Warren’s Beautiful Table Settings & I’m Loving Franki’s Christmas Tree Napkin Fold

Christmas Tree Napkin Fold

I know this Christmas will be a bit different for some families depending on where you live, but no matter if you’ll be celebrating Christmas with just your closest family or a larger gathering, we can still choose to celebrate with a beautiful table setting for our Christmas feast.

Several Christmases ago I set a table that included a cute Christmas tree napkin fold.


Franki has been working on her Christmas table this week and she recreated this fold using a variety of napkins. I love, love, love how it turned out! Such beautiful colors for winter and love how wonderful it looks with her Lenox Holiday china! Notice the Christmas tree fold in the background done with a mix of plaid and paisley. Love that!

Christmas Tree Napkin Fold


If you would like to recreate this fold for your Christmas table this year, you’ll find a detailed tutorial sharing each step here: Christmas Tree Tutorial.

Christmas Tree Napkin Fold


I have two beautiful tables to share with you today, one that’s perfect for fall or winter and another that’s a beautiful Christmas tablescape.

Let’s start with the fall table. Warren shared how it put this table together. Warren said, “In normal times, the holiday season in our household is a time of big dinner parties celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and three family birthdays. Because of covid, we have not held a dinner party since March and, of course, I had not set any tablescapes. I was determined to celebrate the holiday season with a tablescape for our immediate family, my wife, Kathie, her 100-year-old father, Ernie, and me.”


“Accordingly, I downsized a tablescape I had used a couple of years ago for a Thanksgiving dinner with 14 guests. I set the table for four for the sake of symmetry. The dinner plates were made by Concorde Fine China. The faux gold flatware, gold chargers, and antique glass candelabras complete the tablescape.”


“Prominently displayed in the center of the table is an absolutely gorgeous table runner made by Austin-Horn, which I purchased from overstock.com several years ago.”


“I developed a tablescape based on the colors of the table runner. Because the natural cherry wood of the table blended perfectly with the table runner, I did not use a tablecloth.”


The centerpiece is a red mercury glass jar (Home Goods) filled with red and gold artificial leaves from Michaels.


“The Amberina daisy and button water goblets have been collected over a number of years from antique shops and on eBay. The gold-rimmed wine glasses were a find at Home Goods.”


Warren and his wife, Kathie, have two family members whose birthdays fall back-to-back during the month of December. Norman said, “We normally celebrate with a family dinner. This year we did not congregate for a party. Instead, Kathie prepared the dinner including her famous birthday apple pie.

Warren shared that his wife Kathie took the pie by to the birthday boy and girl. Warren said, “In the past, I have set a blue and silver winter tablescape for their party. This year I set a new tablescape in honor of their birthdays; we then shared our dinner with them via Facetime.”


Such a beautiful table!

Poinsettia-Themed Table Setting


The dinnerware Warren used in this table setting is “Winter Harmony” by 222 Fifth.

Winter Harmony Dinner Plates, 222Fifth


Warren didn’t say but I wonder if this is a beautiful Fitz and Floyd piece? They always make such lovely Christmas holiday pieces.

Beautiful Santa Centerpiece


Gorgeous table runner! Love the Christmas tree-shaped candles!


Poinsettia candle holders are perfect in this setting with the poinsettia plates.


Thanks so much to Warren for sharing two beautiful table settings and thanks to Franki for sharing her wonderful Christmas tree napkin folds!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, dear Friends!

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  1. Beautiful table settings. The one floral pattern looked so much like a set that I own, I had to go check if it was the same. I’m going to have to google that Austin-Horn table runner. It matches beautifully.
    I’ve always envied folks who could have enough storage for a Christmas china. The poinsettias look terrific.
    As always, I look to your blog for inspiration. Thanks Susan for sharing.

  2. Very pretty! He’s right, that runner from Overstock was gorgeous with that lush fringe. Hope you’re enjoying your time with family, Susan. Be safe!

  3. Franki Parde says

    Hey!! You did our Christmas tree napkins justice!! I’m going to try reversing to make the others… Not certain the centerpiece, but, hubs just sawed off end of tree trunk ( I wanted bark!) we “sprayed lacquerd” & the coconut cake will sit on top (on glass cake stand)…pine branches around AND, those “LD” frosted Christmas trees, one on cake (skewered) & rest nestled in the greenery…I think.. Warren, what a treasure to be a guest around your table!! Thanx, Susan!! franki

  4. The two table settings were beautiful! My husband doesn’t do them but he does like it when I do & never complains about the dishes & table decor I buy,ha.
    Merry Christmas Susan !

  5. Man, I hear Warren about not entertaining or doing tablescapes since March! But he certainly made up for it – these are lovely! Thanks to you and Warren for sharing and inspiring. And for Franki’s lovely napkin folds too! 🙂 Happy Friday to all of you!

  6. I love those Concorde plates!

  7. Beautiful table settings. I have fallen in love with the Facebook group, Beautiful Table Settings. They certainly been a bright spot and encouraging beauty to behold.

  8. Warren facetiming a dinner party, what a great idea so all could enjoy the setting. The fringe on the table runner is gorgeous! Franki’s folds look perfect. I also like Warren’s water goblets and the Santa centerpiece.

  9. Lillian Dragisic says

    Beautiful table settings but I really want to know more about the Santa if you could please . Thanks. Happy Holidays stay safe

    • warren giering says

      Hi Lillian,

      I purchased the ceramic cookie jar Santa at HomeGoodsseveral years ago. It is marked CR on the bottom. I have tried to find a matching jar on eBay but without success.


    From W Chester Ohio

  11. Brigitte.P. says

    Wunderschöne Tischdeko ! Genau mein Geschmack! Würde gerne wissen wo man diese tollen Servietten-Ringhalter Christstern herbekommt ?

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