When Is It A Collection, Or Is It Just Hoarding? ;)

Do you remember when your interest in decorating first began? I have the worst memory in general, especially when it comes to dates, but I definitely remember what kicked off my borderline obsession with home decor. My love for decorating really took off when I discovered two magazines: Colonial Homes and Traditional Home. I could hardly wait for each issue to arrive in my mailbox! I poured over those magazines religiously, dreaming of how I could fit the wonderful ideas and things I was seeing and learning into my own home one day. The beautiful homes I saw in those two magazines left a huge impression on me in my early 30s, I don’t think I realized at the time just how much! I had little funds back then to put toward decorating or furniture, but I definitely held the images of those beautiful rooms in my heart as I scoured my local antique, vintage, and thrift stores in search of similar treasures for my own home.

One of my most valued collections that I’ve never been able to bring myself to part with is all of my old Colonial Homes and Traditional Home magazines. I don’t know what started me thinking about those, but they were the first thing that popped into my head when I awoke this morning. This is just 1/3rd of my Traditional Home Magazine collection. The oldest ones date back to around 1992.


I keep them all stored here on the bottom shelf of this IKEA Expedit storage unit that I squeezed (literally squeezed) into my office closet quite a few years back. I stopped my subscription and stopped collecting them around 2002 when much of the decor I was finding inside was no longer what I really enjoyed

IKEA Expedit Installed Inside Closet, Office Storage Solution


My Colonial Homes Magazine collection is stored in one of the drawers of this chest here in the upstairs family room.

Orange and White Lamp


I know there are those who enjoy decorating in the latest trends and styles and there’s definitely nothing wrong with that. I’m sure they are very much influenced by the magazines and home decor shows of today, just as I was influenced by these wonderful magazines back in the day. Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, these magazines are still very relative to how I love to decorate my home today. I think my taste still runs pretty traditional and classic…


…with a few touches of whimsy thrown in.

Fortnum & Mason Hamper used as End Table


So I guess that’s why I can’t bring myself to part with them. They are more than just old magazines. They are a part of my history and love for decorating, and I still find them wonderfully inspiring. They also remind me of the incredibly talented decorators of the past who are sadly no longer with us–like Mario Buatta and Charles Faudree. Do you have any old magazines that you’ve held onto? What were your favorite home decor magazines back in the day? If you saved them, do you still occasionally look through them?


Speaking of whimsy, it’s almost porch season again! I’m busting to get out and give the porch a good cleaning, but I know pollen season is coming.

Screened Porch Decorated for Summer


I may do it anyway, I can’t wait until then! Spring is just a little more than a month away now. It’s already looking like spring here–my daffodils are in full bloom! Are you seeing signs of spring in your area yet?

Soft Lighting for Relaxing on Porch at Night

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  1. Jane Kyle Kelly says

    I tend to save magazines with my favorite celebrities on the cover – like when someone iconic passes away – sort of to mark history I guess.

  2. I used to keep the early editions of Victoria. They shaped my aesthetic sense. But after absorbing them several times, I passed them on.

  3. I totally understand your passion, although mine is for cooking. I have Bon Appetit magazines from back to 1976, I purchased my first on my honeymoon and have been hooked. A few years ago, when Bon Appetit changed editors and the style of cooking changed, I dropped the subscription. I now am hooked on Cooks and Bake from Scratch. There are recipes in my old Bon Appetit that I still make over and over.

    • Meghann Boyd says

      I still have some favorite Romantic Homes and very old Victoria magazines, so I completely understand. Yes, I do pull them out occasionally for inspiration. I also have every issue of Teatime magazine, For the recipes. I really do need to thin them out! Good thing they are thin. I store them in holders like yours. I just realized I may be a hoarder.

  4. franki Parde says

    Uh, boy…I have “the magazine gene, too” I WAIT for my Decorating Magazines w/baited breath…I adore them…”Atlanta Homes” one of my favs, “Flower”…you name it, “Arkansas Home,” etc etc. “MILIEU” s/b arriving soon… I do take mine to the local Library…most of the time…well, some of the time…franki

  5. Kathie McMahon says

    You and I are a pair! Years ago I used to subscribe to Colonial Homes Magazine, had tons of them and someone scooped them all up at a garage sale we had. I have dozens of Country Sampler, Victorian Homes and Country Victorian (that is not being published anymore) I will have to go through them soon, not looking forward to that, I will most likely keep all the Country Victorian.

  6. Susan, I, too, have many magazines saved, although, a lot less than I used to. When we moved about 20 years ago, I brought about 6 small boxes of magazines with me. The movers were literally like…”HUH?!?!””WHY?!?!” But I LOVED my Traditional Home, Country Home and Mary Emmerling’s magazines. I get just one magazine now that I save from year to year…Country Home…old habits die hard! I don’t know if they will make the next move with me…maybe!??! Spring is FAR away for us…we had ice this morning and still have about 2 feet of drifted snow on the deck. I don’t too get excited for Spring until about….May….30th… LOL

    • Wow, that sounds cold, Rosie! I will miss winter a little, I have to admit. I love staying inside where it’s nice and warm.

      • It really is ‘cozy time’ up here in the frozen north. Although, I do love being out in the cold too. But having the fireplace lit, candles glowing and covered in down throws….well, you can’t get more snuggly feeling than that! 🙂

  7. SharonFromMichigan says

    Oh boy do I keep my favorite magazine – A Primitive Place. I have them stored in cabinets with doors on them and in drawers. Believe it or not, I do look through the old ones every now and then. I just love primitive decorating so much that I can’t seem to let them go 🙂 On another note, I just saw the first robin outside yesterday! This always gets me a little giddy knowing that Spring is on it’s way!

  8. I have every single issue of Piecework magazine-I received a copy of the first issue when I worked at a public library. I guess that’s what, 30 years worth? I can get them on digital-even back issues-but I prefer the print.

  9. I LOVE Traditional Homes. I save them all. Remember when they were so much bigger, and had so much more to look through. Antiques, houses , furniture etc. I’ll never give them away or throw them out. I’ll pass them on to my granddaughter when the time comes. Thank you for writing this article. I loved it. Barbara

  10. I LOVE my magazines, too. One time I threw a lot of them away and am now replacing them when I find them at a good price. Luckily I kept some of them and much of the designs I enjoyed way back when are still relevant today. I’m SO happy I still have what’s left of them. Keep what you love.

  11. I enjoyed Traditional Homes and Victoria magazine. It’s a collection! I still have all of my Victoria, and I do occasionally read through them again. Can’t bear to through those beautiful layouts away! We still have a lot of snow in northern lower Michigan, no (sigh) signs of spring. thanks for the reminder of the beautiful magazines we read. Anne

  12. I wouldn’t consider the magazines hoarding. They really are a collection and one you can go back in time with. You have room to store them. I have Sheet Music magazines from the 70’s and I don’t even know if it is still published. I did have a favorite Family Circle magazine that I kept in a basket because Paul Newman and his family was featured on the cover. My niece threw it out. I do wish I still had that one! We are going to get a freeze here, but I do have daffodils blooming! Some are the tiny variety called Jumping Jacks and they are so “cute” with their teeny blooms. Is the picture on the porch of the rubber boots new? It looks perfect for your porch.

    • I love Jumping jacks, they are so cute! No, that picture was a gift from my daughter-in-law a few years back and I love it in that spot. Unfortunately, it has faded a lot but I still love it.

  13. ellen clairmont says

    Well, I’m very happy to know that I’m not the only one! I have all the old Victoria magazines, a stack of Mary Engelbreit, a few Country Living from the 80’s, and tons of Southern Lady. Oh yeah, Romantic Homes, too. They are stored in an armoire in my bedroom. I still grab a stack every now and then and read them before bed. My taste hasn’t changed much over the years either. I guess we are who we are! I also have 3 ring binders of pages I tore out of Traditional Living. I seemed to really love Betsy Speert and Gary McBournie. And don’t get me started on gardening magazines!

  14. Mary Kregel says

    I have many of the only Colonial Home magazines. I love looking at the old issues especially the Christmas issues.

  15. I liked Colonial Homes very much and finally parted with those and old Southern Living magazines. I have a few Cottage Journal magazines I’m keeping. I also have a few old Better Homes and Gardens magazines of my Mother’s that I put out seasonally.

  16. Since I was a farmer’s wife, I didn’t have any decorating magazines, we weren’t fancy decorating people and with raising 6 boys and helping on the farm, I didn’t do much decorating. But now I enjoy the Farmhouse magazine (even though I’m not much of a decorator still) that is given to me from time to time and I am finding myself holding on to them. Only have a few since they are passed down to me here and there. The only other magazine that I got, was back in the day I got the Country Woman magazine and boy did I love that one. But I parted ways with them all on a clean out one time. LOL I say if it brings you joy, it is a collection and not hoarding Susan!! Hugs, Brenda

  17. Still have my Colonial Homes. What a fabulous magazine! Nothing to touch it’s quality today. And yes, I do look at them about once a year. I used to get Southern Accents, but the pandemic killed it. It was so stunningly beautiful, too. Wish I had saved more of them!
    I also get The English Home ( mailed to me from England), not just because it is beautiful, but because it carries one of my fav columnists, the somewhat mysterious Mrs. M, lady of the manor who writes with wit, wisdom and an eye toward how today’s families live. have several years worth of them to take to my local library book sale, where they proceeds will be used wisely.

  18. I am a hoarder of Victoria Magazines. I had a difficult time managing to collect the premier issue several years after the fact. I ended up recycling all of them when we downsized and now only have a six-year collection and growing yet again.

  19. I still USE my favorite magazines for I store them by months and seasons. So when spring rolls around I pull from several years worth of inspiration of my favorite magazines. This is especially helpful for decorating and gardening. My “Martha” magazines are enjoyed season after season for I have her very first issue. Country Home was a favorite too along with Traditional Home. Seasonal inspiration never goes out of style for the classics.

    • That’s how I store mine too–by month. I had forgotten that until I pulled out these for a picture. I can definitely see how that would work great for gardening, too! Great idea!

  20. Yes! I, too, loved Traditional Homes and Colonial Homes as well as South Carolina Homes and. Gardens. I kept a few of my favorites and still refer to them for inspiration.

  21. I loved Victoria and Country Living but I feel that magazines are clutter so I don’t buy them any more.. still have some old ones I haven’t had the courage to give away yet Today it is snowing

  22. I also have collections of magazines (National Geographic from the 70’s) but also cooking how do you then research the article – Food and Wine long, long ago would have an interesting article every week with a suggested travel itinerary – not just restaurants but things to do – it was fantastic when we traveled before internet was accessible

  23. liane abeyta says

    Yes I have some that are older than my grandsons who are 18 and 28!!! I loved Country Home, Mary Englebright, Romantic Homes. I keep them by season, in large floor baskets with handles. So when spring,summer,fall,Winter and Christmas rolls around… I bring the basket in the kitchen, make a cappuccino or 3 and just love perusing them. Sometimes I’m literally in the mood for Christmas in July.. so I just get my Christmas basket and spend hours loving all the nspiration.

  24. Hi, I keep the same magazines as you do and several others because sadly the HGTV period has killed all things beautiful, in my humble opinion. Thankfully, I do see a trend toward beauty and historical decor returning. I hope we’ve seen the demise of the open floor plans and disposable assemble it yourself furniture. We are in dire need of a renaissance which will bring back beauty and creativity.

  25. I knew I wasn’t the only one who did this!! I have kept many of the very first Victoria magazines and also the Mary Engelbreit and all of the La Vie Claire magazine by Claire Murray. That last one is one of the most beautiful magazines I have ever seen. I agree that the style today isn’t something I care for, so I no longer keep many magazines. My longtime subscription has and always will be Southern Living!

  26. I am happy I am not the only one!! Only I have every copy of Victoria magazine from when they first published in 1988 I believe. I was so sad when they stopped publishing the original magazine I poured over those magazine with a cup of tea most days while my kids were napping. We moved several times and I lug them on every move. My husband has even stopped asking if we really need to keep them!! I love them even now they bring back so many memories even if I don’t decorate like that for the most part.

  27. Christine Anderson says

    My magazine collection includes my Victoria collection from the first one. They didn’t have them for a short while so I went back and looked at my old ones which I still occasionally do. These are what I call my adult picture books! I still love them!!

  28. What a tease…you tell us that your daffodils are in full bloom but don’t include any photographic evidence

    • Ha! Here ya go. They are pretty beaten down from the constant rain we’ve been having. I’m starting to wonder if my grass is going to be okay, it almost looks like it’s rotting from the constant rain.

  29. I just showed this post to my husband to prove that I’m not the only person who keeps magazines. I’ve kept issues of Southern Living and Southern Lady for a couple of decades. When my son married last year, I looked through all the spring issues for decorating ideas as I planned the rehearsal party. Admittedly, the photos looked a bit dated, and I didn’t use anything specifically, but I do love the classic Southern style. As long as I have an available cabinet, I’ll hold on to those magazines!

  30. You sound exactly like me. Those were 2 of my favorite magazines and I still have my copies of them too. I can’t bring myself to get rid of mine either. We built our Traditional style house in 1991. So I became obsessed with looking at these magazines and Southern Living. I kept all my copies and my subscriptions until Traditional Homes began to lean to more modern looks. Thank you for sharing everything with us. I read your posts everytime, I just don’t comment as much as I use to years ago.

  31. Susan: Introduced to Colonial Homes by my mom when I was in high school back in the 70’s there has never been a magazine like it. A designer by trade I poured over every issue and studied every picture. I had all my magazines until a few years ago when I forced myself to say good bye. 2002 was about the time I quit buying Trad Home too. Nothing for me anymore. Even though I have the privilege of still designing I miss those glory days. Charles Faudree was a personal favorite I have all his books and still reference them today. I was able to attend a luncheon where he was a guest speaker. Such a thrill

  32. I understand! I loved Colonial Homes Magazine. I wish it would return.

  33. Well, this certainly hit home with me!!! I was getting Country Living in college and then moved on to Traditional Home until it got too hotsy totsy for me. When it started we were actually able to afford wallpaper that had graced its cover.
    My latest loves are the British magazines, particularly English Country Home and Homes and Antiques. I did donate some to the library when we moved, but I confess a large portion made the move with us.

  34. Susan, The only magazines that I have saved over the years are ones that purchased specifically to use for Christmas ideas. On the topic of weather, it has been unseasonably warm here. Today as I was driving home after lunch I could see the trees getting that “wispy” look at the tips of the branches. In PA it is way too soon for 75 degrees. What will typically happen after the trees are opening up this early is that we will get much colder weather which will stop fruit and ornamentals from blooming out because their buds have frozen. I’m crossing my fingers because spring is my favorite season and who doesn’t love gorgeous flowering trees.

  35. You can ad me to the Victoria and Romantic Homes list also Early American Life which had wonderful articles. I recently gave up on Country Living due to all the ads and the recipes are so blah.

  36. I still have LA Vie Claire, The Cottage Journal Magazine and Mary Engelbreit Magazine. I have recently started to consider letting them go. My real problem is decorating books……

  37. Could you define ‘hoarding’? Magazines brought beauty and daydreaming into our homes. We don’t throw away pretties. I am blaming doctors for all the magazines in the waiting room. Raise your hand if you took one from the waiting room for a recipe. One of my favorites is Southern Lady.Then there are the large Brittish floral magazines. Let’s not forget quilting and sewing magazines. Maybe it’s a good thing they cost so much today to cut down on our ‘collecting’. Maybe it’s a southern thing. Either way Susan, I know nothing about this. PS Be sure to put desicates in your stash if you live in a warm climate.

    • I was just joking about the hoarding. 🙂 I know, I never buy them now because I can go on Amazon and buy one of the beautiful older decor books for what magazines cost these days.

      • This was fun Susan. We sound like True Confessions. Anyone downsizing would find a home for their magazines here. Some groups could our old magazines to make vision boards etc.
        You should ask what else we ‘collect’

  38. What a delightful relief reading your post.
    Colonial Homes and Traditional Homes were my favorites and I kept them for many years. Unfortunately a flood filled out basement and the cabinet the were kept in.
    I have a few left mostly ones I found on Ebay.
    No modern decorating for me…I like traditional only.

  39. I’ve always loved magazines, but don’t subscribe to any now 🙁 I disposed of a lot of them, it was hard to do. I kept a lot of Southern Lady and most of Victoria, thinking someday I’ll sit and browse through them and read some of the lovely articles. Once I hosted a blog about romantic magazines (Romantic Homes, etc.) and about ten or more of the group would discuss the new magazines each month! Much fun, but eventually it ended, as all things usually do….

  40. P.S. – I forgot to add – I have the first edition of Victoria and the first edition of Southern Lady, I cherish both!

  41. I guess I started buying my favorite Colonial Homes wish it was still printed in my early 30’s and as soon as County Living came out I bought the first issue and didn’t stop until it became more advertisement then decor!! When we moved to the home we are in now I brought all of them with me in a card board box and it sat on a concrete floor for several year needless to say I lost some of them I kept the oldest ones. I also like Country Homes.

  42. Marilyn Smith says

    I’m so glad to find out I’m not the only one who keeps old magazines. I kept all of the old Mary Engelbreit’s Home Companion. I still love their decorating style. I also keep all of my Victoria magazines. I store them by seasons and I love to pull out the old ones and look through them. Someday I’ll have to find a good home for them. My children certainly won’t want them!

  43. I have soooooo many copies of Tea Time magazine. I keep them in a big wire basket for my tea friends to look at when they are visiting. I should probably let them go but I haven’t the fortitude just yet.

    It was almost 70 degrees here in mid Ohio today. My daffodils are about 6 inches tall (greens) and it is only February!!! This is just weird weather to be sure.

    Old magazines actually sell on ebay if you ever wanted to sell yours – looks into it maybe? At least if you do sell you get cheap media mail shipping.

    • Wow, that’s really good for Ohio! It is weird weather, just hope we don’t get a sudden freeze warning. I don’t think I’ll ever sale these, love them too much.

  44. Katherine Nutter says

    I have an issue of Traditional Home that I’ve kept because my grandmother wrote in about how they turned a chicken coop into a playhouse when she was a young girl. My grandmother was born in 1913 and has been gone since 2007. I loved those magazines and saved them all until I realized I was running out of room. I loved Victoria and Country Home too! Then I discovered Pinterest!!! A feast for the eyes!

  45. I used to have stacks of Country Living and later Romantic Homes. those were my two favorites. I really miss Romantic Homes. I now take Cottage Bungalow. These 3 magazines have styles that are relaxed and incorporate antiques and a bit eclectic look which is a fit for my personal style and budget.
    I love pouring over each edition unrushed with a cup of coffee in hand! Like spending time with an old friend!

  46. Deborah Jones says

    I still have Colonial Homes. I,like you cannot part with them. I just can’t let them go. One of my favorite trips was Colonial Williamsburg!

  47. Nancy Thompson says

    Your story is the same as mine except I collected Country Home along with Colonial Home . I have issues dating back to 1988 and absolutely love these vintage magazines. I remember dreaming of a home in the country and being able to decorate in the styles shown in each edition. My dream came true several years ago when we bought a historically renovated farmhouse built in 1841 on 5 acres not too far from the airport in Dayton OH. My tastes in decorating stayed the same and I was able to add my family antiques with traditional pieces as well as primitive touches. I as well no longer take these magazines as I don’t care for the ideas they show. I especially enjoy getting out the Christmas editions and browsing through them with nostalgia . Thanks for sharing your collection !

  48. The magazine stack I can’t part from is called Creative Ideas. It was a small home and garden magazine published by Lowe’s. I stopped getting them awhile back. I think it was replaced by their online “DIY & Ideas” at their website. I’ve always loved to decorate too. I remember doing it a lot in my teens. I would drive my mother crazy when I would make seasonal changes in the living room that included moving large furniture pieces. My love for tablescaping began after reading my first Between Naps on the Porch post which I discovered via Pinterest. It’s been so much fun over the years. If I hadn’t become a school teacher, which I truly loved until I became a “stay-at-home” mom, my second career choice would have been an interior designer. Enjoyed the walk down memory lane. Thanks!

  49. cherie b bennett says

    Yes! I have hundreds of back issues of Victoria magazine. I love them so much! I still subscribe to the magazine. I also have many old issues of Martha Stewart magazine, when she was into antiques and collecting.

    P.S. You porch looks so cozy!

  50. I was so bummed when Traditional Home went out of print! (And then sort of started back up but that’s another story). I’ve have kept many of the Holiday issues.

  51. Doesn’t this post touch so many of us who follow you? I totally agree with you and the comments about anticipating the arrival of the new issue, reviewing them, saving and storing them and eventually parting with most. I loved Colonial Homes and Early American Living, both inspiring my decor and trip to Williamsburg. I still pull out a few old magazines from time to time and am amazed at how things have stayed timeless and those that have gone by the wayside. I especially like to look at wall coverings that are now so in vogue.

  52. Kim Mawhiney says

    Yes, yes, yes!! Loved my Traditional Home and poured through them when they arrived just as you did. They were bigger and richer as one person commented. I finally began throwing away the newer ones in the last few years. They completely lost me and only rarely had anything worth looking at. I could go through one in 10 minutes. Southern Living began filling that hole and now I can follow great designers like James Farmer and Eric Ross on Instagram and have the same pleasure as an old Charles Faudree issue. I still refer back to the old ones, they were timeless!

  53. Let us magazine collectors realize that we aren’t hoarders but we are collectors and have a library of really useful knowledge to fall back on. I too have an on-going collection of Traditional Home (from 1980 onwards) Colonial Homes (until they stopped), Victoria (both the old and new companies), TeaTime (lovely and a sister magazine to Victoria), a variety of cooking and decorating magazines, etc. The information they provide is timeless and at our fingertips to use. I store mine flat in sized-right no acid plastic bins with lids. No dust or bugs! Bins are placed on metal wire shelving that can stand the weight of the laminated magazines. Magazines are heavier than books, so be careful you don’t end up with wooden book shelves bent from the weight of magazines.

    • Where do you buy the no acid plastic bins?

      • You can find Iris brand bins at Costco (membership required). A package of 4 bins for $14.00. I haven’t found these exact bins anywhere else. These bins will stack. The package goes on sale several times a year in the stores. You can find excellent metal wire shelving there also. Trident brand with 6 shelves (one more shelf than usual) which you put together (recommend 2 people). Be patient the first time you put one together. This goes on sale in January and middle of summer in the stores. This shelving often can be ordered at the Costco website and delivered to you. Four of the plastic bins will fit across the width of one shelf. You can also stack bins on a shelf. I’d recommend no more than a stack of 2 at each spot. That makes 8 bins total on a shelf. Leave a little headroom space at the top of each shelf so you can get the stack of two bins apart. The shelving comes with both options of rollers or feet.

      • Just saw that the Iris Buckle Up Storage Boxes, 12.9 quart, 4 count are on sale for $9.99 this weekend. Hope this helps.

  54. Surprised no one was mentioning the‘Southern bible’ , Southern Living magazine. I’m a longtime subscriber and can’t bear to get rid of any of them.

  55. I always loved Southern Living and Country Sampler. Can’t part with some of my favorite ones. I also love Cowboys and Indians magazines that someone gave me. Beautiful scenery. I recently subscribed to Southern Living again!

  56. Ah, Susan, your fabulous decor style is what initially brought me to BNOTP. I soon learned your blog is so much richer than just decor and was hooked. I’m a longtime appreciator of your ability to grow and change without losing your core. I hope that makes sense! Your decorating style has had a huge influence on me. I believe it’s the best of the best because you’re flexible, allowing for whimsy and fun within a traditional style. Living in the Tulsa area, of course I remember Charles Faudree and was inspired by his ability to layer textures and designs. I loved his color palettes. I’m not a magazine keeper anymore due to space limitations, unless it’s a specific article I cut out and save to file folders, as I do with recipes. I say keep your magazines if they bring you joy.

    • Thanks so much, Kathleen! Appreciate that so much! ❤️ I so agree about Faudree, he could mix so many different fabrics and pieces in a room and it all worked together so beautifully! Nothing ever looked overly decorated or contrived. I love how Traditional Home would feature him every couple of years. I still remember his wonderful mountain home.

  57. Susan – This post (and many of the comments) really made me smile as it’s like finding a twin out there in blogland! I miss the days of getting a fabulous magazine in the mail and knowing there are hours of great articles inside (this probably started with the Weekly Reader – did you read those as a child?). I still have a few Colonial Homes and Traditional Homes issues from the early years and lots of the original Victoria magazines. I got rid of many Victorias about ten years ago and now regret it! Like you, I was just finding my style and interested in every page of my favorite magazines. When I occasionally flip through an old issue now, it’s like seeing an old friend because I remember many of the photos and articles. Today my go-to magazine is British – Homes and Antiques…and, I do save most of them! My friends think it’s crazy to save magazines, but I’m happy to look at my bookshelves and see them lined up in their neat boxes and know I can find them anytime I want some inspiration.

  58. This is a great post!! I LOVE magazines and have quite a collection. Traditional home, Victoria, Beautiful Homes, and Christmas and Halloween Specials are my favorites. I find it refreshing to look at them for a break from “screens”.

  59. Cleo Rubens Headley says

    Yes, yes, and yes……..stored in my basement and in my craft rooms, and in my bedroom and under the dining room buffet………..they are a constant inspiration to me along with memories !! And my taste has not changed over the years. Another favorite is Early American Life. Also have many quilt and craft magazines in my craft room in a large bookcase, sorted by topic. Then now and then, I sort through them and cut out favorite topics and directions and have them in binders, easy to find. This is my library, always ready to delight !!!
    Today’s prices are horrible so I never buy any more. Once a month I trot over to B&N and spend the day with coffee and sweets and look through the latest issues. love the British issues. Love those daffadils !!

  60. Hi,
    I loved this post because I am also a magazine collector (hoarder). I cannot part with my Country Sampler magazines that I have subscribed to since the early 90s. I still go back through them occasionally and can’t wait for my new issue to show up in my mailbox.
    I live in Maryland and they are forecasting mid 70s later this week. My lenten rose is blooming and Daffodils are up about 5″. Forsythia is readyvto bloom. We have had a very mild winter and I am not complaining.

  61. We recently moved, and I recycled most of my Traditional Homes, Victoria and Country Living magazines. Now I’m sorry I did! They don’t take up that much room!

  62. I first began collecting decorating magazines back in the 1970s with Southern Living. When I moved 10 years later I was forced to get rid of those, but I began again in the 1980s, adding Country Home. Then after another move, I discovered Cottage Journal and now I have 22 years of CJ. I buy the clear magazine holders at the Container Store. I store them buy Season: Winter, Spring, summer, Autumn, Christmas. I never tire of looking at them.

  63. Oh yes, magazines . . . .I have way more than you do:) Of course Traditional Home – Victoria – Martha Stewart – Country Home – on and on. I can’t bear to throw them away because they don’t ‘make magazines’ like they used to. Very little content and way too expensive. So my collection live in armoires, bookcases, closets . . .and I read them over and over. I’m with LeAnne here – I never tire of them!

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