A Little Inspiration For A Romantic (and Yummy) Valentine’s Day

Welcome to the 855th Tablescape Thursday! Since tomorrow is Valentine's Day, today I'm sharing a few previous Valentine's Day tablescapes, including a heart cake recipe. (Click on any post title below for additional photos and recipes.) Woodland-Themed Valentine's Day Table with a Touch of Spring.   Candlelit Valentine's Day Table Setting.   Heart-Shaped Napkin Fold with Detailed … [Read more...]

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Beautiful, Romantic Royal Albert ‘Blossom Time’ For Valentine’s Day

Welcome to the 854th Tablescape Thursday! If you're not the biggest fan of cold weather, take heart! Once February arrives, I feel like we are over the hump and on the downhill slide toward spring now. Every winter here in the south, we'll get a week where the temps are unusually warm, and we're in it right now. It's been in the 70s all week! I know the cold will return soon, but I am loving this little … [Read more...]

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Beautiful Candlelit Table Setting, A Captivating Centerpiece & An Incredible Menu/Dessert

Welcome to the 813th Tablescape Thursday! I have a beautiful table setting to share with you this week, but first, I wanted to let you know that I'm having a little problem with my replies to your lovely comments not reaching your Inbox. I changed blog hosts recently and everything went great except with that one issue. We are working to get that resolved. In the meantime, the easiest way to see my reply to … [Read more...]

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Velvet & Sequins For Metamorphosis Monday—Pretty Daffodils, Too!

Welcome to the 787th Metamorphosis Monday! So I had an exciting weekend! Not! After an appliance repairman diagnosed and fixed an icemaker problem (it's ALWAYS the icemaker, isn't it?!) I spent the weekend giving my refrigerator a full, top-to-bottom cleaning that included pulling out all the shelves and drawers and replacing two smallish light bulbs inside, one of which had burned out at some point … [Read more...]

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2 Beautiful Valentine’s Day Tables—One Created By A Loving Hubby & One That’s Budget Friendly

Welcome to the 803rd Tablescape Thursday! I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day yesterday! ❤️  I know for sure Brenda did because she wrote, "I wanted to share with you a Valentine's table setting my husband set all himself and surprised me. Normally I am the lead and he is what he calls himself “the beast of burden” carrying things in and out."   Brenda's hubby created the … [Read more...]

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Romantic Valentine’s Day Table Setting With Heart Cake Dessert & Spring Tulips

Welcome to the 802nd Tablescape Thursday! With Valentine's Day just a week away, I decided it was time to bake some cute heart cakes. It has been ages since I made these for Valentine's.   I did the dumbest thing this time, though! I always, always grease and flour a cake pan when baking a regular layer cake, but for some crazy reason, I didn't flour the heart cake pan after greasing it this … [Read more...]

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Cake Flour vs All-Purpose Flour, Swedish Pearl Sugar & Heart Cakes For Valentine’s Day

Many years ago I made these cute heart cakes, filling them with raspberry filling. They were super easy to make and I really loved how they looked for Valentine's Day.   To make these, I used a Wilton Heart Cake Pan. (A printable recipe for these heart cakes is available here: Heart Cakes Recipe.)   I made them once again a few years later, that time filling them with homemade … [Read more...]

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Beautiful, Dramatic Valentine’s Day Centerpiece That You Can Make In Mere Minutes!

Welcome to the 784th Metamorphosis Monday! Valentine's Day is just 9 days away. Could you use a fabulous, easy-to-make centerpiece to celebrate? My dear friend, Teresa, shared this stunning photo with me of a beautiful, whimsical arrangement created by a friend of hers, also named Teresa. I loved it the second I saw it! After a few text messages back and forth, Teresa, the owner of this lovely centerpiece … [Read more...]

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Love, Lust, Passion & Romance–This Cozy Valentine’s Day Table Has It All

Welcome to the 696th Tablescape Thursday! It's the yearly meeting of the Valentine's Day Book Club and this year it's all about love, lust, passion, and romance. ♥♥♥   When it's cold out, I crave candlelight and cozy plaids.   Hope you enjoy this cozy meeting of the Valentine's Day Book Club.   I kept all the titles facing forward for … [Read more...]

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Porch Dining: A Valentine’s Day Table on a Warm February Day + A Tree Update

Welcome to the 646th Tablescape Thursday, a blog party sharing beautiful table settings for all occasions! It was sunny and 70 degrees out on the porch yesterday! Since I stay inside hunkered down this time of year, I discovered it purely by accident when I walked outside to refill all the bird feeders. I was astonished and couldn't pass up the chance to set a table outside. It happens every year, the … [Read more...]

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Valentine’s Day Craft: Make a Valentine’s Day Garland or Banner for Your Home

Welcome to the 628th Metamorphosis Monday, a blog party sharing fabulous Before and Afters! A few weeks ago I shared Jackie's beautiful Valentine's Day table along with her dining room all decorated for Valentine's Day. I loved the darling Valentine's Day garland/banner she had hanging in front of the window in her dining room.   You may remember these two close-up photos that I shared of … [Read more...]

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3 Unexpected Valentine’s Day Tables

Welcome to the 645th Tablescape Thursday, a blog party sharing beautiful table settings for all occasions! I was feeling a little nostalgic this morning as I was looking back through some of my previous Valentine's Day table settings. If you are looking for a bit of inspiration for your upcoming Valentine's Day, you'll find all the tables I've set over the past 12 years for Valentine's Day here: … [Read more...]

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Valentine’s Day Table: Adorable and Budget Friendly!

Welcome to the 644th Tablescape Thursday, a blog party sharing beautiful table settings for all occasions! Jackie, whose beautiful tables I've shared a few times in the past, has put together a fun table for Valentine's Day this year.   I love how Jackie always adds a little something to her chandelier for her holiday dinners. The roses are the perfect touch for a Valentine's Day … [Read more...]

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Celebrate Valentine’s Day (and All the Holidays) with a Decorated Tree Year-Round

Welcome to the 577th Metamorphosis Monday! Many years ago, I used to race to get my Christmas tree down before the strike of midnight on New Year's Eve. Growing up here in the south, I used to hear folks say, "It's bad luck to keep your tree up beyond New Year's Eve." Pshaw! Who started that rumor anyway? lol Now I leave my tree up well beyond New Year's and I'm always sad when it's time to take it … [Read more...]

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What Women Really Want for Valentine’s Day, Plus a Couple of Ideas for the Guys

Forget the flowers and the chocolates, I love a gift for Valentine's Day that truly lasts, not one that's consumable or will wilt within a few days. Today I'm sharing a few of my faves that I think any woman would love getting either from her sweetheart (or for herself) on Valentine's Day. I'm also sharing a couple of ideas for the guys because they deserve a special gift on Valentine's Day, too! For … [Read more...]

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A Romantic Candlelit Table for Valentine’s Day

Welcome to the 541st Tablescape Thursday! Never seems to matter what time of the morning/day I begin putting a table together for Tablescape Thursday, I never seem to complete it until after nightfall. Candlelight pictures are nice, right? :) But I would still like to share some daytime photos with you, so you'll find those further down in this post. These were taken last night and the daylight … [Read more...]

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A Feather Tree for Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you are having a lovely one! We are having some amazing springtime weather here right now. The daffodils are already up all over my yard, though not blooming yet. Whenever this happens early, I always panic a little, fearing they will get frozen when the cold weather returns. Then I come across photos like this on my computer and remember it's not the first time daffodils have … [Read more...]

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Valentine’s Day Table Setting with a Guest Appearance by the Easter Bunny

Welcome to the 488th Tablescape Thursday! We are in the dining room for this week's Tablescape Thursday.   It was quite late when I took these photos, so please excuse some of the darker pics.   Update: Adding a photo taken this morning with a bit of natural light coming in through the windows.   Have you ever wondered what the Easter Bunny does during the off … [Read more...]

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A Beautiful Table Setting to Honor a Special Life

Welcome to the 441st Tablescape Thursday! Elena  planned a special Valentine's Day table this year. She wanted it to be extra special for her family, especially since her sister Anna would be attending. Anna had a heart transplant in January 2000 and during the past year she had been very sick.   Unfortunately, Anna didn't have the opportunity to attend this special dinner in person, … [Read more...]

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Valentine’s Day Decorations: Decorate the Porch, Front Door and a Valentine’s Day Tree

Happy Valentine's Day! Hope your day was absolutely grand! The weather here continues to be amazingly beautiful. I'm sure Mother Nature is going to wake up at any moment and realize that while she was napping, spring snuck in. Until she does, we will continue to enjoy these 60 and 70 degree, sun-filled days. Even the birds in my backyard were chirping up a storm today. They seem as excited about these … [Read more...]

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Plaid, Paisley and Velvet For Valentine’s Day

Welcome to the 333rd Tablescape Thursday! This week I'm sharing a Valentine's Day table setting that's a little different. I experimented around with mixing different patterns including plaid, paisley and velvet-edged napkin sheaths with a burlap-like look. The overall result is a Valentine's Day table setting with a bit of a masculine feel.     A red lantern worked well as a … [Read more...]

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Valentine’s Day Table Settings, Napkin Folds & Recipes

Welcome to the 332nd Tablescape Thursday! Before we get into this week's Tablescape Thursday, I just wanted to say you guys are GOOD! It didn't take long for you to name every single one of the books yesterday! Can you imagine being the person who designed the Quotes throw. I don't know how they ever decided what books to feature, that would have been torture! Saving At Checkout I also wanted to … [Read more...]

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Valentine’s Day Heart-Shaped Napkin Fold Tutorial

Welcome to the 280th Tablescape Thursday! Two years ago, the day before Valentine's Day, I posted about a few Valentine's Day decorations in the guest room.  I decorated the foot of the bed with heart garland.   I placed a little teascape on a wicker tray along with a few sweet-scented daffodils cut from the garden.   For this cheerful tea setting, I created a cute, heart … [Read more...]

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25 Scrumptious Valentine’s Day Desserts

Valentine's Day is only about 3 weeks away and it's got me thinking about yummy desserts. I've put together a collection of 25 beautiful, delicious, makes-your-heart-go-pitter-patter desserts. ♥ Hope you enjoy this Valentine's Day inspired collection of scrumptious desserts!   Hope you find something yummy and inspiring for your Valentine's Day! Just click on the title and it will … [Read more...]

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Valentine’s Day Table Settings, Great for the Kids

Welcome to the 232nd Tablescape Thursday and Happy Valentine's Day! Before Valentine's Day gets away, I have two last Valentine's Day table settings to share.  A visit to the home of my friend, Marie, is always so much fun.  I love seeing how she decorates her beautiful home for her grandchildren's visits and for the holidays. The basement/terrace level has a full kitchen and is a great spot for the … [Read more...]

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Valentine’s Day Table Settings: Casual and Elegant

Welcome to the 231st Tablescape Thursday! For this week's TT, I'm excited to share two more wonderful Valentine's Day table settings put together by my friend, Marie.  Marie created these for Valentine's Day but with just a few small changes, they would really be beautiful for any time of the year. Remember the casual eating area located in Marie's family room?  At Christmastime the table in that area … [Read more...]

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Children’s Valentine’s Day Table Setting

Welcome to 230th Tablescape Thursday! Thanks so much for all the great comments you left on yesterday's "Brass is Back!" post.  You made some amazing points and I so enjoyed hearing your perspective on the resurgence of quality brass pieces in the home.  I especially love that so many of you don't let the latest trend pressure you into changing or discarding that which you truly love. If you've been … [Read more...]

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Valentine’s Day Decorating Ideas

Yesterday I shared my friend, Marie's whimsical Valentine's Day tablescape, HERE featuring lots of cute little froggies.  Just off to the right, tucked backed into the corner, is a large white tree Marie decorates for various holidays.  I realized later, I probably should have taken pics when I first arrived, but I was hungry, hungry and had lunch on my mind.  We had so much fun shopping, it was starting to … [Read more...]

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A Valentine’s Day Table Setting, Elegant and Whimsical

Welcome to the 229th Tablescape Thursday! With Valentine's Day just a few weeks away, I'm excited to share a wonderfully, whimsical Valentine's Day table setting created by my friend, Marie.  This table setting has it all!  There's plenty of whimsy, but with touches of glitz and glamour, too! For her centerpiece, Marie assembled a sparkly collection of red vases and filled them with lots of fluffy, … [Read more...]

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Porch Decorated for Valentine’s Day

Today I played hooky and it was soooo much fun.  I highly recommend it!  ;)  I guess it wasn't really hooky since I snapped some fun pics and garnered some great Valentine's Day decorating ideas to bring back and share with you. Such a great way to spend a cold January day.  I had lunch with my friend, Marie, followed by a fun day of shopping.  We visited all our favorite shopping haunts around town and … [Read more...]

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Make Heart-Shaped Sugar Cubes for Parties: A Tutorial

Recently while reading a Country Living magazine, I came across the cutest heart-shaped sugar cubes.  The magazine shared where they could be ordered but I decided to try making my own.  I thought they would be fun for parties, especially tea parties or to offer guests with coffee after dinner. Instead of white cubes as shown in the article, I decided to color mine.  Since it's so close to Easter, I … [Read more...]

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Valentine’s Day Table Setting: Candlelit and Romantic

Welcome to the 181st Tablescape Thursday! It was another gorgeous day here...is this really February?  Since the temps reached 67 degrees today, I headed for the porch for this Tablescape Thursday. I know Valentine's Day is behind us now, but I had to squeeze in one more Valentine's Day table setting before we say good-bye to that holiday for another year.  I had envisioned this tablescape with red … [Read more...]

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Decorating for Valentine’s Day

Welcome to the 160th Metamorphosis Monday! Valentine's Day is tomorrow.  I love that holiday.  How can you not love a day that's all about chocolate, romance and ♥ LOVE! ♥ It makes me smile when I remember bringing Valentine's Day cards to school.   If I close my eyes, I can still see all the colorful construction-paper folders we made and decorated.  They were strung along the wall where they … [Read more...]

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Make Music-Covered Hearts for Valentine’s Day: A Tutorial

Yesterday for our Tablescape Thursday, I shared a Valentine's Day table setting with a sweet, romantic easy-to-make centerpiece.  I had been plotting thinking for some time about creating a willowy little "tree" with the River Birch branches I'm always picking up from my front yard. I decided to decorate my little birch tree with hearts so I checked several places online.  During my search I came … [Read more...]

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Table Setting with Music & Mercury-Glass Heart Tree

Welcome to the 180th Tablescape Thursday! Valentine's Day is just a few days away.   Did you forward your Valentine's Day cards to the Valentine, Texas Post Master to have them postmarked with their famous stamp?  Such a cute idea!   We've been having spring-like weather for weeks here in Georgia.  Even the daffodils are in full bloom.  The porch was calling, begging me to come out and play.   … [Read more...]

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Romantic Candlelight Table Setting

Welcome to the 157th Tablescape Thursday! You may feel like Bill Murray in the movie, Groundhog Day as you view the following tablescape.  In last week's Tablescape Thursday post, I mentioned I had created a tablescape on the porch and it somehow mysteriously moved itself right out on to the deck, turning into this romantic table setting. Since the original table on the porch was still set, I … [Read more...]

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Romantic Table Setting for Two

Welcome to the 156th Tablescape Thursday! Tomorrow, August 18th, Between Naps on the Porch turns 3 years old.  The last three years have flown by so very quickly.  Thank you for visiting and being here every day.  I appreciate so much that you share your time with me! Let's have dinner on the deck tonight.  It feels so nice out. I'll pour the wine...you just sit and enjoy. So romantic, dining … [Read more...]

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A Valentine’s Day Table Setting with a Sweet Centerpiece

Welcome to the 128th Tablescape Thursday! Today I'm sharing a Valentine's Day tablescape with a fun, tasty centerpiece. I've posted the tutorial showing how it's made Ice Cream Candy-Car Sundae.  This sweet treat makes a great Valentine's Day or birthday gift. You'll love how easy and inexpensive it is to make. Also, you'll find a tutorial for the napkin fold I used in this tablescape here: Pocket Napkin … [Read more...]

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Surprise Your Sweetheart on Valentine’s Day

Pssst, over here. Shhh, I have to whisper, so your Valentine Sweetheart doesn't hear. Guess what! It's the neatest thing! If you put all your valentine cards in a big envelope and send them to the Postmaster in the tiny town of Valentine, Texas, she will stamp them all with a big RED stamp that says: VALENTINE, TEXAS! Imagine your Valentine's face when they see that special postmark...I just totally … [Read more...]

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Romantic Valentine’s Day Tablescape

Welcome to the 76th Tablescape Thursday! Pssst, come over here a sec. Shhh, have to whisper, so your Valentine Sweetheart doesn't hear. Guess what I just found out?! It's the neatest thing! If you put all your Valentines in a big envelope and send them to the Postmaster in the tiny town of Valentine, Texas, she will stamp them all with a big RED stamp that says: VALENTINE, TEXAS! Imagine your Valentine's … [Read more...]

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Valentine’s Day Tablescape: Be Mine

Welcome to the 75th Tablescape Thursday! Have you ever wondered about the origin of those little candy hearts with the cute and sometimes corny messages? Last year, I had some fun putting together a tablescape using them in some creative ways. Since Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching, I thought I'd share that tablescape again, along with some interesting facts about this well-loved candy. This … [Read more...]

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Valentine’s Day Table Setting with Yummy Heart Cakes

Welcome to the 24th Tablescape Thursday! Ok, I know it's really the first Tablescape Thursday...but I didn't want to start the count over just because our tablescaping day moved two days down the week. I'll be sharing a Valentine's Tablescape today and I'd love to know where you think it looks best...the breakfast room or the dining room.  I put together a little Valentine's table to share today. I … [Read more...]

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