Pottery Barn Home Office Update: Sharing Some Fun Stuff

Several folks have e-mailed or left comments asking how the office is coming along. (If you’re new to reading BNOTP, check out THIS post and THIS post for some background info.) The weather has certainly slowed my progress down a bit. I have a small amount of sanding left to do and I haven’t been able to complete that since it turned cold.

Max, my four-footed furry shadow, won’t stay out of the room while I’m sanding and I just can’t put him on the porch while it’s cold and wet outside. If I leave him inside, he cries at the door to the room and pushes his way in. So, soon as the weather turns warmer and the rain stops, I’ll finish sanding. I’ll be able to open the windows in the room while I prime the walls with an oil based primer then, as well.

In the meantime, I have some purdy stuff to show you. “Purdy” is always more fun than sanding and priming anyway. 🙂

Years ago I bought this shelf at Tuesday Morning. Over the years I have moved it from room to room, trying to find a good spot to hang it. It almost ended up in this room, the Guest room. I love the arches and its partial Chippendale design.

I figured it would end up in my son’s old bath once I renovate it some day. Now, I’m kind of eyeing it for the office. It could end up in there, just not sure.


You probably remember this piece from THIS earlier post. I found it in a Ballard Designs outlet. I don’t think it’s available for purchase anymore. I haven’t been able to find it on their online site.

It’s a camouflaged bulletin board…cool, huh? The frame may get painted a bright color before I place it on the wall in the office…just not sure, yet. I thought it might be fun when it’s closed, if it were a bright color. We will see…the jury is still out on that idea.


Here’s one more piece I’ve purchased for the office, a wrapping paper organizer. I loaded her up with some Christmas paper I already had to just see how she’ll look.


Those are gift bags (on the left) turned on their side. I’ll most likely replace the bottom roll of paper with a gazillion rolls of ribbon. 🙂 You can order one of these from Pottery Barn online. I briefly considered making one. There are some great tutorials online. But I just love the sturdiness and design of this piece and really wanted the color to match the antique white of the Pottery Barn office furniture I’ve purchased. I’m obsessive picky that way. 😉
(Update: Apparently, they are no longer available. I must have ordered mine just in the nick of time…I’ve only had it around a month.)

So, that’s the fun stuff that will eventually end up on the walls of the office…as soon as I can finish the final sanding and can throw open the windows to prime and paint the walls. 🙂

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  1. melismama says

    Nice..and purdy for sure! I want that wrapping paper station! Love it!

  2. Patricia Torres says

    oh so lovely!! that wrapping paper cabinet.. is awesome!!

  3. Me like :o) If ever you should have any problems finding space to place your stuff, I know the ideal place for them: my flat, lol. Only joking of course.
    Have a blessed day.

  4. Divine Theatre says

    There is no feeling in the world like being organized!

  5. Sue (Someone's Mom) says

    Oh, I'm loving that wrapping paper station. Like you, I could fill it with ribbon. I can't wait to see it all finished.

  6. Hey, Susan,
    I am loving following your home office transformation and progress. I LOVE your wrapping paper station, but when I went to PB online I couldn't find it, bummer.
    I can't wait to see how you use all your Purdy Things!

  7. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Susan, I just checked and apparently it's no longer available. That stinks. Here's the link. I hope they bring it back.

  8. That chippendale-ish shelf is gorgeous. Your room is going to look so great when it's done. Hoping for warmer weather.

  9. Thank you so much for the info, Susan. I thought maybe I had the item name wrong or something. I cannot wait to see your completely decorated office, but until then I love seeing your progress.

  10. Piorra Maison says

    LOVE that camouflage organizer. can hide a multitude of secrets.

  11. vignette design says

    I've always wanted a place to organize my wrapping paper. Hope you don't mind, I featured your porch on my post about porches! Yours is so famous! ~Delores

  12. I just love everything you do!

  13. Tammy @ Type A says

    love that little white shelf! it all looks great!

  14. That bedroom is soooo beautiful, Susan. ANd what a great idea the wrapping paper station is. Did you get that at Tuesday Morning, too? Ohhhh, I used to lOVE that store but we don't have one around here anymore. Bummer.

    Love your header with the little flowers. So cute. Last winter it had stuff to go with that season, right? Sweet. Susan

  15. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Thanks, Susan! No, the wrapping paper station is from Pottery Barn. I just bought it about a month ago, but apparently it's no longer available on their site. Hopefully they will get more in.
    You've got a good memory! 🙂 Yep, my little header is changing with the seasons…although, this one will be for spring and summer. Emily, The Blog Fairy, made it for me. I describe what I want and she makes the magic happen. 🙂

  16. If you decide you don't want that shelf any longer, I'll take it off your hands!!

  17. Well I'm loving it all – I want the bed, the coverings, the bookcase, the wrapping paper organizational delight – the whole thing! Keep us posted on the office design!!!

  18. laxsupermom says

    Thanks for the sneak peek! I love the wrap organizer, and the shuttered memo board is awesome! Can't wait to see the final reveal.

  19. Flip Flops and Pearls says

    I so need my own wrapping station! I am a wrapping fool:)

    You should join my home tour tuesday link ups! I am sure you have a ton to contribute. I ove your blog and all your inspiration.

    Have a great day!!

  20. Blondie's Journal says

    I think all of your pieces will go well in your new office. I am excited to see it!! Good luck with the sanding!


  21. And I'll add that I love your header – it makes me want to be there on that porch!

  22. Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking says

    I love the wrapping paper station. Wow could I ever get organized with that. I think your new office is going to be awesome!

  23. Your office is going to be fabulous…and yes, these "thangs" are sooo "purdy." Love the gift wrap center!

  24. Very Very pretty! I can't wait to see your entire office!

  25. Your office is coming along nicely. Love the wrapping paper station and the Chippendale-ish shelf. Have a great Wednesday.

  26. Love the shelf piece! It has the same kind of arch movement in it as the bed it's next to. Seems like a nice pairing for that room…which by the way I love! Gosh if I lived by you I'd help you sand that room. When the painters worked at our home a few times they always came in with a pad that they applied sand paper to, and it had a long handle they could attach to it..they would stand back and go over the walls real quick to make sure they were ready for painting. Don't know what you are using, but that seemed to make it easier for them!

  27. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Thanks, Liz! You are so nice! I'm using a hand-held one. It works well. I sanded yesterday for a while without wearing a mask…bad idea. I only have a teeny bit more to go. 🙂

  28. Pottery Barn my favorite place!!! Love the organizer to bad they don't have it any longer. Maybe they have them in their outlet stores.

  29. Designs By Pinky says

    Very purdy pieces!!! Can't wait til; the big REVEAL:):) I ahve missed being here, we were away for 10 days. XO, Pinky

  30. Terry @ La Bella Vie says

    Love that "Purdy" shelf…if you are unable to find a place to eventually hang it, I'll let you hang it in my house, I won't complain a bit ;0)

  31. Susan, I love the wrapping center. I just showed it to my hubby and said can you make it for me? His answer was.."just where do you think I will put it"? He has a point, my walls are filled already….hmmmm…let me see!! 🙂

  32. alamodeMaven says

    I redid my office this past month too! I needed it to be multifunctional, part office, part mom cave! Wanna see? Love your blog!! xoxo Shelli

  33. dale's dreams says

    Looking good! 🙂 I love the wrapping paper center.

  34. Susan that's some purdy stuff for sure!! Love that shelf can't wait to see the big reveal!! Oh before I forget LOVE LOVE That wooden floor clock you have!! Enjoy your day, Martina

  35. FABBY'S LIVING says

    I love the paper wraping station! I think I 'll have one made, I now have a draw I can't find anything! I'm taking a lot of notes as your new office goes along, as I would like to do the same with my two daughters rooms, they're partially separated, so it's great, lots of shelfs for dishes and other things for the table. Thank you Susan for everything. Hope your shadow lets you finish up!

  36. Vickie H. says

    OMG!!! I WOULD KILL FOR THAT SHELF you found at T M so long ago!!! If you decide to part with it (which I KNOW you WON'T) you just let me know!!!! It is fabulous…and so is everything else. If Max only know the wonderful snoozing days that await him once that office is complete!!!

  37. Katherines Corner says

    love it all!!!

  38. On Crooked Creek says

    Oh, how I adore those of us who blog and consider the lifestyle of our pets into what we're doing in our homes. Max is one handsome and lucky fellow to have you for his owner! I appreciate the updates on the office! Those accessories are to die for!

  39. The Quintessential Magpie says

    Well, it looks like it's going to be a neat space, Susan, with those goodies going in it. I'm so far behind with blogging that I will never catch up, but I've got a tablescape ready for tonight. Just wanted to drop by and see what's been going on in Porchville. 😉 Have missed you, my friend.


    Sheila 🙂

  40. Both those pieces are so cute. I especially like the little wrapping center. I can't wait to see your finished room.

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