Welcome to the 3rd Tablescape Tuesday!
While on a little shopping trip a few months back, I found the red candlesticks shown below. I loved the bold red color and accents of iron. I’ve been asked to always share the source of the pieces I use in my tablescapes, so I will list all that information in mice type at the end of each tablescapes posting.
I wasn’t exactly sure how I would use them. Sometimes my inspiration for a tablescape will come from the pattern or the colors in the china itself. But occasionally, I trip over a little treasure (like the candlesticks) and they just jump right into my buggy and insist I take them home. When that happens, I’m hoping when I get home they will work with some of the china I already have.
Upon arriving home, I was happy to discover I did have some china with a bold red color in the pattern. It was Villeroy and Boch china that I had purchased around 20 years ago…the pattern is called Melina.
As I began putting the table together, I really liked the look and contrast of the more rustic candlesticks with the dressier, bone china. I decided to go with that theme, mixing rustic elements, along with the more formal.
You truly do not have to spend a lot of money to create a pretty, even enchanting, tablescape. Often you already have just what you need on display in the various rooms in your own home. Shop the house! If you love that adorable bunny in the guest room, chances are you are going to love it in the center of your Easter dinner table…and so will your dinner guests. Be bold, use the unexpected…your heart will tell you if it works or if you need something else.
Hope you enjoy viewing the tablescape below. But mostly, I hope it will embolden you to use the pretties you already have and love, in a new way. The tablescapes you can dream up are truly endless!
Bird’s nest just fascinate me…I’ve collected several from my yard over the years, of course only after the birds were done using them. 🙂 I think they are just amazing…little works of art. I can’t begin to understand how a little bird can make something so intricate and perfect. I decided to try them on the table, and when I did, I liked the way they looked against the red of the candlesticks. Of course, you can purchase faux bird’s nest almost anywhere these days.
I remembered having seen some little bird napkin rings on a previous trip to Pier 1, which is only about 2 miles from my home. So after a short trip over to Pier 1…I had everything I needed for this tablescape.
The rustic gardening tools on this flower pot, went well with the iron elements in the candlesticks. I like the way the ivy heart-shaped topiary in the center…pulled in another main color from the china.
Years ago, I bought these iron accent pieces. In my shopping trip through the house, I stole them from the family room book shelves…thought they worked well with the iron accents in the candlesticks.
Close-up of cranberry salt cellar…
Whenever I purchase china, I love to use an accent plate in a coordinating color, as the salad plate. That frees up the actual salad plates for use as dessert plates. I think it makes for a much more interesting table if the salad plate is different from the dinner plate.
Another little iron accent piece…found this one in the guest bedroom when I shopped the house…
I took some greenery from the magnolia tree in my front yard, as well as a few of the flowers. Since it was toward the end of the blooming period, and the tree only had a few blossoms left, I incorporated a few silk magnolia flowers I already had into the tablescape, too.
Since I had kind of a nature theme going here, I couldn’t resist using this little piece. What could be under there? 🙂 Grab the little bee on top and lift the lid to see…
Bug bites! You can find these in the cookie isle of your grocery store.
A different look with crystal glasses instead of tea cups and an iron dragonfly…
Thanks for stopping by! For more inspiring tablescapes, please stop by the blogs listed at the top of this posting!
China is Villeroy & Boch, pattern Melina; Red Ruffled salad plates came from Home Goods earlier in the summer; Sterling is Towle, King Richard; Crystal is Araglin by Waterford; Candlesticks came from Hobby Lobby earlier in the summer; Chargers from Horchow online; Napkin Rings are from Pier 1 during the summer; Silverplate piece with dome lid was a find at A Classy Flea (see last Friday’s post for info. about the Flea.
Beautiful tables are awaiting your visit at the following locations:
Angelic Accents http://angelicaccents.blogspot.com/
Between Naps on the Porch https://betweennapsontheporch.net/
Designs By Gollum http://designsbygollum.blogspot.com/
Dish Diva aka Kay http://dishdivaakakay.blogspot.com/
Note Songs http://notesongs.blogspot.com/
Oak Rise Cottage http://oakrisecottage.blogspot.com/
Ribbonwood Cottage http://ribbonwoodcottage.blogspot.com/
Sweet Nothings http://sweetnothingsbj.blogspot.com/
Thinkin’ of Home http://thinkinofhome.blogspot.com/
You know the only problem…(well, really, problems) with Tuesday Tablescape is 1. I want more dishes…and 2. I wish I could beam myself over there. As always, your table is beautiful!
Susan~ This was so FUN n’ TOTALLY DELIGHTFUL! I too ADORE setting tables ~~~ I have soooo much fun “playing” w/ different elements ~~~ it’s that my guests would actually like to have FOOD to go ALONG with that “nice setting” that makes it hard for me!!! (THAT’S the part I’m not so terribly fond of these days ~ cooking ~ old age, I guess!!!). Anyhooo, thanks for the charming treat! Warmly, Linda
Your table scapes are magical! I love the red candlesticks too! You have the “eye” for amazing pieces.
Hmmmm, so when do we eat??? ;0}
Susan, I always love your tablescapes! I wonder if you would post your Living Room sometime? I absolutely adore your Family Room and I’m curious to see your Living Room, or maybe I’m nosey? lol Connie/puddin07
Hi Susan, Your red candlesticks are wonderful, I love the pic with the crystal glasses and the dragonfly, I love all the pics and will look out for the book, although now I have your tablescapes to learn from, I do not really need books!!. Kathy
Simply THE best…a talent I don’t share, LOL. Lori
I am so excited about Tablescape Tuesdays, as I just love seeing the beautiful place settings-everyone is so talented. Susan, I think thar when a picture is posted that it would help to know the pattern’s name and where the items can be found. Just in case we fally madly in love and want the dishes ourselves-which almost always happens to me. Can you tell me where you got the red rippled accent plate-it is so adorable and can be used with several placesettings. I would like to find me some!!! OH, the thrill of the hunt!! Oh, and also the little bee wire mesh protective cover over the cookies-where is that from? ADORABLE!! I am very happy about the Tablescape Tuesdays in the near future! Great idea, Susan-Queen of the TableScapes!!! 🙂
I’m always in awe when I see your beautiful tablescapes. You certainly are gifted in your talents.
I love TT’s, and yours is beautiful. It looks straight out of a magazine, and your photography is brilliant as well. The red is so festive for any time of year, and the bird napkin rings were my favorite litte touch. Can’t wait to go see what else is posted today.
your talent is so wonderful to see, thanks. vickydarnell
Great idea Patricia…I’ve gone back into this posting and added all that information in mice type at the bottom. I’ll try to remember to do that in the future, so you’ll just be able to scan to the bottom of each tablescape posting to find the info. about the various pieces used. Next Tuesday I will post the fall tablescape I just put together…you can get a little preview of it today at Designs by Gollum. And Connie, my Living room is in an unfinished stage, waiting on the bookshelve I saw badly want in there. Someday I’ll post it. I will be posting my upstairs Family Room sometime soon, though. Thanks everyone! 🙂 Susan
Oh, I am so glad I found your blog, I am “Seacliff” from rms…. I so enjoy your posts, and your lovely home… I will be back,alot!!!! Have a wonderful day, Chrissy
Susan, I am so glad that we finally connected. I was seeing your comments, but there wasn’t a link for me to find my way back to you.
Your table looks fantastic. I adore setting the table, and my family loves it.
I’ll e-mail you tonight when I get home from work.
Hey Susan,
What a blast it was to meet you in person! I had the best time last night! It was so funny to meet you for the first time and yet to feel like I’ve known you for a good while. You are so sweet and funny. I am planning on attending next month as well. The lecture was so inspiring , just need to go and work in the dirt and get my hands dirty. That Chelsea show lecture was amazing. Thanks so much for inviting me, everyone was so friendly. I look forward to it and next time I’ll bring my camera! Can you believe we both struck out on that ?! What kind of bloggers are we…LOL.
What a great tablescape! You have endless talent and ideas for the best and most interesting settings! Love the mix of elegant and rustic . I am definitely going to join you next Tuesday on tablescapes! It looks like too much fun not to do it.
Be good,
Hi Dear Susan! Oh, this tablescape is wonderful!! I love how you’ve used your china with the different plates to make it pop! And those candlesticks! Gorgeous! You are absolutely the Diva of Tablescapes for sure. I popped in to Gollum’s and saw your fall tablescape. Do you know what? I bought some of those same dishes at Pier One ~ on sale!! I had planned on using them too as a fall tablescape, but I didin’t buy all of the pieces as you did. They’re just marvelous aren’t they? Thanks again for hosting this beautiful Tablescape Tuesday!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
Susan.. I love your mixture of iron and the fine china pieces.. the touch of whimsy that you add can only make a dinner party at your home even more festive..and naturally you are always so kind to throw in a “great” book that you know I won’t be able to resist..lol.. Thanks for the info about where your great finds come from..you know how I obsessed over those red candlesticks..another inspiring tablescape… I’m off to play with mine..hugs ~lynne~
Good morning Susan, I loved the tablescape. What fun ideas using nature, which I love. It was rustic elegance two great looks to put together. I like to think using a little bit of Gods decor with some our own. The bug cookies were the finishing touch. I will remember those for a Halloween treat for the grandbabies. Have a great Tues. smiles your friend Kathysue
Susan, your tablescapes and your home are very inspiring, as always! Thanks for sharing! Suesue
Absolutely gorgeous, no surprise there! Wish I had just a smidgen of your talent for putting things together so beautifully. Thankfully it appears artistic talent can be passed through the genes. You are definitely your Mother’s daughter. An eye for beauty seems to be inborn, especially in your case.
The only thing I seem to have inherited from my Mother is a love of cooking.
I knew I had to visit you today for tablescape Tuesday. You truly inspire me that now I think I will create a tablescape for fall. And you know how much I love birds, girl! Did you get a chance to visit my hummingbirds on RMS? Thanks again for the inspiration.
Oh Susan,I adore the tablescape you put on Gollum.If you keep getting better,we’ll have to pay to see you….Ann
I just love seeing all these tablescapes. I am so inspired to try something. I LOVE those red candlesticks. They have so many possibilities. I’m off to look at the other tablescapes for today.
Hi, Susan…me again!
Your settings are so lovely; I just love them all. I don’t have nearly as many dishes as you…and no room for anymore.
Just to tell you I just finished a posting of the table for NEXT tablescape day, so count me in.
love, bj
WOW!!! anothe beautiful eye candy of a table Susan.. I love the salt cellers and little salt spoons..I have some antiques glass spoons..I still say where that crown proudly you are the Queen of table scapes..I love the magnolias leaves they are so fun to use even at Christmas..I spray painted mine gold and put silk magnolias with them for my fireplace mantle with the little lights and they are so pretty.. I just love all you do dear freind always elegant looking..OH to be a dinner guest at your home would be heaven on earth..Thanks for another great post..Have a super day.. Hugs and smiles
I love this style of decorating. I wish I could pull it off. maybe I should take some tips from you and have my whack at it.
Hippo Scraps
Hi Susan! Just now got my tablescape posting up!
Oh, how I love how you have mixed the rustic with the elegant! Wonderful juxtaposition!
Can I come shop your house?! LOL
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Hi Susan….your dishes, table and all-together tablescape are enchanting… you DO know how to fix a charming table…. thanks for sharing so much loveliness….
I wanted to come back over and get another glimpse into this beautiful tablescape…. Glenda I would say with your love of cooking and Susan’s great tablescapes, darling you all would put on a “superb” party..one I would welcome having an invite to..Now, when did you say that was again? I want to be sure and put it on my calendar…hugs ~lynne~
Absolutely beautiful, as always. I can hardly wait until next Tuesday. Sally
Susan, are you kidding me, I’m on your blog roll? What an honor, especially when you consider my idea of a tablescape, thrift store red tranferware on oilcloth…no flowers included! Thank you, Red Shoes
I had to come back to drool over your tablescape again. My poor husband is going to have a conniption fit when I come home with more dishes & the excuse that it's all Susan's & Gollum's fault! ;0} Diane
Susan,beautiful tablescape and it’s the attention to detail that pushes it over the top….
Many thanks and as always I adore your blog..Pat H aka 9405018
Once again you have done the loveliest table. I love it. I really enjoy all these table ideas. I love the iron pieces, nests, the little salt dish. But the red is GORGEOUS! Wow! I can’t wait to see what you do next week.
I’m afraid house guest have kept me from entering Tabletop Tuesday. 🙁 I hope to be free to try again next week.
Your tablesetting is exquisite…with all the different pattern plates layered, the salt cellars and spoons, napkin rings, crystal…all make for a marvelous eating experience.
My name is not on the list above, but I did post today:
Susan, as usual, you have set a beautiful table! I love those pretty dishes, and those napkin rings. The candlesticks are wonderful! Okay, I love all of it. Can’t wait to see your fall tablescape. I’m going to head over to see the other Tues. Tablescapes. What inspiration you are providing! Laurie (bargainhunr)
You continue to amaze me with your beautiful tablescapes! You have wonderful basics and it seems you create something brand new out of each new display! What a good idea to “shop the house.” I love the red with the white flowers and the birdnests.
Can’t wait to see the next tablescape!
Such a beautiful tablescape and you WRITE SO WELL!! Love the little bug bites~too cute!! 🙂
I am totaly enjoying Tablescape Tuesday!!!!!!!!! I remember this one, sooo beautiful, the mix of the rustic and traditional. Oh, if only we could all get together for real! Can’t wait to see the FALL one, I am going to go take a “peek”!!!!:):) Hugs, Pinky
Just perfect, right down to the “bug bites!” ~Rhonda 🙂
oh wow, yours is beautiful, I’m really enjoying touring around these, i love those candlesticks, you’ve given me an idea, great inspiration
i really had fun doing my tablescape, a very simple affair, but really made a difference to the a basic friend coming over for lunch
and yep I shopped my home and my vintage stash but after seeing all these lovely tablescapes on my next thrifting trip I will certainly be looking out for more china to add!
thanks for hosting
The bird theme is so cute! I love those napkin rings, and the red plates from Homegoods. You just know how to add the cutest details. Give me a week or two I’ll join in with the gang again. I have my Gramma’s china to share and some oriental poppy dishes that were brought back from the war with my uncles and they have no markings underneath, and my stoneware from the seventies (I found under my parents crawlspace). I just need to get Jacob into the the homewrok groove. Ugh! Robyn
I’m just now getting by to see your gorgeous tablescape…every detail is so well thought out…I especially love the dainty little salts…I hope I can join in next Tuesday…will be in touch. 😉 Bo
People should read this.
OHMYGOODNESS, Susan! How incredibly gorgeous is this table?!!! I would love to be seated at it and then I could study each and every detail ~ just beautiful Susan, thank you so much for letting me know about it! I appreciate you stopping by to visit me too ~ Wishing you a wonderful week, xxoo, Dawn
Time don't have "emprise" on beatiful presentations
Thanks for sharing
Nice day
Susan, it’s beautiful.
Show us where you stash all of the dishes and accessories.
Thanks to you, I am no longer a hoarder but tablescape artist. LOL
lol Exactly! 🙂
Myrna, these dishes belong to Gina, but you’ll find the link to a post I did showing where I store my dishware on my FAQ page here: https://betweennapsontheporch.net/faq/