Not Your Normal Tablescape Thursday

Welcome to the 626th Tablescape Thursday, a blog party sharing beautiful table settings for all occasions.

Will make this post short since I’m having to create it on my phone. I’ve not been feeling well the last few days, thought I might have a sinus infection since I had a terrible sinus headache . Last night I was running a fever and found it really hard to breathe. I visited one of the local hospital ER’s and found out I have pneumonia. I’ve never had pneumonia before.

They also tested for Covid and I will get the results of that in a day or two. Will post again to update you as soon as I feel up to it.

Looking forward to all the wonderful table settings linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!

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Tablescape Thursday


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Please link up table setting or table setting related posts only for Tablescape Thursday.


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  1. Oh Dear – Feel Better – we anxiously await your test results and are hoping for the best.

  2. Bonnie Chase says

    Dear Susan, I am sorry that you are sick. I will lift up a prayer for you to feel God’s healing touch and that you will be well soon. Sincerely, Bonnie

  3. Susan, I hope you feel better real soon. Hopefully not Covid…take care of yourself!

  4. Feel better soon Susan !! Wishing you well

  5. Brenda s. Lawrence says

    Oh Susan, I hate to hear you are sick. Pneumonia is not fun, I pray your Covid testing is negative and that your pneumonia heals quickly. Take care of yourself please! Hugs, Brenda

  6. Oh no! I hope you’re better soon.

  7. franki parde says

    You know, I went to bed last night…laying awake & “wondering if Susan was okay”…I couldn’t remember getting a “Post.” I pray for our world. Hang tough, my friend!!! xxx. franki

  8. I gasped when I read you’re having trouble breathing Susan. Please update us if you can as soon as you get the results. Hopefully you won’t have to wait too long. Stay well!

  9. I am sorry to hear that you are ill. You will be in my daily prayers. Please stay safe, stay home and take care of yourself. I am glad that you are with family in Ohio and not alone at your home in Atlanta. Here in Michigan, the sadness in our state is starting to eat away at my soul. Your lovely posts always bring a bit of joy to my day.

    • Kathryn M Wenzel says


      I am sending you healing thoughts. Pneumonia is a slow resolving issue. Rest, drink plenty of fluids, D3 and get back when you are up to it.

  10. Mary from Virginia says

    Oh my goodness! When you get sick you really get sick! I am so sorry. Please keep us updated and I am wishing you the speediest recovery.

  11. Oh no, Susan! I am adding you to my prayer list NOW. My second daughter contracted COVID and it started just like yours. Thankfully, her symptoms remained mild but she lost her sense of smell and taste. I do hope your test is negative for COVID and that you recover quickly.

  12. Oh, no! So sorry to hear you are sick – take care of yourself and feel better soon. Keeping you in my prayers!

  13. I am holding you close in my heart and prayers.

  14. Oh my Susan. I have had pneumonia and it was bad for me. Spent 5 days in the hospital. I hope you have a much, much milder case and obviously DO NOT have Covid. Sending up prayers for your quick recovery. I’m glad you are with your family so they can take care of you. Much love…xxoo

    • Oh Susan I am sorry to hear this. Pneumonia really takes it out of you. Hoping this isn’t COVID and praying that with medication you’ll get back to good health soon.

  15. Thoughts and prayers for your recovery Susan! Rest up and take care ♥

  16. Hope you feel better soon.

  17. As you can tell by the comments there is a lot of love for you in the BNOTP community and like all the others I wish you well and a speedy recovery.

  18. Prayers Susan, scary stuff, take care…

  19. Pneumonia is bad enough in itself; hoping your Covid results are negative and you have to deal with only the one illness. Can’t emphasize “rest” enough!

  20. Jackie Allen says

    Oh my gosh – feel better. Take care of yourself – you are in my prayers.

  21. Susan praying for you and if you do have covid that it is a mild case. Glad that you are with family and not alone. Anxiously awaiting to hear your results.

  22. Wanda Bradey says

    So sorry to hear this. You be careful. It causes damages to the lungs that truly never disappear. I pray you do not have CV19 and this passes quickly. Do not take it for granted and take care of yourself.

  23. I am so, so sorry to hear that you are not well. Please take care and feel better soon. We will all understand if you take some time off and we will all be thinking of you.

  24. So sorry to hear that you have pneumonia & I hope the Covid test is negative.
    I will keep checking back to see to see how you are feeling.

  25. Susan, hopefully you will get better soon, no matter what you have! Rest up and follow doctor’s orders! 🙂 Best wishes to you!

  26. Kind thoughts to you. You have given all of us so much over the years. Please take care.

  27. Such a dedicated blogger, posting TT for us to link up to even when you are so sick! I appreciate your efforts and pray that you get better soon Susan!

  28. oh my gosh, so sorry to hear, I have had that and it’s not fun so take care of yourself.

  29. Susan, prayers that the COVID results are negative and that the doctors can quickly get the pneumonia under control. I’m sad you are dealing with this added stress, but thankful you are there with your son and daughter-in-law. Take care to get well, rest and give yourself time to heal.
    Sending you a big hug.

  30. Carol Liebst says

    Oh dear, hope you are feeling better soon and the Covid test is negative. These are such uncertain times we are living in now. Will be thinking of you and hoping for a speedy recovery!

  31. We are all hoping for a negative test and a speedy recovery. Thank you for letting us know.

  32. Oh no – I hope you feel better quickly! Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way!

  33. Susan, I’m so sorry that you’re not feeling well. Take care of yourself. I hope you know that there’s lots of people pulling for you.

  34. Oh, Susan, I am so very sorry you are ill. I am grateful that you are with family and don’t have to be alone right how. You know there are endless thoughts and prayers headed your way, so hold that knowledge close to your heart. We’ll be waiting for you when you are up to it, so just follow orders and REST……..don’t worry about BTNOP right now. Take care of yourself, and get lots of rest. Many hugs and wishes for a speedy recovery.

  35. Prayers for your quick recovery! Take good care of yourself.

  36. Nancy Akeroyd says

    So sad to hear you are ill. Please rest. We all hope you are well soon.

  37. I’m so sorry to hear you’re not well. Keep us posted.

  38. Darlene Gardner says

    I am so very sorry Susan. I have had pneumonia and it is nothing to play with! Hope you will soon be getting the medicine you need to bring you back to good health. I will remember you in my prayers!

  39. Pneumonia is rough! Saying prayers for your recovery.

  40. Susan, I am so sorry you are not well. That truly sucks. I pray and hope that your COVID test comes back negative and that you “just have pneumonia”.
    Take care.

  41. Oh Susan – I’m so sorry you’re feeling bad! You’re so amazing to keep this party going at a time like this! Crossing fingers, and sending you lots of healing energy. ♥

  42. Best wishes sent your way that test results are negative. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  43. Oh, Susan, no. . .:(

    I’m thinking of you and sending good thoughts to you in Marietta.

    Wendy in Suwanee

  44. Sonja Enright says

    Take care of yourself. Feel better. Soon.

  45. Oh, dear. Hope you recover quickly.

  46. Sure hope you are feeling better soon!

  47. So sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Praying it is not Covid and that you have a quick recover.

  48. What in the world? How did this sneak up on you! Hoping it’s not covid and something you can deal with away from the hospital. Glad you were able to be seen by a doctor quickly and getting on the road to being well.

  49. Oh Susan, I’m so sorry you are sick. Sending you prayers of healing and friendship. God bless!

  50. Oh, Susan!!!!!! I am so sorry. This is awful.

    I have had pneumonia 3 times in my life – two of them landed me in the hospital – it can get bad quickly so please take care and rest.

    I am praying for you. Praying it isn’t Covid but oh man it sounds like it.

    Hang in there. Keep the faith. Warm healing thoughts sent to you.

  51. Vickie L Hurst says

    Praying for you, Susan. Hoping for a negative Covid result and that you get well very soon!!!

  52. Keeping you in my prayers for a speedy recovery and no Covid! Feel better soon!

  53. Susan, I was so sorry to hear of your illness and hope the result is negative. Will be thinking of you. Hope too that you have someone to check in on you and make sure you are eating, etc. Take care!

  54. Oh, Susan, I am so sorry for your illness. These are such frightening times and so many are having unexplained pneumonia. I have prayed for you today and do hope that COVID isn’t responsible for your pneumonia. Do take care; are you still with your son? I will continue to pray for you in Memphis.

  55. Jennifer Collins says

    So sorry to hear you are sick! I pray that your Covid test is negative. I recently discovered your blog and it has cheered me so very much through the Covid crisis! Take good care of yourself and get rest!

  56. Bobbi Duncan says

    Susan, I am sorry to learn you haven’t been feeling well. My prayers for comfort and healing are yours. Please rest and take care of Susan. I am glad you are in Ohio whereby your family can give you extra loving care. Hugs!

  57. Love and lifting you up in prayer, Susan. Rest, lots of fluids, meds. Tylenol Cold and Flu has helped me a lot with URI symptoms in the past, just to help you feel better. Are you still with your family?
    Please let us know on Covid — we all love you.

  58. Susan, I am so sorry that you are sick. Rest, rest, rest!! When I had pneumonia, I could hardly do anything but sleep—our bodies really need rest to fight the pathogens.
    I’m praying that you receive excellent medical care & loving kindness as you recuperate.

  59. Dear Susan, prayers and love for your speedy recovery. Miss your wonderful blogs. Rest and know you are loved. Anne

  60. Sorry to hear that you are sick. I had a case of pneumonia when I was much younger. Hope your Covid 19 test is negative. Will keep you in my prayers and thoughts. God Bless.

  61. Oh my goodness, take care! Praying for a speedy and uneventful recovery so you can get back to your sweet grand babies. ❤️

  62. Praying you don’t have Covid. If you do you need hospital care right away! I almost died with Covid and was in the hospital 3 weeks in August. My husband and I were in the hospital together and I lost him on September 3rd. I’ve been in a rehab hospital and now on Home Health. This nightmare disease moves fast and you can lose your life from lack of oxygen faster than imagined. Don’t stay home alone!!!

  63. Susan, so sorry to hear that you are sick. Pneumonia – yikes! That’s not fun. Rest up and I hope you feel better soon!

  64. Sharyn Kimbrough says

    Susan, praying for your healing. Please rest until you recover. Love your columns.

  65. Prayers are coming your way….stat.

  66. Susan, glad you went to the hospital right away. One of my friends just had Covid with pneumonia. We are all praying you are negative and better soon.

  67. Cyndi Raines says

    Susan, love you girl and I will be praying for a speedy, full recovery and that it is not Covid. Rest for sure and push the fluids too. Praying the family stays safe too. Hugs♥️♥️♥️.

  68. We are all very anxious to hear about your test results. Praying for the best possible news.

  69. Praying for covid negative result and speedy recovery.

  70. Susan, I’ve had pneumonia, but I was so young I don’t remember it. But when this covid stuff first hit, I was on top of it because I would be in the high risk category. I mean, I was ALL over this. I knew about hydroxychloroquine before the president ever mentioned it. In fact, I was rather annoyed that he hadn’t mentioned it yet. I was following doctors in India, France, South Korea, the USA, etc. If it really is covid, please, please consider taking the trifecta of Hydroxycholorquine, azithrymicin and zinc. It’s important to have all three, but doctors around the world are reporting something like a 99% success rate when treatment starts quickly. Don’t let any crazy doctors try to tell you to wait. If it really is covid, get on it right away. ~ I’ll be praying for your quick return to the energetic Susan we all know and love. 🙂

  71. Susan, if you or your son and dil are able to read this please don’t stay home alone. Your symptoms are exactly the same as the ones I had in early August. The clinic that tested us for Covid sent us home after I thought I had a sinus infection. After several days at home m y husband had to call ambulance. My husband wasnt very sick but should have gone to the hospital with me. The doctors told me i wouldnt have lived through another night at home because my oxygen levels were so low. I spent three weeks in a hospital Covid unit and although my husband came to the hospital three days later I lost him to Covid September 3rd. The symptoms progress so rapidly and everyone needs early treatment. I’m praying you are in a hospital by now if the test is positive. I’m worried for you because my early symptoms were exactly like yours.

  72. Susan, Mary (above) is right. Low oxygen levels can happen with pneumonia and you simply think it’s just tiredness. I ended up in the hospital 11 years ago with oxygen at 83 (normal is high 90’s) due to pneumonia.
    You can buy Oxygen Level Meters at Amazon:
    Praying for you, hoping your family is safe, and that you’re getting the care you need. Love you much, online friend.

  73. Susan, so sorry to learn that you are ill. Hopefully as its been six days since your post that your symptoms are subsiding and day by day are gaining more strength and that you have some one to oversee your wellness. Keeping you in my prayers and sending warm hugs. -Brenda-

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