Replace Your Old Doorbell For The Upcoming Holidays

Happy Friday! Got any special plans for the weekend? Will you be doing any DIY projects around the house or maybe decorating for the holidays?

Speaking of DIY projects, about a month ago I completed a small upgrade that I’m super excited to share today. I’ve noticed from time-to-time over the years that my doorbell was looking pretty decrepit. I tell ya, doorbells get no respect. lol They get installed when our home is built or maybe when we first move in and the only folks who ever notice them from that day forward are the friends and family who visit our home.

You can just see my old doorbell in this picture of my front porch decorated for Christmas a couple of years ago. (Christmas Porch Decorated With Triple Wreaths)

Front Porch Decorated for Christmas with Triple Wreaths on Door and Pottery Barn Knock-off Garland


Here’s an up-close view…pretty ugly, huh? About a month ago I was standing here looking at this pitiful thing thinking I really should replace it and preferably before the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays were here. I may be hosting a cookie party this year for Christmas and I thought how nice it would be to replace it before then.

Old Doorbell


I found the prettiest doorbell in the Michael Healy collection! Have you heard of him? I had not until I started shopping for doorbells. The quality is amazing! The only problem is, this doorbell is so pretty I was a little worried people stopping by wouldn’t even know it’s a doorbell. It’s about as un-doorbell-like as you can get. I needn’t have worried though, the 70+ trick-or-treaters who stopped by Halloween night this year had no trouble finding it. lol

Halloween Front Porch With Bats Across Door


The installation was a little tricky since the old doorbell had been in place for 145 years. That may be a slight exaggeration since my house is 30 years old. 😉 I was able to get the job done, though and I’m pretty crazy about the difference this little transformation made to the front of my home.

I’m sharing all the details of the installation from start to finish over at True Value. In the process of removing and installing my new doorbell, I discovered the neatest little tool, one I wish I had known about years ago! Have you ever used an offset screwdriver? They are awesome for tight spaces as you’ll see in the installation post here:  How to Replace A Doorbell

Let me know how you like the new doorbell! I think it’s a pretty big improvement over the old one!

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  1. Who knew!!! Fantastic!! franki

  2. Super job, Susan. The pineapple bell looks lovely.
    On my last house, I had a metal flower with a bee on it. I brought it with me, but alas, where they put the doorbell on the jamb of this door, it was too big.
    You are a D.I.Y. girl!!!

  3. You are not only creative, but quite handy too!

  4. our DIY this weekend will be fixing a no working toilet. Not too much creativity there I’m afraid!

  5. Your doorbell is so unique. I’ve not seen one of the screwdrivers, I think I need to ask for one for in my stocking! Would it work on those tiny screws you see on the bottom of towel or toilet paper holders in the bathroom?

    • Terri, not sure but it did have two sizes on it so hopefully one would work. Thankfully one of them was the size I needed for the doorbell screw. You definitely need one, don’t know how I’ve done with out it all this time! 🙂

  6. Patricia Alexander says

    You are the best. There is anything you won’t try and do!!! Inspiration to all of us. Think I’ll take a nap and pretend I’m on your porch. All that work made me tired. Do love the new bell. Does it play a “tune”?

    • lol Sometimes I get in over my head! 🙂 No, no tunes…but that would be fun. What tune do you think it should play if it played one? Something welcoming maybe? 🙂

  7. loved this post susan as our doorbell has been inoperable for about 3-4 years! we looked a some a couple of years ago but i couldn’t decide what to get….who knew there were so many doorbells to select from?

    your pineapple doorbell goes so well with your beautiful home. guess it’s time i get mine replaced too!

    hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    • Judy, you are going to have fun shopping for them…there are so many cute ones out there. I would have replaced mine long ago if I had known they were making such fun ones now.

  8. Two excellent tips, thanks!

  9. pam ~ crumpety cottage says

    A pineapple door bell! How cute! It doesn’t even look like a door bell. Those trick or treaters are crafty — nothing will stop them; not rain nor sleet, nor door bells disguised as pineapples. Very pretty. Now you’ve got me thinking ….

  10. Susan
    I love pineapples too! I love your doorbell. Kay

  11. Love your new doorbell. You never cease to amaze! ☺ Also, thank you for the link BTW.
    Wishing you a beautiful day! Hugs -Brenda-

  12. You are so creative and courageous!! I love your new door bell and the fact that you took on the instillation challenge. This is why love your blog. You are such an inspiration to all of us!!!

  13. Love your new doorbell. I went on the website and there is a seashell!

  14. Oh Susan,
    this is too cute! I love your pineapple door bell as it says “Welcome”. 🙂
    Susan, one of my neighbors is a police officer and his doorbell plays the police siren’s sound and I tell you, it gives goose bumps to everyone who rings! (That’s why I rather knock on his door…) lol
    ~Hugs to you~

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