Welcome to the 501st Metamorphosis Monday!
Did you have a great weekend? Hopefully, you have today off and are enjoying a long, 3-day weekend. I usually post during the weekend, but this weekend I gave myself the full weekend off and worked on some things here inside the house…mostly just a lot of organizing and cleaning. I guess that’s not exactly taking the weekend off, now that I think about it. lol
For this week’s Met Monday, I have a wonderful screened porch to share and a pretty unique Before and After. Screened porches are great for summer, but they are also wonderful places to hang out and enjoy the changing colors of the leaves as autumn approaches.
I love it when BNOTP readers share their porches with me, especially since it gives me an opportunity to share them with you. Amy has a wonderful screened porch that overlooks her beautiful, private backyard. This would be an excellent spot to enjoy nature’s big show in the next few weeks.
Amy has furnished her porch with plenty of cozy seating, plump cushions and soft pillows. Love the rug Amy chose for her porch. Amy found it while shopping in, At Home. It was the last one they had like it and was a great deal at just $75.
Amy barely made it out of the store with her rug. As she made her way to the checkout, other customers kept stopping her to ask about it. You know you’ve found a treasure when other customers keep stopping you to ask where they can find one, too. The bird’s nest painting was a find in TJ Max.
Amy found the perfect pillows to compliment the beautiful colors in her rug.
This wonderful rocking chair caught my eye.
The two rockers on Amy’s porch belonged to Amy’s grandmother. I knew this rocker was vintage the minute I saw it because you only see these wonderful storage compartments on vintage wicker pieces.
What a great place to stash away a magazine or a book to enjoy later. I bet you could even fit a small, folded throw in that little side pocket. Wish they still included little storage compartments like this on new wicker pieces.
Did you notice the end “tables” at either end of the settee? They have a wonderful history…oh, the stories they could tell!
Amy said, “On either side of the settee are crab pots that belonged to my dad. He passed away back in February. My husband got plexiglass to put on top of them so I could use them as end tables. We would go crabbing when I was a little girl on the Chesapeake Bay.”
Such a great way to repurpose crab pots–and what wonderful memories they must hold. I know Amy’s dad would feel proud to see they are still being used…and in such a creative way!
Thanks so much to Amy for sharing her screened porch, as well as the brilliant idea of repurposing crab pots into end tables. They are just perfect for any casual space or outdoor room!
Looking forward to all the fabulous Before and Afters linked for this week’s Metamorphosis Monday!
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Metamorphosis Monday
Metamorphosis Monday is a party that’s all about Before and Afters. If you are participating in Met Monday, please link up using the “permalink” to your MM post and not your general blog address. To get your permalink, click on your post name, then just copy and paste the address that shows up in the address bar at the top of your blog, into the “url” box for InLinkz.
In order to link up, you’ll need to include a link in your MM post back to the party so the other participants will have an opportunity to receive visits from your wonderful blog readers.
Please observe these few rules:
Please link up Before and After posts that are home, gardening, decorating, crafting, painting, sewing, cooking, fashion or DIY related.
Be sure to include a link back to the party in your post, so your readers will be able to find and visit the other bloggers who are participating.
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Thanks so much for hosting each week!!
A beautiful porch!! thanks so much for hosting!!
Love the vintage wicker furniture. The rug is great, what a great find. I love my screen porch, spend a lot of time there reading and day dreaming. I live on a ridge in a wooded area, it’s beautiful up here every season, especially when it snows. Thanks for the great posts.
Amy is my soul sister–I love EVERYTHING she has on her porch! The rug is one of the prettiest ever, The way she used other items for the overall palette is so creative. The rocker is wonderful because it comes from family and that dear theme is carried out with the “end tables.” Amy, kudos to you and I bow to your artist’s nature- -and that rug. Hugs from Georgia for your lovely porch. PS, I have been crushing on a bird pillow like that one also.
Great porch! I love Amy’s vintage pieces best, and what a great foundation rug to show them off!
That porch is right up my alley. Love the rug and the repurposed crab pots. What a clever idea. The red wagon fits right in. Thanks for sharing.
Look at that yard! It must be a great show in all 4 seasons. Perfect rug–the colors and the pattern, adds a bit of brightness to the area, but doesn’t over do it.
I enjoyed Amy’s porch. Her pillows are amazing. Love the bird ones especially. They really do go well with her rug.
Thanks for hosting, Susan.
What a perfect screened porch! I love everything about it – the warm color scheme, the treasured family antique pieces and yes, the red wagon. The creative use of the crab pots is so the piece de resistance. Amy, I know you smile everytime you walk onto your porch.
The crab pots and the wicker are exactly what she should use. In a smaller area closed-in furnishings tend to make the space smaller. They are also good for any weather. I see so many small bedrooms with the bed coverings all the way to the floor, when you walk into the room all you see is bed. Your closed in a room with a great big bed. Lift the bed coverings so it doesn’t appear to be so big, show some space even under the bed if possible. Now back to the porch……..
The two rocker’s on Amy’s porch should read: the two rockers on Amy’s porch. No apostrophe necessary.
Thanks for catching that typo, Virginia…just fixed it.
I’d also like to say how much I love your blog and look forward to it daily. Keep up the great work.
Thanks, Virginia! XXX
I love the way Amy repurposed the crab traps, especially being from Maryland! Such a nice way to remember her dad.
Such a cozy porch to sit in with a cool one. I noticed a can of something waiting! I was wondering what the end tables were and what a neat idea to put plexiglass on top. Imagine sitting surrounded by treasures from your loved ones. It would be a most comforting spot. Oh, and Susan, I went to one of the websites up top: Everything you need to know about Blue Dawn. Interesting…always find something interesting here.
I swear I think I saw this lady shopping AT HOME, if not, her twin was shopping at the Greenbrier area/Sam’s Club shopping center in Chesapeake VA the same day as I. There was really nice lady putting the very same cushions in her cart. Amy’s porch is so well done! and I love the wicker chairs and crab pots. Brings back days of crabbing with my grandmother.
A big thank you to Amy for sharing her porch.
I’ve been reading your blog for along time now and want to tell you how much I enjoy it. I really like your porch.as a young child my Grandma had a sideporch with wicker furniture on it. My aunt also. I used to stay over night and go shopping for school clothes then read on her porch.good memories.she had a lot of beautiful antiques that my sister and I went interested in at the time.i wish I had them now.