The Most Beautiful Vignette–So Much Inspiration!

I love, love, love when I get an email from a lovely BNOTP reader letting me know that something I have suggested has worked well in their home, too! That makes me so happy!

Recently, after sharing my spring porch makeover where I mentioned how much I was loving these realistic-looking, faux tulips, I received an email from Sam.

Spring Screened Porch


Sam said, “Once again your recommendation was spot on! These faux tulips are amazing! Absolutely gorgeous!
I’m so glad you mentioned them!”

I really love how Sam displayed his tulips in a beautiful, blue and white ginger jar. I asked Sam about the vase/ginger jar and he shared more about it saying, “Believe it or not the vase is a ginger jar that I acquired in middle school! It was in the Ballard Design catalog & I filled out the order form (back when you did that) and took it to my mother with $30 and begged her to order it for me. lol I fell in love with blue and white porcelain at a young age.”

Beautiful Faux Tulips in Blue and White Ginger Jar


What?! I told Sam that I was still riding my bike and reading Nancy Drew books at that age. I’m so impressed that he recognized what a lovely find this jar was at such a young age. I wish I’d had that type of innate decorating sense at such a young age!

Beautiful Faux Tulips in Blue and White Ginger Jar


I melted when I saw this photo, it’s giving me allll the feels! I love the soft lighting with the pretty sheers in the background. The tulips, so artfully placed atop wonderful books, are surrounded by treasured collectibles and lovely family photos. This picture makes me want to walk around my home to see where I can create beautiful vignettes like this. Sooo lovely!

Gorgeous Faux Tulips


I love the color tulips Sam chose! I need this color in my life. I just ordered pink tulips a few days ago and now I would love to add these to my growing tulip collection.

Faux Tulips that look really real_wm


The tulips Sam chose are these shown below in the color “Champagne.” Such a pretty, elegant color! (Tulips are available here: Champagne Tulips.)



Champagne Tulips, Beautiful


I also found that color available here: Champagne Tulips. I saw a display in one of the ads where they had placed these realistic-looking tulips in water and that added yet another element of realism!

Champagne Tulips


These are the pink tulips that I’ve ordered, I think they will arrive today. I hope to use them in an upcoming Mother’s Day or spring table setting.  They are available here: Pink Tulips. I’m so smitten with these tulips, you may be seeing tulips in table settings in July! Ha!

Afternoon update: My pink tulips arrived just now and they don’t look like the photo online. They are hardly pink at all. So I’m returning the pink, think I’ll order the color Sam ordered.

Pink Tulips


I’m excited to have found such realistic-looking, faux flowers so will be keeping my eye out for others as summer wears on. I love this time of year! With each passing day, the daylight is staying with us just a little bit longer and that makes me so happy! I hope you are enjoying these beautiful springtime days!

Thanks so much to Sam for sharing these wonderful pictures from his beautiful home! Happy Spring! ♥

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  1. franki Parde says

    I like the way the tulips and photo frame “pull” together!! Pretty!! franki

  2. Laura Mann Mabie says

    I have purchased this brand of tulips as well and keep going back for more! They are great in my Adirondack basket on the front door, and I just have little bunches of them everywhere. They are so realistic!

  3. The tulips are beautiful! I totally thought they were real!


  4. Beautiful tulips.I’m definitely going to order some.

  5. Sharyn Kimbrough says

    Susan, although I don’t respond regularly, I do follow you faithfully. Your taste in decorating is also my taste-classic. Keep up the wonderful blogs.

  6. Instead of roses, I bought realistic daises from Michael’s. They look so real, I love daisies and roses and every other kind of flower.

    I so enjoy your porch, mine is a work in progress, but never as pretty as yours!

    • I love daisies! Many years ago I purchased some from Michaels and loved them! I should look for some of those again. I really love those. They always make me think of the movie, You’ve Got Mail. lol

  7. Nice to see put together places. I’m in the midst of getting the whole outside of my house including the bars on the doors and windows (we have bars all over Mexico and most Spanish countries. They’re scraping the outside walls and sealing them then they will fix the fountain in my back wall. The dogs are going crazy with brief pauses between guarding duties. I haven’t even settled on colors yet and meanwhile my house looks like the neighborhood crack den all blotchy. Love seeing pretty vignettes while going through this mess. Now I want tulips.

    • lol Your description is too funny, Ginger! I’m glad you have such great security with your dogs, never have to worry about an intruder with them around. Hope things get finished up soon…it’s always the in-between part that is so tough since things normally have to get worse before they get better.

  8. Toni Fleischmann says

    I’m SO IMPRESSED that a child in middle school would decide to spend $30 (no doubt a few years ago for such a low price at Ballards) on a blue and white ginger jar…..a beautiful one at that! I’m a lover of blue and white also…..just finished a girlfriend brunch with a table of it! Lovely photo too with the tulips (which I also had on my table). Thank you for sharing.

  9. These are beautiful. I will order some. I have some red ones I got from Hobby Lobby, and they look good, too. Thanks for the tip.

  10. Laura DiSilvestro says

    Very beautiful, particularly the pairing of the tulips with the blue and white jar. It really pops out at you! I was so inspired I went outside and cut a whole bunch of daffodils to put in a vase so I could enjoy flowers in the house. Those tulips are certainly realistic and a worthwhile investment!

  11. Brenda S Lawrence says

    Sam definitely had a good eye back then and a wonderful mother to boot! I love that he saw the beauty in this vase at such a young age. The tulips look amazing in his vase! Susan you were spot on with the recommendation for these tulips, they are very real looking indeed. Sorry the pink ones were barely pink, but maybe that was a happy incident as you may be happier with the color Sam chose, since he has a great eye. lol I do love how inexpensive these tulips are and how you get so many real looking ones. I will have to look to see if they have the parrot tulips, so love parrot tulips. Hugs, Brenda

  12. I am with Sam, love that Chinoiserie ginger jar (and the tulips). I have been collecting the blue and white for years. Don’t you love catalogs and magazines? Not an online shopper.
    Better to have one killer vase than 25 utility ones. LOL

  13. An easy way to cover porch chains is to use velcro instead of snaps. I would double or triple the length of fabric to make them really pretty!

  14. How sweet of Sam to share his love of BD waaay back when we filled out order forms and his inspiration with the tulips. I have a set of those realistic tulips, but I have to admit, when I saw your post (and now this one), it made me want to order another set. I saved that email with that post just for that! Beautiful.

  15. Cynthia E Wilcox says

    Hi Susan! I also ordered these tulips based on your recommendation. I got the Off White color. They’re so beautiful and very realistic. I plan to order more, just haven’t decided which color. Love Sam’s vignette!!

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