In the BNOTP Library: A Passion for Interiors

Some of my favorite books are the ones where designers invite us inside their own home, their private sanctum. Carolyn Roehm is taking us inside two of her homes, both very different and equally beautiful.

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In the BNOTP Library: A Passion for Interiors: A Private Tour
Author: Carolyne Roehm
Hardcover: 288 pages
Book size: 12.2 x 10.2 x 1.2 inches

A Passion for Interiors


3 Things I Like About This Book:

  • In this huge, coffee-table-style book, Designer Carolyne Roehm takes us inside three homes: her pre-war duplex home in Manhattan, her Colonial-era, stone home in Connecticut and into a friend’s home that’s decorated in a style described as “eighteenth-century Sweden.” All three homes are stunning probably worth their own book.
  • Though the homes and rooms featured in the book are way beyond anything I would I ever find myself decorating, there are plenty of ideas that can be converted for use on a smaller scale. The architecture and gorgeous moldings featured throughout the book are really beautiful!
  • If you like bright, light open rooms, this book has it. If you like ornate, elaborate, intense decor, this book has it. If you like cozy, dark, moody rooms, this book has it. If you like lots of color, this book has it. If you love decorating in blue and white, this book has it. Each page is almost a shock to the senses because the photography is stunning! Almost as good as being there.

You can read more about this book, A Passion for Interiors: A Private Tour and “Look Inside/Preview It” it at Amazon (where I normally buy all my books) via the affiliate picture link below. Or, just search for the book by title at Amazon and it should pop up. Be sure and read some of the reviews on this book, I always find those to be helpful.

You’ll find previously featured books from the BNTOP library here: In The BNOTP Library or just click below.

In the BNOTP Library

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  1. I just love your blog. Do you get tired of me telling you that?

    Also, love to see “Fred”.

    Hope you are feeling better and thanks for all the neat places you take us to and all the neat things you tell us about.

    Someone in Texas just thinks you’re the best!!!!

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