Beautiful Blue and White Bedroom and Bath

Today we're are continuing our tour of Sandi's beautiful 1833 home.  Sandi shared a fascinating fact about her home with me yesterday.  She said the home was originally built about 15 miles down the road.  In 1895 it was taken apart, all the pieces/parts numbered and then rebuilt on it's current location.  Sandi said, "The reason it was because Mr. Willis asked for his lady’s hand in marriage and she said … [Read more...]

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Decorating in Blue and White

I don't know when I first fell in love with decorating in blue and white,  I just know I passionately love it.   We're talking, a-big-kiss-right-on-the-mouth, love it!   I think it may have started when I found this Ralph Lauren comforter set for my guest room.  I love flow blue transferware and have collected a few pieces over the years, so I guess the bedding reminded me of beautiful flow blue porcelain. … [Read more...]

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Decorating for Valentine’s Day

Welcome to the 160th Metamorphosis Monday! Valentine's Day is tomorrow.  I love that holiday.  How can you not love a day that's all about chocolate, romance and ♥ LOVE! ♥ It makes me smile when I remember bringing Valentine's Day cards to school.   If I close my eyes, I can still see all the colorful construction-paper folders we made and decorated.  They were strung along the wall where they … [Read more...]

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Blue and White Guest Room

My guest room was one of the first rooms I ever furnished/decorated after we moved in. I love blue and white so when I found this Ralph Lauren comforter set called, "Porcelain" I decided to go with a blue and white theme. In March 2010, I added a secretary to this room.  When I was working on adding some things to this room, I knew I wanted to mix it up a bit. I fell in love with this floral Sanderson … [Read more...]

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