Some Favorite Finds

I have a bunch of fun, random stuff to share, including some awesome finds, so I’ve put them all together in one post.

This arrived today. I’ve used this spar varnish before and it’s super durable. (I ordered it here: Spar Varnish)

McCloskey Man o 'War Marine Spar Varnish


I’ll be using it this weekend to seal the various parts of the new potting bench I ordered recently. (Potting bench is available here: Potting Bench)

Potting Bench Assembly


There are a lot of parts!  Figured it made more sense to seal them all before I put it together, instead of doing it afterwards.

Potting Bench Parts


Recent Shopping Finds

Okay, I know it springtime and summer begins in just a couple of weeks, but it’s going to be winter again one day. I’ve been wanting a pair of boots like this for a few years but all the ones I found were pretty pricey. I couldn’t believe how good the price was on these! I got the brown, suede leather boots for just $15.95. The price was so good, I went ahead and bought the black ones too for $19.67.

They are available in three colors. Unfortunately, I don’t think the savings are quite as awesome on all the sizes, not sure why the prices vary according to the size you wear. I wear a 7 and they fit true to size for me. They feel wonderful on and sooo warm! Boots are available here: Winter Boots

Update: Unfortunately the seller has raised the price up to $44 on all sizes. Still not a bad deal, but not as good as before.

Snow Boots


Sperry Boots

The other amazing deal I got recently was on a pair of Sperry Duck Boots. I LOVE Sperry Duck boots and have always wanted a pair in this bright red color.

Sperry Salt Water Boots


They normally sell for $120 at the Sperry website, Nordstroms and most online stores. I found them recently on sale for $44.99 and I used two coupon codes to get an additional discount with free shipping. My final price was $35.99.

Such a great price for these boots that normally sale for $120!

Sperry Salt Water Boots


Below are the two coupon codes I used to get the price down even further from the original sale price and to get free shipping.  You’ll find these boots on sale here: Sperry Salt Water Boots My favorite plaid boots by Sperry are on sale here: Plaid Duck Boots The same coupon codes should work for them, too.

Coupon Codes


For fall, I just ordered this pair of Sperry Top-Sider shoes that I’ve had on my wish list for a few months. I find them to be sooo comfortable. This will be my third pair of Top-Sider shoes, I love them that much!

I was afraid these would sell out if I didn’t order them now since it appears they are getting low on stock. I love the tartan design. Can’t get enough of tartan! They are available here: Sperry Top-Sider

Sperry Top Siders


The other thing I ordered to go with my shoes are Sperry Top-Sider Micro Liner Socks. They are designed so they won’t show when worn with their the shoes. They are also supposed to also stay up and not slide down into the shoe, which is very important to me. The reviews were really good so hopefully that features works well. They come in several colors and are available here: Sperry Top-Sider Socks 

Topsider Liner Socks



Talbots has a great sale going this weekend. With the code JUNE25, you get $25 off orders over $125. Love this green and white dress for summer! It’s available here: Tropical Dress

Talbots Tropical Palm Dress


I’m also crazy about this top, available here: Tropical Top

Botanical Top



Pottery Barn

Pottery Barn has a great sale going and this beautiful spring bedding caught my eye.  It’s available here: Spring Bedding In addition to the sale, you get free shipping with the code: FREESHIP

Pottery Barn Floral Duvet on Sale



Anyone else as excited about the Dash buttons on Amazon as I am? I’ve purchased 4 and have used 3 of them so far and they worked like a charm. Here’s how they work:

If you have an Amazon Prime membership, you can purchase a dash button for $5 for any product you regularly use. When it arrives, you link it to your wifi at home, which I found super easy and fast to do. Then, when you’re running low on that item, you press the button and it appears on your doorstep 2 days later. Magic!

So far I’ve used it for Bounty Paper Towels, Charmin Bathroom Tissue and Glad Kitchen Trash Bags. I haven’t used the one I have for Tide detergent yet, but I do have that button, too. Oh, and when you press the button the first time to order, the $5 you spent to buy the button is credited toward that first order, so the button ends up being free.

Dash Buttons, Tide, Charmin, Bounty


When your button arrives, you pull off the sticky tape on the back and mount your dash button where it’s most convenient. For example, the one I have for Charmin bath tissue is stuck on the wall inside the linen closet in my master bath. I linked the Bounty one to their paper towels and stuck it inside the cabinet where I keep paper towels.

When your button first arrives and you’re activating and linking it to your wifi, you choose from a list of products that you want the button to order when pressed. Charmin makes several types of bath tissue, so I checked before I ordered the button to make sure the kind I typically buy was one of the products available to link the button to, and it was! You can see all the products that can be ordered via the press of a button here: Dash Button

2016-06-02 14.32.01


I absolutely LOVE this system. I keep checking to see if they have one available for Kleenex tissues because I use those in almost every room of my home and would love to be able to order them this way.  I think this is a genius idea for those items we use a lot and never remember to buy until it’s too late and we’re almost out. No more lugging home big packages of paper towels and bath tissue!

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I get the biggest charge out of pressing the button and knowing I just ordered more trash bags or bath tissue, all at the simple press of a button. You’ll find all the Dash Buttons here: Dash Buttons.

They keep adding more products every day so if you don’t see a product you buy available yet, check back. If you see one for Kleenex tissues, let me know!

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Happy Weekend! Hope you have a wonderful one! I’ll be varnishing a potting bench for part of mine!

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*If a post is sponsored or a product was provided at no charge, it will be stated in post. Some links may be affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases. *

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  1. We don’t have enough closet space to buy in bulk but these buttons sound really neat. I LOOOVE those Thinsulate boots. I am going to order a pair!!

    • I really like them, too Pinky. I ordered my dil the tan pair and she got her’s today and loves them. So, I went ahead and ordered her a black pair today too…since we both like them so much.

  2. I don’t think I’ve tried Sperry boots or topsiders so, I was wondering if they have great arch support? They are cute!

    • Peg, they do! I hadn’t worn Sperry topsiders since my college days until I ordered some last fall. Back when I was in college, I don’t remember them having much support at all. They do now! The two pairs I have now, have have a padded insole with built-in arch support. I really love them and am so glad I tried them again.

    • Vicky from Athens says

      I’ve had the topsiders (in a tropical print, though) for 3 years and love them. They have great arch support and also a cushioned heel. While suffering with plantar fascitis they were one of the few shoes I could wear comfortably.

  3. KathleenfromCA says

    Just ordered the boots in black!

  4. NEPA Gina says

    Susan, you’re the best. Never heard of the Dash Buttons! I just read your article to my husband! You’re our “Go To” gal for sure! Always learn something new from you! And thank you for your favorite things list.

  5. Learn something new every time I read your blogs. Thanks for sharing tips!!

  6. Great! Great everything. Love the shoes and boots and I’m going to check into those dash buttons. 🙂


  7. Linda Potter says

    I’m laughing thinking about small kids pushing the dash button then two days later having 50 boxes of toilet paper show up at your front door!

    • lol Well, fortunately Amazon is smart and thought that through. 🙂 When the button is pressed, they send out a confirmation email (or if you like, a message to your phone) that you’ve ordered, so you can cancel if it was in error. Also, their system won’t accept a second order until the previous order has already arrived. Of course the easiest thing would be to just mount it up out of reach.

    • That is TOO funny! My grands push every button they see they get that from their grandfather

  8. My size is much more expensive I will keep watching the price.

  9. I love Sperry Topsider shoes too! I have the tennis shoe looking one in the total green plaid, the same as the trim on the shoes you bought. They have leather laces and don’t really lace, just slip on, which makes for quick work. I just bought a pair of espadrille looking flats at Belks and I love them too. Very comfortable, and cute. The canvas has 3 different colors on the shoe, navy, turquoise and fuschia. They go with most everything I have…this is the link. And I just saw that they are now 39.99 and I also love that metallic linen version!$P_PRODUCT_IMAGE$
    I have several other styles and they are the most comfortable shoes I wear, other than the Sam Edelman ballet flats that I wear when I want to look a little more dressy. Best, Dotti

  10. This is a great post full of wonderful tips and ideas Susan. I love those boots, but won’t be ordering them since we head south when old man winter shows his ugly face. I can’t believe the price, and you’re right, it is a bit strange different sizes are more $. You would think your size would be up there since it’s very popular.

    The dash button is genius!

    Have a great weekend!

  11. jane collins says

    Just ordered a pair of boots at a great price, however, my daughter was like Theresa, her size was much more expensive. This time I got the Bargain but we will keep watching the price for a pair for her. Thanks for sharing the information.

  12. Susan I love your favorite finds posts. Thanks for sharing the products you love. Have you tried Ebates? Ebates gives cash back and is great if you do a lot of online ordering. I’ve got back about $100 since January. I ordered the Sperry plaid boots and saved an additional 2%. I wanted a pair this past winter but my local stores where sold out in my size. So glad I saw your post about the sale.

  13. Great prices on the boots. I got some from Crocs on sale last fall that look much like the tan ones above, but not quite as good a price. Tried to talk my husband into the Dash buttons–how clever and handy–but he is a dedicated commissary shopper.:) With all that yard work you do, you will need a potting bench indoors/outdoors, about every 10 yds or so.:D

  14. Your $15 boots are$50 in my size. Still a decent price, but I won’t buy them on principle…..Big foot discrimination!

  15. Busy,Busy, BUSY!!! franki

  16. bobbi duncan says

    I just love all your “finds”! I can’t believe the great prices on the boots and topsiders–WOW! Thanks for the info. I didn’t know about the buttons–smart idea to place them where you keep your supplies. Your finds are always so good–great PR for product temptation– that I have to reign myself in from too many purchases lol!

  17. That bed set from Pottery Barn is so nice. I really want a white/light colored sheet/comforter set to brighten up the room.

  18. Where did you find the snow boots for $19:00?

    • Well, they were $16 and $19 when I wrote that post, depending on the color you purchased, but it looks like they have drastically raised the price now. 🙁

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