Office Additions

Welcome to the 117th Metamorphosis Monday!

How was your weekend? Did you have gorgeous weather and spend some time outdoors gardening or playing? I’ve been potting up a few tomatoes on the deck and doing a little cleaning after all our recent storms. I love trees but they sure do create a mess on the decks.

If you’ve been following my office metamorphosis you may be surprised to hear: I finally hung the craft organizer and bulletin board. Yay! Did you notice they were checked off the “To Do” list on my sidebar?

I had been delaying hanging them because they are extremely heavy and I knew it would be hard to do by myself. I thought I’d ask the contractor who will be installing my crown molding and chandelier (once I find one) if he would also hang the craft organizer/wrapping center and bulletin board. But since I have no idea how long it will take to find a tole chandelier I truly love, I decided to go for it and hang them myself.

Is it ok if I give myself a pat on the back? It was NOT easy and I was a nervous wreck doing it alone, but I’m happy to report I didn’t break anything and I think I even got them level! Yay! Ok, enough jabbering, come check ’em out.

Here’s the craft organizer/wrapping center I shared in THIS post.

Since it weighs a TON, I removed everything I could before I got started. See the metal strip running across the top/back of the organizer? That is part of the hanging mechanism.

Here’s how the organizer looked minus the wrapping paper rods and the drawers.

A few of these pics will be a little dark because it was already dark outside when I got to work. The organizer came with this long metal strip that you mount on the wall. The metal strip you saw on the back of the organizer fits on top of it when you hang it.

The first thing I had to do was to secure the metal hanging strip to the wall. I really lucked out because the section of wall where I wanted to mount the organizer had two studs. I used the stud screws that came with the organizer as well as two of the toggle bolts that were also included. This baby “ain’t” going nowhere!

The directions (which weren’t very clear) said to first insert a stud screw through one of the holes along the strip. Next, you mark where you’ll want to use the toggle bolts, then let the strip hang down like you see in this pic while you install the toggle bolts in the wall.

In the pic below you can see where the studs were and where I had to use toggle bolts. Since I knew I’d be pulling paper off this organizer and open and closing the drawers, I wanted to make sure it stayed on the wall. Doesn’t it look crooked in this pic?

The organizer came with this tiny, 1 inch long, bubble level and it worked like a charm. Since I was hanging this by myself, I couldn’t hold the organizer against the wall and stand back to eye it at the same time. So I relied completely on the level to tell me if I had the metal hanging strip level or not. There was a groove in the metal strip where the bubble level slid in. I probably would have hung it crooked without the level because when it indicated it was level, it actually looked crooked to me since I was standing right up against it. I decided to trust it and I’m glad I did.

Here’s how the organizer looks on the wall with the shutters closed. Now I know what you’re thinking…it will be in the way of folding the shutters back. I knew it would be somewhat in the way, but I felt it would still work fine. The reason I really wanted it mounted there is because I plan to do any future present wrapping right right where you see Mr. Max’s kitty bed. He will have to scoot over come present wrapping time. 🙂

Remember the scissors in the drawer I shared in the Behind the Scenes post. I’ve been planning this from the very start when I first discovered the craft organizer online at Pottery Barn. That’s one of the reasons I arranged the furniture in this position and why I purchased these particular pieces from the Pottery Barn “Bedford line. You may remember in a previous post I mentioned I had plans for that end of the desk. Well, this was it. There is method to my madness…well, some of the time. 😉

I measured and knew it would just fit in this spot. I wish there was a tad more wall space, but this will work fine.

I’m not sure why, but this piece appears to have been discontinued on the Pottery Barn site. Here’s the link…maybe they will carry it again sometime. Update: I just checked and now it’s saying “Sold Out.” Before it was saying, “No longer available.” So, for those folks who e-mailed asking me about it, keep checking the PB site. Perhaps they will be getting more in. It obviously sold well.

The drawer on the left is holding spare rolls of tape for the tape dispenser. For now, the one on the right is housing colored markers…that may change.

Here’s how it looks when the shutters are opened back. Whenever I need to use the organizer to wrap a gift, I’ll just tilt the shutters a little to the left.

But wait…there’s more! Yep, once I got my hanging bug on, I decided to keep going. Remember the bulletin board I bought a while back?

It has doors you can close to hide the “mess” anytime you want a cleaner look for your office. I was SO intimidated at the thought of hanging it by myself, I actually weighed it before I got started. It weighs 24 pounds, just in case you were wondering. 🙂 Did I mention that it’s HEAVY for lifting high in the air? Was I insane to attempt this alone? Don’t answer that!

Here’s how it looks above the desk. The hanging mechanism was just two small “keyhole” metal things on the back…one on each side. The width of the piece (28 1/2 inches) made it impossible to hang it from two studs. Fortunately, the stud I used on the left side was just where I needed it to be to allow for centering the bulletin board over my work space. I had to use a toggle bolt on the other side.

The really tricky part was hanging this ALONE. Above my desk. Without dropping it. My measurements had to exactly dead-on for the keyholes to line up with the screws. Fortunately, I measured correctly, but it was almost impossible getting those two, tiny keyhole slots positioned perfectly over the little screw heads sticking out of the wall. And the toggle bolt screw kept scooting back into the wall so I couldn’t “catch it” on the keyhole slot on the back of the bulletin board.

Oh. My. Stars. This was no fun…but I got it done. Surprisingly, nothing was dented, scratched, broken or destroyed in the process. I do have a few choice bruises on my arms and legs, though.

Here’s how it looks open.

It looks better open than it does closed, I think.

I was seriously second guessing myself yesterday before I hung it. I drove over to Ballard Designs to look at these (which will also hang horizontally.) You can find these online.

These are online, too. I was worried about the weight of the shuttered board on the wall and how high it was going to be. But most of all, I was worried that a shuttered front might not look right with my shuttered windows. I was doing some serious second guessing. I finally decided I would go ahead and hang it and if I didn’t like it, I could always buy another board later and sell this one on eBay or Craig’s list.

So, what do you think? Do I keep it? Does it look OK? Be honest. If you hate it, break it to me gently. My arms are still sore! 😉

I’ve only put a couple of things on it so far. I’m sure it will be covered in no time.

I think it needs one of these…right smack in the center. 😉

So, here’s a final shot of the room with both the craft organizer and bulletin board in place.

And with the bulletin board open, which is the way it will stay most of the time.

UPDATE: I think I know what I’m going to do. It’s funny how seeing something in a picture helps you to really see what is bugging you. It’s the height I don’t like. I’m thinking I should buy one of those little TVs…a really small one and put it on the other side of the desk. Then I can lower this bulletin board to the same height as the windows. I’ll just have to scoot the monitor on the left forward a little each time I close the right door, which won’t be very often.

If you’d like to see how the office looked prior to the start of the Office Makeover, click HERE and HERE.

Looking forward to your Before and Afters!

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  1. sueskitchen says

    Susan, I am getting so many great ideas from your office renovation! I love the colors of the wall and the wrapping station.

  2. laxsupermom says

    That level thingy that came with the organizer is fantastic! It's great that it slid right on the metal hangy thing. You did a fantastic job! I couldn't even imagine trying to do that without an extra set of hands.

    Love the bulletin board, but I'm torn, because I really like the framed ones, too. The deciding factor for me would be that you already have holes in your freshly painted wall. If the framed ones won't cover up the new holes – there's your answer. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Confessions of a Plate Addict says

    Wow, Susan! Your office is really coming along! The wrapping center is a great idea! I am enjoying seeing Mr. Max in each of your posts lately! You might think it's your office, but it's really his new clubhouse! lol Happy week!…hugs…Debbie

  4. Susan: It looks just wonderful, can't believe how you made your wrapping station fit…JUST RIGHT! (Although I should chastise you for doing this alone girl) You are doing just an awesome jog! BTW, working on my blog spot…I'll let you know..
    Hugs Lisa

  5. tales from an oc cottage says

    You're a nut! I love the cork board! It's just where it should be over your desk to give you inspiration when you need it!!! {Max told me he likes it too! ;}

    m ^..^

  6. Pam @ Our Adventures in Home Improvement says

    I love the bulletin board and wrapping station! They both look great. I am so amazed that you hung them all by yourself! You are a force to be reckoned with. 🙂

    Beautiful, beautiful office!!


  7. WELL DONE! Love all your choices- you did a remarkable job! GRATS!

  8. I love that the bulletin board has the shuttered doors and sort of plays off the shuttered windows. The room looks sooo much different than before!

  9. ⚜ ↁℯℬℬᴵℰ⚜ says

    Your office is going to be amazing Susan! Thanks for hosting!

  10. Your office and wrap center are amazing! I love your bulletin board, especially that you can close it if you like. Sometimes when we get busy and they get full these boards can look cluttered. I really like that you can close it!

  11. Handy Man, Crafty Woman says

    Thanks for emailing me about the paint color, I really appreciated it. Printed it and saved it in my "house ideas" file. 🙂

    Love how it's coming out. That craft organizer is great. I really like the idea of wrapping paper that you can unroll…

  12. Beeutiful by Design says

    It's really coming together! I know you will get miles and miles out of your organization efforts now. Thanks for hosting.

  13. I am really impressed, Susan. I would never attmept to hang something that heavy but you really did a great job. Your office looks very nice and functional…Christine

  14. Pink Overalls @DIY Home Staging says

    You are too clever for words! I'm envious.

    Thanks for sharing so many of your ideas, and for letting us show what we are proud of. That's what gals do best.

    I am a new follower, probably the last one in the world to get hooked up.

  15. Linda (Nina's Nest) says

    Susan, those wrapping paper stations are so handy! Pottery Barn may want to showcase your office when you get done! Linda

  16. Everything is looking really nice!

  17. Susan, you are so SMART. I could never have hung that in a million years. Never ever EVER. GREEEEAAATTT JOB! Susan

  18. Susan @ says

    Hi Susan, I like the one you put up because you can close the doors (even if you might not) you still CAN. I have the picture frame kind and before you know it you will have so much stuff on the cork board that you can't even notice the picture frame. I think you made the right choice. Beautiful room!
    Susan @ homeroad

  19. Great job Susan, you must be proud of your new office. I love the way Mr. Max claimed his space once more.
    Now for the final touches and you are home free.
    Never in a million years could I have done that.

  20. Glenda/MidSouth says

    You are braver than I am, and you did a great job. I use to do things like that all the time. Now – Not so much! I am loving that room more every time I see a new post on how it is progressing along.
    Kitty – Move your tush over, your Mom needs to wrap a gift. 😀
    Thanks for hosting again this week. Have a great week.

  21. Love it! The wrapping center is a perfect fit! You've had a busy weekend. Weather was beautiful here today and I had every intention of cleaning off my porch and getting it ready for porch season, but got busy doing stuff inside instead.

  22. Anonymous says

    love it! Love that you can close the doors. For when the doors are open, you could put fabric (maybe covered poster board panels) inside the recessed area of the inside of the doors or maybe chalkboard paint or thin mirror cut to fit? Your office looks great!

  23. I, too, love the shuttered one – especially because you can close it! I do have one thought – it seems as if the top of that bulletin board is quite high – I know it wouldn't be accessible to me. Of course, that area would be useful for those "permanent" items we all seem to have!

    I adore looking at your house – thank you for sharing it all!

    Mary ub MN

  24. I really like the bulletin board you have over the picture frames..the only question would be what size of crown moulding were you going to put up???
    Room looks fantastic!

  25. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Anon, Great minds think alike. 🙂
    I had thought about fabric, wallpaper or chalkboard paint…or even that magnetic stuff you can paint on a surface. Chalkboards are kind of messy so I lean toward the magnetic stuff. Fabric would be pretty, though…especially if it coordinated with other fabrics in the room. I have a feeling I'll be making more changes eventually.

  26. Susan,
    This is a terrific makeover. The room looks beautifully inspiring. What a great place to work.
    And I am truly impressed with your hanging capabilities.

  27. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Mary, I think it looks too high, too. But I had to put it that high to be able to open the doors. I'm not loving the look. If I put a really tall piece beside the desk later on…maybe a bookcase…maybe it would look more balanced. I have a feeling I may replace it with a regular board at some time.

  28. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Foley, it will just be standard crown. I thought about that and I think I left enough room for it. Good eye!

  29. Jane@Cottage at the Crossroads says

    I am so impressed that you hung these things by yourself! You are amazing! I would leave everything just the way you've done them. The bulletin board is perfect and echoes the shutters.

  30. I love it! We are getting ready for a move from Florida to Texas, so I am looking for ideas for our new place…your images and designs are definitely in my "inspiration files" Oh, to have a whole craft room…hopefully it is a dream that will come true soon. Thanks for sharing your adventure.

    PS: I like the shuttered board…a very tidy look, since bulletin boards (at least mine) can get messy! 🙂

  31. La Vie Quotidienne says

    It looks great and you are very brave to hang these youself…you did a great job. Thank you for hosting.

  32. Vivienne @ the V Spot says

    I love your office! What great natural light you have in there! Wonderful space! Thanks for hosting the party, and have a great week.

  33. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. says

    Love your organizer and the entire office is just amazing! I would be thrilled to have a space like this!

  34. I like the bulletin board, but honestly, it would drive me crazy being so high. Couldn't you maybe mount the tv on the wall to the right of it and lower the bulletin board? If PB doesn't have those wrapping stations, I'm pretty sure I've seen them at Michael's. Love your choices. Can't wait to see where you hang the shelf.

  35. Your office is really looking great Susan! Thanks for hosting another party filled with marvelous makeovers this Monday!

    😀 Lynda

  36. Hi Susan! Man, you're good! I can't believe you managed those heavy things to hang all by yourself! I love your wrapping station and I think it's in a perfect place. As to your little shuttered bulletin board – I like it. I just thought when you opened the doors – what is you poked up some batting on the backs of the opened doors, covered them with fabric, and crisscrossed some ribbons and then you'd have two more areas to poke notes or photos! 🙂
    You office is looking wonderful.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia 😉

  37. Anonymous says

    I 100% love the craft organizer. I'm wondering if the bulletin board will close if you use thick push pins on it???? If it was me I would prefer to have a framed board down lower so I could reach it sitting at the desk. Thank you for such wonderful ideas.

    Linda in Keno, OR

  38. Graceful Moments says

    I love how your office is coming along.I do hope you can move the TV though or get a smaller one like you said because the height of the bulletin board is the ONLY thing that seems off a bit and I think it is, as you said, because it's higher than the window. The idea for fabric or magnetic paint on the inside of the doors is a great idea.
    I am amazed that you were able to hang both of those pieces by yourself. I probably would have ended up with multiple holes and crooked cabinets…especially with the keyhole hangers…I never measure those right. Really looking great and I love, love, love the Sugar Cookie paint!

  39. Patricia Torres says

    Sue, I totally love your office renovation.. and the bundle of ideas and inspirations you pass on.. 🙂

  40. FABBY'S LIVING says

    I love your new office Susan, I take notes on it everytime you post about it as I want to do the same with my two daughter's rooms, they're separated by a half wall only, so it's a very big space and you're my inspiration. If I may, I really think that the bolleting board doesn't go on that wall, it's to big, it competes with your beautiful windows…maybe in another wall space. I would love to see more art work in front of your lovely and femenine work-desk furnishing…but I do love your kitty there for sure! Love your wrapping station, it's in a perfect place. Thank you for sharing and hosting this great party.

  41. Susan,

    I love watching your office come together. I always open your post first, it is a fun part of my day.
    Love the bullenten board and wrapping center.

  42. Barbara F. says

    Susan, you deserve your own show on HGTV! Great ideas and you're one talented lady! xo,

  43. Etcetorize says

    Wow, your office is really coming together! It looks so clean and organized. I'm enjoying watching the transformation each week~

  44. Terry @ La Bella Vie says

    OK is it me?
    Hi Susan, love the new office, you are an amazing women and I admire your tenacity!
    Again, I don't see any thumbnail links…maybe its me or are the missing?

  45. Susan, your office is coming along beautifully, but I really think the bulletin board behind and above the desk, makes it too inaccessible. For me, I think I would move it to a lower position off to the side of the desk so that you can use it! I think some shelves in the current position of the bulletin board would be more useful and suit the purpose and location of the desk. (You can never have too many shelves….well, at least I can't!) I'm sure whatever you do will end up just as perfect for you as the rest of your house!

  46. Summerland Cottage Studio says

    Susan it is definitely ok to give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve several.
    I am impressed with how clever you are !
    Thank you for sharing all the inspiration !

  47. Squirrelhaus says

    Your office is looking super…great ideas your sharing with us all!
    Chris :o)

  48. Oh, by the way, as for hanging this awkward and heavy items by yourself, do be careful!! Doing it youself is great, but with no one to assist you could be dangerous! I just would hate to hear that you dropped something on your foot, or worse, onto that pretty refinished floor!

    (Now remember, we talked about this heavy lifting stuff before! I don't want to have to tell you again! LOL!! 🙂 Kidding, kidding! (kind of!)

    Just take care, or better yet, get some help. 🙂

  49. Hello Beth,
    I really love your office. It is so pretty and you have so many nice ideas. And I can see, your kitty agree with me.
    Greetings, Johanna

  50. Ahahaha…funny, I was thinking the bulletin board needs to have the top level with the window top. And then, there you go and say it! I agree! Other than that, it looks good, neat and organized! I'm jealous. Better go take a look over in my studio….

  51. Mary @ says

    I love your wrapping station! If it comes up missing, check my house first 🙂 Thanks for hosting a great linky party, I'm excited to visit lots of people!

  52. If you aren't loving the look…then your inner voice is telling you to change something. I think with all the straight lines you have, something curvy would be a nice opposite…like the curvy framed bulletin board. Sort of shake it up a bit. Some fabric somewhere else in the room too in order to balance out all of the hard surfaces. With your talent and Max's help you will get it where you want. Love Max sleeping instead of

  53. Eileen @ Cottage Beach House says

    Susan, Your office is starting to look really good. I want one of those note boards like that with the shutters. I love that. I have enjoyed watching your office get redecorated.

  54. Dragonfly Treasure says

    OMG! I think your office should be in a magazine! Looking awesome!

  55. Good goin on all that hangin…I can't even imagine. I wish you could send me some of your "gotta git it done spirit!"

    Okay, now you asked for honesty, right? The bulletin board is too high to have much function. You'd almost have to stand on your desk to access the top half of it. And it just doesn't look right either. I see you've mentioned now that you might lower it which would be better. That might work. But, do think about moving it over to the left in that empty space there. I know you said you might put a tall piece of furniture there, but maybe the bulletin board would work with a cute piece below it. Something about the bulletin board close to your window echoing the shape of the window seems off to me…too heavy, I guess. And for sure, get a piece of cardboard cut to the shape of the BB and play around with positioning that before you go hangin by yourself again. HA!

    And let me just say, I sure feel funny giving advice to you, Susan, as I love and adore everything you've done with your home. In fact, forget everything I just said. LOL!

  56. I love the wrapping center…..job well done… don't wrap up Mr. Max by accident! I don't think you would like a TV on the right as it would be in front of the window in Mr. Max space? I personally wouldn't care for a bulletin board hung so high as it wouldn't be very functional to use. If it were me, I would move my printer to a cute painted table at the left end of the desk and move your TV to that space which is lower. I would also prefer a horizontal hanging bulletin board without the shutters as to me it would fill up the space better and not be so high. I know whatever you end up with, it will be just right. You're
    brave to be open to all our well meaning advice!

  57. I felt right away that the shuttered board is too big and looks bit overwhelming for the spot. I would go with a horizontal shape and those ballard styled frame pieces would be a perfect choice. I know how hard it is to put something up and try to gauge whether it's right or not without anybody's help. I found a nice table with the "X shape" on the sides for my printer…I think that would look great to the left of your desk…free things up a bit more! I believe Ballard has one of those too!

  58. Lois Roegge says

    I agree with you on the height..I think you will like the look if the bulleting board is lowered.

    I love your blog! I am new to blogging and you are an inspiration to me. Great job!

  59. Little Brick Ranch says

    The office is turning out super!! Thanks for keeping us updated on the whole process!!

    I hate trying to hang things on my own… but I am too anxious to wait for my husband to get home so I usually go it alone!!

    Thanks for hosting!!
    If you get a sec, pop on over to Little Brick Ranch to enter the GIVEAWAY!!!

  60. Cottage Touch says

    Thank you my first event here….Love everything esp chippy iron headboards.

  61. Creative Escapes says

    I love the additions of the cork board and the organizer! I am having serious office envy!

  62. Hey, Susan,
    I LOVE the wrapping paper station and I hope they get them back in stock because I would love to have something like that for my home office.
    As some other posters mentioned, I'm not wild about the shuttered bulletin board, either. I think it's hung way too high, makes that area look too heavy and you already have shutters in the room, why put more? I also think the doors take up too much space. I love the shabby chic framed bulletin boards and that's my choice.
    I hope I wasn't too blunt, but I like people to be very honest with me, too.
    LOVE your home!!

  63. Phyllis AROUND THE HOUSE says

    Hi Susan …love love the office…you just knew I would have to put in my two cents …the decorator in me always seems to speak uncontrolably…I would put the wrapping center at the height it is only put it at the end of where max sleeps it would be facing the bullitin board…that would leave each side of the window for some decorative art, perhaps pictures of the birds you love or flowers or historic homes and the shutters would lay flat…then lower the bulletin board and move to the left a bit leaving room for a wall mounted tv beside it…kind of centered on the side of board….love the idea of the batting and ribbon from Shelia….ok….the decorator in me has spoken….no matter what you decide it all always looks lovely…have fun…phyllis I wish it was my office…

  64. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Hi Phyllis, thanks for the suggestions but not sure those will quite work. If I put in at the end across from the end of the desk, I wouldn't be able to stand in front of it to pull off the paper or to get by it to go behind the desk.
    I don't think I could put the tv to the side of the bulletin board because the doors would block the tv when I have it open…and if I put it to far over, I will have to really strain to see it. I thought of buying a swivel thing and mounting it to the wall, but to be honest, I've never been a fan of TVs mounted on walls. So, I think I'll just look for a small desk top tv that I can place somewhere to the side and I'll either move the board down to make it even with the windows or buy a different one. I still learn toward buying a different one…but I do love hiding the stuff on the board by closing the doors.

  65. Love the office! I would like to know what you are using as a mat under your desk chair. I assume its there to protect the floor..but what is it?

  66. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    heymudda, it's a bamboo chair mat and I found it at Office Max. I do like it. Most of the office stores probably have them, as well.

  67. deb mills says

    i agree with the height thing. i love the board, but i agree it would look better lower; and it doesn't seem like it's at a practical height for use. unless you're realllly tall.
    your office is really looking great. can't wait to see the finished product.

  68. Jane @ Jane's Junk and Treasures says

    Wow look at you!!!
    Great job!!

  69. Modern Country Lady says

    Hi Susan, I think you are absolutely right about the height- and also that you can see when something is wrong and what you can do about it when you take a photo of the situation.
    I think it would look really great if above the craft paper station you would hang something smaller and pretty- either a small lovely picture- with a nice gold frame, or a nice wreath( by the way lots of suggestions on my blog about all kind of wreaths, hahaha but that is by the by )- and then !! on both the doors of the memory board – a nice wreath to the left and a nice wreath to the right in the middle of the door.Something decoarative anyway, that has the same shape as the decoartion above the craft station.So you pull the room together.
    By the way did I ever tell you I love your blogposts!! It's like having you over and having a nice chat, you have such a lovely way of writing !!

  70. The wrapping rack and the bulletin board both look great. I think they are the right pieces for the office, but you're dead on with the height. If you can make the top of the bulletin board level with the top of the wrapping paper rack, I think you'll have the crisp line that makes a room sing.

    Good luck!

  71. Way to go girl! Love it! But here is my thought on the bullent board. I love the shutter look and I love it open. Not sure it you can but… if you turn the doors (over, inside out) and put the shutter to the outside when they are open. You really wont want it closed very often because you will not see all the pretty pictures and wonderful articles but the pretty does not show when it is open. So being the "Wonder Woman" you seem to be, flip the door so the pretty show when you have them open. It might be some thing simple like pulling the pins from the hinges or total removeing the hinges and reinstalling the doors. But the doors should still close if you ever needed them to. Again it might not work at all but if you could then it might look like another window in the room. Love what you are doing to the office. We women can do what we want done we just have to try. YOU did real good.. dishgal

  72. CalypsoInTheCountry says

    That office is so pretty and I love all the light in there! Thanks for hosting again today!

  73. Your office RAWKS!
    I love the bulletin board kept open, too 🙂
    And, as an animal lover, too, I think it's sweet to let Max up near you and to enjoy the outside 😉
    I love your fun parties!

  74. 9405018--Pat says

    Susan, I love your office great job! thanks for sharing..Pat H

  75. Did you know that you can buy hanging hardware similar to the one that came on your wrap station? I bought it from Lowes or Home Depot and used it to hang a heavy mirror. Just thought you might like to use it if you end up rehanging the board in your fabulous room!

  76. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Anon…no, I didn't know that…good to know! Y'all have given me so much to think about…so many new ideas. Thanks so much for all the great input! 🙂

  77. Sewconsult says

    Susan, you did a fantastic job in hanging them! I agree with seeing things better with a photo. I think it is something about it that we can get a better perspective rather than in being present in the room. With a photo, each time we look at it, something different catches our eye.

  78. JaninaCakes says

    First timer here. Thanks for having me. <3, new follower

  79. Your update is exactly what I was going to say. I love the shutters but i think it needs to be lowered to be the same height as the window so it appears to be a window itself. The whole room is really coming together.

  80. Hi Susan! I'd want to move into your new office, but I'd NEVER leave your porch! lol! I like the frames and think they make a nice addition. The wrapping station is great. You never disappoint with your style! Sunny109

  81. I love your bulletin board. the doors are fantastic, if it fills up just close them, and with me it would fill up fast. Much better then a frame.

  82. Susan, Your office is an inspiration! I ADORE the giftwrap station!! Super idea! And the hidden bulletin board is also just amazing. Wow–you certainly are creative!

    Thanks for hosting this great linky party. I've been working in the office too! Enjoyed looking at your beautiful office.

    Donna @ Comin' Home

  83. Hi Susan, I love your office, love the new organizers! I agree with you that it's easier to see what needs to be done when looking at a photo. Unfortunately, I find that happens to me after I've done an 'after' photo at a clients home and I download the pics… THEN I see things I missed, or should have re-adjusted or moved out of the way!

    New England Style

  84. very nice! Your office looks so bright and happy. A wonderful place to while away some time.

    Ana White also has plans for a wrapping station very similar to yours…in case any of your readers either don't want to wait until PB gets them back in stock, or they want a similar item for less $$.

  85. Anonymous says

    I love the great job you did. I do have to say I noticed how excited your kitty was with the prospect of either hopping on the top of the wrapping organizer or un rolling the paper and mom went and spoiled his plans when she opened her window shutters that blocked poor kitty's way. 🙂


  86. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) says

    Erika: lol Yep, Max would have a blast doing that! Years ago, when my son was still living at home and his kitty Haley was here, I came home from work one day to find the toilet paper unrolled and piled up on the floor in all THREE bathrooms. She had unrolled one bath before but never all 3 in one day! She must have gone from bath to bath. I wish I could have gotten that on camera!

  87. I was going to say that it needed to be lower–then I read your update. 🙂 Your office is really coming along beautifully!! I love the clean look of Pottery Barn furniture.

  88. wrapping paper dispenser says

    I love the wrapping station and the bulletin board! I think your office looks great! I love the light from the window, it gives the room a cozy feel.

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