In The BNOTP Library: Legends In The Garden

November may not be the best time of the year to talk gardening books but today when I came across this one tucked inside the secretary that lives in my bedroom, I didn’t want to wait all the way until next spring to share this delightful book. Besides, the love of gardening doesn’t fade away with the change of the seasons or a drop in the temperature, right? Wintertime is planning time and time spent enjoying the joys of the winter garden. This is the perfect gardening book to read on a cold winter’s day.

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In the BNOTP Library: Legends in the Garden: Who in the World is Nellie Stevens?
Author: Linda Copeland & Allan Armitage
Hardcover: 208 pages

Legends In The Garden by Linda Copeland and Allan Armitage


I first heard about this book when the author spoke at a garden club meeting I attended. I loved the concept of her book and couldn’t wait to get a copy.

3 Things I Like About This Book:

  • So, you know how a lot of the plants we love have names that sound like people…names like Nellie R. Stevens (holly), Meyer Zoysia (grass), Betty Sheffield (camellia), Miss Huff (lantana), Ryan’s Daisy (chrysanthemum) and Annabelle (hydrangea). Well, turns out, those plants are all named after someone, but who? This book explains how those (and 41 more) well-loved plants got their name. Spoiler Alert…Ryan’s Daisy is named after Ryan Gainey whose gardening book , The Well-Placed Weed, was featured a few weeks ago.
  • We learn the origin of the name for 46 popular, well-loved plants, many found in our own gardens. After you read this book, you’ll never hear the name of a plant again without wondering the origin of its name.
  • This is definitely a feel-good book with some delightful stories. It’s the perfect gardening read for a cold winter’s night in front of the fire.

You can read more about this book, Legends in the Garden: Who in the World is Nellie Stevens? at Amazon via the picture link below.


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In the BNOTP Library



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  1. We have cold winter nights here–and a fireplace–will keep this one in mind. Thanks.

    • We had below freezing weather here last night…had to bring all my plants in off the deck. They are hanging out in the garage now. 🙂 Hope you are keeping warm, Mia!

  2. Susan, actually October is a great time to garden here in central TX. I’m busy adding things like alyssum, ornamental cabbages, violas, pansy, snaps, dusty miller, and cyclamen. I don’t have this book, but I’m going to order it.
    The Well Placed Weed arrived in my mailbox recently. Very much enjoy it!
    Thanks for doing this series. Love it!

    • Thanks, Sarah! So glad you are enjoying it! I love that book. I also like his book, The Well-Set Table. I’ll have to feature it sometime soon.
      You’re garden sounds beautiful! You’re so right…fall is the ideal planting time for perennials, shrubs and trees, too. I just noticed I wrote October and it’s November already. lol How did that happen?! Days are flying by!

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