Is it Time to Ditch Those Floral Valances in the Guest Room?

In some of my recent posts, we’ve been playing here in the guest room a lot. In one post I shared a new lamp I had purchased for this room. (See that post here: New Lamp for the Guest Room.)

Blue and White Decor, Decorate in Blue & White


A week or two later, I added some Ikea Oxberg cabinets down one wall as a fun, attractive way to corral all my handbags into one area. The guest room is so rarely used since family prefers the larger queen-size sleeper in my upstairs living room over the full-size bed here in the guest room, so this room is finally seeing a lot more use now. (See that post here: Handbag Lovers & Fashionista: Here’s a Great Way to Organize Your Favorite Bags)

Handbag Storage, Decorate with Handbags


Whenever I share a post involving this room, I always get a few comments complaining about the balloon valances in this room and how I need to remove/change them for another type of window treatment. For the most part, the comments are said in a helpful, constructive way, which I really appreciate, but occasionally, they are just outright trollish and mean. The troll comments get deleted because I’d never subject you, the BNOTP readers, to that kind of drama when you visit, but the others, the helpful, suggestive comments always get published. I’ll often reply to those comments explaining how much I appreciate the suggestion but that I really do still like the floral valances I had custom-made for this room so many years ago.

View into bedroom after adding cabinets


Today, I thought I’d share a bit more about these somewhat controversial window treatments. lol Many years ago, I stumbled across a floral fabric in a custom drapery shoppe. At the time, I was in the process of decorating the guest room and had already purchased the Ralph Lauren “Porcelain” bedding.

Valentine's Day Decorating Ideas


I wanted a mostly blue and white room, or so I thought, but I was finding a two-color scheme just a bit too plain. Blue and white is one of my favorite combinations, but I couldn’t see decorating an entire room in just two colors. I knew the room needed something else but I just wasn’t sure what that “something else” was.

Decorating in Blue and White


I had never had custom window treatments made but I fell hard for this floral fabric the first day I saw it. I loved how it looked with the RL Porcelain fabric so much, I decided to have balloon valances, a table topper, and a few pillows made for the guest room. I was pretty shocked by how much all of that cost, having never had custom treatments or pillows made before, but I swallowed hard and wrote the check, hoping I would love it.

Not sure if you can see it, but the two pillows I had made in the floral fabric are trimmed out in the same fabric that’s on the bedside table underneath the table topper. The fabric on the other side of the pillow is still the same floral fabric, it’s only the edging that’s different. It’s a subtle accent that I really do love.


The striped, blue and white fabric (that coordinates with the edging on the pillow) is visible on the bedside table below.

Guest Room in Blue & White


Another view of the table topper…


A view showing the Ralph Lauren Porcelain fabric and the floral fabric of the pillow and the table topper…

Blue and White Porcelain Lamp


Sorry about the quality of this photo from my early years of blogging, but it’s the only one I could find of the sweet kitty pillow I had made from the Sanderson fabric. They had kitty pillows in the custom drapery shoppe so I couldn’t resist having one of those made, as well. He needs a blue or red ribbon around his neck, doesn’t he?

Kitty Pillow, Sanderson Fabric


Balloon valances may not be as popular now as they were back in the day, but if you’ve been following BNOTP for a while, you know that I really don’t worry about trends. I prefer to decorate with more classic designs, that’s just what normally appeals to me.

Also, if you’re always trying to follow the latest trend, you’ll find that you’re forever unsatisfied with the rooms in your home since the trends are almost constantly changing. The industry has to keep changing or the designers would be out of work, as would the companies that manufacturer the latest new designs. It can be fun to add something in the latest clothing style to your wardrobe, but redoing your decor every time the trend winds blow would be costly and frankly, exhausting.

Blue and White Decor, Decorate in Blue & White


Do I have balloon valances in all my rooms? No, in my “formal” dining area, I went with draperies I found for a steal in the Ballard Designs outlet.

New Draperies for the Dining Room


In the living room, I went with these scrumptious, deep-green, velvet draperies.


They were another affordable find in one of the local Ballard Designs Outlets.


In the office, I have yellow and cream buffalo-plaid draperies from Country Curtains. Sadly, they are no longer in business. That was one of those companies that I thought would be around forever.


If I ever get around to adding draperies to the master bedroom (and I would love to do that) I may go with some type of neutral, silk-taffeta drapery panels. I love the look of over-the-top, very full, silk taffeta draperies in a bedroom!

Tartan Bedding for Fall and Winter


Whatever I choose, it will need to work with both my summer and winter bedding.


Going back to this floral fabric in the guest room–this fabric was designed by the British company, Sanderson. Sanderson has been around for 160 years. That’s a long, long time!


Their first showroom was located in London’s Soho Square. It appears they’ve just opened a showroom in Chelsea. I’m not totally sure if they sell to everyone or if they are only available to designers, aka the trade.


They have stayed fairly true to their roots, producing some truly beautiful floral designs that have me dreaming of beautiful English Gardens



So pretty and fresh!



You can’t get more English than this classic “Hunt” wallpaper/fabric called “Tally Ho.”



Here’s how it looks made into draperies, pillows, and on a chair.



A lot of Sanderson designs are pulled from nature and I love that! Notice the fabric on this chair featuring woodland creatures.



Their floral wallpapers are to die for!



Beautiful! I love an enveloping big, bold print in an entry or hallway. Notice the wonderful trim/panels on the door…I’ve never seen that before but I love it!



This happy birdie print would be stunning in a white bathroom!



I would love this in a bathroom or perhaps even in a laundry room or mudroom.



Another adorable wallpaper/fabric for the bird lover.



They make fabrics and wallpapers suitable for all ages and all rooms!



Love this sweet rocking horse fabric! Notice how they’ve paired it with a smaller scale, floral fabric for the windows. So pretty!



This rose print is cute as wallpaper but it really steals my heart in fabric form. Or, maybe those are peonies.



Sanderson has created some great fabrics for coastal or beach homes. I love this shade of blue and the sailboat motif!



This lobster fabric in draperies cracks me up! Soo fun for a beach house! So happy to see Sanderson, the British company that made the fabric I’ve used in my guest bedroom, is still going strong and still producing gorgeous fabrics (and wallpaper) for the home! Love the iconic, classic design firms–hope they are forever with us! See more of Sanderson’s beautiful designs at their website here: Sanderson Design Group. Be sure to click on their “Collections” link to see some of the collections I’ve shared in this post.

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  1. Susan-
    I think your guest room is beautiful but…if you’re tired of the balloon style and your fabric is still in good condition, why not re-design the curtains?
    I’ve done that several times in the past. Especially if I have a lot invested in the fabric and the room.

    • Thanks for that suggestion, Susan! If I ever do get tired of the balloon style valances, that’s a great idea for repurposing the fabric. Right now, I do still love them as they are…but love that idea!

  2. Melanie Nalepa says

    Just wanted to let you know that some of the items from Country Curtains are now being offered on The Vermont Country Store website. I always enjoyed receiving the Country Curtains catalog and was sad to learn they were no longer online. I’m hopeful that they will do well in their collaboration with The Vermont Country Store.

    • Melanie, thanks for sharing that about The Vermont Country store and Country Curtains…I hadn’t realized that! That’s awesome!

  3. Susan, I was wondering…if you still really love the pattern of the balloon valances….could you have them taken apart and turned into faux Roman valance…I’m assuming they were lined so no fading. The Roman shade is a little less fu fu and fussy. They would look great with the shutters…more modern look. Good luck.

    • They are lined. I just don’t care for the look of a Roman valance…just not a look I like, especially for a bedroom. I prefer a softer look in a bedroom, so I’m good with a foofoo look in the bedroom. 🙂

      • I agree !!! Love the pouf balloon valances in a bedroom. It is a classic and here to stay !! Thank you for sharing about Sanderson. I had forgotten about that house. I will have to check them out. I especially like their birding papers and fabric combos of the ones you shared and love love love your guest bedroom of the blue and white and pastel floral combo. The new lamp is fabulous and the use of the wall units for your special collectibles is a perfect use of balance, space flow and utilization. Although the custom bookshelf in the upper den was a great idea, the space utilization would not work due to the stairs and having ingress and egress of the stairs and room.

        • So glad you enjoyed seeing more about Sanderson…I love their floral and birding theme papers, too! Makes me want to wallpaper something! Maybe when I get around to updating my laundry room, I can use one of their papers in there.
          I agree about the upstairs living room. That would have been such a great view coming into the room if the space had worked out.

  4. well I love the “Tally Ho” fabric, i like the the horses also. I to decorate and dress the way I like don’t care about the latest trends, so are you changing or keeping the valances in the guest room?

    • Yes, no plans to change them at this point. I still love how they look, too–plus they are so different from all the other drapes throughout the house, which I really like. That Tally Ho fabric is really pretty…I love it, too! Thanks, Kathy!

  5. Mary Anne Carlin says

    Susan, I can’t believe people criticize anything in your home! It’s not anyone’s place to be critical. Ugh. I remember reading that someone suggested you change your tissue box and I thought “what nerve!” Anyway, I’m also writing because I too loved Country Curtains and I want to make sure that you are aware that The Vermont Country Store bought the Country Curtains drapery lines. I once bought long drapes from Country Curtains, then I moved and needed two more identical panels for my new home. I was so disappointed because CC had just closed. And then like magic I received an email from The Vermont Country Store (I guess because I was already a customer) about Country Curtains being available from them! And I was able to then get the identical panels I needed. Did you know?

  6. Susan, I have always admired your guest room from the wall color to the bed to the floral fabric with companion print! Balloon valances are being shown in a big way with Grandmillennial design and I love it. Change them out if you must but hang onto any custom made, beautiful florals. They shall return!

  7. That was a lot of gorgeous-ness packed into one post! Those lobster draperies are so fun and they crack me up as well.

  8. I would not remove the valances… is your home so do what makes you happy. I like them and love the fabric. So tired of people who think we want their opinions….pls keep it to yourself! My home is very classically traditional (think Williamsburg), and I am sure if I posted photos I too would hear from those who believe things are not trendy enough. I do not follow trends… is what I like!

    I too miss Country Curtains. I was surprised when neither daughter of the original owners wanted to continue the business.

    Love the new lamp, and I have ordered a different one from the website. Thanks for sharing it.

    • Thanks, Lee! That is interesting that no one in the family wanted to continue the business. I wonder what they are doing…maybe they were retirement age and just decided to retire. Hope you love your lamp! I was so happy with how nice the one I received was and ended up ordering two more for other areas in my home.

    • Mary from Virginia says

      You can post your a Williamsburg home to me! I love Williamsburg and that beautiful style.

      • I too love the style and Williamsburg! My granddaughter graduated from William and Mary and is now on staff at CW, and I am long over due for a visit there and to your beautiful state.

      • Thanks, Mary! Me, too! I would love to visit Williamsburg again sometime soon!

  9. I really like your colorful and traditional home. Many of the bloggers I like to follow have just plain homes, well designed but lacking color. Many seem to have white or gray walls, white kitchens and perhaps put in navy in some places for accent. That’s fine for them but not for me! Keep your lovely valances and thanks for not following trends!

  10. Susan,

    Trolls are a good thing: they’re a sign that you’re in the game, and playing successfully! I love your balloon window treatments. I’m weird that way, I often love the “before” photos!!

    And I totally agree: the trends change for money making reasons. I feel it the most w/ clothes. Great post!


    • lol That’s me–I often like the Before better than the After, especially if it’s a beautiful piece of furniture with pretty inlay that’s been painted. Yup—follow the money!

  11. Mary Ellen says

    I love the fabrics and new lamp in your guest bedroom. I love decorating sewing – by taking apart the pouffy valances, they could be made into a different style valance.

  12. I love love love your decorating style. I have followed you since the day I discovered your blog (2008, I think).

  13. Anne C Lovell says

    I love your window treatments!! I can’t believe people would actually be so rude. The floral goes beautifully with the spare room and adds to the overall decor. I’m glad you just ignore/deleted them. Wow, I love that chair with the woodland creatures on it!!

  14. I love your valances. The room is stunning! I wouldn’t change a thing?

  15. Hi Susan – I really love your balloon valances! One reason I love them is because there are a total departure from the curtains in the rest of your house.
    I, too, was sad when Country Curtains went out of business. Then I found out that the Vermont Country Store had taken over most of their curtain business. I ordered some curtains from them that used to be offered at Country Curtains and found they were the same high quality.

    • So good to know that Vermont Country Store still carries some of their curtains! Glad the quality hasn’t changed–that’s great.

  16. I follow 5540farmhouse on Instagram. She decorates in a wonderful farmhouse style – very plain, all white, and lots of chippy furniture and just a cute style if someone is into that kind of decorating. She has mentioned several times about unkind remarks people make about her decorating. With all the posts on social media, it makes me wonder why people just don’t move on and find decorating they really like instead of making fools of themselves criticizing someone else’s taste.

    I think your home is elegant and beautiful. I don’t decorate like you do, but I ALWAYS look forward to seeing what you’ve bought for the house and how you decorate. I think it’s all gorgeous and elegant.

  17. Selma Kessler says

    Susan, I’ve been so dang busy I haven’t had much time to comment, but I do keep up with your posts. I just HAD to weigh in and mention that I think your entire home is just lovely! Lots of great traditional and timeless design. You know I’ve commented on my admiration for your neatness and organization, too! I always chuckle to myself when I look at the 6 or 7 random mismatched cat beds, complete with heating pads and the accompanying cords, in our Hearth Room and wonder what you and your readers would think. 😀 The Trolls would have a field day! Hugs!!

  18. The valances are really pretty. If you feel you would like to change the window treatments for awhile to something different, then clean them, and package them carefully and store them (hoping you have storage space to do this). Then, you can bring them back to ‘life’ at your windows in the future. Custom made window treatments are VERY expensive….from experience, I had upholstered valance boards to go over the tops of 3 windows and down the sides. When new windows were placed in the house, now I have to take those valance boards down in order to get the windows open to clean them. What misery! The company making the window treatments for the second guest bedroom suggested a “Savannah Drape”…..they are wonderful!!! The drape is a valance and side of the window treatment and it slides right onto a curtain rod, all in one piece. The “Savannah Drape” can come down for laundering. My “Savannah Drapes” are lined also. You might like something like that for your guest room but please don’t dispose of the current window treatments you have.

    • Those sound really nice! Thanks for that suggestion, Virigina! Right now, I’m still happy with these but will def keep something like that in mind if I do want to change them at some point.

  19. ellen clairmont says

    I respect you for loving your own style. I find that trends are fine, but I have to say, this Farmhouse thing has gone on too long! I am so tired of gray, gray, and more gray! I like homes with personality and gray just doesn’t do it for me. Your home is beautiful and interesting. There are some people who would probably think my home is dated, too, {I actually have a camel back sofa!} but I don’t care. I love it. Here’s to knowing ourselves!

    • I’m with you Ellen, really tired of gray everywhere. I recently went into a furniture store, and everything in there was either gray, white, black, or a combination. Even the wood tones had gray stains over them. I think it’s great in the right place for the right person, but it’s not something I want to live with. Long live the rainbow!

    • lol I’m not a big fan of gray either. Not sure how the “gray” trend ever got started. I love color too much, as well! Thanks so much, Ellen!

  20. So, contrary to the heading of the post you are NOT changing the valances? It seems as if you are keeping them, which is great. You are a very independent woman who will not allow people to bully you into submission. You do whatever pleases you. It is YOUR home, no one else’s. Social media has given us a lot of license to cross over the lines of kind and gracious civility into the territory of arrogant brutish intrusiveness with impunity.
    That is a crying shame. You go, girl. You have thousands behind you.

    • Thanks, Yolie! Appreciate that so much! ♥ I still like my current window treatments too much to change them, so no plans to change them at this point.

  21. Vicki Cooper says

    I love your home just the way it is. If someone doesn’t like it, they don’t have to follow your blog!!

  22. Good for you. You do what you like!

  23. I love the floral print! If you are set on getting rid of the valances can they be recycled into a roman shade or some other kind of window covering? Keep the floral fabric!

  24. Please yourself, after all it is your home and your opinion is most important. Everything in your home is beautiful and classic. Trends are quickly changing and as you said it can be expensive and time consuming to follow every new trend.
    In reference to your last post and your question about new washer/dryer sets, I would suggest you research the Speed Queen brand. After a “trendy” choice of a Maytag Bravos set and years of regretting my purchase, I was glad when I replaced them with a Speed Queen set. I haven’t loved a new washer as much as this Speed Queen since the GE I had when my son was in diapers. That was fifty years ago.

    • Mary, I also have a Speed Queen, but just the washer. I’m waiting for the current dryer to “die”. Are you equally happy with the dryer as you are with the washer?

      • Yes, the dryer works fine. Although I must admit I haven’t seen the big difference in dryers the way I have in my washers.

    • Hi Mary – I too am happy with my Speed Queen washer that I’ve had for about 6 months. Its built like a tank and hopefully lasts a good long time. I don’t need bells and whistles, I need longevity. 🙂

      • So happy to know I’m not the only one who appreciates the simplicity and quality of an old fashioned washer. I’ve had mine about three years and love it. So much better than the Maytag I had before. My DIL has a pretty red front load washer with all the bells and whistles and she has to constantly clean the door gasket where mold develops. To deter the mold she has to leave the door open in between uses. Hope we can enjoy our washers for many, many years!

    • Mary, I agree with everyone regarding Speed Queen washer and dryers. I loved mine. When we moved, I went with a stackable front load washer and dryer due to space. How I miss miss my Speed Queen!

    • I have never heard of that brand but I’ve been reading about it online since I read your comment and it sounds like it’s still being made the way machines once were made–built to last! Appliance makers these days seem to be using so much plastic to the point where appliances have almost become disposable. Thanks for that recommendation, Mary! When my 41 year old washer finally dies, I will definitely check into Speed Queen!

  25. Hi Susan,
    I swoon every time I see your guest bedroom. It’s in my favorite colors: blue and yellow. I love, love, your guest bedroom decor and style. Have fun with whatever you wish do to.

  26. Emily Martin says

    We have much the same taste. My bed from Pennsylvania House, looks very much like yours. The curtains in one of my bedrooms is the same taffeta fabric as the checked shams on your bed, and I have the yellow cream buffalo-check curtains that are in your office. I also bought the buffalo-check curtains in black and cream check.
    I see you have already been told about the Vermont Country Store, but nothing can really replace Country Curtains. Even my teenage granddaughter used to love browsing in their stores. All my curtains and most of my lamps were from there. A couple of tables as well.
    Broke my heart when they closed.

  27. Linda Nixon says

    Love those balloon valances. I just had my balloon valances in the kitchen going back to valances in a different fabric. I love them and I love yours and the fabric. My designer/decorator hates roman shades and I do too. Everything in this bedroom goes well together including the lamp. I think someone said it was too much. I have recently included some of the blue and white, teal, and pink and green ginger jars and lamps. I love florals, checks and stripes. My friend saw my three or so pattern swatches and didn’t like them until the finished product and then she loved them. You keep what you like . Period.

    • I’m not a fan of Roman Shades either–about the only place I’ve seen them where I liked them was in a man’s study or perhaps a cozy den. I especially don’t like how they completely block the view when you have them down for sun control to protect furniture. That’s one of the reasons I’m such a huge fan of plantation shutters and have them throughout my home. They offer sun control, yet you still get your view…and they can be designed in so many different ways. There just isn’t enough versatility to me with a Roman Shade. Thanks, Linda! I love mixing patterns and florals…sounds like you do the same!

  28. Only you can decide when it’s time to retire a design. You know, the Marie Kondo adage of “thank you for your service” and then letting go. I too, don’t listen to trends, and I love color. It’s your home, do what you love. (I have the same bed in King Size, I bought in the 80’s with my first Art commission check!)

    • Thanks, Bernie! Great advice! So wonderful that you still have that special bed…holds a lot of meaning because you know how hard you had to work to acquire it!

  29. I love your valences and I’m glad you don’t plan to change them. When and if you want a change, it is up to you! I like how they let so much light in but still the windows look “finished.” And I love some of those Sanderson designs, especially the one with blue/white vases and bright flowers. Will add that to my “mental design file”!

  30. Frances Wang says

    Your balloon valences are beautiful. They bring softness to the hard edges in the room, the shutters, desk and new cabinets. The various blues and whites cool the delicately warm yellow walls while the strong floral nestled in the deeper yellow pull background and foregrounds together into a rich harmonious whole.
    It’s a warm, welcoming and happy guest room.
    Live with what you love.

  31. Darlene Gardner says

    Susan, I love your guest bedroom, everything about it. Your curtains are lovely, and who cares what everyone else thinks! We redesigned our bathroom in 2015 and we used wallpaper, almost unheard of these days, but we love it. I agree with you, changing your home every time designers get a new idea would be costly and unsatisfying. Enjoy the added color these curtains, pillows and table covering bring.

  32. I think the rooms in your home are gorgeous and you have an amazing decorating sense Susan. I’m not good at decorating or putting pattern fabrics together, so my house is boring. lol I’m also not a “jump on the trend” person either, if I do, it is just some accents because remember I’m not good at this. Other’s don’t live in your space, you only have to please yourself and no one else Susan. I love your home and it’s rooms and I love those curtains in the guest room. Hugs, Brenda

  33. Hi! Well, as you said in the beginning of your post, you really still like the valances you had custom made so many years ago. So – that’s that! I think we should just decorate or dress in a way that makes US happy, that is all that matters! Your home is beautifully decorated and looks so comfortable, so just do what makes you happy. It’s like the latest “trend” going from gray paint back to beige paint – who cares about the trend! I just paint what I like; it seems stupid to put a color on the wall because “they” say that is what is the current trend. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful fabrics, there are several I would love!

  34. Susan, I LOVE your guest room just as it is. I am a Blue and white nut also. I even had my chair and ottoman recovered to match your blue and white buffalo check and have had many compliments. I like your custom shades and table cover…if you do, keep them and it’s no one’s business but yours. I am sorry that some people think it’s cool to lob a grenade of criticism at anything that is not their taste. Why are they reading your blog then anyway? They need to get a life. Have a Blessed day!

  35. Susan, please don’t try to rationalize YOUR style and YOUR choices. If you love it, don’t second guess your choices because someone rudely commented. As an antique dealer, I have heard it all. Some who wantdecorated farmhouse style in the middle of big cities. Others who only want gray because that what all the “Influencers” are posting. BOHO, oh my goodness! as a former hippie-been there-done that! Thankfully, there are decorating styles for everyone. I know. I sell to them all. My home was built in 1937 with all its original woodwork and doors. It would look pretty silly decorated in ALL GRAY. Gray in Michigan! We get enough of that outside. Why would I want it inside? Good taste and style never is a trend. Your home is lovely. Let the critics go to Home Goods and wander the aisles looking for their trendy style.

  36. Susan, I so appreciate you mentioning your timeless design approach once more–really resonates with me.

    Speaking of which, I recently looked at my breakfast curtains from Country Curtains–the same exactl moire cotton check as your summer bedding, also against a creamy pale yellow wall–and said to my husband ‘I wonder if those curtains are getting dated?’, followed immediately by ‘I don’t care, I love them in this room and they make me happy’.

    Thanks also to all mentioning that Vermont Country Store bought out Country Curtains!

  37. Can I just say Amen to all the comments above?! And thank you for sparing us the Troll nonsense – your thoughtfulness is only one of the reasons we love you so much! 🙂

    Happy Wednesday!

  38. Jeanette Zienert says

    If you want to change out the valance and the material is in good condition, how about using is on a padded valance and add blue and white stripe panels to match the side table

  39. I like traditional decor also and I agree with you about changes in decor to promote sales, etc. but there are many, very attractive homes all over the internet with updated traditional styles and I like to see those as inspirational to keep my decor ‘current’ for me. Most young people look at my decor and think ‘out of date’ and too much ‘ brown wood’.
    ( My dining room furniture is very similar to yours. )
    I hope you do what feels good for you. I try to remember that I can always do with one or two less ‘chatkys ‘ to keep things lighter in appearance. Also a change in wall color is a great update. Don’t know if that is a good philosophy or not. Love the style and displays of many on Instagram but don’t know how to quite pull it off for myself. Will look forward to see what you decide.

  40. Jill from Southern New Hampshire says

    I also adore traditional style and staying true to what I love. My favorite designer on instagram is Tom Samet, and he always uses quality traditional antiques, rich fabrics and colors with timeless natural textures like bamboo – it’s refreshing to see amid the modern-farmhouse decor that seems to be everywhere else in my feed somehow. Do you remember the pattern Laura Ashley Bramble? It was probably one of their most famous prints – dark green with light and royal blue-colored berries. I had it in my apartment in the mid 90s to early 2000s in drapes, valances and bedding and I still find it so pretty today. The bedding decorated our guestroom in our current home for years but the full comforter was the wrong size, so I’ve since retired most of the set and tucked it securely away. In late winter though, I change out the tan and white toile valance (from Country Curtains) in our 1/2 bath and put the Laura Ashley one up for a few weeks every year to complement our sky blue wall color. It was originally a pretty, simple ‘blouson’ valance that you would stuff with tissue paper to create the balloon-like fullness, but I recently took the tissue paper out and it falls like a traditional straight valance, so I still get the pattern I love in a more simplified silhouette. It’s a little bit sunfaded and definitely well-loved, but its cheery colors still make me smile for a few weeks every year til it’s time to lighten up for Spring.

  41. I’m have always loved your style. That being said, I personally don’t care for the balloon valences but that is me. If you love them, keep them! I recently took down all of my curtains and replaced them with plantation shutters. I know it’s boring but I like the simplicity and no more dust. Every person who has been to my house says it looks cold and boring but you know what I love my plantation shutters. So you do you and don’t worry about the trolls! You have a lovely home and it is a reflection of you!

  42. Personally, I have always loved this room. Please don’t cave under negative comments. Maybe you could still use the fabric and have a different style of valance made. The room looks inviting and many times I have thought of “copying” it.
    Stat true to your design!!!

  43. I find it interesting how invested people can be in another’s decorating style. There are so many ways to decorate – and some are more prevalent in one part of the world than in another. I just like to see another perspective in looking at spaces. True, I would not go for balloon valances but you probably would not go for the way I decorate my spaces. It is the fun of making spaces our own. What I do appreciate with balloon valances is the amount of fabric they use – it does make changing styles more possible should the balloon valance no longer appeal – that is not the case for some window treatments. I have one fabric, used for my living room window, that I adore and it is not possible to find anywhere (and believe me I constantly search). I hope that nothing ever happens to the window treatment or I will be one sad puppy. Glad to continue to take pleasure in the decisions you have made along the way!

  44. Like you, when I love something, I stick with it! The floral and striped balloon valances I made for a sunroom addition we had in our last home are now in the kitchen and family room of our current home. The current trend of neutrals (specifically “agreeable gray”) throughout a home are simply not for me. I love pattern and color, and would not feel at home without both.The most important thing about decorating your home is that you are comfortable in it and that your choice of styles make you feel good .

  45. Where’s the little cat pillow? Is it on the bed? If not, it would look so cute on the chair, to bring some of the flower color to that corner of the room! I love anything “cat themed” (I know, crazy cat lady), I wonder if I could make one DIY? Do you have a clearer picture of it on another post? Don’t worry about nasty comments, those same people would not have the nerve to say such things to a person’s face, but somehow feel that it’s allowed because no one can see you on social media. Cowards. Just sayin’.

    • Thanks, Elena! She moves around from bed to chair. lol I do like her on the chair! I’m sure you could make one, it looks like it would be quite easy. I’m a crazy cat lady, too…so I get it! Elena, I’m in Ohio right now but once I’m back home, I’ll measure Miss Kitty and take some photos of her and email them to you in case you want to make her.

    • Thanks so much, Elena! I just emailed you six photos with measurements of the kitty pillow. I hope you make it, I would love to see your version! 🙂

  46. This is my first time I’ve commented here although I’ve read your blog for years. Anyway, I think that if you still love your curtains as they are, keep them as is. They are beautiful. They are a classic style that is always in style although not trendy. Yes, they don’t follow the latest trends but that is okay. I also prefer a classic style with my home and I follow many designers on Instagram that decorate with the classic style like @hollyholdendesign, @theglampad and more.

  47. Bonnie Short says

    Hi Susan, I’m so glad you weren’t persuaded to change your window valances. I really am tired of reading those posts that list all the things that are now “out of style”, suggesting you rid your house of them. Like granite, and certain paint colors, brass, carpet, etc. Says who? I say, it’s your house, which is truly beautiful by the way, and you should do what you like. To each her own!

  48. Mary from Virginia says

    Susan, only remove your valances if you are tired of them, not because someone on the internet has said something. I love a good trend, now and then, but it’s hard to change decor because it always leads to another project which leads to another, etc.

  49. The woodland animals on the chair caught my eye! The nerve of nasty trolls to dare post here. I never noticed that little kitty on the bed before. Was he always on there? I just think that everything you have chosen for the guest room is very comfy and inviting!

  50. My first thought was, no matter, they will be back in style soon. But like you I decorate with what I (and my family) like and what is within budget! The latest trend I am happy to see comeback is wallpaper! I haven’t changed our bedroom in over 10 years except bedspreads with the seasons. I love tradtional and always look forward to seeing your Christmas decoration in the living room and master bedroom.

  51. I love so many different styles, I could probably live with any of several. But when it comes right down to it, I always choose traditional. It just feels right, so warm and welcoming and timeless. And like you, when I love something, I tend to love it for years. Which is fortunate, because it IS exhausting finding just the right piece for this space or that.

    As for the grey trend, I too wonder about the appeal. Especially in baby rooms!! Who would saddle a sweet newcomer with uninspired grey? Depending on the skill of the decorator, it can look very pretty and fresh, but it can also look depressing and dull if not enlivened with some style or color. Recently, a young mom who has fully embraced the gray trend came to my house and her eyes sort of popped and she said, “Everything is so pretty!” I felt bad for her, knowing how monotonous and minimalistic her house is.

    But Susan, THANK YOU for telling us about Sanderson. Wow, I love several of their items. And I learned something. At first glance, I loved the hunt print on pillow and chair, but not so much on curtains. The scene gets a bit lost in the folds. But I warmed to it on second glance. That’s a good lesson though – how prints can look different, depending on how they are used.

    I have paneled doors, though a different pattern in this house. The house I grew up in had the double cross design to the doors. Loved it. I vote for a red ribbon round kitty’s neck and I love the suggestion to put her on the chair. 😀

    Btw, you did a champion’s job on that handbag wall! That is expert merchandising right there. Beautiful display.

  52. Dear Susan, One of the reasons I follow you is because of your decorating style. You are a breath of fresh, beautiful, colorful, classic air in a world of boring. Over the years I and I’m pretty sure you also have watched the disappearance of ambiance and history in homes, hotels, restaurants many other public places. Why don’t people in this country appreciate period rooms? Why must every interior be stripped of any reminder of the past? Why must rooms end up resembling operating rooms, factories, barns or the inside of and igloo? It’s my understanding that owners of public places felt the need to strip individuality and personality to attract younger people. A beautiful Lodge hotel that I love to go to has recently”updated” to the point where it no longer has the lodge look but instead has a mix of ugly mismatched VERY modern hard and cold rooms. So much for warm cozy tome by the fireplces in each room , that’s over. I have many such examples but my worst most disturbing experience and example of this is the complete and utter decimation of the most beautiful Chadd’sFord Inn in Chester County Pennsylvania. It was a place filled with mouldings, woodwork and furnishings from when George Washington spent time there. It was so lovely to have drinks and dinner by beautiful candlelight and escape to another period in time and connect with our past but to my horror new owners gutted it completely down to the stone walls and it now looks like the inside of the Lincoln Tunnel! WHY????? Anyway enough of my rant, here’s to you Susan and to the rest of us that won’t cave to trends and to the return of the appreciation of things that are old, handmade, unique and beautiful.

  53. Mary Stevens says

    I love this bedroom and love love love those curtains please don’t change them they help make the room. This bedroom helped me come up with ideas for my spare bedroom!!

  54. I echo what everyone says here. Especially, “Gray in Michigan!” lol It seems if you follow trends you are always out of style. I love your change to the blue lamp. Love the antique shops, I’m still using things I bought before I was married. I don’t know why people pay attention to what they don’t like. Keep it up Susan, you are doing what we that follow want to see.

  55. I was thinking that crisp white curtains would be beautiful in that room and would really allow the blue prints to shine. I’m not really a blue person but I just love your guest room. I kind of think the fabric in the valences, pillows and topper kind of competes with the blue/white. But it is important that your home reflects you and your taste and your joy so do what makes you happy!

  56. Susan. I absolutely love your guest room the way it is. Would trade my guest room for yours anytime. Classic never goes out of style. You have a beautiful home. There will always be rude people in this world. Hold onto to what you love.

  57. I have always loved your guest room and still do. Your classic traditional decor will never go out style. I don’t believe in trend decorating. I think one should find the style they love and stick with it. If your taste changes over time, then sure, go a different direction but go there because you love it, not because some influencer says it’s the way to go.

  58. Barbara E. says

    Like most here, I love your style. Your style is exactly why we read your blog. The updates you make are for yourself — and we see the thought, care, and love that goes into them. If we wanted slick, hard-edged, empty-feeling rooms, there are plenty of paint company advertisements we could find.

    I love the valances. Not only do they respect the heritage of the fabric company, but they bring dimension and interest to the upper portion of that part of the room.

  59. Hoo-ray for you not following trends! It is your home, things you love, and that is how it should be!

  60. Susan,
    Do what you love and what brings you joy! Chasing the latest trend is just that, the latest, and that too will change. If it makes you happy, it is a winner in my books
    Gerrie Stockdale

  61. Sharyn Kimbrough says

    Susan, I love your decorating style-that is why I follow you and why I started following you in the first place. I grew up with traditional classic decorating and I have never moved on from that love. Why can’t trolls just keep on scrolling-don’t understand their thought process at all-I think they are just unhappy people that don’t like happy people. Keep on doing what you love to be surrounded with and we will continue to appreciate and love your taste. Have a blessed day.

  62. Susan, I think you should do what makes you happy. That’s what I do. I personally do not like curtains of any type; therefore, I have plantation shutters on my windows because I wanted them and I do not have a need or want for any curtains. Curtains and draperies smother me to death. I like the clean look of shutters without curtains of any kind. That is not to say that I don’t like your rooms with curtains because I love looking at them in your photos; just not for me as I’m a little claustrophobic. lol

  63. Susan, this is your home, do as you please! I love blue and white, and lots of color! Silver, crystal, china, lovely things! I like a Southern decorated home, and yours is lovely. Keep your drapes as they are, I would love to see them pulled down, lovely I think!

  64. I think the balloon valances look wonderful…love the mix of patterns. It makes for such a cozy and inviting guest room. Everyone has different tastes, don’t let the trolls bother you. Your home is beautiful!!! Trends evolve but we have to LOVE our homes, our sanctuary. Over the years I have had many styles of window treatments depending on the home we lived in…and your valances go perfectly with your home. You do YOU…because you do it so wonderfully well!

  65. Leave the valances! That room is beautiful! The idiots who don’t like them aren’t staying there anyway!

  66. Okay, Miss Susan, I gave it the overnight to think about your guest room. If we didn’t love your home, we would not have followed you for years. If I could transport your home here, I would be a happy camper (still waiting on you to transform the basement). Decorating isn’t cheap and you have good quality furniture and fabrics. I love traditional decor. Honestly, you work so hard keeping this blog going and keeping us informed. You can run circles around most of us. Really. You not only share your home, but your family with us. So, we thank you.

  67. Rebecca Dexter says

    The balloon window treatments are fine…and all of the fabrics on their own are beautiful…just give some thought to how many different prints you have and the scale of each. I tend to agree with Karen that the beautiful yellow fabric which is very large and very yellow and green seems to fight with all of the different blue and white. This fabric seems to be the focal point and I would think you need other fabrics that are smaller but in the same color way that this is. Not many of us are James Farmer who is a master of mixing fabric…I know I am not, but anyway just give some thought to some of the rules for mixing fabrics giving thought to what color you really want to highlight…is it blue? or is it yellow? Maybe a solid blue or yellow pillow somewhere in the mix on the bed would give you a place for your eye to rest…maybe you need to repeat one of the blue prints rather than so many different…paint the room blue? Not being critical just giving you a different eye. Sometimes I find that I need another eye to helps me to pull everything together. I have had my house in a national magazine so I do have some experience but not an expert by any means. Just food for thought. Love your tablescapes!

  68. Karen Bialek says

    I was so surprised to see that I, too, have the exact same iron bed along with the RL comforter in my guest room. I have sheer white curtains on the windows but I love the fabric you chose for the valances, the topper, and the pillows. I can’t believe I have something extremely similar from Croscill curtains I had hanging in my living room that I just couldn’t get rid of. They say imitation is the best form of flattery so I hope that you don’t mind if I try to imitate the splendor of the room with all the florals. I never would have thought of the color combination working, but it looks perfect! Thanks so much for sharing.

    • Thanks so much, Karen! I would be honored if you took inspiration from this room! I hope you can find a floral fabric that you love with the RL bedding. ♥ Just take one of the pillow shams with you when you go shopping, that’s what I often do when I’m trying to coordinate fabrics in a room.

  69. Hello!
    I am so pleased to see someone using a classic fabric in a traditional way. As an interior designer, I work with realtors to style country farm and ranch properties. It’s frustrating to have to explain that potential buyers, for second homes, are looking for what reminds them of family, has sentimental or deeper meaning, and conveys warmth and comfort. There’s a time and place for gray and white trends and then there’s meaningful classic design. I love the fabric and your enjoyment of the balloon shades. It makes me happy to see a maverick bucking the ban on balloon shades.

  70. Thanks so much, Cyndi! I know what you mean, when you find the right home, you just know it–it speaks to your heart. Thanks again for your uplifting comment!

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