Pre-Christmas Preparations

My upstairs family room, “Before”

And, now…Yikes!

Scary, isn’t it? Don’t worry…I’m not getting out the Christmas decorations, just yet. Well, actually I am getting them out…but just to sort through them. It’s time to get rid of some stuff that I just don’t use anymore. I’m ready for a few new things this year.

See those little storage doors…

Halloween is on the right…all put away…

Christmas gets stored on the left…look at all the fake pine needles on the floor. LOL Even the fake wreaths shed…life is NOT fair! 😉

Can you imagine what it looked like before I pulled all the stuff you just saw out? LOL The nails you see sticking out of the rafters are where the wreaths for the windows normally hang…I pulled those out before I took pics. So, now you know what I’m doing this evening.

Actually, while we are on this topic…this is NOT a good place to store your decorations because of the extreme temperature changes. So, do as I say, not as I do! ;} Please don’t store your ornaments under the eves or in the attic…or at least not the ones you really care about.

See you tomorrow…I have something tasty to share.

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  1. What an awesome storage area!! Can't wait to see what you are going to post. It's always fun!

  2. Hi Susan
    I can relate to your room. That photo looks like my my crap room oh!! I mean my craft room. I just sat down to rest from changing the summer clothes closet to the winter clothes closet and I saw your post. This will be my first Christmas blogging and I am so excited to start. Thank you for your wonderful inspiration this past year.
    Betty @ My Cozy Corner

  3. Barbara Anne says

    Sigh … I have storage place envy!

    You are so organized and I am so not. I seem to acquire more Christmas things each year and don't pass any on or toss any. I think I need lessons!


  4. The Little Red Shop says

    Happy sorting!

    : )

    Julie M.

  5. Oh, if I had a storage spot like that you better believe I'd be using it for exactly what you are using it for. I for sure wouldn't stow candles or anything put together with hot glue. I live in Arizona, after all.

  6. Oh Susan, how much fun is that!! I have snow to go along with your decor, so maybe you should grab a cup of hot cider!

  7. Love your storage areas.
    Mine are in the basement under the stairs. And good thing I'm short because anyone else who stands up will get a spike in their head. Ya maybe I should fix that 😉

  8. Hi Susan,
    you are really well organised. I know exactly what you meant, not to store Christmas things under the roof. All my candles has bent there in the hot summer.
    I am waiting for your decorations. Must be beautiful.
    Greetings, Johanna

  9. Finally, something in my house looks just like yours!!! My attic is stuffed with Christmas decorations, and Halloween, and Thanksgiving, and a tiny bit of Memorial/Independence/St. Patrick's/Valentine's Days!

    I must be living the good life after all! LOL!!

  10. Gloria (The Little Red House with the White Porch) says

    You are starting early! But at least you will know what you have and, more importantly, how much MORE you can buy! 😉
    Have fun!

  11. We don't have basements in Oklahoma so I have to store stuff in the attic and it does survive in our hot summers….except candles! I had to learn that one the hard way. I don't put anything up there that I would want to pass down that is special to me. I love that family room of yours and the storage and cute window seats are to die for. Love your home!

  12. I love that upstairs room!!!

  13. Susan , you are having lots of fun sorting. I am not having alot of decorations this year, simply because ours is all in storage. Waiting for our new house to be built. But I do plan to decorate the condo very simply.

  14. This is such great advice, Susan! The first year we moved to FL, I put our decorations up in the garage attic. Every single candle melted into a warped blob!!

    I never even thought about how hot it must get up there. We'd always had a basement to store things in before & I love having one again to clutter up!

    Don't work too hard!

  15. Liz @ Infuse With Liz says

    I am so glad to see this! I'm in the same boat, I want to make changes and get rid of stuff I don't use….I always feel so much better when I do that! I'm ready to dig into my stuff too!

  16. I Love Pretty Little Things says


  17. Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training says

    I’m drooling over your awesome storage nooks! It’s a circus every year when we try to finagle all our boxes and boxes of Christmas décor out of the attic. Last year we gave up and left the Christmas trees down. We have not been able to park in our garage all year but looks like our procrastination my just pay off. I’m hosting a harvest party tonight but as soon as my gal pals skedaddle all the fall stuff is coming down. I’m going to start decorating for Christmas on Sunday and the trees will be 1st!

    Kendra aka "Domestic Princess in Training"

  18. Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says

    I like to go through my decorations every year, too, Susan. I get rid of stuff if I haven't used it in two Christmases. Which is pretty much how I get rid of clothes – if I haven't worn it in two seasons it gets donated.

    Last year I bought some new things and got a couple of thrifty things as well. I do use my attic for some things {I found a Halloween tub up there}, but most of my Christmas is in the basement storage area we put in when we added a room on.

  19. Aprons Gone Wild says

    Oh Susan! I feel so much better now because your attic looks just like mine! I must admit that I shudder whenever I go up there. Each and every summer I swear to hold a yard sale to get rid of some of the Christmas stuff we don't use. But…each and every November, I go up there and just sigh. It's always still there.
    Looking forward to see what your creative talent does this Christmas season. Always a pleasure to check out your blog.
    Most Sincerely,

  20. Aprons Gone Wild says

    Oh Susan! I feel so much better now because your attic looks just like mine! I must admit that I shudder whenever I go up there. Each and every summer I swear to hold a yard sale to get rid of some of the Christmas stuff we don't use. But…each and every November, I go up there and just sigh. It's always still there.
    Looking forward to see what your creative talent does this Christmas season. Always a pleasure to check out your blog.
    Most Sincerely,

  21. Aprons Gone Wild says

    Oh Susan! I feel so much better now because your attic looks just like mine! I must admit that I shudder whenever I go up there. Each and every summer I swear to hold a yard sale to get rid of some of the Christmas stuff we don't use. But…each and every November, I go up there and just sigh. It's always still there.
    Looking forward to see what your creative talent does this Christmas season. Always a pleasure to check out your blog.
    Most Sincerely,

  22. ~Tablescapes By Diane~ says

    Hi lovely lady, I have all my big decoratios in the garage attic.But all my lovely collectons are in the closet in one of my bedrooms in tote box's.

  23. Blondie's Journal says

    You have a nice storage area {even of is not advisable to store your decorations in the attic}. I like how organized you are. Thank goodness for all the storage boxes they sell now for Christmas things. I finally feel like I know where everything is at!


  24. I so need to that! I have so much Christmas stuff I need to sort through it all! I love your storage attic!

  25. This looks like fun to me…something inside of me gets excited when the seasonal decorations come out! I love your storage areas and all the built in bench seats!


  26. I was just thinking about the "tree". I'm working on a dish room downstairs and right now in the middle of the small room is the bag with the giant tree in it. I thought it would be just as easy to put it together as it would be to move it into another space until Thanksgiving. I'm not planning on hosting anything in November so no one would really know that there was a tree sitting undecorated in the living room a month early.

    Good luck with your organization and thinning of the decorations.

  27. Great storage! You were scaring me a bit. Thank goodness it's not quite a Christmas decorating post quite yet. 😉

  28. Glenda/MidSouth says

    I went thru my Christmas decor recently. Thought I was finished, looked up and saw another container on the top shelf in the closet, but decided it could wait. 😀
    Have a great weekend.

  29. Hooray! You have a storage area like I have!! Not quite ready to rummage through everything…but I should get rid of the things I don't put up anymore and take them to the local "Thrifty" store.

    Anxious to see everything decorated – you do such a fantastic job putting it together!

  30. Sandy @ Cottage Style Decorating says

    What great storage areas! I have to store mine in my office closet. I probably should sort through mine too, because I'm in the mood to add more this year and something is going to have to go to make room.

  31. Sweetladyelaine says

    I hear you when you say I have to sort through the stuff. I have 25 bins of Christmas decorations! Way too many. Glad to see I'm not the only one that has stuff! I love how convenient your hiding places are….maybe in my next house! Just love to read your posts. Thank you for sharing! I can't wait to see your decorations. You are truly talented.
    Blessings to you,

  32. My hubby wanted to buy a new Santa just yesterday (a BIG 5 foot Santa) and I just said "WHERE wioll we store it"???? I HAVE to get rid of some of our stuff too. I also always think I will ahve a Spring or Summer garage sale but haven't in a few years. NEED to do that. And, I ahve Christmas stored all over the place: tree and it's decorations in the attic, other decs in a special closet in the basement that Joe bulit just for that, dishes etc. in another closet………… Like I said, I need to purge a litlle;):) XO, Pinky

  33. I agree, might be time to make some donations for the holidays of things not used on a regular basis. I love the little storage compartments, they are so nice. I had to laugh when I saw the little "ghostie" with his arms raised when you open the door. He is so glad to see you!

  34. A Perfect Setting says

    Hi Susan, that's great that you get rid of some things every year. That's what I need to do, but it's more fun to acquire more! lol I love all your beautiful table settings, so inspiring. Your latest with the Mikasa dinnerware is beautiful. Thanks for hosting the tabletop Thursday. I have had a lot of fun visiting and creating!!

  35. On Crooked Creek says

    You are one brave soul to show us your storage area under the eves! My seasonal decor is stored on shelves in the basement with tabbed ceiling ~ to ~floor curtains hiding the boxes! HA!
    Glad you're in the Christmas spirit. . .I might turn a thought (or two) towards my own home once Open House at the store is over this weekend! I will admit, seeing the Bittersweet customers faces and hearing the "Oh, Wow's" has it's own rewards! So-o-o-. ..
    what are you up to this week @BNOTP? ? ?

  36. Handy Man, Crafty Woman says

    wow, what great storage! Aaaack, I can't even think about christmas decorations just yet. I need to purge through some of mine, too. I did that a little last year, but I think I could part with more this year.

  37. ~Tablescapes By Diane~ says

    Hi lovely lady. I love being on your Tablescapes Thursday so much fun for all of us ~~~You have a great Blog. Keep posting for us all. ~~~lol

  38. Lady Katherine says

    I do love this room so much! Must be the blue! I had a good laugh over the yikes! For it looks like my parlor is now with dishes everywhere! lol

  39. Tombstone Livestock says

    Darn Susan, you just destroyed my image of you having a staff including inventory clerk to handle all that stuff. I noticed sunflowers in with the Christmas Stuff ………….. Have fun and once again, love your blog (not to mention your house)………..

  40. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Okay, in my defense, the sunflowers are in the blue/white swirlware container on the coffee table. They are there year 'round. lol I promise there's really just Christmas stuff stored in that section of the eves. Well, that and some old carpet scraps for recarpeting Max's scratching post. He wears that thing out every couple of years. 🙂

  41. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Oh, and staff? In my dreams! 😉 Does Max count as staff?

  42. Hi Susan – came to this post from your current post on Stainless Steel cleaner – would love to know your final choice of drawer liner/protection as I just finished a kitchen remodel and need some sturdy, cleanable drawer and shelf liners. (Also looking forward to your review of how well the stainless steel cleaner works as far as repelling future mess!) Love your blog!

    • Thanks, Amma! I’ll let you know how it works over the next few weeks as I use that chest. I’m in and out of it a lot for tools and for the suet and peanuts I store inside it for the birds.
      You’re talking about the liner I purchased to go inside the tool chest drawers, right? I think I purchased it from Home Depot, but it may have been Lowe’s. It’s just this black, mesh looking stuff that doesn’t move/slide when you open and close a drawer…and the tools don’t move either, which is great. It’s especially designed for tool chests and you can cut it to the size you need. I’ll take a photo and reply back with that photo so you can see it.

    • Amma, here a photo showing the liner I use in the tool chest. It’s not very pretty but it works great and doesn’t slide inside the drawers. Also, the tools doesn’t slide around on top of it when I close the drawers. They stay put.
      Drawer Liner for Tool Chest

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