Welcome to the 679th Metamorphosis Monday!
Happy Monday! Hope you are snuggled down inside somewhere this morning, keeping nice and warm. This morning I have a little update I’ve made that I hope you’ll find helpful if you sometimes struggle with denim transfer on your car seats.
A while back I shared this awesome cleaner that is pretty much a miracle cleaner in my eyes. When I got blue jean/denim stains on the leather seats of my previous car, the one I just sold this past September, this cleaner did a fabulous job of removing the denim transfer from the seats. I don’t know how it does it, but it’s pretty amazing!
I just checked this morning and it’s currently out of stock as so many things are these days, but I’m sure they’ll get more in soon since it’s normally always available. When they get more in, you can find it here: Super Cleaner.
When I sold my 14-year-old SUV last year and purchased a new SUV, I bought a sheepskin cover hoping that would prevent issues with denim transfer from jeans to the light-colored seats. The wool, sheepskin cover definitely helped, but over time I was still seeing some denim stains appearing along the edge of the seat. My SUV sits up kinda high, especially since I went with 20″ wheels, so when I’m wearing jeans and exiting the car, the jeans always scrub a little against the edge of the seat.
So this is my new solution–I purchased a cover that completely covers the entire bottom half of the seat. I still like having a sheepskin cover on top since it raises me up a little and because it’s just so warm to sit on when I first get into the car before the seats warm up. (Note: I was too lazy to remove it for the photos so the underside of the sheepskin cover is barely visible in the photo below on the right where I lifted it up for the picture.)
If you look closely along the outer edge, you can see some denim stains already appearing there. Better to get the denim transfer on the cover than to have to keep cleaning my actual car seat every few days–which, over time, probably wouldn’t be good for the seat. Come spring, I will probably remove the cover since I mostly wear jeans in the fall and winter. During the summer months, I live in shorts, skirts, and light summer dresses.
I shared this solution with a service advisor at the dealership where I purchased my car and he was super interested. He said this was a constant issue they are seeing when people bring their cars in for servicing and that after a while, it becomes impossible to get the denim stains out. I actually drove to the dealership (about 40 minutes from my home) on Friday to show him how the cover looks/works because so many people are having this issue. Even if someone has a black or dark interior (the cover comes in other colors) I can’t imagine anyone would want denim stains getting transferred to their nice seats.
I wish they made this cover in a color that matched my seats a bit better. I’m thinking of ordering it in the dark gray color since the gray would probably look better with my interior. I think I’ll do that today. Anyway, I wanted to share this cover in case you are repeatedly having this issue with your car seats. This cover is available in several colors here: Seat Cover. Here’s another style that I think is really pretty: Seat Cover.
Looking forward to all the wonderful Before and Afters linked for this week’s Met Monday!
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Metamorphosis Monday
Metamorphosis Monday is a party that’s all about Before and Afters. Please link up your Before and After projects like DIY projects, room makeovers, craft projects even recipes. Any Before and After is great! Please do not link up Table Settings, save those for our Tablescape Thursday party on Thursday.
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How can I get the denim transfers out of my cream-colored upholstered chairs? If anyone has any ideas, please let me know!!! Thanks.
I think the Car Guys Duper Cleaner works on upholstery, but I have never used it on fabric/upholstery, so I can’t personally speak to that. Check out the reviews on that product though because I think some have used it on upholstered chairs. If they are valuable/expensive chairs, you may want to have them cleaned professionally. I bet the carpet and upholstery cleaners out there have seen this issue before and may have some ideas.
Great solution! I didn’t even know you could buy seat covers like that. I knew about the full seat covers, like men use in their trucks, but I didn’t know about these. One question though – I see it’s made of PU leather. But you didn’t mention any issues with odor. I once purchased a cute handbag that was made of PU leather and I could never get rid of the smell. I guess you didn’t have that issue with your seat cover?
No, it doesn’t have any smell at all. I just ordered a second one in dark gray today.
this looks like a truly amazing product! We had a large suv several years ago with beige leather seats and the jean transfer was a nightmare. Hope you’re staying warm, we’re in for another snowstorm this Wednesday!
Yikes! I hope we don’t see any more snow this winter. Stay warm, Debra!
Wonder if that product works on my best white white turtleneck…darn…blue denim transfer… Currently, I have it soaking in Oxy Clean…fingers crossed… Put your product on “wish list”…thanks!! franki
If the Oxy Clean doesn’t work, can you use bleach since it’s white? I hope the Oxy Clean does the trick! Also, try Shout. I’m always amazed what it gets out.
Thanks, Deb!
Thanks for the tip Susan. I love the seat cover you have. Great party as always. XO- MaryJo
Wow – you find everything! I never knew there were covers that fit completely over the seats. My current seats are black, so I don’t have too much trouble, but that’s a great thing to know, and that cleaner sounds fabulous. Thanks as always for solving these problems for us. And of course, for hosting the party. Happy Monday!
These seat covers are awesome! I have never seen anything like them. I am definitely going to order. I am always cleaning the cream color seats in my SUV. Thanks for all the great info!
Hi Susan,
I have been following you for about 10 years. I am getting ready to tear off my existing deck and replace it with a screened porch. My question is does the screening go inside or outside of the railings? Thanks.
Kay K
I’m not really sure. I remember my contractor told me that he placed the screens on the inside of the rails on the lower part of my porch so the screens could be easily removed if they were ever damaged–and my porch is two stories up. But leaves have a tendency to get caught behind the rail along the bottom, which I don’t like.
Thank you. Susan. Kay
Thank you for always hosting and sharing all your great finds. I love the idea of a seat cover for my car and they have it in light gray. It’s going into my shopping cart. Where did you find the sheepskin cover?
Thanks, Carol! I purchased it here: https://amzn.to/34nH9ts . I really like the way it goes on the seat…it’s secure and doesn’t move around as you get in and out.
My sweet PT cruiser is now 19 years old and I am going to have purchase
A new car soon. I have been looking at Small SUVs for several years. What
Did you end up purchasing last year? I love the inside of it, what I can see!
Thanks! Wow, 19 years old–that’s awesome! The longest I’ve driven a car was 16 years, then I gave to my son to drive when he got his license. I ended up going with a mid-size SUV. It’s def bigger than my last SUV, but I drive so little now, I don’t mind the larger size. This is such a weird time to buy a vehicle due to the ongoing chip shortage. A lot of the vehicles being made right now are missing some of their standard features due to chip shortage. Rachel, if you can wait a bit, you may want to do that since the prices are really inflated due to the shortage of new cars–although you often get more for your trade-in/current car since there’s even a shortage now of used cars.
Thank you for the tip, Susan. You always have the best tips! Does your sheepskin seat cover make the car more comfortable to ride in for long periods of driving? (I have some lower back issues.)
I’ve had this exact problem but had no idea what to do about it! Thank you so much for hosting and for sharing this fabulous tip too. Hope your week is a fun one, CoCo