Love This New Feeder, Delish Popcorn & The Spotting Scope Is Pretty Awesome, Too!

The Spotting Scope has been a huge hit!



My grandsons are fascinated with using it to watch the birds and squirrels. Every 30 seconds they are saying, “Mimi, come look!” (Spotting Scope is available here: Spotting Scope.)


I need to cherish these moments now because I know they won’t last forever. Maybe in a few years when they are older, they will want to go on bird watching/spotting trips with me, kinda like in the movie, The Big Year. lol I just watched that movie a few months back after a lovely BNOTP reader told me about it. Definitely recommend it, even if you aren’t that into birds.


The feeders I ordered recently are all hanging here along the edge of my backyard driveway.


The middle one is a tried and true, I have two of those back in Georgia and they are positively squirrel-proof. The perches are large enough that Cardinals and birds that don’t like clinging onto a feeder feel comfortable using them. (Feeder is available here: Squirrel-Proof Feeder.)


It’s not always raccoon-proof though. Ha!


This is one of the newer ones that I purchased. When I ordered it, I didn’t have time to run to the bird store for seed, so I ordered birdseed online knowing it probably wouldn’t be as good. I was wrong! The birds love this no-mess seed that’s a mix of shelled sunflower seed, millet, corn, and peanuts. (Seed is available here: No-Mess Bird Seed with Shelled Sunflower, Cracked Corn, Millet, and Peanuts.)


This was the other feeder that I purchased and it has been a big hit with my backyard birds here in Ohio.


The green color of the feeder is much prettier in person than it looked in the photo online. I love the design—so easy to fill!


Ignore where the black bar/perch is on this side of the bird feeder. I didn’t realize I had pushed it upward when I was hanging it, so it’s kinda up in the air a bit in this photo. I pushed it down later after I took the pictures in this post.


Here’s how the back of the feeder looks. The perch is pushed down where it should be on this side. I love the design of this feeder, there are so many perches and places for birds to feed including all the perches on the front and the wide perch/tray here on the back. It has two compartments inside so I filled it with two different kinds of seed. This side is holding the seed I bought online that the birds love. The three windows visible just above the roof of this feeder are located in my study. Those are where the boys and I use the Spotting Scope to watch the birds. Additionally, this area is visible from the window seat in the master bedroom, the master bath, the downstairs sunporch, and the Butler’s Pantry.


The front section of the feeder holds Choice Blend, the seed I always buy at Wild Birds Unlimited that’s a huge hit with my Georgia birds. (This bird feeder is available here: Bird Feeder—holds two types of seed and suet cakes.)


The birds love this suet! I placed one of each flavor in the two suet holders on the feeder. (Suet is available here: Variety Pack—Suet.)


I had so many birds visiting/feeding today! It was wonderful! Each time I moved toward the window to get a photo, they flew away. I raised the screen and left it up so at least I won’t have to do that each time I wish to take a photo or use the scope. I’m hoping to get some photos to share soon. My grandsons visited today and were in the window using the Spotting Scope for quite a while. The birds seem to be getting braver, I think they are starting to get used to the humans inside peering out at them through the windows.


Oh, and thank you to Gwen and MerriJo who recommended Nearly Naked Popcorn and White Cat Corn. I haven’t had a chance to pop the White Cat Corn, but the reviews looked great! The Nearly Naked popcorn is sooo good! It is seasoned perfectly! I will definitely be ordering more when the multi-pack I ordered runs out. (Both of these are available here: Nearly Naked Popcorn and White Cat Corn.)


Update: If you need a great Christmas puzzle to work on during these cold winter evenings, or to give as a gift to the puzzle lover on your Christmas list, this is the one that has me hooked right now. I stayed up until 1 am last night—couldn’t stop! lol I love Christmas puzzles! You’ll find this one available here: Christmas Puzzle.

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  1. Susan, I’m glad you liked the popcorn. They do sell the regular popcorn in larger bags. Also, I know how much you like puzzles. I do not know if you are familiar with Jackie Lawson. She has an English website for e-cards. I am going to gift you one of her advent calendars. This year it is ‘Paris’. You do not have to join, just download it and enjoy. You will have to catch up to the 15th, which will keep you quite busy. I reinstalled the last two of mine that I have from three years ago, and am re-enjoying all of them this year. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

    • I have been a JL fan since she started – my auntie gifted me my first few years. She has long passed……and every year since the first Advent season I have been giving those Advents. Aren’t they they greatest??!? My grand daughter is 8 and has been learning about France and taking an online French language course. And we flipped when it was Paris this year. Great timing. Though my very favorite was the Victorian one. : – )

  2. Susan, this is Gwen asking if there is an email for either naps or you, that I can use to send the advent calendar to you. I have never gotten any spam from them in over 10 years (only new cards info).

    • You’re so sweet to offer that, Gwen! I truly mean that! I do aleady have the calendar. I started buying them several years ago and have been buying them ever since. I bougth this years as soon as it was released and I’m completely hooked on the Santa game. Ha! I’ve kept some of the older ones on my computer too. The one I didn’t keep and really wish I had was the seaside one…I loved that one! You can see some of the scenes from that one in this previous post:

  3. Susan, this was such a happy post. And you know how much I love birds.

    Your grands are so sweet. You have a couple future bird watchers there, I believe!

  4. What fun. I get the feeling you need two spotting scopes. Your daughter in law has never had so much free time since you moved down the street. Good move.

  5. Susan, Love the feeder! We have several up, and the Cooper’s Hawk knows it too. I can’t believe it is almost time for us to watch “The Big Year” already. A New Year’s Eve staple. 🙂 This year sure went by FAST! Looks like you are settling more and more into your new house…good for you! Happy Holidays!

  6. Nancy Brantley says

    Sweet to see your grandsons enjoying bird watching on the scope. I too enjoy watching the birds. I’m going to purchase the Squirrel Proof Birdfeeder. I’ve tried everything I thought.Those squirrels eat the seeds so fast the birds don’t get much.

  7. If you haven’t already seen it, Mark Rober has a YouTube video Backyard Squirrel Maze 1.0 that is his reaction to squirrels breaking into his squirrel proof bird feeders. It’s a classic! I’ll bet your grandsons would enjoy it!

  8. You are filling up my Amazon cart, Missy! Believe it or not, I had a dream about birdfeeders last night. I don’t have a good place for one at the moment, but next year when I get the pergola over my deck, I will. I love the feeder here that combines both seed and suet. I have actually attracted more interesting birds with suet than any seed mixture that I’ve ever used. I also appreciate the info on the popcorn. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Susan.

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