A Feather Christmas Tree for the Guest Room

Recently I found this cute feather tree at Michaels.  Wasn’t sure how I’d use it but once I got home, I knew just the place.

A Feather Christmas Tree for the Guest Room

I placed the tree in my Guest bedroom. When I have guest during the holiday season, I always plug it in just before it gets dark. That way, when my guest are ready to retire for the evening, they are greeted by this view as they enter the room.

Last year, I bought this little feather tree too late in the season to decorate. It came pre-lit so it was pretty even without any ornaments. But as I shopped recently in Hobby Lobby, I kept an eye out for ornaments that I thought might work well. I wanted ornaments that would not take away from the airiness of this tree.

I found these darling, little glass “crystal” balls. They have snowflake designs etched into the surface.

It looks like someone has been blowing bubbles and they have all landed on the feather tree!

I also found this sweet “crystal” beaded garland to drape around the tree. It looks sort of pink in this pic but the garland is actually clear.

I needed just the right “topper” for my little tree…found this star ornament and removed the hanger.

The tree feels more “magical” in person than it does in these pics, but hopefully you get the idea.

Since I’m a decorating fiend at Christmas, I’ll be sharing some more of my Christmas decorating each Thursday.

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  1. That tree is beautfiul, Susan! Looking forward to next Thurs.

  2. Hi Susan, I bought the same tree, got a pink one for Kathy (mimisgarden). I also put mine in the guestroom. I have been looking for ornaments for my tree this year. I actually want to do Pink…but of course, that is not THE color this year!! You will have to check closer to Christmas to see what I came up with. I love your pretty bubble ornaments.

  3. Love that bedroom and the tree is perfect. mishelle

  4. Love that bedroom and the tree is perfect. mishelle

  5. Lilly's Life says

    That is my kind of tree. Very pretty and elegant. Lovely post. What a great idea to have this series now.

  6. So pretty and magical, Susan. I considered buying one too last year but I already have 3 trees (plus 3 more in FL)so I decided against it but they truly are beautiful. You also picked the perfect ornaments for them. I like clear ornaments b/c they glow when the light shines on them…Christine

  7. profenretraite says

    Hi Susan…I remember your beautiful home! It’s nice to get to see more of it! Is that Max on the blue and white ottoman? He looks huge. He should meet my Ozzie. She’s a big girl, but a tortoiseshell with tortietude. I actually live in Buford and taught at Chamblee High. I love gardening and would enjoy coming to Marietta to get to meet some rmsers in person. My sister lives in Kennesaw and I am used to heading that way. Just let me know when you meet. Thanks so much! It’s nice to put a face with a name…Debbie

  8. Susan, your little feather tree is precious and your guest room is so pretty! Loves it!!

  9. You definitely have enough eye candy for your guests, whatever the season. Between your antique dress form, decorated doll house and now such a gorgeous tree, you may have a hard time getting them downstairs to your beautiful table in the mornings. If they are late for breakfast, it will be your own fault.

  10. Terri and Bob says

    Fabulous tree. I love how you let the airiness of the feathers shine through and let the ornament highlight the tree instead of taking it over!

  11. Pat@Back Porch Musings says

    Susan, this tree is glorious! Absolutely perfect!

    Thanks so much for reminding me about Hobby Lobby. It’s a bit of a drive, so I tend to forget about it. I really “need” to go there, soon.

    I decided to give Trim the Tree Thursday a whirl. I love Christmas and decorating for this extra special holiday.

  12. I can see the magic!! Perfect for a guest room.

  13. I love that little tree and the decorations are perfect. You always amaze me with your creativity!

  14. Gorgeous! I remember that tree from Michael’s.

  15. Happy To Be says

    Susan that is the prettiest little tree..its looks like snow to me..lite and fluffy looking..thanks for sharing..Have a great day dear friend…hugs and smiles Gloria

  16. That tree is stunning, now I bet I would not have slowed down to look at it, but now that I see what you have done to it, I’ll be looking for one. Don’t know where I will put it, I have 6 trees now. LOL, can’t wait to get them down. I’m having a houseful for Thansgiving, so I have to wait. 🙁


  17. Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda says

    What a fabulous tree! And that room is just gorgeous! 🙂 ~RHonda

  18. Great tree

  19. Cathy Miller says

    Ok, that settles it..I want to come live in your guest room. Not just a visit, but as a permanant fixture. It is so gorgeous, and just my style/colors.

    And then you go add a LIGHTED feather tree…are you kidding me? That is absolutely gorgeous. I want one. I want one JUST LIKE YOURS! LOL.

    Seriously-so beautiful. Thanks so much for starting my day right!

    “See you” again soon!

  20. Hi Susan… You are so right…those ornaments do look like someone blew bubbles and they landed on the tree… What a wonderful sight for your guests!
    😉 Bo

  21. at the cottage says

    Oh I wiuld love to be a guest in your room. Whatna warm inviting room! That tree is just gorgeous!

    I really am enjoying your Tablescape Tuesdays..WOW. Thank you for sharing

  22. What a beautiful little tree! The ornaments are just perfect too-they don’t take away anything-they just add more magic!

    Thanks for joining us! I can’t wait to see all your decor!

  23. Love your tree, it is sooooo adorable. I also love your guest room, it looks very inviting!

  24. Susan, you know I’ve been decorating for weeks in the shop. I “almost” ordered some feather trees this year..oh how I wish I had.. This is just incredible. Thank goodness I have the shop today and cannot leave to go on a mission to find one. I “love” decorating for the holidays..I’ll be looking forward to the next installment..hugs ~lynne~

  25. Just stunning; I can imagine my self as the guest and looking at this tree, what a treat for your guest. Love the tree, could you share where you purchased the tree this is right up my oldest grand-daughtes alley.
    thanks, for sharing.

  26. Donna@designson47thstreet says

    How fun to be a guest in that gorgeous room. It really, really feels inviting with that beautiful feather tree. I’m not sure I would have given it a second look at the store, but now that I see it how you have it decorated in your home, I want one! 🙂

  27. If this tree looks more magical in person than it does in these pictures, I think I would be transported to never-never land if I saw it in person. It is absolutely beautiful! Shoot, now I want a feather tree, and you wouldn’t believe how many trees I already decorate! laurie

  28. Jan and Tom's Place says

    Oh Susan…I love the Feather Tree. It looks especially nice decorated with the crystal ornaments.

    Your Guest Bedroom looks splendid enough to be in a beautiful Bed & Breakfast Inn. What do you serve for breakfast? LOL!!!


  29. Your feathered tree’s ensemble speaks couture! It’s beautiful Susan.

    (On occasion I have even resorted to the use of necklaces
    to decorate a small table-top tree. They make beautiful garlands and are just the correct weight ‘n scale.)

    See you next Thursday! {{Brenda}}

  30. Kim~"HomeIsWhereTheHeartIs" says

    The feather tree is so beautiful and looks wonderful in your guest room!

  31. Your guest room looks so beautiful with the feather tree all decorated for the season, very elegant!
    Carol ~ in Oklahoma

  32. profenretraite says

    Hi Susan…Thanks so much for your help and for sending people my way! I did what you suggested and opened up for more comments. Tell your friend I’m sorry and send her again. She’s welcome anytime. I’m still trying to figure this out! Love your blue and yellow guest room with the feather tree, by the way. How nice for your guests to have their own special tree! My Baby Kitty would eat it! lol Let’s keep him away! If I were your guest, I would leave the tree on as a night light! Thanks again…Debbie

  33. Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity says

    Susan, You are such a elegant lady. I love to watch you use your magic. The tree looks so elegant.
    Luv it!! Terrie

  34. Susan, Another bit of whimsy with the feeling of a fluffy snow bank glistening in the sun. It is perfect and what a treat for your guest. I was thinking of a feather wreath for my guest room, now I will have to get one for sure, you always inspire, can’t wait to see more. Smiles to you, Kathysue

  35. Darlene - Our Creative Life says

    I’ve never seen a feather tree like that…just beautiful! I love it! You did a great job with the clear ornaments!

  36. Cami @ Creating Myself says

    Oh, I got the idea! The idea to do one of my own! ;o) Your’s is beautiful Susan!!!

  37. Love it! It looks so elegant and soft. It would be the perfect amount of light to make you feel relaxed and comfy!

  38. Hi Susan.. you know I had never heard of a feather tree until this year, now of course I want one!! Yours is just stunning, any guest in your home is one lucky guest thats for sure…lovely post.

  39. Barb Garrett says

    Hi Susan – a friend from micasastyle.com told me about your blog. I love it! I will come back when I can spend more time….lots more time. 🙂 I would like to invite you to my new blog Grits and Glamour…. http://www.gritsglamour.blogspot.com

    I will be adding you to my blog, as well.

    Thanks and I look forward to seeing your lovely, lovely home.

    Blessings – Barbg

  40. Melissa Miller says

    Love the soft look of the feathers. It gorgeous!

  41. I love this little tree. It looks so perfect in the guest room…love it!


  43. Miss Janice says

    That tree is beautiful and that room is well–just perfect…the colors, the lighting, the bed, the fabrics–all of it is just lovely!

  44. Absolutely gorgeous feather tree! Trim the Tree Thursday sounds like lots of fun – I look forward to seeing everyones posts.

  45. Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ says

    That is s lovely tree. So soft…ethereal almost.

  46. Hi Susan, I must tell you because of inspiration of the feather tree. I just remembered that this week I was at Big Lots and I purchased my grand-daughter a red feather boa for her Christmas gift to use as a ribbon and they had white ones. I thought that would make a great garland in my cream and white guest room. They were on clearance for $1.50. I know how you love a bargain so I thought I would pass it on. Kathysue

  47. the voice of melody says

    I have never seen a tree like this one – just beautiful! In fact, your guest bedroom itself is very cozy, and this white feather tree adds even more warmth to it. I’d be tempted to leave it in there year-round! 🙂

  48. Lady Katherine says

    The feather tree is magical! Think it could flutter and send me there to get a look in person? I went on the hunt, after seeing yours with the star you collect. In a closet, I found a little wire tree that holds candles, pulled it out, and bought a few stars, not the lovely ones you collect. My grandson, came in and wants Granna to find him one! I have not had it out in about 10 years, thanks for reminding me about my wire tree. Ok I ready for the magical fluttering!

  49. imjacobsmom says

    Your feather tree is so magical. You picked the perfect ornaments. I wish we would get a Hobby Lobby around here – everyone keeps showing off such nice things that they find there. ~ Robyn

  50. Kathleen Ellis says

    I LOVE your white feather tree! and what a great idea to put it in your guest room…perfect! I must find me one of those! or two!
    I put pink feather boas on the white tree I put in my dining room!and on top of my china cabinet with gold cherubs! Feathers are fabulous!
    Thank you for stopping by and for your nice comment!
    I would love to participate in Tablescape Tuesday…what do I need to do? I had actually wanted to link that on my post today but I’m still in somewhat of a fog from this head cold and I couldn’t remember where I’d seen it the other day! I’m so glad you reminded me 🙂

  51. HI Susan, I, too am a decorating fiend at Christmas and have a small tree in my guest room as well, along with a Santa (which I collect) and decorations in their bathroom!!! Your tree DID look magical in the pics, in fact, now I need a BETTER tree for my guests!!!! So, thanks for the inspiration to get a new one!!!1 Can’t wait to see more of your decorations! Hugs, Pinky

  52. That tree is just magical!! BTW, sign me up for Tablescape Tuesday next week. Thanks, Sally

  53. Hi Susan, The tree is gorgeous! So is your whole house! I will be back here often! Blessings to you, Nancy

  54. Ok, now I really NEED a feather tree! I can't imagine it looking any more magical than the pictures. I haven't seen them at Michael's so far this year. Not at Home Goods either. Love the ornaments & garland, I wish Hobby Lobby would open stores in Calif. Guess I'll be on the lookout for a feather tree this year. :0} Diane

  55. Evening, Susan! Your feather tree is absolutely gorgeous! I could stay a long time in that room!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia 🙂

  56. What a lovely, little tree…looks so magical. This Trim The Tree is going to be great.

  57. I just love little trees like that! It looks perect in your perfectly welcoming guest room. You decorated it to a “T”!!

  58. Sweet little tree! I’m sure it will make your guests feel all Christmasy on the inside! : )


  59. Kelli@SassySouthernMom says

    I love your feather tree. It would be beautiful in a little girls room too. Clear ornaments are my favorite. The lights just dance off them, I think. I love your blog. Thanks for sharing.

  60. Hi Susan- I am so glad I found this picture. I have an odd question. I had this tree as a gift from my mother and I loved it. Unfortunately, it got lost in a move and I have been desperately trying to find a replacement. I contacted Michael’s but haven’t seen the same one since. I am willing to pay you for this tree if you still have it and are willing to part with it. Again, I know this seems like such an odd request, but this meant so much to me that I had to ask. Please email me if you have a response. Thank you 🙂

    • Hi Kathryn, I’m not ready to part with it…still love using it where I need a small tree. I will keep my eye out for you, though. Be sure to put in a permanent search on eBay so that eBay will notify you if one come available on there. I can’t remember now what they call that kind of search, but you can set that up where you’ll be notified if one comes available on there. I’ll let you know if I see one anywhere.

  61. Susan, this tree is delightful! I tried to find a feather tree last year, to no avail. I may look at Michael’s this year. I put clear balls on my Christmas tree last year and did it all in white and it was magical, too! I found some hanging baskets just big enough to put stems of narcissus in, which I loved. Isn’t it fun to change up every now and then? I would like to find a 2′ tall tree, but may not be able to do that. Is your tree 3′? I hope you had Christmas guests last year to enjoy that delightful room you prepared!

    • Thanks, Martha! That was the only like that, that I’ve ever seen. I don’t know why they make more of them. Yep, I just measured it and it’s 3 feet tall. I would love to do an all white tree sometime, I bet yours was beautiful!. When I was in Marshalls recently, they had faux fur tree skirts and they were luxurious. I mean really over-the-top furry. I could totally see them around a tree in a beautiful bedroom.

      • Susan, that furry tree skirt sounds wonderful! It’s been a while since I’ve been in HomeGoods or Marshall’s and I think I’ll have to find some time this week. I imagine I can find a feather tree online – IF they can ship it without squishing it. LOL! I love Christmas, and since we now spend it in OH, I have started leaving it all up for the first week of January. I hope to have a New Year’s Day brunch this year; wish me luck! I have some of the PB clock plates and plan on using them. I’ll have one week after returning from OH to pull this together. Wish me luck!

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