telling ability and took some photos of the sweet wreath and my attempts to protect her by making accommodations to my front door access. Yesterday, I captured a shot in the nest of a sweet, open mouthed baby waiting for a worm. I thought, “hmmm, if I had a bog, this would be fun to post.” 🙂

  9. Good for you getting your deck fixed! Mother Nature had me changing my plans this weekend as well! Thanks for hosting! Life to the full! Melissa

  10. Susan,
    Seems like maintenance is constant for homeowners!!!
    Thank you for this step~by~step to repair and replace a feeder on the post.
    I gave “Mr. Ed” a “Honey Do” list last week for similar projects for our home!!!
    Thanksfor hosting Metamorphosis Monday each week!!!

  11. Wow what a fantastic reader! Your home and bird feeders look amazing! 🙂

  12. Goodness…what a project! That advice list was pretty long too! I didn’t read the whole thing but if you ever encounter anything like this, just rent a Sawsall or reciprocating blade saw. You can slide it between the post and the plate and slice off the screws. I use this to cut off the nails when dis-assembling pallets because pallets use spiral nails which are pretty impossible to pull out. But your method worked at least! You’re a trooper! My kind of gal!

  13. Your patio deck looks so inviting. You have inspired me. I am going to shop for new solar lights this week.
    We are getting rain here today. I am so excited since that does not happen often after February. My geraniums are going to bloom like crazy. I just propagated my basil and it is going to get a natural drink of water so I am also happy about that.

  14. I love those days when you finally determine to and actually accomplish those things that have been on that to do list for way to long. So glad you found a feeder solution. I used to have feeders and squirrels were not the problem. My barn cats were the culprits. They would actually jump up and grab the birds out while they were eating. Isn’t that horrible? I was so traumatized that I was involved in their demise. I stopped feeding them and let them go elsewhere. Enjoy your beautiful deck and feeders when you can finally get outside. Thanks so much for hosting Met Mon. Blessings!

  15. Thanks so much for hosting!

  16. Thank you so much for hosting!

  17. Wow! You’ve been a busy bee. Bet it felt great to cross that project off your list. Thanks so much for hosting, Susan.

  18. Well Susan, just in case you haven’t noticed, you have definitely gotten your energy back since your recent illness! Wow, what a weekend of work you put it! I wish I was handy with all those tools! Your porch looks amazing with the lighted post caps and all your details. I love your bottle tree and the chandy and your appreciation of nature. You have inspired me to get cleaning around here on this rainy day!

  19. Susan,
    So glad to see that your dilemma with the feeder is fixed. Sometimes it’s the little things that get put off but feel so good when we’re able to check them of the “to-do” list. Thanks so much for hosting and have a wonderful week.

  20. Hi Susan!
    I enjoyed listening to your radio bit last week on the morning show. That was great!
    Also, thanks for hosting the link party,

  21. WOW! You got so much accomplished!! Love those days…they come few and far between for me too

  22. ~Susan~
    Funny what us girls do to get somethings done!! This weekend I thought I would be so handy and dig up a path way thur my garden to then lay stepping stones, welp that did not get done!! hard on the back for sure!!
    I said to my hubby either rent a machine that cuts turf or call someone to do it !. But I did get my moonlit garden all cleaned up and pretty again! Spring was slow coming here in the north.
    Susan, your screenin porch and deck look so so very nice! and I love the woods, I bet its wonderful sitting out there!
    Have a blessed day!

  23. p.s some may think whats so hard about digging up a walk way? where we live it is hard clay!! not fun!

  24. First time here; thanks for hosting! Off to the links!


  25. Cecilia says

    Ha, Susan!
    I knew you’re a resolute girl and would solve that problem sooner or later!
    Please, may I call you my little “MacGyverina” now, the Italian female form for MacGyver? 🙂
    You are my hero, anyhow!
    P.S. I’m glad you kept all your fingers! 🙂
    ~Hugs to you and sweet Max~

  26. Those end-caps on your deck posts look so pretty, Susan! Love that they are copper, and they give off such a lovely light at night. Glad you got your bird feeder hooks back up and running — those little guys get so dependent on us feeding them. Thanks for hosting another great party!

  27. I never grow tired of your porch and deck. Love the new feeder and your determination to get that rusty thing off! Where there’s a will, there’s a way for sure! Thanks so much for hosting your ever-popular party!

  28. How great that a reader’s hubby was able to give you a solution to your problem…There is nothing like sitting out on the porch and watch the beautiful birds….I have hesitated putting our bird feeders due to our enormous population of squirrels…however, you have given me a great solution by hanging one from my upper porch using that long shepherd’s hook!…Your tenacity paid off…a Dremel is on my shopping list!! Thanks for hosting Susan…have a wonderful week!

    • Thanks, Shirley! If you can, be sure to use a feeder that shuts down when a squirrel gets on it, along with a baffle. It seems to be the combination of the long hook, the baffle and the right feeder that seems to finally be working in my squirrel wars. 🙂

  29. What a hoot! I luv listening to “our” owls, too…something about melancholy. Patio=perfection! franki

  30. Susan, like you, I planted in the rain on Saturday, and between the raindrops on Sunday. Not sure if we are ever going to see the sun in our part of Georgia! Your deck and porch are amazing! I can imagine sitting out there with a glass of lemonade and a book!

  31. Pam ~ Crumpety Cottage says

    Susan, I love your tenaciousness! 😀 Okay, with a sprinkling of procrastination .. but still! It feels so good to get an old, naggy job off your back, doesn’t it? I smiled at the thought of you planting and lugging in the rain, lol. But you know, sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. I like your determination. It’s inspiring.

    And since you asked, we had that same dreary, rainy weather here so hubby and I got involved in some projects we’ve been dreading and it was awesome. Went through one of our small attic rooms, cleaned, pared down a few things (yay!) and then went through some of that paperwork you hold on to for years for tax purposes and managed to be able to get rid of some of that. Those are jobs I always dread, but it feels good when you are done. Not glamorous, but very satisfying.

    And it’s raining again today. 🙁 Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. Have a great one, Susan.

  32. I’m glad you didn’t take a picture while using the dremel hanging off the side of the deck…I think you should keep your fingers for sure! I think one of those birds looks like a purple finch. We haven’t been successful in our battle against the squirrels…glad someone is winning. 😉
    Thanks so much for hosting!

  33. I have the same problem with squirrels and bird feeders. How long it that shepherd’s hook ?

    • Right around 42-43 inches. I think Mr. Squirrel would still jump off the pegola onto the feeder if I didn’t have the baffle, but at least he can’t really jump from the rail now. So it seems to be the combination of the feeder that closes under the weight of a squirrel, the long shepherd’s hook and the baffle. Without all three, he could probably still get onto the feeder and hang from the top to feed.

      • Thanks, I’ll look into that. I also had problems with squirrels running across my screens (thereby making
        small holes) so I’m hoping that moving the feeder to a new location will help with that issue too.

  34. Peggy Thal says

    Great solution to a pesky problem. I really like how your bird feeders look. Plus, you have a fabulous view from your deck/porch to bird watch. Those copper caps look great too. It finishes off the ends so nice and than lightening at night is perfect. – If you check out the Grandin Road catalog today ,they have free shipping on planters. They have some beautiful blue ones. Just thought to let you know.

    • Peggy, I just got that email this morning. I saw some gorgeous pots. Free shipping is great since they can be pretty heavy. Are you going to order any?

      • Peggy Thal says

        Susan, I really don’t need any at this time. I just saw the blue one and thought of you. I have large black and concrete look ones that fit more with my style home.

  35. Thanks for the party each week…and your deck looks incredible!

  36. You continue to amaze me!!! Good for you in solving that problem and learning new tricks!!! I always enjoy seeing all of your porches!!! Sorry for your rain…….we are finally enjoying Spring with warm, sunny days and cool evenings. Spent the weekend in the yard, pruning, weeding and spiffing!!! I am off today to find a stool to sit on while weeding…..bad knees!!!

  37. Wow, Susan, I am so impressed with your handiness and chutzpah! You go girl! Your feeders look great now!
    You have a beautiful home. We have had the ample rain here, too and a bit of sunshine today feels so good!
    Thanks for hosting! Hope you have a wonderful day! Blessings, Gloria @The Resourceful Gals

  38. Good morning Susan. Every time I come over to your porch I start dreaming and planning. Now my husband is in on it too. We don’t have screened porches in our area (not too many pesky bugs) but a covered porch area would be so great for entertaining as even summers can be quite rainy here. Love your new solar caps and how you have your bird feeders right within view of your screened room.

    Thank you for having us over for another party. Blessings, Patti@OldThingsNew

  39. Those rusty screws can be really frustrating! Glad you were able to get that thing off. I know how seeing that kind of thing hanging from your deck can just nag at you. 🙂 We women like for everything to be “right” and in it’s proper form. 🙂 Thanks for the great link party, too! 🙂

  40. Linda Page says

    Well, I am so glad that we will NOT have to refer to you in the future as “3 fingers Susan”!!!! Your description of how you cut through the screws was accurate enough without you trying to take a picture, too. You are so resourceful. I believe you might have a second career as a “handy woman”!!! I must say that the pic of your copper post toppers lit up is gorgeous! I like it a lot! I am off to south Louisiana for 5 days so will catch up with BNOTP when I return. Hugs to Max! Maybe I will send you a postcard or two! Make you jealous! grin grin

  41. SSSSShew made me tried reading all you went through with replacing that hook..rusty screws are the worSt…bet the birds in your yard LOVE you..love your tall urns too..I cut my grass this morning..disturbing a bunny..who ran away in the same direction I needed to go..poor guy must have thought that loud green monster was surely out to get him…rain is in our forecast for a couple days…guess that means i’ll be cleaning inside instead of out…

  42. I love the copper post caps with the solar (are they solar?) lights on top…….would you share the source on those please? Thanks for that great post- I think the squirrels are in retreat now!

  43. What a fantastic list of solutions your reader gave you! It was nice to go through each one of them, really good advice! Thanks for hosting Metamorphosis Monday again!

  44. First of all..Congratulations on a job well done! You are sure a very determined lady! BUT…please tell me there was someone else at the house with you!…I mean…really…that looks like a very, very high place to me and as far as I know…you’re no dove and you don’t have wings girl!!!! wow….Thanks for sharing…PLEASE be careful while improving things around Gotham City! lol, hugs, Lizy

  45. Great Job and thanks for hosting!

  46. Amazing job as always! I love my Dremel too! What did we do without them? LOL! I still can’t get over the difference those solar post caps make… absolutely beauteous!!!
    Beth P

  47. Susan, you are remarkable! I keep trying to visualize leaning over the rail to fix that thing. I’m loving that you were able to do that! Bravo! The rains are driving me crazy….would love to get the porch and deckboxes, etc. ready for the summer. Now, ready to have the heat turned off again.

    Thanks for the party,

  48. Thanks a bunch for your fabulousness at these groovy parties…. 🙂 You rock!! Have a great week.

    hugs xx
    Crystelle Boutique

  49. I love your deck. You did a great job 😉 Thanks so much for hosting another great party!
    Jamie @ somuchbetterwithage.com

  50. Great tips! Thank you for hosting!

  51. I am a daily fan of yours…. I love to see all that you have done (and are doing!!!). I am intrigued with your bottle tree. Would you at some point show detailed photos and describe what you did? I recently purchased a kit for the metal portion of the tree but am in a quandry as to where to place it. I like your solution of using it on your deck….it appears to be located in a planter. Thank you in advance!!!

  52. wHOOT, wHOOT ….. mission accomplished. Job well done! -Brenda-
    P.S: Love my little Dremel tool as well.

  53. Elaine in Laguna says

    I love your porches and deck. I’m amazed and impressed how determined you are, too! You must be back at 200 percent! I bought some solar lights for the first time for my back yard, and now you’ve inspired me to go back and buy a solar post cap. Can’t wait until the weekend to put it all together! Thanks for the great post and detailed instructions for the feeders!

  54. Thank you for hosting again this week, Susan!

  55. Hey Susan- I’m so glad you were able to get that taken care of and I’m glad Dan’s input helped! You’ve become quite the do it yourselfer! Your planters look fabulous and so do your new solar caps.

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