Welcome to the 697th Tablescape Thursday!
Are you an Emily in Paris fan? I do not subscribe to Netflix so had never heard of the series until I received an email from Brenda. Brenda said, “I was excited about this table setting as we are paying tribute to the show Emily in Paris. We were testing different cheesecakes for the bakery side of our business for Peaceful Valley Farm. We even make the candles that you see.”
After receiving Brenda’s email, my curiosity was piqued! I’ve always wanted to visit Paris. I did a some online research and apparently, the show has created a bit of controversy because of how it portrays the French culture/people. I ended up purchasing the first season via Amazon in hopes of enjoying some beautiful Paris scenery and fashion. (See the series here: Emily in Paris.)
I really enjoyed the bits of Paris we get to see throughout the first season, as well as the beautiful Paris fashions. I wasn’t too impressed with how Emily dresses throughout the show, though. Maybe they are really trying to play up the “fish out of water” theme for Emily’s character because her outfits are pretty wild and not at all what I expected her to be wearing while in Paris. Have you watched any of the show? If so, what did you think?
Brenda set such a fun “Emily in Paris” inspired table!
Let’s take a closer look at all the beautiful details!
I love the salad plates Brenda chose for this table. She found those on eBay a few years back. They are perfect for an Emily in Paris theme.
You can’t have an Emily in Paris table without an Eiffel Tower centerpiece!
Brenda made the wineglass candles herself! We need a tutorial for that, don’t we! I remember when I was a child, a friend invited me to her home for a candle-making project. I was only around 9-10 years old so I don’t remember much about it, but I do remember it was a lot of fun!
Oh, what’s this? Notice the blinged-out handle on the cake cover! I wonder if Brenda crafted the handle…super fancy!
For dessert, we’re having an “Emily in Paris” cheesecake!
Sooo pretty! Brenda shared that her tribute to “Emily in Paris” cheesecake is made with a Vanilla wafer crust with a creamy Cream cheese vanilla bean filling.
Look at all those yummy layers! That crust looks amazing!
What’s this? Another dessert?
Wow! This beautiful Red Velvet Cheesecake is made with an Oreo cookie base and a creamy, cheesecake filling with a hint of lemon, swirled with a red chocolate filling. This would be so perfect for Valentine’s Day!
Brenda’s cheesecakes are available at her Peaceful Valley Farm Market, HERE, but I’m guessing they can’t be shipped. I’m not sure if it’s possible to ship a cake. Wonder if they could be frozen and then shipped. Can you freeze cheesecake? Ummm…not sure. Update: Unfortunately, the cheesecakes can’t be shipped. Brenda said, “No, unfortunately not. But we do get customers who live in the US ordering them for friends, family in Canada.”
Thanks so much to Brenda for sharing this beautiful Emily in Paris themed table setting! Have you watched the series? If so, how do you like it? Did it make you want to travel to Paris one day?
Looking forward to all the beautiful table settings linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!
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Tablescape Thursday
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I had hopes that the Emily show would be a winner but after one episode, I just couldn’t take all the trite characterizations. I thought I might be alone in my assessment but many others thought the same thing. I do love Paris but not enough for this series.
Agree completely. It’s an insult to the French people. Like you I watched, painfully, the first episode and vowed to never watch again.
Love the table! The cake stand with blinged out knob handle is from Homegoods! They have a whole line of different serving pieces with the bling. I have quite a few, just used them for New Years Eve!
Ohhh, thanks for that info, Peggy! I love it!
This is a fun table setting! I loved Paris when we were there years ago. The desserts look decadent!
As for the show….I did not care for it as it felt too sex oriented for my taste. I love genuine romantic shows, but so many film makers think romance is all about sex! It’s not. Call me old fashioned!
I watched part of the first episode of Emily in Paris, but couldn’t finish. I thought Emily was too dumb. But I love the Paris table scape that Brenda created!
I, too, watched Emily in Paris and it’s rather too “young” and unsubstantial for me. Love the pictures of Paris, but I’m not enamored with the show. It’s one of those shows where it’s on in the background but it’s not important to pay attention! Love the tablescape though.
I love Brenda’s sweet table! I’ve never seen the show, but from what I’ve heard, it looks like the table is a great tribute. The whole plate stack is so fun! Thanks to both of you for the inspiration!
Emily’s clothing choices in the show are a bit ridiculous, particularly the crop top for work and the big bow outfit for the birthday party. I definitely thought it was a huge contrast to the idea of working for luxury brand marketing LOL. I semi-watched it when I was knitting or doing something similar and couldn’t watch a show requiring much attention, but not a show I’d necessarily recommend. Even my daughter said it was a bit silly but cute.
I’m not a fan of Netflix, so I haven’t even heard of this show, but I definitely would love to visit Paris someday (when things return to ‘normal.’) The scenes I’ve seen of Paris via movies certainly make it appear beautiful. I love that it still looks much like it did a few hundred years ago – no sky scrappers. At least, not in the inner city, apparently. I’d love to experience that ‘pink’ light they talk about in Paris in April. And the famous patisseries. Yum!
Brenda’s plate stack definitely seems fitting for her theme. And I like her chairs! Thanks, Brenda and Susan. I hope you’re having a good day. It’s chilly and rainy where I am.
What a lovely table setting! And those cheesecakes look delicious! I’ve never watched “Emily in Paris”, I’ll have to check it out. But I have been to Paris a few times. It’s my favorite city!
What a fun theme and fun table setting! I thank Brenda for sharing it with you! Love Brenda’s Pair inspired plates, so fun, so cute…so perfect for this theme. The shoes are really fun and of course you have to have the tower! I love her candle and yes, agree we need a tutorial on how to make them. Now…those cheesecakes…..oh my goodness, they look so yummy! To bad we can’t get them here in the US or maybe not. lol I probably gained 10 lbs just looking at them! Hugs, Brenda
If you haven’t seen the video of Peyton Manning on SNL where he talks about watching Emily in Paris, you must watch it. Hysterical! Just google Peyton Manning SNL
Just watched it thanks to you. That was good. The hat! Lol. Thanks for mentioning that, Jane.
These examples are just asking for more delicious cheesecake recipes, aren’t they?
Nothing to do with Paris, but if you want to see fashions, watch The Marvelous Mrs Maisel. Her costumes are wonderful.
Finally, a beautiful table with food on it! While I have admired the table settings on BNOTP, I also constantly wondered where one would put the food. Additionally, the guests may see each other.
Thanks, so glad you’ve enjoyed them over the years! About the food, I always put it on the kitchen counter because there’s always too much to fit onto the table. We don’t eat “family style” and never have. The table would never hold all the dishes for the main entree, the vegetables, salads, bread, etc… If that works for you, Susan–that’s great. You must have a really large table to be able to hold the food and a pretty centerpiece at the same time.
Also, don’t ever feel you have to limit your centerpiece in height, some of the most beautiful, grandest centerpieces are really tall. The centerpiece can be moved to the sideboard when everyone sits down to eat. Life would be pretty boring if we only went with very low centerpieces. Have fun and enjoy creating beautiful table settings, your family and guests will feel extra special!
Susan, here are a few table settings that include food or desserts that I’ve posted over the years. There are more but these are just the ones I could find quickly this evening. Hope you enjoy!
Haven’t seen the show but her table is lovely. The cheesecakes do look so yummy, and I like the pumps on the table and of course the bling chargers. Brenda did you make those? Reminds me of the sea shell chargers I made, copying Susan’s lovely set. Thank you for sharing.
Kathie and I so enjoy “Emily in Paris!” It is a perfect tv confection for these dark pandemic winter days. Brenda’s tablescape wonderfully captures the mood of the show. Thanks for sharing.